Nice condescending post but this is Codex so whatever.Essentially, the way it is supposed to work is that hard = big reward, easy = no reward. Younger people were brought up with no 'hard', so they never get the reward that hard brings. Like I said, I am not being critical. I would no more look at a walkthrough than I would use Zep's trainer, because both take away the very thing that good games (this is one, despite flaws that a clown could see) provide... that being, a challenge.
Nice condescending post but this is Codex so whatever.Essentially, the way it is supposed to work is that hard = big reward, easy = no reward. Younger people were brought up with no 'hard', so they never get the reward that hard brings. Like I said, I am not being critical. I would no more look at a walkthrough than I would use Zep's trainer, because both take away the very thing that good games (this is one, despite flaws that a clown could see) provide... that being, a challenge.
You're also completely wrong though. A shitty inventory and char review interface that in the end amounts to 1/3 of the time spent in the game does not a good game make. And if that interface even forgets to give you crucial information like the fucking weapon stats (or at least attack modifiers for each char) or if a gate is just background decoration or can actually be opened then it gets ridiculous.
You don't need that kind of "hard" to get satisfaction. RoA did it light years better and that game was released just a year later than Wiz VI ffs.
Way to out yourself as a retard.
Thanks to this game I am playing Wizardry 7 for my initial play. I'm not good at it but mostly am just interested in these games. I'm a musician and I play these games to just learn about role playing in general, which I consider very interesting and imaginative. This release has had a big influence on me despite that I am not playing Grimoire, and can't even really play it right now since I use a Mac. I am also poor atm. I intend to buy it in the future after beating Wizardry 7.
That said I am honestly slightly curious how the fuck you guys figure stuff out, like story/puzzle wise. I like to think I'm intelligent but I think I am not getting deep into the game enough. I just want to keep killing shit and I have no idea where to look, get bored and look at a walkthrough. I doubt I'll ever really be the kind of person who plays entire games routinely just because my time is finite and mathematically there just isn't enough of it for me to play more than a few ...
I chose to put hundreds of hours into the seventh of the series over finishing the modern Fallout games because I felt that when reading about Grimoire, Cleve and others were onto something about Wizardry simply being a better and more rewarding gaming experience. I could play one or the other, but not both. I want Wizardry to be one of those games I actually finish, and I really think it belongs on the list of games that are widely known about today. I can't quite articulate why... it simply seems to me that until now this style of RPG had little mainstream following. I must say, once you can grasp what it's about, it's much more fun. I played Morrowind and I used to think that was the most dank gaming experience there was. I feel like if people had told me about this, and directed me in the proper direction, I would have saved a lot of my time and energy.
I feel like I can't be hardcore enough though. After an hour of wandering and leveling up and not being able to figure out who to talk to or whatever to do the next thing, I look at my wristwatch and think about how I am spending the small amount of time I have on this planet, and tend to look at a walkthrough. To be honest, I feel like that ruins it a bit. And I don't know to what extent that's my personal fault. I feel like to a large extent there is just absolutely no fucking way you could possibly figure out what to do next, and I'm at a major loss how people can play these games without folding and using walkthroughs. What the FUCK are you doing to progress without giving in and looking at the answer? Seriously. I hate to think of myself as a nerd or freak who sits around and takes games seriously, so that's probably why I am not giving in and getting all the way into it. This is some nerdy as fuck shit and I feel like the second I start getting that into it, I'll somehow render myself a permanently insta-virgin shut in. I mean I'm already halfway there I'm just scared to commit like that.
So just tell me how the fuck do you guys figure out how to progress in these games. I'm trashed
Without taking the piss... I bet you are young. If I am wrong, stop here and read the next post. Young people have been brought up with a borked 'value' and reward system. The reasons are too complex to go into here. Essentially, the way it is supposed to work is that hard = big reward, easy = no reward. Younger people were brought up with no 'hard', so they never get the reward that hard brings. Like I said, I am not being critical. I would no more look at a walkthrough than I would use Zep's trainer, because both take away the very thing that good games (this is one, despite flaws that a clown could see) provide... that being, a challenge. You aren't challenged, thus you get no reward, which in turn reinforces the whole thing in a negative feedback loop.
/lecture off
I wish you well. Play Wiz, and that might teach you the value of stuggle vs reward, then in a decade or two, when this game is finished, come play it and bask in its glory.
Note: no apostrophe in the above. It's a pronoun![]()
This.Nice condescending post but this is Codex so whatever.Essentially, the way it is supposed to work is that hard = big reward, easy = no reward. Younger people were brought up with no 'hard', so they never get the reward that hard brings. Like I said, I am not being critical. I would no more look at a walkthrough than I would use Zep's trainer, because both take away the very thing that good games (this is one, despite flaws that a clown could see) provide... that being, a challenge.
You're also completely wrong though. A shitty inventory and char review interface that in the end amounts to 1/3 of the time spent in the game does not a good game make. And if that interface even forgets to give you crucial information like the fucking weapon stats (or at least attack modifiers for each char) or if a gate is just background decoration or can actually be opened then it gets ridiculous.
You don't need that kind of "hard" to get satisfaction. RoA did it light years better and that game was released just a year later than Wiz VI ffs.
Nobody likes Lovecraft because he was a decent human being who liked to help people and had no problem in letting others borrow his work and ideas in their own literary creations. He was a racist (or more likely a xenophobic), sure. But so was that fat alcoholic cuck Hemingway (among many other writers/artists/thinkers of the time) and nobody seems to care.People are starting to hate him now.HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
Nobody likes lovecraft. People like the Cthulhu meme. Nobody likes lovecraft. Most of the normies I speak to generally repeat the same talking point Re: lovecraft.
So you can generally hear most normie opinions given to them by the narrative on lovecraft as thus: HP Lovecraft is the father of Cosmic Horror as a concept, and Cthulhu is so cool, but he was a racist, and other people's expansion on his ideas were better than the original work. That's generally what's going on.
The only way Carl Marx will be forgotten is majority of people will stop learning about history at school. If that happens, Lovercraft, Hemingway, Shakespeare and etc. will be forgotten along with Carl Marx.Fact is: Lovecraft is and will remain famous. Karl Marx, on the other hand, will be completely forgotten from human memory and culture in 50 years max.
Nobody likes lovecraft. People like the Cthulhu meme.
This. Not to mention that The Call of Cthulhu is far from being his best work but normies latched onto it for some reason.
Nobody likes lovecraft. People like the Cthulhu meme.
This. Not to mention that The Call of Cthulhu is far from being his best work but normies latched onto it for some reason.
Meh, cthulhu is the most popular memestuff but as far as lovecraftian influences go in literature, Hollywood and gaming I'd argue The Shadow over Innsmouth has been his most popular and important work. Even games that bear the Cthulhu title for marketing reasons, like Dark Corners of the Earth, show far more inspiration from this novel than from the 'Call of Cthulhu'. The atmosphere of investigating a small town that keeps its darkest secrets, the corruption of beings that isn't solely psychic but also physical, the focus more pronounced on the cult itself and human/deep ones organization as opposed to the cosmic horror itself, the chase..
Make no mistake, Lovecraft's touch and influence in horror is undeniable. Even movies without direct, in-your-face lovecraft references like Hellraiser, the original one, just oozes lovecraftian influences.
What you little piece of trash completely missed is the fact that my post was about Wizardry too.Nice condescending post but this is Codex so whatever.Essentially, the way it is supposed to work is that hard = big reward, easy = no reward. Younger people were brought up with no 'hard', so they never get the reward that hard brings. Like I said, I am not being critical. I would no more look at a walkthrough than I would use Zep's trainer, because both take away the very thing that good games (this is one, despite flaws that a clown could see) provide... that being, a challenge.
You're also completely wrong though. A shitty inventory and char review interface that in the end amounts to 1/3 of the time spent in the game does not a good game make. And if that interface even forgets to give you crucial information like the fucking weapon stats (or at least attack modifiers for each char) or if a gate is just background decoration or can actually be opened then it gets ridiculous.
You don't need that kind of "hard" to get satisfaction. RoA did it light years better and that game was released just a year later than Wiz VI ffs.
You just read that post completely out of context and projected your own failures into it. He was responding to a post that had absolutely nothing to do with the UI issues of Grimoire, but rather one discussing the general difficulty of knowing what to do and how to solve puzzles in Wizardry.
Way to out yourself as a retard.
No, he appreciated azns as "aesthetic superiors", specifically the Japanese (very funny to us now).HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
People are starting to hate him now.HP Lovecraft was a racist who thought all races besides whiteys were inferior and degenerate and yet he is beloved (and my favorite writer of all time too)
Nobody likes lovecraft. People like the Cthulhu meme. Nobody likes lovecraft. Most of the normies I speak to generally repeat the same talking point Re: lovecraft.
So you can generally hear most normie opinions given to them by the narrative on lovecraft as thus: HP Lovecraft is the father of Cosmic Horror as a concept, and Cthulhu is so cool, but he was a racist, and other people's expansion on his ideas were better than the original work. That's generally what's going on.
Your retard is out of prison. For now, that is.Way to out yourself as a retard.
The prison he's in should be a clue.
School, like History, is an institution that remains in the hands of the "victors".The only way Carl Marx will be forgotten is majority of people will stop learning about history at school. If that happens, Lovercraft, Hemingway, Shakespeare and etc. will be forgotten along with Carl Marx.Fact is: Lovecraft is and will remain famous. Karl Marx, on the other hand, will be completely forgotten from human memory and culture in 50 years max.
I think there is a lack of understanding about how these things work. The cRPG genre became increasingly unpopular over the years and you have the commercial pressure to change the design in order to appease a new audience. This is like saying that new composers of classic music should make their songs more appealing to a pop audience in order to attract new costumers. DevelopersJohn Walker and perhaps whoever he's arguing with is conflating skill ceilings with skill floors. Almost all RPGs back in the 80s and 90s had high skill floors, even if their ceilings were pretty low (e.g. Might and Magic, Fallout, even Torment if you actually try to fight things). There are grognards who want that high barrier to entry to keep the dummies out, even if many modern designers disagree.
So, I understand this has been in development for twenty years. Should I buy it now, or wait for it to stabilize a little?
Kidding aside, I'm completely new to blobbers, and I understand Grimoire's approved by experienced people. Is it a good entry point into blobbers or should I start with other games first?
No, he appreciated azns as "aesthetic superiors", specifically the Japanese (very funny to us now).
Lovecraft was a full-blown piece of shit who probably should have had his face stamped in
How are sales? Will Cleve be able to finish his bunker and replenish the mac fund?
Wait. There seems to be a good game beneath this buggy mess, but what's going on in this thread is mostly virtue signaling among hardcore rpg fans.Your retard is out of prison. For now, that is.Way to out yourself as a retard.
The prison he's in should be a clue.
So, I understand this has been in development for twenty years. Should I buy it now, or wait for it to stabilize a little?
Kidding aside, I'm completely new to blobbers, and I understand Grimoire's approved by experienced people. Is it a good entry point into blobbers or should I start with other games first?