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For all the weeaboo's and Rance rape lovers out there.


Dec 27, 2008
:love: :incline: The translators better work tirelessly to translate this game as fast as possible.


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
Haba said:
Short review:



Several design choices that don't sit well with me, simple combat, shitty protagonist. Is sad.
Let's be serious, compared to Rance every other protagonist is pretty much shit.

Concerning the combat, yes it isn't complicated. Just like BBA. Then again everything else besides the combat in BBA was so fucking convoluted a walkthrough was mandatory.


Sep 26, 2008
Project: Eternity


Andyman and Rance forming a(n un)holy EXTREME!!1111 alliance?

Now I MUST learn the moonspeak!!


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
WhiskeyWolf said:
Let's be serious, compared to Rance every other protagonist is pretty much shit.

True, but still... even the BBA protagonist had a personality. Togu... has pretty much nothing 'cept his cock and the tendency to whine about having to do anything beyond using his cock. And everyone loves him for no obvious reason.

WhiskeyWolf said:
Concerning the combat, yes it isn't complicated. Just like BBA. Then again everything else besides the combat in BBA was so fucking convoluted a walkthrough was mandatory.

This video displays pretty well what is wrong with the combat...

It was also pretty retarded to squeeze every possible event into single menu that you get to pick from once every turn (recruiting prisoners, visiting allies etc.). I got like 30 events there now and you need to scroll through all of them to get to the one you're looking for... fffuuuu

Still hoping that there is something interesting in store, but not too impressed so far :(

Now you spoiled the spoiler!

That Mongol Rance has a surname, which is very odd. Also note the color of the hair on the horse and Chaos's new shape.


RPG Codex Polish Car Thief
Staff Member
Nov 4, 2007
Haba said:
That Mongol Rance has a surname, which is very odd. Also note the color of the hair on the horse and Chaos's new shape.
Oh hell, didn't notice that... the horse thing I mean.
...even the BBA protagonist had a personality.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
How do the battles work, rougly? Judging by that video you shoot and stuff dies basically. But is there more options, which would be actually interesting, at least later on?
Then again combat in Rance wasn't that great either in the end - the enemy AI sucked and lategame most of your roster never needed to fight, mostly 1 army of pumped units was enough. It still gave some nice shit to play around with, and choosing up army compositions and moves made an actual difference.

And bland protagonist is disappointing... How are the other characters supposed to work as well either, when they don't have an extreme guy to deal with like Rance? In Sengoku Rance the fun in dialogue was not just Rance, but how people reacted to him.

I still look forward to the translation but enthusiasm has been knocked down a notch :/


Jul 16, 2009
Ships have initiative and range.

DD have highest initiative (and recon value).
CV have longest range.

These with longest ranges who won initiative shoot first. You seen results.


Jun 3, 2010
After that rather weird (not going to give any spoilers, this game seems plenty of surprises, gaha haha) horsie, some butt kicking for goodness to save the day :

Interesting game so far.

Just wish there was a way to increase the resolution somewhere.


May 8, 2007
Didn't we have some weeaboos who could read that atrocious language on Codex?
Maybe it's time to put them to some use.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Reject_666_6 said:
Dunno how you guys got that far without the UI translated. I feel like I'm missing too many mechanics to play properly.

There really is no need. It's nowhere as complicated as Rance was. I'd go as far to say that it is very much streamlined. My first impressions were that they were hiding all the options where you assigned certain admirals to certain tasks, but after much digging I was disappointed to find that you just can't do it. It's definitely a regression from Rance in my book.

The only mechanics to take note of are really just in combat. All you need to do is ensure you have admirals increasing public security in discontent or newly conquered areas, and move your better admirals around the board to battle.

But then again admiral and unit skills are now limited to passive skills only...

Oh, and I really really fucking love that weather effect that reduces damage of admirals with an odd-numbered level by 70% that frequently goes off in Hawaii. Gamerica will conveniently invade and I find that all of their admirals ignore the effect while all of my main damage dealers end up getting destroyed since I built my fleet to prioritize overwhelming attack over survivability or speed.

Good thing I wised up and prepared for my Soviet Crab campaign by putting a fricking antifreeze boat on every single fleet. Then I run into a space monster with 7000 HP and 1500 damage in Moscow, and having to set aside command points for the antifreeze piece of space junk means most of my units just couldn't deal enough damage to beat the stage.


Jun 3, 2010
and I thought the Kodex liked it rough ?


Yeah, the game has some unpleasant times, for sure. Natural hazards are one of them, but you can avoid most of them by reloading, I noticed.

What really bothered me though was

the pseudo-random Rance event, while I was happily busting some Aeris butt in Arabia. It had me run all the way back to Tokyo.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
It's just that the lack of a scouting feature irks me, that and the inability to retreat if you're the attacker.

Granted, this totally has no effect on the game since you aren't penalized for reloading whenever something goes wrong, but I'd prefer not to have to rely on save-load just to find out the disposition of the enemy so I can craft a proper (exact) combination of fleets to take them down.

The game isn't terribly difficult if you turtle, once you use save/load to identify the enemy forces, build a counter-measure, and only invade when the weather favours you. Of course, if you're aiming for Loli Hitler route, the rush for Berlin is a different matter...

I found the Mongols easy to fend off - they only send about three ships, each equipped with only tekkou. Their ships are always going to attack last so stationing about four admirals with a high missile attack in Japan will hold them off almost indefinitely. I dragged off finishing them for about 10 turns with nothing happening before I decided to invade Mongolia and decapitate their leadership. Which is sadly unvoiced in cutscenes and in battle.

edit: CORE actually has gang-rape squads, and some of the fleets they send against you are named as such. :lol: Cleve was right, ITZ did come for Gamerica.


Jun 3, 2010
treave said:
It's just that the lack of a scouting feature irks me, that and the inability to retreat if you're the attacker.

Granted, this totally has no effect on the game since you aren't penalized for reloading whenever something goes wrong, but I'd prefer not to have to rely on save-load just to find out the disposition of the enemy so I can craft a proper (exact) combination of fleets to take them down.

The game isn't terribly difficult if you turtle, once you use save/load to identify the enemy forces, build a counter-measure, and only invade when the weather favours you. Of course, if you're aiming for Loli Hitler route, the rush for Berlin is a different matter...

I found the Mongols easy to fend off - they only send about three ships, each equipped with only tekkou. Their ships are always going to attack last so stationing about four admirals with a high missile attack in Japan will hold them off almost indefinitely. I dragged off finishing them for about 10 turns with nothing happening before I decided to invade Mongolia and decapitate their leadership. Which is sadly unvoiced in cutscenes and in battle.

edit: CORE actually has gang-rape squads, and some of the fleets they send against you are named as such. :lol: Cleve was right, ITZ did come for Gamerica.

I happen to totally agree with you ;)

Mongols were easy, it's just the way they were introduced into the game that rubbed me in the wrong way. I strongly dislike artificial shortcuts in a game, presenting me with a fait accompli ("you just lost 3 territories, just suck it up, berk"), which to me equates "the game designer has been dozing off on his chair again, instead of using his brain for the better."

Lack of scouts, forcing reloads, absolutely. You'd think it to be a major feature in a WWII game, since it was the primary purpose of aircrafts in any military doctrine of that time.

The rush to Berlin, tell me about it. I've attempted it several times, in at least 3 different ways (through "Russia", through "Southern Asia", and then through "Gamerica"), but each time "Dokutsu" goes down before I can reach it.

Still, with all its imperfections, I cannot help but looking at the game with sympathy, and give the creators some credit for what they've tried to achieve.

It takes some giant-sized cojones balls to release a game which spoofs a major historical event that remains extremely vivid and painful in the mind of many, transforming utterly despicable characters into huggable elves lolis, and merging the whole in a rather entertaining piece.

It had be the Japanese that would pull such a feat off, despite Nangkin, despite Pearl Harbor, despite Iwo Jima, despite Hiroshima, despite Nagasaki, despite all the other horrors of the War that happened on that side of the planet, and involved their country.

It is maybe not Rance Sengoku quality, but at least Daibanchou's, and as such, it lives up to my expectations.

PS : the music of the game is :thumbsup:


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
Karmapowered said:
The rush to Berlin, tell me about it. I've attempted it several times, in at least 3 different ways (through "Russia", through "Southern Asia", and then through "Gamerica"), but each time "Dokutsu" goes down before I can reach it.

The difficulty with a blitzkrieg strategy in the game is that:
a) unlike Sengoku Rance, you can't throw money to instantly bring your units to full strength
b) units that are not at full strength aren't allowed to participate in attacks

I did it by liberal abuse of save-reload to check out which type of fleets the enemy was packing in their defense, and setting it up so that I had a perfect combination to one shot each of their units before they could strike. I sent the bulk of my admirals so I had versatility in options, with only a token force to hold Japan and defend against Gamerica (not in Hawaii of course, the weather effect there is hellish. It's practically the only weather effect I would rather skip since I can't guarantee I would have enough even-number leveled admirals to defend/attack - with the other weather effects you just need to adjust your equipment or ship composition).

Ignored holding any territories after Malaya, even if the enemy cut me off I'd just continue storming my way through Africa. Once you reach the Deutsche they regain their spirit and start destroying the Brits and the Soviets.

Eh, it's practically a puzzle game if I play it this way. But there is really no other effective way to play since the moment your ships get damaged even a bit they won't be able to attack, and you waste valuable turns having them repaired.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Saving the nazi(s) wasn't probably intended for the first playthrough, but rather for a new game with the end game bonuses applied.


May 14, 2011
Somewhere in the Interwebz and figuring out what t
My friend and I have been playin Daiteikoku since its release date, and here's one piece of info we've found thus far...

There are 2 main routes and 9 routes in total.

The 2 main routes are Japanization, and No Japanization.
-Japanization basically allows for less commanders but more resources (currency and development points)
-No Japanization allows for more commanders but less resources. Also, you cannot get certain key admirals such as Victory Nelson in the No Japanization route.

We believe that this choice is the third choice you get. I know for a fact that if you choose "No Japanization", Empress Mikado will appear disappointed with a little cloud of dejection over her forehead.

As for gameplay...

Like in Sengoku Rance, where you could send only 6 units to battle per battle, you can only send a max of 8 fleets to battle, but unlike SR, you can fight in as many battles as you want, so long as you can supply the fleets necessary to fight them.

The battle order is very similar to Daibanchou, or Big Bang Age, for those of you who have played that game. Just as how in Daibanchou, the battle order depended on the type of range of the fighters, the universal battle order for Daiteikoku is Fighters, Laser Batteries, Missiles, and Steel Bullets. You do not get Fighters in the early game, so Lasers are your primary weapon for much of the early game.

You are able to equip all fleets with a maximum of 4 types of ships. Some admirals have default ship types that cannot be removed, like the German loli admiral (sorry, I forgot what her name was, it isn't Retia, the Fancism dictator). Those types can be the same, so you can stack Laser ships onto a fleet for additional Laser firepower. But it's generally good to keep a balance of all types, because in some territories, use of a specific weapon, like Lasers in one of the Gamerican territories, are not allowed and thus cannot be used.

That's all I have for now, if any of you want more info, I'll try to help you out as much as I can.

You don't need to understand Jap to enjoy the game, but it does help in understanding what the hell is going on. But still, this is a frickin' fun game, as much as Sengoku Rance.

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