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Decline Grand Theft Auto VI - PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S (Fall 2025)


Sep 5, 2019
Who even makes GTA nowadays? I'm not familiar with any of the developers. I thought 4 was great, where 5 fell flat for me. Haven't been interested in any of the online stuff. Did a design philosophy change, or have people simply moved on and been replaced by others?


Oct 1, 2018


Jan 1, 2021



There are early rumours that special, bonus mini-missions will appear when the mode is activated, allowing players to help old folks across the road, carry people’s groceries for them, or offer to tie someone’s loose shoelaces.

Soys Row 2.0, I can't wait!

What day is it?
Lol oh yeah.

But would you put it past them with the state of Rockstar these days???

KIss My Ass

Real name: SDG
Dumbfuck Shitposter
Feb 3, 2023
Aya Cash's vagina I hope
Codex+ Now Streaming!
Ah, the worst one. Can't remember a single thing about this game other than you're forced to play as some wide-nosed arab guy.


I read the roman numeral backwards. Nevermind.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
Jetpack gives it +5 out of 10. Tracker jammer is +1. DUI test is +2. Toxic locations and swamps is +4.

Facial hair that grows is -2, fat rude bitch Latina stereotype is -3. Guns held sideways is -4. Gym affecting body is -4. Fishing -2. Basketball -2.

Total score: -5/10


Jan 25, 2022
Crime-free mode may be a heckin wacky April Fools joke cooked up for the reddit crowd but don't forget that Rockstar did actually pull the Cops and Crooks mode from GTAV because they didn't want to be insensitive during the George Floyd psyop and allow players to be cops.


Rockstar is dead, and it already shows with their commitment to return to modern day Vice City. The creativity, risk-taking and innovation of the Dan Houser/Leslie Benzies era is no more.


May 5, 2012



There are early rumours that special, bonus mini-missions will appear when the mode is activated, allowing players to help old folks across the road, carry people’s groceries for them, or offer to tie someone’s loose shoelaces.

Soys Row 2.0, I can't wait!

I mean those examples are terrible and it's an april fools joke but anything that encourages them to add side content instead of reducing and cutting out side stuff leaving just the most banal, shit, and boring stuff like collectables which they did in 5 wouldn't be a bad thing.
Nov 23, 2017
It is a joke, but GTA also used to have “crime-free” mini-games. I guess it’s crime free in quotes because doing the mini-game involved stealing a car first. But Crazy Taxi, Bounty Hunting, and EMT missions were a big side activity in the old games. They do have a bunch of mini-games like pool, golf, tennis too.

It would be interesting if the side mission mini-games were so fleshed out that if someone wanted to play GTA like it’s fucking SimGolf they could just run their golf course and make money. It would be funny if they fleshed all that stuff out so much there were people like: Yeah, I play GTA and I just play Crazy Taxi in it, my character works as a cabbie, (or I guess it could be Uber now) has a shitty apartment, and I never fuck with the main story crime aspect of the game; I just use it to play this fun Crazy Taxi mini-game.
Dec 17, 2013
Rockstar is utter shit now. GTA IV was a good game, they actually improved the gameplay, shooting and driving and melee fighting were all better than in previous games, and the story telling was solid. By GTA V, the gameplay regressed in every way (driving was dumbed down and on-rails, shooting felt like paintball, and melee was crap), and the story became too stupid and boring (middle aged cuck with family issues, young guy trying to make money, crazy psycho). Then with RDR2 they really shat the bed, and became a faux-movie studio making shitty games that are trying to be shitty movies.


Village Idiot
Oct 12, 2016
GTA 4 was shit too.

GTA 1 - Really fun game. Actiony and fast and good controls, plays more like Noita or something than what people today would think. The missions and 'storyline' was a total afterthought. Go collect a whore and take her to big daddy. Look out bad guys. But the gameplay itself was the selling point, the whizzing around in the little micromachines car and squishing anyone and anything that gets in the way, all while being chased by cops or pimps. It was fun, and in multiplayer it was amazing. But most people couldn't even try that unless they went to other peoples homes with their PC.

GTA 2 - Same again but slicker, graphics improving. Single player more important.

GTA 3 - It goes 3D and they do a good job of it. The driving feels like other 3d driving games from that time (especially 'Driver') only you could get out the car and run around shooting! It was a big step. And the story had improved into bad gangster movie territory which was cool. But now it's not 2D and cartoony and silly, and now when you get in a police chase and then drive straight into a spray shop and all the cops stop... it just seems retarded. They ignore you driving red lights, they ignore you smashing other cars and driving through city property, etc. It's hard to complain when they made such a giant leap, but if you actually care about the gameplay then these things are super important and they just get ignored game after game.

Vice City - Everyone loved this but I say it's only because they are the first internet generation and this is the first GTA they played, and all went online to talk about how orsum it was bro. To me the whole thing was feeling stale already and there was no innovation. It was just more GTA 3 and the only real change was making it 80s themed. Which itself was arguably a hack choice. 80s nostalgia was always strong so it wasn't as omg totes random as the younger players thought. I also thought about 80s GTA as early as the first GTA 3D because I noticed how slow the driving was. You couldn't (and still can't!) drive fast in the game. It cons people with sound effects and tricks. Drive 70mph in real life and see how fast things move, it's entirely different to anything in any GTA. So going back to 80s was predictable because cool cars and iconic yet they were relatively slow and heavy.

San Andreas - Good game. The world felt more alive and interactive, things were improving tech wise and it really needed to.. Driving had more physics to it, still crappy but it was improving. And they had flying now which was a big deal. Some better missions. Larger world didn't feel so boxed in. Also this had the Hood Wars thing which was finally some kind of direction for the game. But it got no effort so it was just a gimmick they dropped and it was never seen again. Shitlords. Also money is still retarded and my patience is gone by this point. You get infinite money and can steal infinite cars and sell them at the crane. But just playing the game and doing missions you have millions. And buying the houses in game is terrible. Boys should not play with doll houses.

GTA 4 - Shit. Some minor tech improvements but no gameplay improvements. Stupid shit like having everything driven by the phone, boring missions. Bad game. One of the DLCs had fun missions though but that could have been in GTA4 and instead was sold extra because decline. Also the PC port gets treated like a red headed stepchild after being the platform that spawned the series. Shitlords.

GTA 5 - The worst one yet. Driving is still slow and stupid. Feels like a stupid barely interactive arcade game whenever it goes into a 'set piece' like the boat chase. Stupid characters, stupid mini game gimmicks, boring missions. Pretends like it can do heists but they are retarded. Pretends like it has a big world to explore but the world is completely empty minus unsimulated pedestrians. Most buildings just empty boxes. An open world as interactive as non open world games from the 90s. When people wanted game worlds to become more realistic and interactive, that didn't mean adding meaningless mini games. It meant adding things like an economy that interacts with the player, character factions that change based on your actions, or being able to change something within the world physically, etc. None of this shit ever got done. They are still making GTA 3 but with updated graphics each time, they spend all their money on gimmick shit instead of developing some gameplay directions for the game. The series is dead to me, and so is any 'open world' game that doesn't try to have simulation in the world.
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Oct 1, 2018
Agree with anvi, only it's even worse than all that. Around the time of GTA4 (maybe even around San Andreas, which is when they started doing mid-mission cutscenes) they got it in their heads that they were Serious Storytellers and everything else took a back seat to them force-feeding you their inane bullshit stories. Gameplay noticeably declined from SA to 4, but you were supposed to be impressed by the pathos and how tragic Niko's story is or whatever. The dreary and ugly world wasn't a fuckup guys! It was deliberately made terrible.


Jul 16, 2009
GTA IV wasn't bad, the main character was shit however. Moody psyhopatic with outbursts of idiotic behavior... C'mon. Trevor was a psychopat, but he was likeable. GTA IV main character was just a migrant with some trauma from Croatia attacking Serbia or something.


Sep 6, 2022
Can't wait for GTA: VII, Peaceful Protest Edition.
Saying a character's pronouns incorrectly automatically earns you a three star wanted level. You can't shoot blacks, you have to kneel and apologize for having been born with white skin (as if one has authority on how he is brought into this world...)
Fuck this franchise and fuck Rockstar.
The only good games are GTA 3 and Vice City. San Andreas suffers way too much from sandbox syndrome, bigger ain't necessarily better. Also way too many niggers and shit radio stations (West Coast nigger "music").


Nov 20, 2006
driving was dumbed down and on-rails
GTA IV cars felt like they had no dampers at all. I hated it with a passion and it was the main reason I still haven't played it for more than a few minutes. GTA V cars feel like the dampers are set to maximum+++. Although far from realistic, I very much prefer the GTA V driving physics.

I'm still waiting for a Grand Theft Auto game with realistic driving physics... or at least very close to it.
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Jul 25, 2011
South Africa, Cape Town
Can't wait for GTA: VII, Peaceful Protest Edition.
Saying a character's pronouns incorrectly automatically earns you a three star wanted level. You can't shoot blacks, you have to kneel and apologize for having been born with white skin (as if one has authority on how he is brought into this world...)
Fuck this franchise and fuck Rockstar.
The only good games are GTA 3 and Vice City. San Andreas suffers way too much from sandbox syndrome, bigger ain't necessarily better. Also way too many niggers and shit radio stations (West Coast nigger "music").
I love your hyperbole, its makes me laugh :lol:

I cant wait for GTA6, I was reading from a leak there are going to over 500 activities and a massive map. You can also create a meth lab. Of course its a leak so it might be wrong


I am little worried about SJWism and wokeness destroying the fun but I dont think its going to happen, we will just have to wait and see and lets all be positive

I remember someone was saying GTA6 is going to full of missions like where you attack ICE centers and free illegal immigrants :lol:

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