As far i seen they do moderation only on heavy stuff. In balmount people tent to mock each other all the time
They ban you for telling someone they're dead weight on the team, and that you don't want to team with them anymore. I know this for a fact, because my cousin even took a SC of it and showed it to me awhile back.
When i did something wrong at the beginning i had people stopping me and offering me nice suggestions. Never once i had people being absolutely an ass about it and that allowed me to learn and make the most hard raids as an healer. I don't think being an ass teach anything. There is wow for that. And in wow if one is learning is more often that they get kicked right away offering no motivation or suggesstion rather than being offered advise. So yes. So yes rude people that can't offer nothing more "You suck uninstall the game" or "Git gud" are not welcome.
Even a simple google search shows a number of videos on how to play the classes, or how to play certain raids even to the point where someone like me who's never even played the game can understand it, so it's not the team's responsibility to teach noobs how to fucking play when they can take their own initiative to watch a few videos, and read some guides, it's not rocket science. The ones who insist on bombing a team so they can "learn the game on their own" and refuse to read and watch the content put out by the community are in fact, dead weight. So, I agree with my cousin when he said it's not his job to teach people how to play, that they can do the same thing he did and watch some videos, and read some guides.
Is not about to teach people how to play is about act like a reasonable person and not like a dark soul fanboy wannabe. Nobody is learned and even if you watch videos as you say play in to it is a total different matter. There are also people that enjoy the challenge and they want to learn by trial and error. Ffxiv is not Wow and will never be. It is a well crafted game with many feature and actually a great storyline people want actively to avoid spoilers. If you dislike people in a learning phase you may as well make up your personal FC find others that are playing at your manner.
What comes up to me is the ones that call themself pro are usually a bounch of crybabies. Is also a reason why in term of community ffXIV is thriving while wow is dying.
As for what rusty said. Punish rudeness is not censoring in any form. Is indeed a form of teaching.
No, the reason why FFXIV is thriving, is because the world has turned into a bunch of weak simps. Let's make a game for weak simps, and give them a safe space against meanie heads. It's basically gaming's "Facebook". No surprise why you'd like it. The fact that you tout its success only showcases a greater societal problem.
Also, they were only nice to you because they thought you were a female, so naturally you attracted some lonely neck-beard beta-cuck orbiters who took you under their wing.
Any man here who works a real job, or has, understands that criticism for fucking up can come in very harsh ways, it's a fact of life. It's the weak who seek a safe space from reality, like FFXIV. This has nothing to do with typical light-hearted and memetic bravado that the Dark Souls community is known for. If you weren't a female ass-burger, you might have noticed the nuances that hinted at Dark Souls bravado being light-hearted and not super serious. The ones who take offense, people like me laugh at them for being hopelessly hysterical.