New Vegas was Fallout 3 with slightly less shitty writing.
I thought the writing was great.
Dialogue was natural, characters were three dimensional and locations and communities were interesting.
Don't be that guy, you sound like a butthurt fanboy. I play the game occasionally and it can be fun, but most of what he said is true.
Do you like F3?snip
Don't be that guy, you sound like a butthurt fanboy. I play the game occasionally and it can be fun, but most of what he said is true.
I replied only because I thought he was mostly wrong and was using fauly logic. I'm not that big of a fan of new vegas, though I do like the game.
Bullshit, the game is extremely reactive to loads of the things you do, characters react, questlines react, essentially you're just butthurt that the legion didn't automatically die with Caesar like NPCs on the opposing side claimed it would. Let me spell it out for you, THEY WERE WRONG. Anyway, killing Caesar has effects on companions, and lots of dialogue. But that's just one instant, there are loads of other examples of your actions effecting the quest/storyline, you can have absolute control over the questline if you so choose. It will affect both the ending and the final battle heavily.Moreover, most of what you do has little impact on the rest of the quests/storyline -- you can kill Caesar and nothing changes.
Nah, you have your trait loadout, as well STATS play a bigger role than they did in 3. Besides that, lvl 1 -15 will only net you 75 hp and 7 perks, out of the 88(100 w/ DLC) available. Unless you're arguing that you can beat everything at that level, which is pretty laughable.As far as 'builds' go, any sense of balance or mutually exclusive character strengths/weaknesses vanishes around level 12-15 and you barely have to play half the content in the main game to reach that.
That's for the good of the player more than anything, it increases the variety of viable perks and weapons and adds them to leveled lists, as well as merges weapons from the weapon pack to be able to use all mods in the base game and not have pointless doubles. It's a great mod, and it's worth the 10 extra bucks, lastly, the DLC are all worth it themselves. Dead Money being my favourite. They aren't comparable to locations, as their tone and setting are unique to them, so your dislike for the mojave doesn't even factor in there, as well they lend insight onto the main quest and provide even MOAR CHALLENGE. Your builds are also much more relevant in the DLCs, because of increased difficulty as well as the more limited resources.Yes, they created a mod to increase difficulty but you have to have all of the DLC (including the shitty weapon packs wtf) in order for it to work.
I thought the writing was great.
Dialogue was natural, characters were three dimensional and locations and communities were interesting.
And that's the main problem when trying to discuss FNV with its fans, they readily admit to suffering from serious mental issues like split personality just to have the faintest shade of a point.
There is a world of difference between New Vegas and Fallout 3. With Bethesda-style hiking simulators, there's a way to get it right and a way to get it wrong. Of course, people who don't like them at all won't get anything out of New Vegas, it's certainly not the second coming of Fallout 1 or 2.
I don't get this, i played all Fallout games and i felt no diference between Fallout 3 and NV.There is a world of difference between New Vegas and Fallout 3. With Bethesda-style hiking simulators, there's a way to get it right and a way to get it wrong. Of course, people who don't like them at all won't get anything out of New Vegas, it's certainly not the second coming of Fallout 1 or 2.
Apparently you don't know what "edgy" means, but you could spend these 10 minutes just honestly and openly admitting that you like to play a shit game from time to time (or more often, I don't know and I don't give a damn). No one will hate you for that, I promise.Two edits, and ten minutes of thinking later and I still can't properly respond to this level of edgy retardation.
World of differenceThere is a world of difference between New Vegas and Fallout 3.
To be fair after, the official patches, New Vegas is now a very stable and mostly bug-free game. It was super rough at launch but Obsidian got things fixed up pretty quick all things considered.New Vegas was worth every penny. It was flawed but very enjoyable, almost like a whole new game for the most part.
Another couple of months of testing and bug fixing and it would have blown the original away. Somebody rushed it through Q&A to get it out.
Apparently you don't know what "edgy" means, but you could spend these 10 minutes just honestly and openly admitting that you like to play a shit game from time to time (or more often, I don't know and I don't give a damn). No one will hate you for that, I promise.Two edits, and ten minutes of thinking later and I still can't properly respond to this level of edgy retardation.
World of differenceThere is a world of difference between New Vegas and Fallout 3.There's barely any and when there is, it does not impact the gameplay itself, which is basically 100% the same.
fixedApparantly i can't see the difference in two games beyond basic storyline events.
DT system?Mind ponting out a single diference when it comes to gameplay or mechanics?
Thats just a flavour.DT system?Mind ponting out a single diference when it comes to gameplay or mechanics?
I'd list more but you only asked for one.