Funfact: if you
USE the speechcheck during the quest to get rid of the raiders... you get no reward, because it actually changes the end. And since it's a really good reward (a -15% dmg from soopahmootants mask, making it a 6th armor piece), all those sweet tears of raging players make me happy.
On the whole the writing and characters seem to be surprisingly good, not just for Bethesda standards. Considering the metric ton of lemons Todd gave them, BethTexas made some really nice lemonade out of it. It's worth 20 bucks I'd say. Maybe even 25 if you want to show off your wealth.
I met the raiders and the settlers now and I would actually join the raiders I the game asked me. Which is normally not my style, but the settlers are banal boring stuck up idiots. Two sentences in and they were already on my shitlist: "This is your land? Too bad, we are here now and we stay."
Filthy yankees from Penissylvania invading mah Virginia!

Raiders also have a LOT more unique characters.
Funfact 2: Most (all?) of the named settlers are male, most of the named raiders are female. Since it's 2020 and making wymyn the bad guys (tm) is forbidden, the raiders must therefore be the good guys (tm). Best deal.
Funfact 3: every conversation with the Ovenseer has exactly 3 options: a) polite b) insult the old hag c) vault-tec fanboi. Invisible dialog wheel detected.