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Fallout 4 Pre-Announcement Bullshit Thread [GO TO NEW THREAD]


Codexia Lord Sodom
Dec 5, 2002
Jersey for now
It shows how retarded the people who enjoyed FO3 really are says I.
Does Bethesda look at Obsidian's work and get a little jealous of their superior storytelling ability I wonder?


Oct 26, 2012
Don't make me post THAT.

Oh wait, too late.

4. Forced replay value. The game depends heavily on factions. Whether you’re working with the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, Mr. House, or just working for an independent New Vegas, you’re working for somebody. But what this means is that you can’t see everything your first trip through. Because once you get sufficiently deep in with some faction, you’ll be shunned by the other factions. My first playthrough found me committed to an independent New Vegas, and after starting to work with Mr. House, I was told that the NCR and Caesar’s Legion weren’t interested in working with me. That means, unlike the original, you can’t do everything in one go. You essentially have to restart (or go back to saves before you find yourself committed to one faction or another) in order to see how everything comes out.



Dec 6, 2012
That's just a natural part of Bethesda design philosophy - "be everything, do everything" - which masses of players find to be the evolution of RPGs.


inXile Entertainment
May 3, 2011
Don't make me post THAT.

Oh wait, too late.

4. Forced replay value. The game depends heavily on factions. Whether you’re working with the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, Mr. House, or just working for an independent New Vegas, you’re working for somebody. But what this means is that you can’t see everything your first trip through. Because once you get sufficiently deep in with some faction, you’ll be shunned by the other factions. My first playthrough found me committed to an independent New Vegas, and after starting to work with Mr. House, I was told that the NCR and Caesar’s Legion weren’t interested in working with me. That means, unlike the original, you can’t do everything in one go. You essentially have to restart (or go back to saves before you find yourself committed to one faction or another) in order to see how everything comes out.

Jesus fuck, what the hell is wrong with the world? The author of that is like one of those caricatures that I make up in my head as a scapegoat for why games are so shitty, you know, one of those people that doesn't really exist but I'd like to because it makes it easier to understand why things are the way they are. Except... that person actually does exist, and he's even more of an idiot than I ever could have imagined.

Bethesda and its fans are like the Jehova's Witnesses of gaming. They're so retarded and their ideas are so retarded, and they want to believe in them so much, that they've convinced that their retardation is not a flaw, but that it actually makes them more intelligent and superior to other people. And there are millions of them, living among us.


Ph.D. in World Saving
Nov 30, 2003
Clogging the Multiverse with a Crowbar
Don't know guys, this doesn't sound so bad to me. Roaming Boston (this better has Irish mobster mutants) and the MIT sounds pretty cool to me. That whole Western style wasteland shit has worn out. Fallout needs something new and fresh.



Dec 6, 2012
What's ironic about calling New Vegas "forced replay value" is that if you can do everything in one go, there is no replay value. You have to actively abandon content to generate replay value, i.e. forced replay value.


Jun 23, 2012
No because Bethesda has better rep than Obsidian among the general population and FNV, for whatever idiotic reason, is regarded as worse or phoned in compared to F3. More likely they'll just hire Obsidian for a rushed, slam dunk follow up (that ends up being significantly better) once the ruleset and assets are established.
I fucking HATE that. Calling New Vegas out on its engine and bugs when the tech was all Bethesda's doing? If you were going to evaluate New Vegas completely separately from Fallout 3, then you wouldn't say the engine is any worse than Fallout 3's, and the bugs would be no worse than the bugs in Fallout 3, and all that leaves are the writing and world design which is infinitely superior to Fallout 3. But instead they grade it with the expectation that it's supposed to be an improvement off of FO3 in every way while at the same time complaining that it's, you know, based off of FO3. What were they expecting?

The best are the people who say FO3 has more "atmosphere", because they like the completely flanderized use of 1950's Americana and the green.

Does Bethesda look at Obsidian's work and get a little jealous of their superior storytelling ability I wonder?
I don't think Todd even played New Vegas. Bioshock 2 on the other hand, he was constantly citing that as a source of inspiration for Skyrim. So there you go.

Jesus fuck, what the hell is wrong with the world? The author of that is like one of those caricatures that I make up in my head as a scapegoat for why games are so shitty, you know, one of those people that doesn't really exist but I'd like to because it makes it easier to understand why things are the way they are. Except... that person actually does exist, and he's even more of an idiot than I ever could have imagined.

Bethesda and its fans are like the Jehova's Witnesses of gaming. They're so retarded and their ideas are so retarded, and they want to believe in them so much, that they've convinced that their retardation is not a flaw, but that it actually makes them more intelligent and superior to other people. And there are millions of them, living among us.

That is exactly how I feel about things like pop music. The numbers keep telling me that there are apparently people out there who buy and listen to that garbage, and yet I've never really encountered any of them in real life. Such primitive individuals can't possibly exist, right? Maybe the industry is inflating the sales numbers to create the illusion the songs are super popular, and then people go out and buy them because they're the "in" thing. But no. In my first year of college there was a group of about 6 girls at my end of the hallway in my dorm that were blasting that shit all of the time.

One thing that doesn't do us any favors is that it seems like there's a lot of people who hate Bethesda games for all the wrong reasons. Those random YouTube reviews of how "SKYRIM SUX" from a 12-year-old because he was expecting CoD and lacks the attention span. That's probably what leaves the Bethdrones thinking that their games are so intellectual and only truly retarded people could not find any appeal in them. If I were to run down a list of reasons why I think Skyrim is crap in real life, highlighting things like the lack of meaningful character progression, railroading, and horrible writing, the person would probably just stare at me blankly and go "whoa, I never even knew that those were things people looked for in games, I just want to kill stuff, your standards are too high and you're describing a game that will never exist."

Don't know guys, this doesn't sound so bad to me. Roaming Boston (this better has Irish mobster mutants) and the MIT sounds pretty cool to me. That whole Western style wasteland shit has worn out. Fallout needs something new and fresh.
I'd kind of agree with you, but this is Bethesda. If there's going to be Irish mobster mutants then the theme song is going to be a jig by Inon Zur with a bunch of shitty fiddles in it, and all the NPCs are going to be like MOIRA and be like HURR I'M IRISH WE DRINK ALL THE TIME BOYO EH HE HE HE. Please no.


May 10, 2007
a shack in the hub
I was willing to bet Fallout 4 would be a 'I can't believe it's not Blade Runner' story. Do Androids fit with Fallout setting/lore? Who gives a fuck, can't think of something original, just shove that shit in there, along with some Lovecraft crap because apparently every Bethesda game has to have some of it.

I hope the new race are tribal Argonians who worship Cthullu.


Jun 23, 2012
I love how they have a set-up for some kind of moral/social commentary the Bethdrones are going to expound off of and cite as a reason the game is so deep when it's certainly going to only be a light touch in the actual game. "HUR THEY'RE ROBOTS BUT THEY'RE SLAVES AND HAVE TO MAKE FOOD"

Speaking of, why is everybody in Bethesda's Fallout games so ass-backwards? So they've finally stopped living off of potato chips and with the realization that people on the west coast have been farming since the 2100s, now they need a plantation of slave labor to do it for them?


Aug 10, 2012
Torment: Tides of Numenera
Speaking of, why is everybody in Bethesda's Fallout games so ass-backwards? So they've finally stopped living off of potato chips and with the realization that people on the west coast have been farming since the 2100s, now they need a plantation of slave labor to do it for them?

Retarded developers, retarded gamers -> retarded characters


Apr 26, 2011
Jew York
Don't make me post THAT.

Oh wait, too late.

4. Forced replay value. The game depends heavily on factions. Whether you’re working with the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, Mr. House, or just working for an independent New Vegas, you’re working for somebody. But what this means is that you can’t see everything your first trip through. Because once you get sufficiently deep in with some faction, you’ll be shunned by the other factions. My first playthrough found me committed to an independent New Vegas, and after starting to work with Mr. House, I was told that the NCR and Caesar’s Legion weren’t interested in working with me. That means, unlike the original, you can’t do everything in one go. You essentially have to restart (or go back to saves before you find yourself committed to one faction or another) in order to see how everything comes out.


Choice and Consequence are obviously Archaic game design.

It's sad that the game will most likely be another FO3 considering the lowest common denominator's general disappointment with New Vegas' *forced replay value*....but,seeing how a sequel to Wasteland is on the way,I dont really give a fuck anymore what beth does with Fallout.

Only thing i'm looking forward to regarding Fallout 4 is all the neckbeard faggots on NMA making 10 page threads to whine about "Vault suits being too baggy"


Jul 20, 2008
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Just so everyone is clear, the masses might be stupid, but they're not as stupid as you think:


Dead Guy

Sep 12, 2012
The people of Bethesda's post-apocalyptic north-eastern US thus have the means to create miraculous feats of engineering, perfectly mimicing the human mind and making androids pretty much indistinguishable from a normal person (all in a world, as TBS just said, where advanced computers take up the better part of a room), that they use to plant seeds in the earth, because they are still unable to repair a tractor, a seed drill and a combine harvester?

Ok. But slavery! Fucking deep social commentary bitches, culture pages in the news papers orgasm 10/10.


Sucking on dicks and being proud of it
Dumbfuck Queued
Nov 15, 2011
Just so everyone is clear, the masses might be stupid, but they're not as stupid as you think:
0,2 proves... what? Games are equally shitty, and both got praising scores from fucktards.

Tommy Wiseau

Apr 7, 2012
Don't make me post THAT.

Oh wait, too late.

4. Forced replay value. The game depends heavily on factions. Whether you’re working with the New California Republic, Caesar’s Legion, Mr. House, or just working for an independent New Vegas, you’re working for somebody. But what this means is that you can’t see everything your first trip through. Because once you get sufficiently deep in with some faction, you’ll be shunned by the other factions. My first playthrough found me committed to an independent New Vegas, and after starting to work with Mr. House, I was told that the NCR and Caesar’s Legion weren’t interested in working with me. That means, unlike the original, you can’t do everything in one go. You essentially have to restart (or go back to saves before you find yourself committed to one faction or another) in order to see how everything comes out.


Genius. The comments are even better. ;)

"I totally agree with that! I like F:NV for its Hardcore mode and better companions but there are unforgivable flaws.
Radio stations is the biggest of them. Instead of charismatic Three Dog, wide variety of songs (I still remember all of them – they were simply too great!), Adventures of Herbert Daring Dashwood and his Argyle we have monotonous Mr New Vegas who can be barely heard, who is boring, who has nothing to say and who plays 3 or 5 songs all together (I’m sick of hearing the song about Johnny and his guitar for the 100th time).
And what about the quests? Remember finding a Stradivarius violin for Agatha? Remember Arefu? Tennpenny Tower and ghoul problem or Megaton? Of course there are some fine quests in F:NV but others are simply not worth doing. No story, do depth, no trouble.
At first when I started F:NV I thought the whole atmosphere was a bit mystical, a bit unexplained. There was something strange in the air… But soon it turned out to be another good and evil conflict only this time the good is not so good and the evil is not very evil. Great.
The more I play F:NV the more I want to go back to F3."


Sucking on dicks and being proud of it
Dumbfuck Queued
Nov 15, 2011
Dog was that faggot nigger you wanted to shoot on sight?

Higher Animal

Aug 11, 2012
1. Release Fallout 4 - Greatest Piece of Consciousness known to existence. Boston location is mixed with in-game advertising from Coca Cola, Opie and Anthony Radio Show, Boston College, Guiness, and the Boston Chamber of Commerce.
2. Sell Modifications and "in-game items" at full price - Greatest full expansions in history.
3. Announce a full price Obsidian Expansion, a Valve P2P Arena Dota Clone for Xbox, a SOE F2P MMO Game for Playstation; Bethesda Corporate taking a cut from all revenues by leasing license without any overhead costs.
4. Sell Game Assets and Engine Assets to other RPG developers instead of releasing a competent mod-kit set. Crack down on piracy leaning Modders a true celebration of Video Game Developers protecting their art.
5. Announce Michael Bay Movie Tie-In or maybe James Cameron (To be released around the time of Showtime's The Elder Scrolls Miniseries). Oscar (and Emmy) buzz abound.
6. Books, T-Shirts, Energy Drinks, Etc.
7. Fire 90% of the development team; the rest get folded into F2P The Elder Scrolls Online


Mommy was right, Todd, you are a winner.


Sucking on dicks and being proud of it
Dumbfuck Queued
Nov 15, 2011
Come to think of it, were there actually other blacks in F3?

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