Minor crisis averted. I think. Clean out your cache, make sure the game is uninstalled and
there are no files lingering in the folder. Make sure your savegames are copied out.
Once the game is installed, copy your RPG100.lib and savegame files back in. Any problems loading them let me know. Use the "fast.qst" file included with this build for the time being until you create your own.
The user data will have to stay in the main folder until I figure out how to get the permissions from the Steam build to create a user app folder on that end. I have turned on automatic updates so it is now actually possible to simply update the .exe and .rsf without losing any of that user data - it is only erased when you uninstall. You may want to backup this file once in while for safety's sake.
I'd like to hear this build is all working again. I just tested it on my two laptops here and it seemed to run fine. Make sure as described above you don't leave old broken files in that directory but your former savegames should load if they were created before or earlier. The versioning is now built-in to the exe and automated with each release compile so that number you see on screen should always match the one written to the log.
I'd like to hear everything is back to normal, relatively. Make sure your version reads "" to make sure you have the version that is live now.