PER of 6 is required for a lot of very powerful crit-related perks, so are AGI 6 and LCK 6. If you want to be a decent sniper, you want those three stats at 6 or sometimes higher. You totally want to max out AGI eventually if you rely on VATS. AGI is very important for VATS.
END of 7 is required to install all 7 stat-increasing implants available in the game, which is recommended. But you could go with 6 here and skip CHA implant.
STR of 4-5 is generally enough for all, and later on there are bonuses to STR as it is, plus the power armor.
INT is totally important to be able to raise skills quickly and a lot.
CHA is good for boosting companions, true, but why rely on companions' AI when you can kill stuf more reliably yourself? Plus, the difference between, say, 4 CHA and 10 CHA is not that big.