They basically forced all companies and users (with upgrades) to change to Windows 10, for nothing, its a bit faster and thats it.
I still haven't seen any real proof win 10 is faster than 7. 10 (just like 8) is 7 with useless crap (for users) added on top.
Windows 10 loads much faster on my main rig, compared to Win 7.
Not "a little faster".
I'm not a fan of the WAAS, but I have had zero issues with any of my games new or old on W10. About to reinstall Ultima 2, will report if I have difficulties but U5 played just fine a couple months ago.
I think most of the W10 complaints (not based on the bad update program (WAAS)) are things moved around in the settings/renamed/obscured, GUI annoyances, and retardation of most "gamers" that can't be arsed to read the readme when they install a game or mod.
I was an early adopter, as I've always been. Get on Paul Thurrott's site and figure it out.