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Fallout Fallout et tu (Fallout to Fallout 2 engine conversion)


You're all shills
Jan 2, 2016
Eastern block
agris Lexx Cael

Is there something which expands build variety here

this is the only problem with Fallout 1, u have like 4-5 builds


Apr 16, 2004
agris Lexx Cael

Is there something which expands build variety here

this is the only problem with Fallout 1, u have like 4-5 builds

There aren’t new builds enabled by et tu, but if you quickly describe the archetype of the 4-5 you have in mind, you may be surprised that more are not just possible - but fun and feasible.


Possibly Retarded
Nov 1, 2017
agris Lexx Cael

Is there something which expands build variety here

this is the only problem with Fallout 1, u have like 4-5 builds
RPG builds depend on the game itself. If it is combat heavy (e.g., Fallout Tactics), a talker build will not be a fun experience. Conversely, if it is conversation heavy, then a combat build is not going to be fun. One thing Fallout 2 did well was that you can have fun with both, although a low Cha, low Int, low talk run is far more abbreviated than the high Int talky run.

When you are talking about older RPG like Fallout, everyone knows what to expect, and popular builds will be narrowed down to the 4-5 that gives the most fun. It is a function of natural selection, RPG style.

So, my question back to you is simple: Does et tu add anything to the game? If not, then no, you won't get an expansion in build variety.


Jul 16, 2008
What makes a big difference in ettu is that by default you can't just recruit any party member. It's using the same formula as Fo2, so CHA / 2 = amount of active party members. This way most players will be limited to a group size of max. 2 or 3 people. If you want more, you need to pump more points into CHA, which means you obviously will have less points for everything else and for the first time ever you kinda have to think a minute longer about what to spend your points on.

Generally I am not forcing big balance changes on the game. I'll try to keep it as much vanilla as possible, even if new shit is enabled. After all, I still want to play Fo1 and not something else.
May 7, 2021
What makes a big difference in ettu is that by default you can't just recruit any party member. It's using the same formula as Fo2, so CHA / 2 = amount of active party members. This way most players will be limited to a group size of max. 2 or 3 people. If you want more, you need to pump more points into CHA, which means you obviously will have less points for everything else and for the first time ever you kinda have to think a minute longer about what to spend your points on.

Generally I am not forcing big balance changes on the game. I'll try to keep it as much vanilla as possible, even if new shit is enabled. After all, I still want to play Fo1 and not something else.

it isn't


Sep 5, 2019
I've never put much attention to what this retard Lilura was saying but Fallout is my favourite game ever and when I'm reading that a noob like her says she's an expert on this game and spouts her retarded shit, I'm triggered. She has no arguments but she still argues, typical woman (or man pretending to be a woman).
I think you need to grow thicker skin.

[203 users on ignore list and counting]
Always enjoy seeing this thread get bumped so I can revisit this post in particular.

Great work as always Lexx, et tu is great and you also managed to make a few people's heads explode along the way.


Apr 16, 2004
rusty_shackleford that’s a good point. Don’t believe et tu had that enabled by default when I played but you’re right.

Really, if a player is enabling CHA-dependent follower limit they should also enable followers leveling. That enables a new build for Fallout 1.

On the flip side, if disabling cha gating the number of followers then the player should really disable followers leveling. If they want more challenge and/or a vanilla experience.

Fallout isn’t hard, unlimited leveling followers is just easy mode.


Jul 16, 2008
That's true. It's also a reason why I've tweaked their levelup stats with this update -- they will still be stronger with max level (5), but not as strong anymore as before. Their skills barely change now (only +2 to their main combat skill), so the only thing that really adds to their survivability are the increased hitpoints and a last-level bonus of +1ap, +1 special stat and something else I forgot about. Well, and of course that you can actually give them armor. I'm not sure yet if I will further reduce their hitpoints with the next update (+5 instead of +7)... need to get a feeling for this first.

Reminds me of something else - ettu uses Glovz' damage formula by default, which means there is working AP ammo now. As encounter critters in late game (so mostly around Boneyard) will now randomly spawn with AP ammo, it means that even they are able to damage the player with their puny 10mm pistols. Sure it's just a sting, but at least the invulnerable streak is mostly over. Fun fact, I've also added AP ammo to the super mutants, but decided to remove that again before release... 1 non-crit hit with 50+ hitpoints even in power armor from a mutant 10 hex far away in the first combat turn was a wee bit too much. :shittydog:(ok, I lied. There is still a 25% chance for the group leader to spawn with AP in the minigun. If that happens, you will surely know it)

However, for us the game will always be easy anyways. The only way to make it really hard (for us) would be if one rebalanced the game into Age of Decadency-style, where everything will fucking murder you unless you min-max the shit out of it. I don't have any plans to do that, though.


Jul 24, 2020
What about time limits that you could tick in Fixt, is that in here too?


Jul 16, 2008
Yes. All available settings can be found in the /config/fo1_settings.ini file.


Jul 24, 2020
Ok. What were the vanilla settings for that back when the game came out?


Aug 27, 2006
Ok, finally decided this will be my next rpg for a replay. I haven't done Fallout for a lot of years now and I like what I am reading about this, just one question; is it easier to keep Dogmeat alive now?


Jul 16, 2008
What's up with the HP nerf? +10 HP per level is not much, even considering armor. That would place Ian at 100 HP at lvl5, Tycho at 120 HP, Katja at 89 HP... how is that supposed to be impressive? Still twig-tier compared to a well-built player or Tougher Mutants, even if they have real armor.
They were way too strong before. I never even had to give them stimpaks anymore, because they'd easily survive every combat encounter. Now they will have to use stimpaks again every once in a while, or they will run away from combat due to getting into the lower hitpoint range. Before this update, if you additionally gave them combat or even power armor, they were the ultimate bullet sponges.

Keep in mind, in vanilla Fo1 (without tougher humans/mutants option), most critters will not cross the 60hp border (most super mutants only have 40 to 50hp, with very few late game exceptions, and humans have 30 to 40hp max), which means your party members are almost always way stronger than the foes you fight. I can't do balance changes depending on if you use the tougher x setting or not, so I'd rather balance them around the vanilla combat scenarios.

About the perks, not a bad idea, but the first one would pretty much be an always+ perk, as companions rarely go far away from you. The second one seems a bit hard to pull off in ettu, or at the very least would be extremely situational. Not sure if anyone would pick it. Spray and Pray is a nice idea, which I might investigate as a general Fo2 mini-mod idea at a later time.

Btw. I've also released a couple of other 1-day mod builds for the Fo2 vanilla game. Might be interesting as well for the one or the other when revisiting Fo2.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
There are some problems in killing Killian without alerting people. Super stimpack seems to not work anymore. If I wait in his office I can kill him but I can't go out: doors are locked and game crash if I try to lockpick.
Explosive kiill trigger hostility even if I am outside the map. If I destroy the door of the office everyone will be hostile. Funny thing is that with only 1 dynamite Killian is injured and is not hostile if I am outside the map during the explosion.
Using Kenji works but it is super cheesy because it makes no sense to help him before taking the job from Gizmo.


Jul 16, 2008
Which door do you mean? The one leading outside? Need a savegame to check this.

You can't kill Killian with dynamite anymore. It will alert his guards in any case.

/Edit: That one door is missing a pointer check. If Killian is dead, it will crash the game. Download this script and put it into \mods\fo1_base\scripts\ and overwrite the one in there. Now the door shouldn't crash anymore.
Last edited:

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
Now It works.

Sometimes Dogmeat speaks after combat: he says "error" and while he still follow me he doesn't help anymore in combat, no idea why. Maybe I have jinxed trait and he was still autoknocked at combat end


Jul 16, 2008
What language are you playing in? English?

Check if he has crippled limbs.

If you are playing in english and he is not crippled, I need a savegame with repro.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
Using doctor skill on Dogmeat that says error seems to solve the error.

vota DC

Aug 23, 2016
I noted something strange.
I have a character with 1 intelligence and 1 charisma, don't even use meds to take quests. Dogmeat joined me without problem. I went to Cathedral to loot it disguised with robes and told to Dogmeat to wait. After looting Dogmeat refused to join again. Using a single mentat he joined again. But after that I am 90% sure he stopped to level up. I say 90% because my character is ooga booga melee with low perception and lack even awareness to check Dogmeat HP....BUT when I level up I never get amymore the message that Dogmeat learned new skills while with the previous character I get that message often.


Jul 16, 2008
Party members only level up every x times that you level up. For Dogmeat it is every 3 levels.

He joins you at first without any condition, because I figured players would be confused and feel as if his quest is bugged if he wouldn't. After the initial joining, he is under the same party member restrictions as the rest of your crew (unless you disable Fo2 party member conditions in fo1_settings.ini file).
May 7, 2021
Party members only level up every x times that you level up. For Dogmeat it is every 3 levels.

He joins you at first without any condition, because I figured players would be confused and feel as if his quest is bugged if he wouldn't. After the initial joining, he is under the same party member restrictions as the rest of your crew (unless you disable Fo2 party member conditions in fo1_settings.ini file).
he doesn't.

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