You know what I'd love to do? I'd love to read an interview. With someone who actually plays this game and is thinking of buying the subscription.
I'd just love to take a peek in this person's head because I'm fascinated by things that utterly defy my understanding. It's like reading an interview with a mass murderer or watching a TV show about Escobar or El Chapo. You just WANT to understand.
One particularly fascinating poster's post-history consisted of 50% posts in christian subreddits about how the bible condemned homosexuality for being evil and 50% of posts in subreddits dedicated to gay porn, including a comment saying "Yummy, looks delicious" to a picture that was literally just a close-up of a man's asshole. Needless to say I instantly noped the fuck out of the internet after seeing that one, thus ending my research into the matter. I still have no idea whether that last person was trolling or whether he was the real deal.
Yes before you hate on me for paying, i am against it also. That being said Ive waited months to use my auctionhouse & fight club in a private also a courier/middleman for trades & transfers so this update was kind of mandatory for my playstyle, its the only game i ever play now so im trying for the month.
Anyway my buddy was telling me how the scrapbox works so i place one on my own private server & fill with all but my bulks & junk for sale, 400lbs free in my stash & all junk & flux in the scrapbox. I hop to his private server & hang out at his camp while i wait to help a trade. Noticing it couldnt hold bulks he tells me he just broke them down. So i do the same & put them in his scrapbox.
I leave to go help the trade, then in that adventure world notice i have no scrap to mod a weapon. I figure i have to pull out the scrap & put in actual stash first but scrapbox is empty. Head to my own private server & same, its all gone.. adhesive, ballistic fiber, flux, acid, oh the vault steel.. Even head back to his & try his box..empty.
TLDR: Dont use anyone elses scrapbox until bugs are sorted
EDIT: Be cautious putting anything of value in there yet.
Ticket submitted & unlike when my strangler heart armor never returned to inventory they have asked for my gamer details & proof of day 1 purchase. I will update when I hear back
Told you months ago , they wont abandon it, the aim it to make it like elderscrolls online
Fallout 76’s Premium Private Servers Are Not Private, Its Scrap Box Is Deleting Scrap
News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet.
Fallout 76
The gaming industry is still trying to wrap its collective head around the sheer hilarious audacity of Bethesda charging $12.99 a month or $99.99 a year for a premium Fallout 76 subscription service, Fallout 1st. Fallout 76 was a notoriously broken game at launch, but over time, fixed itself and added content until it created a nice little niche community. A nice little niche community that Bethesda would now like more money from.
I knew that at least some segment of the population, however small, would indeed sign up for Fallout 1st, as again, some people are really into 76 now, but many of them are already regretting doing so.
There have been some…issues with the promised exclusive content in this premium subscription, namely the introduction of private servers, and an unlimited scrap box to hold all your junk. Here’s a growing list.
Private Servers
Today In: Innovation
There are a few issues cropping up here. Fallout 1st players are finding that a “newly created” world they might be heading into is not actually new at all. Players are reporting dead NPCs and looted areas when they get there, implying that these are not actually new instances, but instead re-used old instances masquerading as brand new private worlds.
The “private” aspect is up for debate too. Players with big friends lists, ie. merchants who sell players goods in the game, are finding that they can’t prevent people from joining their private servers where they just want to relax and play by themselves or with a few friends. Without some sort of “invisible” mode, other players can see your instance and join it.
Scrap Box
If you were looking forward to the unlimited storage of scrap in Fallout 76 with the new Scrap Box perk of Fallout 1st, you definitely don’t want to be using it just yet.
Multiple players are reporting that they have deposited hundreds of units of scrap in these new boxes, only to find that the box has eaten it. The scrap disappears from the instance, and can’t be found again from re-logging or anything. It’s just gone. Players are not amused at the fact that they have now paid for the privilege of losing all of their materials, and so far, there does not seem to be any way to recover any of this. So do not use these boxes until there’s a clear fix for this. Not that more than like, two of you reading this are going to subscribe to Fallout 1st, but still.
Given that this is both Bethesda and Fallout 76, it’s no real surprise that these things are not working as intended. And yet when you are rolling out a ludicrously priced premium service, you better make it work as intended and not do active harm to the players you’ve managed to convince to buy it. Good lord, what next?
he needs to change his name to Rodd Howhard. His only future is in Porn.That would explain why Todd Howard loves the number 1 so much (Skyrim releasing on 11/11/11, Fallout 3 starting in Vault 101, Fallout 4 starting in Vault 111 etc). Because 1 is the number that looks the most like a penis.
or they're trying to fatten up the goose right before an IPO or a major stake sale and deal with the reputation hit later.
"Fallout 1st players are finding that a “newly created” world they might be heading into is not actually new at all. Players are reporting dead NPCs and looted areas when they get there, implying that these are not actually new instances, but instead re-used old instances masquerading as brand new"
vault tec irlThis must be a social experiment. It's a level of incompetence, that's approaching levels too hight to be explainable by just stupidity.
This sub thing seems really similar to the ESO subscription. like, you get unlimited crafting storage, some cosmetic junk, and some fake $$. same idea as eso
But this game is even more dead than eso, which is basically dead right? Oh well, FO76 could have been a good game but I just don't think beth has it in them to make a good multiplayer sandbox
This sub thing seems really similar to the ESO subscription. like, you get unlimited crafting storage, some cosmetic junk, and some fake $$. same idea as eso
But this game is even more dead than eso, which is basically dead right? Oh well, FO76 could have been a good game but I just don't think beth has it in them to make a good multiplayer sandbox
Wait aren't you that moron that was defending both games or am I getting you confused with that other Bethestard? I mean either way you're wrong on all counts. This game is fucked always will be fucked and ESO is just a shitty Guild Wars 2 knock off that has really no right to be B2P, it would work better as a F2P title but then its competing with actual MMOs like ArchAge (which is also shit) and Black Desert Online (which is also shit but has nice waifus). The only thing ESO has going for it is that at least its not Shroud of the Avatar.