...I would buy this shirt.The cult of Grimoire is just getting started
...I would buy this shirt.The cult of Grimoire is just getting started
M, right?XL and S oh and M for me
Hotfix for Skulheim game logic bug.
Under some conditions it was possible to close the pit and then toggle it to open again in the far northeast corner of Skulheim. This meant you would not be able to reach Count Orloch's lair. The button on the wall beside the pit now does nothing. This has not changed any game pointers and should not have any effect other than to make sure the pit is not toggled to open again after being closed.
Sorry, this was a puzzler for me when I was doing the final review. I forgot where that pit was supposed to be closed from and finally did a brute force button beside it, thinking it foolproof. This button could toggle the pit open again making it impassable and dumping you to the floor below every time you would try to cross. This would not prevent you from completing the game but you'd have a nice portion of Skulheim cut off you could not reach. Should be fixed, any other problems notify me and I will look at them right away.
The cult of Grimoire is just getting started
The 0s are probably by SJW turbocucks who don't play actual videogames and who weren't born when blobbers were popular. They are useful idiots who are review bombing Grimoire everywhere because they got on the bandwagon that Cleve is literally Hitler and muh safe spaces etc etc.Curious how the metacritic user review scores are so polarized. Aside from one 9, the rest are either 0s or 10s. No middle ground it seems.
Thank god I didn't restart that save.Version
Hotfix for Skulheim game logic bug.
Under some conditions it was possible to close the pit and then toggle it to open again in the far northeast corner of Skulheim. This meant you would not be able to reach Count Orloch's lair. The button on the wall beside the pit now does nothing. This has not changed any game pointers and should not have any effect other than to make sure the pit is not toggled to open again after being closed.
Sorry, this was a puzzler for me when I was doing the final review. I forgot where that pit was supposed to be closed from and finally did a brute force button beside it, thinking it foolproof. This button could toggle the pit open again making it impassable and dumping you to the floor below every time you would try to cross. This would not prevent you from completing the game but you'd have a nice portion of Skulheim cut off you could not reach. Should be fixed, any other problems notify me and I will look at them right away.
I really have to say, I am starting to hate the end-game battles with special passion.
Enemies that have 10 actions, killing half of your party, casting charm, sleep and all sorts of shit. Not because it is challenging, most often they can't kill the remaining half of the party.
So that just means really annoying, drawn out fight that takes ages to get out and takes ages to recover from (party members with -1000 health, requiring up to five uses of "Caduceus of Life" to get back in action.
I'm simply reloading certain enemies all together. You can either RNG a fight with rapesquad that takes five minutes or ?WORMS? that die before spellcasters even get to cast their spells...
At least I can take pleasure in knowing that all the dumbfucks who minimized their speed on their bards will be arsefucked, since their bards will be dead before they will ever get to act...
We ** now:Version
Hotfix for Skulheim game logic bug.
Under some conditions it was possible to close the pit and then toggle it to open again in the far northeast corner of Skulheim. This meant you would not be able to reach Count Orloch's lair. The button on the wall beside the pit now does nothing. This has not changed any game pointers and should not have any effect other than to make sure the pit is not toggled to open again after being closed.
Sorry, this was a puzzler for me when I was doing the final review. I forgot where that pit was supposed to be closed from and finally did a brute force button beside it, thinking it foolproof. This button could toggle the pit open again making it impassable and dumping you to the floor below every time you would try to cross. This would not prevent you from completing the game but you'd have a nice portion of Skulheim cut off you could not reach. Should be fixed, any other problems notify me and I will look at them right away.
Talent is one thing- Cleve has heart.The indie developer faggots getting so upset that Grimoire is a success can't face the reality that Cleve is succeeding because he has actual talent and they don't.
Cleve actually cares for the game and the genre, and demonstrated it in how casually he acts about profiting from the game. Most of the california based indie developers just got into it for street cred in their circlejerk groupies.Talent is one thing- Cleve has heart.The indie developer faggots getting so upset that Grimoire is a success can't face the reality that Cleve is succeeding because he has actual talent and they don't.
This game has heart and soul.
Theres a ton of talented devs who just dont and never will.
I'm so confused about this game, is there any wiki or compilation of resources explaining everything?
We ** now:Version
Hotfix for Skulheim game logic bug.
Under some conditions it was possible to close the pit and then toggle it to open again in the far northeast corner of Skulheim. This meant you would not be able to reach Count Orloch's lair. The button on the wall beside the pit now does nothing. This has not changed any game pointers and should not have any effect other than to make sure the pit is not toggled to open again after being closed.
Sorry, this was a puzzler for me when I was doing the final review. I forgot where that pit was supposed to be closed from and finally did a brute force button beside it, thinking it foolproof. This button could toggle the pit open again making it impassable and dumping you to the floor below every time you would try to cross. This would not prevent you from completing the game but you'd have a nice portion of Skulheim cut off you could not reach. Should be fixed, any other problems notify me and I will look at them right away.
See, every time he says "this change won't affect any pointers and break nothing", it is more clear the save versioning is not 100% robust and some other future map changes could (and probably will) screw old savegames.
I'm going to put Grimoire on hold a couple months until it's obvious it's completable, as being banned I can't even report bugs I find anymore so playing current versions will just spoil the experience for me.
Head over to GoG and give Wizardry VII a go. It costs 5.99 right now and comes with VI too. If you enjoy it on any level, then you'll like Grimoire. And I hope you enjoy it; a monocle would look excellent with your mustache.
Check muh Guide: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1102535369I'm so confused about this game, is there any wiki or compilation of resources explaining everything?
I was never really a Blobber fan, I think the one I actually played the most was Grimrock but that got boring due to intense repetitiveness before the end. Love Grimoire.And if you do not enjoy Wizardry VII, still take a good long hard look at Grimoire because you might in fact really love Grimoire in spite of not liking Wizardry VII.
What you little piece of trash completely missed is the fact that my post was about Wizardry too.
The old grimoire thread is the proof of how much devotion users in this forum have.
Look at his stats and the most OP class. A codex representative indeed (although a sage would be more fitting. Or a berserker). Almost ready to go jester though. Well, other than 15 levelups worth of FEL and DEV. (why so low DEV though? FEL I do get, yet we are anything but non-devoted)
Also, this game needs a patch to fix the constant RNG. It's annoying. If you swing, you should hit...less RNG.
Agent of decline detected.
Butthurt detected. Are you suggesting that having imbalanced and buggy games is part of the age of incline? Or just that Grimoire is without flaws?
No, I'm implying that "you swing, you hit" is decline. I felt that was obvious, but apparently you find the very possibility of missing to be some kind of imbalance. This isn't some competitive RTS where clicks per minute determine victory because every action has a static result. Go swing a stick at a hostile target 100 times a tell me how infrequently factors beyond your control impact your success.