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For those who played Fallout 2 before playing Fallout

A poll only for those who played Fallout 2 before playing Fallout. Which of the two do you like more

  • Fallout

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Fallout 2

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • I played Fallout first, I prefer Fallout 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I <3 Fallout 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 19, 2008
I don't think the time limit is bad, I just wish the game didn't end if you go past it. But on the other hand, putting in all those extra cases for a time limit almost nobody will reach would be something of a waste of budget and time.


Nov 24, 2007
My new programming hole, Fortitude Valley - Queens
I like both of them for what they are.

I played Fallout 2 first, then found and played the original.

If I were forced to choose between them, I'd say fallout 2 simply because I appreciate the engine improvements, and it gets the 'played first' bonus *shrug*.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
150 days is A LOT. You'd have to be very creative (read as go back and forth, constantly fishing for random encounters) to run out of time.
Doesn't change the fact that the whole game revolves around what happens to Vault 13. Time runs out, vault ppl die, game over. Give away location of Vault 13, vault ppl die, game over.

On the other hand in Fallout 2, you can choose to completely ignore the village and letting it die doesn't result in a game over screen.

Fallout forces you to give a shit about what happens to Vault 13, whereas Fallout 2 lets you go "fuck that" and provide you with actual sense of freedom.

Deadeye Dragoon

Jul 16, 2009
nomask7 said:
Actually, the designers were completely different in FO2. It was one of those things, like when Kubrick made 2001, and then some asshole made a trashy sequel to it.

I was referring to the FO1 patch that removed the time limit, I assume it was because they realized it sucked.

As to the continuing questions of why I didn't like the feature, I already answered. Because it forced you to narrow your focus on the main quest and limited freedom. As for it being plenty of time, you don't know how much time it is first run through. Only after playing it or being spoiled by a walkthrough would you know you do indeed have free time to do various non-main related stuff, or perhaps revist a previously explored area. How is this hard to understand?

If you disagree fine, but that's the reasons I didn't like it. And wouldn't like any such hard time limits in other RPGs (which could also be just as easily justified as the time limit fitting the intentions/plot/whatever). Time limits only make sense in extremely linear RPGs, or FPSs, or unique areas where a bomb is about to go off or something.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
nomask7 said:
Deadeye Dragoon said:
Fat Dragon said:
Pretty sure that's exactly what the devs were going for. You're thrown out into a very hostile world with no damned clue on what to do and the clock is ticking. The time limit meant you had to consider what you do and where you go carefully.

Yeah, and it's not a good feature imo. The devs reverted it so apparently they rethought it as well.
Actually, the designers were completely different in FO2. It was one of those things, like when Kubrick made 2001, and then some asshole made a trashy sequel to it.

Honestly, I can't say it surprises me that so many people want empty games with lots of "fun" content rather than games that have interesting features, gameplay-wise, such as, well you know, a dynamic gameworld where everyone doesn't just wait for you to go talk to them and do some errands for them, even if it takes you a billion years, like there was nothing else in the game universe than you and your "fun quests" that it seems you don't want to miss any of for any price. It doesn't surprise me, because people are stupid. It makes me a bit rueful once in a while though. More often it makes me dream of purifying fires engulfing everything south of Helsinki, something that Wagner used to fantasize about too (although with a different set of coordinates).
What interesting gameplay feature does Fallout 1 have that Fallout 2 doesn't?


Dec 10, 2007
Vault Dweller said:
"I don't hate him or anything, man. In fact he's one of the few in this forum who's nice to have around. I may not agree with everything he says, but I respect him nonetheless, and I'd rather have him giving his opinion (which at times I do not share), bitching about the industry and pimping his game than keeping quiet. At least his ego is constructive rather than Toady One's, who keeps wasting time stroking it with empty elitist code instead of making his goddamn games playable."
Odd. I may have forgotten how much of a cunt you can sometimes be.

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel
Fallout forces you to give a shit about what happens to Vault 13, whereas Fallout 2 lets you go "fuck that" and provide you with actual sense of freedom.
I don't recall Fallout 1 having an old witch doctor constantly contacting me in my dreams to remind me of how the village is doing and that I should get my ass in gear.

Fallout 2 constantly hounded your ass to find the GECK, Fallout 1 just threw you out in the wasteland and you took it entirely from there. Both games gave you a lot of freedom but at least Fallout didn't annoy you by constantly reminding of some shit you don't care about.

So, Fallout 2 lets you play after main quest is over? That just makes the ending slides pointless. They tell you during the slides of what will become of places based on what you did there. Credits end, you're back in the game, you charge down into the Den and kill everybody. Ending slides and all those choices of yours become fucking pointless now.
I assume it was because they realized it sucked.
It was dumbed down because casual gamers whined about the time limits making the game too hard. It's funny actually. People are always complaining about lack of c&c, but when they actually get it they complain that it's too punishing. Fucking ridiculous.
Because it forced you to narrow your focus on the main quest and limited freedom.
One last time: No. It. Does. Not.

Deadeye Dragoon

Jul 16, 2009
Fat Dragon said:
It was dumbed down because casual gamers whined about the time limits making the game too hard. It's funny actually. People are always complaining about lack of c&c, but when they actually get it they complain that it's too punishing. Fucking ridiculous.

Has nothing to do with hard or easy, has to do with an artificial mechanism that limits freedom of action in the game. Has nothing to do with C&C either, except for the decision of whether to send the caravan or not being given more gravity due to the limit. The only choice affected otherwise was whether to attempt to explore the game fully, or not do that because it might mean you run out of time. That's a meta-C&C if C&C at all.

One last time: No. It. Does. Not.

Yes. It. Did. For. Me.

"I have 70 days left before the time limit will run out"
"Should I take days to return to a previous area to see if there are new quests or see if my actions have changed anything?"
"Should I wander about looking for random encounters, or new areas I don't know about but aren't on the main quest line?"
"Since there's a time limit and I have no idea how much time the rest of the main plot will take, I'm not sure if that'll screw me out of finishing the game, better not."

Freedom = limited.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
I don't recall Fallout 1 having an old witch doctor constantly contacting me in my dreams to remind me of how the village is doing and that I should get my ass in gear.
Which you can ignore. What, were you just expecting him to say "hey dont worry about us or anything, we'll just rot here while you solve a quest or two"?

Fallout 2 constantly hounded your ass to find the GECK, Fallout 1 just threw you out in the wasteland and you took it entirely from there. Both games gave you a lot of freedom but at least Fallout didn't annoy you by constantly reminding of some shit you don't care about.
Constantly? Don't be so full of shit. The Hakuwhatshisface guy reminds you about 4-5 times in a span of about 200 days (from what I remember). Even then. it's just one small message that lasts less than a minute in a game that takes over 40 hours to complete.

So, Fallout 2 lets you play after main quest is over? That just makes the ending slides pointless. They tell you during the slides of what will become of places based on what you did there. Credits end, you're back in the game, you charge down into the Den and kill everybody. Ending slides and all those choices of yours become fucking pointless now.
It's not about being able to play the game after you finish the game. It's the fact that it doesn't take the game away from you simply you didn't do some shit that isn't even all that relevant to your character. So what if the people at Vault 13 die? Is there any logical reason whatsoever for the game to just end? Maybe in a story-driven game this would be excusable, but in a supposedly "open-ended" game it doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense.


Dec 29, 2008
Kavax said:
OgreOgre said:
More like it's so randum roflmao xD xD.

And randomness is a bad thing? Because if it is, then Planescape is the worst setting ever.

See, when you put aside all the mandatory crpg elements expected to be there like the C&C, non-linearity, meaningful choices, decent combat and some rich quality of writing...... it all boils down to taste. It all boils down to how much lameness you can endure/ignore to enjoy something in its entirety. When the game breaks that threshold of tolerance, it cripples your enjoyment in a way you just can't appreciate the whole atmosphere, it just doesn't get to you.

I quoted this because there is that arftul element of randomness presented with a meaningful background like stuff happening in a plane of existence where mortal belief shapes the very fabric of reality... There is also the randomness for the sake of randomness, the infamous "lol so randum!!1! >__ ^", presented with no meaningful background serving as nothing but lame, disjointed, out-of-place lulz elements intruding an irrelevant setting in a "lookatme I'm lulzy!" fashion.

Please answer this question with honesty no matter how much of a flamboyant FO2 fanboy you are; Was a retarded theme park approach filled with the caricaturization of all mundane banal-shit-boring elements from popular culture amongst other superficial caricatures of reality like the ridiculous tribals THE absolute best approach they could have taken for envisioning the far future of a motherfucking kickass post-apocalyptic setting with a retro sci-fi background behind its back? What a goddamn waste... There are the "political factions" and their intrigue you guys are adoring so much as a positive element like I am, divide by zero and IMAGINE how unimaginably awesome those factions could have been like designed with a more realistic and meaningful background where things made a lot more sense. Why would anyone need the retarded side quests, boring villages, forced humor and a singular obviously evil antagonistic faction of people who just had to be EXTREME Motherfucker Shepards when you could have based it all upon the powerplay of the various post-apoc factions that could have made sense and offered no obvious moral dichotomies... No good VS evil. No obviously psychopathic person VS normal person. Vault City-NCR-Raiders-Mutants-Cultists could have been built upon and perfected to offer a non-linear game with shitloads of C&C awesomeness and post-apocalyptic carnage&intrigue.

The bleak post-apoc atmosphere of the original Fallout had the feeling just right with the stylized retro-sci / EC comics art direction in a way softening the blow, preventing the whole thing from becoming just another EXTREME in-your-face seriousbizness grimdark post-nucular gritporn setting. It sure had its own few obvious humor but it was mostly subtle, and knew its place. That crashed UFO was not that lame and you only got something like that once, whereas in FO2 much worse took over the entire atmosphere. You have that one nod to the extremely prevalent American bubble-headed grey "lil'green man" 50's retro sci-fi element that could be stumbled upon with a retardedly high luck stat. That one little thing that was in perfect agreement with the art direction disconnected from the rest of the game against an endless wave after wave of out-of context pop-cult crap. Scientologists, "republicans", bullshit tribals, skinny guinea gangster putz, FFFFFUUUUUUU, R00fles, Volourn, Lithuanian hitmen, decline of the codex, forced humor, half-assed references............................................. :<

Why would anyone want to invade a setting with an insane potential with all the BORING "real world" crap in a most stunted, forced manner like a dog shitting in the middle of the carpet kind of way? I get sick of that crap right here, I wanted you faggots to give me more stuff in the spirit of the awesome PIPE RIFLE instead of the DESERT EAGLE. I would have expected to see even more creativity from the far future setting of a world devastated by nuclear fire than the classical survivor/scavenger culture of the immediate post-apoc circumstances. They should have fucking bested the Fallout 1 in creativity with that potentially awesome premises yet all I got was this lousy, retarded theme park with aaallll ur favorite pop-cult refuhranceez...

I'll have to finish this masturbatory rant with my favorite mindfuck from Fallout 2, the "bullshit tribals"... Sweet crotch-grabbing Christ suffering on a diamond-studded pogo stick... This is like that thing I was talking about when saying: "retardedly caricaturized". I guess people could use the hunter-gatherer methods in order to survive and develop small, tightly-knit tribal relationships that would protect them in a harsh post-apoc world BUT(that's a big butt right there)------ would it really look like THAT? Did the people adopt some generic neolithic culture that is entirely irrelevant to the few generations before them because it would be liek... totally awesome and cool if they liek... dressed in these totally tribal looking indian leather straps, had these tribal tats and grampy bones liek pierced in their noses, spoke in a forced english accent containing all sorts of pseudo-spiritual mumbo-jumbo and gave their children names like Kaga, TORRR, Narogggg, Kaganargtorggggg because they decided to become effective hunter-gatherers they should adopt this caricaturized t-t-t-tribal fashion?????? Hey honey, we should totally name our boy Toragg cuz' you know what? It sounds totally TRIBAL that way. He would make for a better member of our forced hunter-gatherer society with a name like Toragg because that name is giving me some major tribal vibes here. WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF we enriched our new tribal lifestyle with the whole shebang. Let's show them how it's done, let's go tribal on their asses. Neolithic tribal style is cool but I'm thinking of a more Native American fashion with a Jamaican accent for our tribe, we would be cooler that way. WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF...

/\ That must have been their mentality.

The goddamned tribals in the game seems to have shared the same mentality with their developers who designed them at one point.

-Wouldn't it be cool if we added... xD XD

Fat Dragon

May 24, 2007
local brothel



Nov 19, 2008
1eyedking said:
Vault Dweller said:
"I don't hate him or anything, man. In fact he's one of the few in this forum who's nice to have around. I may not agree with everything he says, but I respect him nonetheless, and I'd rather have him giving his opinion (which at times I do not share), bitching about the industry and pimping his game than keeping quiet. At least his ego is constructive rather than Toady One's, who keeps wasting time stroking it with empty elitist code instead of making his goddamn games playable."
Odd. I may have forgotten how much of a cunt you can sometimes be.

I'm just calling it like I see it, and no offense meant, but as far as that example goes, in that thread, uh, you were kind of the one being a cunt

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
1eyedking said:
Vault Dweller said:
"I don't hate him or anything, man. In fact he's one of the few in this forum who's nice to have around. I may not agree with everything he says, but I respect him nonetheless, and I'd rather have him giving his opinion (which at times I do not share), bitching about the industry and pimping his game than keeping quiet. At least his ego is constructive rather than Toady One's, who keeps wasting time stroking it with empty elitist code instead of making his goddamn games playable."
Odd. I may have forgotten how much of a cunt you can sometimes be.
Cunt? Because you expected a rant and got a review instead and then you told me to go die and I didn't? I can see now that I've wronged you. Please forgive me, my good friend.


Nov 19, 2008
Please answer this question with honesty no matter how much of a flamboyant FO2 fanboy you are; Was a retarded theme park approach filled with the caricaturization of all mundane banal-shit-boring elements from popular culture amongst other superficial caricatures of reality like the ridiculous tribals THE absolute best approach they could have taken

"Please, answer honestly. Wouldn't Fallout 2 be better if it wasn't retarded?"

Way to extend the olive branch with an unloaded question there

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Eldritch said:
Kavax said:
OgreOgre said:
More like it's so randum roflmao xD xD.

And randomness is a bad thing? Because if it is, then Planescape is the worst setting ever.

See, when you put aside all the mandatory crpg elements expected to be there like the C&C, non-linearity, meaningful choices, decent combat and some rich quality of writing...... it all boils down to taste. It all boils down to how much lameness you can endure/ignore to enjoy something in its entirety. When the game breaks that threshold of tolerance, it cripples your enjoyment in a way you just can't appreciate the whole atmosphere, it just doesn't get to you.

I quoted this because there is that arftul element of randomness presented with a meaningful background like stuff happening in a plane of existence where mortal belief shapes the very fabric of reality... There is also the randomness for the sake of randomness, the infamous "lol so randum!!1! >__ ^", presented with no meaningful background serving as nothing but lame, disjointed, out-of-place lulz elements intruding an irrelevant setting in a "lookatme I'm lulzy!" fashion.

Please answer this question with honesty no matter how much of a flamboyant FO2 fanboy you are; Was a retarded theme park approach filled with the caricaturization of all mundane banal-shit-boring elements from popular culture amongst other superficial caricatures of reality like the ridiculous tribals THE absolute best approach they could have taken for envisioning the far future of a motherfucking kickass post-apocalyptic setting with a retro sci-fi background behind its back? What a goddamn waste... There are the "political factions" and their intrigue you guys are adoring so much as a positive element like I am, divide by zero and IMAGINE how unimaginably awesome those factions could have been like designed with a more realistic and meaningful background where things made a lot more sense. Why would anyone need the retarded side quests, boring villages, forced humor and a singular obviously evil antagonistic faction of people who just had to be EXTREME Motherfucker Shepards when you could have based it all upon the powerplay of the various post-apoc factions that could have made sense and offered no obvious moral dichotomies... No good VS evil. No obviously psychopathic person VS normal person. Vault City-NCR-Raiders-Mutants-Cultists could have been built upon and perfected to offer a non-linear game with shitloads of C&C awesomeness and post-apocalyptic carnage&intrigue.

The bleak post-apoc atmosphere of the original Fallout had the feeling just right with the stylized retro-sci / EC comics art direction in a way softening the blow, preventing the whole thing from becoming just another EXTREME in-your-face seriousbizness grimdark post-nucular gritporn setting. It sure had its own few obvious humor but it was mostly subtle, and knew its place. That crashed UFO was not that lame and you only got something like that once, whereas in FO2 much worse took over the entire atmosphere. You have that one nod to the extremely prevalent American bubble-headed grey "lil'green man" 50's retro sci-fi element that could be stumbled upon with a retardedly high luck stat. That one little thing that was in perfect agreement with the art direction disconnected from the rest of the game against an endless wave after wave of out-of context pop-cult crap. Scientologists, "republicans", bullshit tribals, skinny guinea gangster putz, FFFFFUUUUUUU, R00fles, Volourn, southernmost Baltic state persons available for contract hire, decline of the codex, forced humor, half-assed references............................................. :<

Why would anyone want to invade a setting with an insane potential with all the BORING "real world" crap in a most stunted, forced manner like a dog shitting in the middle of the carpet kind of way? I get sick of that crap right here, I wanted you faggots to give me more stuff in the spirit of the awesome PIPE RIFLE instead of the DESERT EAGLE. I would have expected to see even more creativity from the far future setting of a world devastated by nuclear fire than the classical survivor/scavenger culture of the immediate post-apoc circumstances. They should have fucking bested the Fallout 1 in creativity with that potentially awesome premises yet all I got was this lousy, retarded theme park with aaallll ur favorite pop-cult refuhranceez...

I'll have to finish this masturbatory rant with my favorite mindfuck from Fallout 2, the "bullshit tribals"... Sweet crotch-grabbing Christ suffering on a diamond-studded pogo stick... This is like that thing I was talking about when saying: "retardedly caricaturized". I guess people could use the hunter-gatherer methods in order to survive and develop small, tightly-knit tribal relationships that would protect them in a harsh post-apoc world BUT(that's a big butt right there)------ would it really look like THAT? Did the people adopt some generic neolithic culture that is entirely irrelevant to the few generations before them because it would be liek... totally awesome and cool if they liek... dressed in these totally tribal looking indian leather straps, had these tribal tats and grampy bones liek pierced in their noses, spoke in a forced english accent containing all sorts of pseudo-spiritual mumbo-jumbo and gave their children names like Kaga, TORRR, Narogggg, Kaganargtorggggg because they decided to become effective hunter-gatherers they should adopt this caricaturized t-t-t-tribal fashion?????? Hey honey, we should totally name our boy Toragg cuz' you know what? It sounds totally TRIBAL that way. He would make for a better member of our forced hunter-gatherer society with a name like Toragg because that name is giving me some major tribal vibes here. WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF we enriched our new tribal lifestyle with the whole shebang. Let's show them how it's done, let's go tribal on their asses. Neolithic tribal style is cool but I'm thinking of a more Native American fashion with a Jamaican accent for our tribe, we would be cooler that way. WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF...

/\ That must have been their mentality.

The goddamned tribals in the game seems to have shared the same mentality with their developers who designed them at one point.

-Wouldn't it be cool if we added... xD XD
Quoted for awesomeness. That's some serious incline right there.



Jul 3, 2007
I've played FO2 first. Then I played FO1. Then I replayed FO2 and thought - what the fuck?
I wasn't surprised to find Codex ESF-enclave retards' posts here praising F2 humour. Lulz you can have gay sex and then get forced to marry the guy at a gunpoint - and then you can blow up the toilet and cover everything with shit. So randoom. Great humour, retard.
Also tribals.


Mar 14, 2008
Yeah, Eldritch pretty much kicked it in the ass.

But, that said, I find FO2 to be more playable/replayable. This isn't because I feel it's a better game, but because it simply has more shit to fuck around with. Granted, I played FO first, but I only managed to get to the hub and talk to the water merchants, so I don't really count it as I didn't end up hitting the good parts. I also played FO2 when I was motherfucking TWELVE, so that kinda shades my opinion of it.

I think they are both good games, FO one being a real masterpiece, FO2 being a fun jackoff follow-up.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
Fallout 2 is the better game. Immature at times perhaps, but better nonetheless.

I'm sick of FO1 fanboys bitching about the same thing and ignoring the numerous aspects of FO2 that are superior to the first one.

Maybe in whatever wacky world you pretentious fags live in, video games are considered to be serious literature where one game can be considered better than another purely based on the seriousness with which it treats its setting. But that's not how it works down here.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
Kaiserin said:
Yeah, Eldritch pretty much kicked it in the ass.

But, that said, I find FO2 to be more playable/replayable. This isn't because I feel it's a better game, but because it simply has more shit to fuck around with. Granted, I played FO first, but I only managed to get to the hub and talk to the water merchants, so I don't really count it as I didn't end up hitting the good parts. I also played FO2 when I was motherfucking TWELVE, so that kinda shades my opinion of it.

I think they are both good games, FO one being a real masterpiece, FO2 being a fun jackoff follow-up.
Therefore, it is better.


Oct 11, 2006
FO1 is a better game. FO2 was fun, but felt like it was designed by a committee.

The Wizard

Apr 1, 2009
fallout 2

as soon as a game takes itself seriously , i loose inteteesest.

excuse my misspellings. i'm drunk.

Vault Dweller

Commissar, Red Star Studio
Jan 7, 2003
Dark Matter said:
Fallout 2 is the better game. Immature at times perhaps, but better nonetheless.

I'm sick of FO1 fanboys bitching about the same thing and ignoring the numerous aspects of FO2 that are superior to the first one.

Maybe in whatever wacky world you pretentious fags live in, video games are considered to be serious literature where one game can be considered better than another purely based on the seriousness with which it treats its setting. But that's not how it works down here.
I completely agree! Phantom Menace is an awesome movie. Much better than the original trilogy.

Maybe in whatever wacky world you pretentious fags live in, sci-fi movies are considered to be serious literature where one movie can be considered better than another purely based on the seriousness with which it treats its setting. BUT THAT'S NOT NOW IT WORKS DOWN HERE!


Dec 10, 2007
Eldritch said:
See, when you put aside all the mandatory crpg elements expected to be there like the C&C, non-linearity, meaningful choices, decent combat and some rich quality of writing...... it all boils down to taste.
There must be a monocle factory somewhere nearby...

Eldritch said:
It all boils down to how much lameness you can endure/ignore to enjoy something in its entirety. When the game breaks that threshold of tolerance, it cripples your enjoyment in a way you just can't appreciate the whole atmosphere, it just doesn't get to you.

I quoted this because there is that arftul element of randomness presented with a meaningful background like stuff happening in a plane of existence where mortal belief shapes the very fabric of reality... There is also the randomness for the sake of randomness, the infamous "lol so randum!!1! >__ ^", presented with no meaningful background serving as nothing but lame, disjointed, out-of-place lulz elements intruding an irrelevant setting in a "lookatme I'm lulzy!" fashion.
Out-of-place, huh? So I guess the slavers in The Den doing slave runs and beating the shit out of tribals and selling them to VC does nothing for coherence, eh?

Also New Reno had nothing to do with the raiders attacking Vault City, was completely oblivious to the undergoing power struggles in Redding, and didn't want anything to do with NCR ranchers and senators. They were just gangstas, bro.

Eldritch said:
Please answer this question with honesty no matter how much of a flamboyant FO2 fanboy you are; Was a retarded theme park approach filled with the caricaturization of all mundane banal-shit-boring elements from popular culture amongst other superficial caricatures of reality like the ridiculous tribals THE absolute best approach they could have taken for envisioning the far future of a motherfucking kickass post-apocalyptic setting with a retro sci-fi background behind its back? What a goddamn waste... There are the "political factions" and their intrigue you guys are adoring so much as a positive element like I am, divide by zero and IMAGINE how unimaginably awesome those factions could have been like designed with a more realistic and meaningful background where things made a lot more sense. Why would anyone need the retarded side quests, boring villages, forced humor and a singular obviously evil antagonistic faction of people who just had to be EXTREME Motherfucker Shepards when you could have based it all upon the powerplay of the various post-apoc factions that could have made sense and offered no obvious moral dichotomies... No good VS evil. No obviously psychopathic person VS normal person. Vault City-NCR-Raiders-Mutants-Cultists could have been built upon and perfected to offer a non-linear game with shitloads of C&C awesomeness and post-apocalyptic carnage&intrigue.
How much better, actually? Fallout 2 politics, economics and intrigue are done well and provide a rich enough background to the quests you undertake which further overarchs the game's main message (which people such as VD seem to have missed): humanity is shit and is bound to repeat its same mistakes, be it worshiping computers as Emperors, committing genocide, being racist, building organized crime, practicing slavery, cult religions, etc. All of these were issues the first one didn't raise, so you see, FO2 builds upon FO1.

And polarized evil antagonistic factions? Vault City wasn't evil, it just condoned slavery. Good? Bad? It's a fucking raider-filled wasteland, you be the judge; New Reno was as selfish as a drug-dealing scum-hive can be; Broken Hills had the whole Mutants vs. humans thing going which raised some interesting questions. Modoc was morally boring unless you take the whole same-sex marriage thing into account. Your black & white view of ethics sounds like you would have more fun playing a BioWare game.

Eldritch said:
The bleak post-apoc atmosphere of the original Fallout had the feeling just right with the stylized retro-sci / EC comics art direction in a way softening the blow, preventing the whole thing from becoming just another EXTREME in-your-face seriousbizness grimdark post-nucular gritporn setting. It sure had its own few obvious humor but it was mostly subtle, and knew its place. That crashed UFO was not that lame and you only got something like that once, whereas in FO2 much worse took over the entire atmosphere. You have that one nod to the extremely prevalent American bubble-headed grey "lil'green man" 50's retro sci-fi element that could be stumbled upon with a retardedly high luck stat. That one little thing that was in perfect agreement with the art direction disconnected from the rest of the game against an endless wave after wave of out-of context pop-cult crap. Scientologists, "republicans", bullshit tribals, skinny guinea gangster putz, FFFFFUUUUUUU, R00fles, Volourn, southernmost Baltic state persons available for contract hire, decline of the codex, forced humor, half-assed references............................................. :<
The bleak atmosphere is still there, or was The Den just a green circle on the world map? Gecko? Broken Hills? New Reno?

Your blind rage only demonstrates your brain doesn't quite grasp the concept of culture references (be them kung-fu movies, american literature, or historical figures), and further misses the point of the game I cited above.

And what's with the idiotic VD-style "lolz-r00fles-FFUUU-EXTREME-butthurt" thing?

Eldritch said:
Why would anyone want to invade a setting with an insane potential with all the BORING "real world" crap in a most stunted, forced manner like a dog shitting in the middle of the carpet kind of way? I get sick of that crap right here, I wanted you faggots to give me more stuff in the spirit of the awesome PIPE RIFLE instead of the DESERT EAGLE. I would have expected to see even more creativity from the far future setting of a world devastated by nuclear fire than the classical survivor/scavenger culture of the immediate post-apoc circumstances. They should have fucking bested the Fallout 1 in creativity with that potentially awesome premises yet all I got was this lousy, retarded theme park with aaallll ur favorite pop-cult refuhranceez...
First you ask for no "real world crap", and then you ask for more Desert Eagles? You got the Bozar, you self-contradicting dumbass, as you did get the Magnum. And the Pancor Jackhammer. And the H&K Caws. And the FAL.

And actually FO1 was the disconnected theme-park:

Rat cave. Check.
Quiet peaceful village town. Check
Raider town. Check
A town made of junk. Check.
Trader town. Check.
Zombie town. Check.
Gang warfare town. Check.
Military town. Check.
Religion town. Check.

Eldritch said:
I'll have to finish this masturbatory rant with my favorite mindfuck from Fallout 2, the "bullshit tribals"... Sweet crotch-grabbing Christ suffering on a diamond-studded pogo stick... This is like that thing I was talking about when saying: "retardedly caricaturized". I guess people could use the hunter-gatherer methods in order to survive and develop small, tightly-knit tribal relationships that would protect them in a harsh post-apoc world BUT(that's a big butt right there)------ would it really look like THAT? Did the people adopt some generic neolithic culture that is entirely irrelevant to the few generations before them because it would be liek... totally awesome and cool if they liek... dressed in these totally tribal looking indian leather straps, had these tribal tats and grampy bones liek pierced in their noses, spoke in a forced english accent containing all sorts of pseudo-spiritual mumbo-jumbo and gave their children names like Kaga, TORRR, Narogggg, Kaganargtorggggg because they decided to become effective hunter-gatherers they should adopt this caricaturized t-t-t-tribal fashion?????? Hey honey, we should totally name our boy Toragg cuz' you know what? It sounds totally TRIBAL that way. He would make for a better member of our forced hunter-gatherer society with a name like Toragg because that name is giving me some major tribal vibes here. WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF we enriched our new tribal lifestyle with the whole shebang. Let's show them how it's done, let's go tribal on their asses. Neolithic tribal style is cool but I'm thinking of a more Native American fashion with a Jamaican accent for our tribe, we would be cooler that way. WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF...
I won't even waste effort in answering such banal, diarrheic self-indulgence.

No wonder VD supports it.

Dark Matter

Jun 17, 2007
All Star Wars movies were pretty lame. At least Phantom Menace had cooler special effects.

Also comparing movies to video games is stupid. Movies are just 2 hours long and are only as good as their visuals, dialog, characters, story and setting. So yes, having a more mature setting can make the difference between a good film and a bad film. Video games have many other factors to consider, so that even if a game happens to be silly at times, it can still be a great game and better than more serious games.

I bet you also think Bioshock is better than Duke Nukem 3D.

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