Your description seems to be in accord with an analogy I've been making, that Dishonored is the Pillars of Eternity of immersive sims.From my understanding they are trying to continue the immersive sim design philosophy while making it more accessible to modern, well.....let's call them people for now. The problem is that, by streamlining, they dilute the formula a lot and they end up somewhere in the middle, not satisfying the old fans by going full old school and not satisfying new fans by making it easier to grasp or whatever.
Even if they were to release a high quality classic like DX 1 it would simply not sell. Why? No idea. For the same reason Prey and Dishonored didn't do well. But at the same time, Zelda Breath of the wild did good, idk how good but more than enough and that game had a lot of immersive sim elements and in an open world no less.
Maybe it's funds, maybe it's approach or maybe one good way to do it is to make a full AAA crap and then start introducing more and more immersive sim stuff until you end up with a really good sim but with AAA polish.
Idk. If I did I'd probably be working in the industry and making millions. Look at Bethesda, it's unbelievable, they make the same game, one in the past, one in the future using the same engine, same assets, same everything and they're making money even when they're failing.
Explain that and you have your answer.
They can streamline but they lose me as a customer and fan, as well as many other people apparently.
You are probably right, a developer either has to forget about expensive production values or submit to making AAA shit which can then gradually implement more complex mechanics. But I also think the context in which you release your game has a big part in it. Skyrim and Fallout 3's being crap was overlooked back in the day because the people largely didn't know any better. But releasing Fallout 76 in this day and age, in the same month as RDR2... they were asking for it.
I will. None so far, I agree.Let me know when you find a modern faithful adaptation of Thief, then. Closest thing I found was Mark of the Ninja but that's a 2D platformer. Point remains: obviously in a modern AAA game you are not going to get the depth of yesteryear.