People are starting to hate him now.HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
People are starting to hate him now.HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
First review incomming:
Why do they always bring up the development time? The game was NOT in development for 20 years, Mr Blakemore has stated that yeah he didnt touch the game for much of the 2000s until he wanted to get the demo and superdemo ready
And why bring up his personal life? Half of the artists I have met are crazy and the other are assholes; it takes a particular sort of person for this sort of thing but why is their personal views and life something we should be concerned with?
Freddy Mercury is perhaps the best frontman of all time and nobody cared if he was more gay that Peter Pan in a pair of skates
Dali was a histronic asshole who did sculptures made out of his own shit before he died and nobody cared
HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
If people cannot separate the person from what they produce or somehow it "taints" their products then they sound like the idiots that say "dont buy nutella because they exploit poor african countries" or "Mr Blakemore is kind of crazy so his game must be shit"
No, he appreciated azns as "aesthetic superiors", specifically the Japanese (very funny to us now).HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
I'm having a similar experience with Wiz VI right now.Thanks to this game I am playing Wizardry 7 for my initial play. I'm not good at it but mostly am just interested in these games. I'm a musician and I play these games to just learn about role playing in general, which I consider very interesting and imaginative. This release has had a big influence on me despite that I am not playing Grimoire, and can't even really play it right now since I use a Mac. I am also poor atm. I intend to buy it in the future after beating Wizardry 7.
That said I am honestly slightly curious how the fuck you guys figure stuff out, like story/puzzle wise. I like to think I'm intelligent but I think I am not getting deep into the game enough. I just want to keep killing shit and I have no idea where to look, get bored and look at a walkthrough. I doubt I'll ever really be the kind of person who plays entire games routinely just because my time is finite and mathematically there just isn't enough of it for me to play more than a few ...
I chose to put hundreds of hours into the seventh of the series over finishing the modern Fallout games because I felt that when reading about Grimoire, Cleve and others were onto something about Wizardry simply being a better and more rewarding gaming experience. I could play one or the other, but not both. I want Wizardry to be one of those games I actually finish, and I really think it belongs on the list of games that are widely known about today. I can't quite articulate why... it simply seems to me that until now this style of RPG had little mainstream following. I must say, once you can grasp what it's about, it's much more fun. I played Morrowind and I used to think that was the most dank gaming experience there was. I feel like if people had told me about this, and directed me in the proper direction, I would have saved a lot of my time and energy.
I feel like I can't be hardcore enough though. After an hour of wandering and leveling up and not being able to figure out who to talk to or whatever to do the next thing, I look at my wristwatch and think about how I am spending the small amount of time I have on this planet, and tend to look at a walkthrough. To be honest, I feel like that ruins it a bit. And I don't know to what extent that's my personal fault. I feel like to a large extent there is just absolutely no fucking way you could possibly figure out what to do next, and I'm at a major loss how people can play these games without folding and using walkthroughs. What the FUCK are you doing to progress without giving in and looking at the answer? Seriously. I hate to think of myself as a nerd or freak who sits around and takes games seriously, so that's probably why I am not giving in and getting all the way into it. This is some nerdy as fuck shit and I feel like the second I start getting that into it, I'll somehow render myself a permanently insta-virgin shut in. I mean I'm already halfway there I'm just scared to commit like that.
So just tell me how the fuck do you guys figure out how to progress in these games. I'm trashed
First review incomming:
Why do they always bring up the development time? The game was NOT in development for 20 years, Mr Blakemore has stated that yeah he didnt touch the game for much of the 2000s until he wanted to get the demo and superdemo ready
And why bring up his personal life? Half of the artists I have met are crazy and the other are assholes; it takes a particular sort of person for this sort of thing but why is their personal views and life something we should be concerned with?
Freddy Mercury is perhaps the best frontman of all time and nobody cared if he was more gay that Peter Pan in a pair of skates
Dali was a histronic asshole who did sculptures made out of his own shit before he died and nobody cared
HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
If people cannot separate the person from what they produce or somehow it "taints" their products then they sound like the idiots that say "dont buy nutella because they exploit poor african countries" or "Mr Blakemore is kind of crazy so his game must be shit"
Look at some of his old videos. He hates Cleve with a passion, and even says multiple times about how he will never play Grimoire when it comes out and how it is trash.
This is some nerdy as fuck shit and I feel like the second I start getting that into it, I'll somehow render myself a permanently insta-virgin shut in.
First review incomming:
Why do they always bring up the development time? The game was NOT in development for 20 years, Mr Blakemore has stated that yeah he didnt touch the game for much of the 2000s until he wanted to get the demo and superdemo ready
And why bring up his personal life? Half of the artists I have met are crazy and the other are assholes; it takes a particular sort of person for this sort of thing but why is their personal views and life something we should be concerned with?
Freddy Mercury is perhaps the best frontman of all time and nobody cared if he was more gay that Peter Pan in a pair of skates
Dali was a histronic asshole who did sculptures made out of his own shit before he died and nobody cared
HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
If people cannot separate the person from what they produce or somehow it "taints" their products then they sound like the idiots that say "dont buy nutella because they exploit poor african countries" or "Mr Blakemore is kind of crazy so his game must be shit"
Look at some of his old videos. He hates Cleve with a passion, and even says multiple times about how he will never play Grimoire when it comes out and how it is trash.
Well at least he is man enough to recognize he was wrong... it speaks very highly of him
Yes, you can.You can't enter Skulheim
You're looking at a budget of Grimoire 2, hopefully.Gimme dem dolla bills. Does Golden Era Games have any plans to invest in one of those troublesome Win 10 / 4k / gaming mouse systems, for testing purposes Cleve? Or is Firehold Gamma higher priority?
except he literally never said "all races are inferior to whites"People are starting to hate him now.HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
I praise you for your post. You have definitely shown me my error. I had a dream last night about some kind of whorish weird, family related situation. I DK.This is some nerdy as fuck shit and I feel like the second I start getting that into it, I'll somehow render myself a permanently insta-virgin shut in.
tbh, your post makes you sound worse than that so I wouldn't worry about it.
I definitely appreciate this. Can't say I really mind the hangups. If I get super fucked up I just look up the answer but I guess I'm just kind of thinking, well you have to be kidding me. Who the hell actually originally figured out the answer? It's kind of interesting in terms of like, back in the 90s it seemed like you could just sit around in the summer heat and just do whatever for hours. But today, you have so much information you want to log off and do something else... need to check and see what you've missed. The idea of just getting lost in a virtual world for the intuitive fuck of it is almost like a sin today. You're almost like, not supposed to get really genuinely just randomly into anything. You have to double check to see if it fits the conception of the Facebook Media Empire and whether or not it would or would not bring you some kind of attention/likes/upvotes were you to share your experience. It's a rather sad time, really. I don't care too much.I'm having a similar experience with Wiz VI right now. [...]Thanks to this game I am playing Wizardry 7 for my initial play. [...] This release has had a big influence on me despite that I am not playing Grimoire [...] I intend to buy it in the future after beating Wizardry 7.
[...] I am honestly slightly curious how the fuck you guys figure stuff out
No idea why this happened... I always was supportive of the game and even defended it from trolls many times. My post today was "I'll probably gift grimoire this Christmas and will be happy to do it at full price"
I make the game the centerpiece of my live and write the walkthrough myselve. Cleve has been so nice to make an Automap so I don't have to draw them maps anymore......
That said I am honestly slightly curious how the fuck you guys figure stuff out, like story/puzzle wise. I like to think I'm intelligent but I think I am not getting deep into the game enough. I just want to keep killing shit and I have no idea where to look, get bored and look at a walkthrough. ...
I chose to put hundreds of hours into the seventh of the series over finishing the modern Fallout games because I felt that when reading about Grimoire, Cleve and others were onto something about Wizardry simply being a better and more rewarding gaming experience. I could play one or the other, but not both. I want Wizardry to be one of those games I actually finish, and I really think it belongs on the list of games that are widely known about today. I can't quite articulate why... it simply seems to me that until now this style of RPG had little mainstream following. I must say, once you can grasp what it's about, it's much more fun. I played Morrowind and I used to think that was the most dank gaming experience there was. I feel like if people had told me about this, and directed me in the proper direction, I would have saved a lot of my time and energy.
I feel like I can't be hardcore enough though. After an hour of wandering and leveling up and not being able to figure out who to talk to or whatever to do the next thing, I look at my wristwatch and think about how I am spending the small amount of time I have on this planet, and tend to look at a walkthrough. To be honest, I feel like that ruins it a bit. And I don't know to what extent that's my personal fault. I feel like to a large extent there is just absolutely no fucking way you could possibly figure out what to do next, and I'm at a major loss how people can play these games without folding and using walkthroughs. What the FUCK are you doing to progress without giving in and looking at the answer? Seriously. I hate to think of myself as a nerd or freak who sits around and takes games seriously, so that's probably why I am not giving in and getting all the way into it. This is some nerdy as fuck shit and I feel like the second I start getting that into it, I'll somehow render myself a permanently insta-virgin shut in. I mean I'm already halfway there I'm just scared to commit like that.
So just tell me how the fuck do you guys figure out how to progress in these games. I'm trashed
So I decided to make a feyfolk bard, I thought lets go with female they will get +5 fellowship -5 strength but you need tons of fellowship for jester so that's sounds ok.
But then I noticed no matter how many bonus points you roll your bard feyfolk male will always get +5 str and the female will only get +3 fellowship.
Nice coding Cleve.
So I decided to make a feyfolk bard, I thought lets go with female they will get +5 fellowship -5 strength but you need tons of fellowship for jester so that's sounds ok.
But then I noticed no matter how many bonus points you roll your bard feyfolk male will always get +5 str and the female will only get +3 fellowship.
Nice coding Cleve.
Er... Yes?
Males get +25% STR, females get +20% FEL, with corresponding maluses.
With release date during collapse of western Europe.You're looking at a budget of Grimoire 2, hopefully.Gimme dem dolla bills. Does Golden Era Games have any plans to invest in one of those troublesome Win 10 / 4k / gaming mouse systems, for testing purposes Cleve? Or is Firehold Gamma higher priority?
bros, fullscreen is set, but Grimoire deigns only to start in a window. Alt-tabbing of course doesn't work. Wat do?