Thank you for posting the video Cleve.....gonna get those copies now.
Just make the game throw a curveball once in a while so you have to switch your tactics and develop new ones.
Just make the game throw a curveball once in a while so you have to switch your tactics and develop new ones.
Problem is, that curveball (?WASPS?, I am looking at you! ) tends to come out of nowhere and is nowhere in sight when you reload to switch your tactics. As for bosses, well, either they rape you in one turn unless you cheese bard stunlock/deep freeze/lucky crit, or they don't and simply die to lucky crit. Sure, some bosses are associated with certain invocable items that must weaken or damage them, but your fighters can't even invoke vomit on hangover morning, and your casters are already ded ded ded ded by the end of round 1, as invocation is delayed action like spellcasting. Anybody ever used amulet astrix vs samhain horror successfully, for instance?
Not sure what that means or if that was a light-hearted, possibly sarcastic response, but how do you "git gud" when you're level 1, still using sticks and pencils as weapons, and combat options are rather limited?
As for bosses, well, either they rape you in one turn unless you cheese bard stunlock/deep freeze/lucky crit, or they don't and simply die to lucky crit.
Then: 3 ?BUGS?; 1st warrior died in one hit, 2nd warrior died in one hit and no one - absolutely no one - was able to penetrate in 3 rounds. Not one. Only success was the Bard sleeping one per round.
Not saying combat is broken (easy enough to just reload), but a random (?) encounter against unbeatable foes isn't what I'd call balanced.
Depends on where you wandered. In Wiz 7 you can go to some very tough places quite early in the game and you'd be squashed like a bug. This is my favourite design - open world with no/little level scaling. What should not happen though is for you to randomly meet super-tough monsters mixed in with the weak ones in the starter "green" zones. That's a recipe for save scumming and that's a practice any game design should avoid at all costs (something the likes of inXile still have to realize).
I was entirely within the confines of the starter prison area. Probably didn't cover even half the map before meeting the Mighty ??BUGS??. Had I wandered somewhere notably different from there, then that's fine. Reload, return to the "safer" area and grind.
So all Grimoire bosses are basically Beasts of a Thousand Eyes?
I anxiously await the combat balance fixes (and the manual).
Made a "mondblut" special; 6 Melee, Bard, Sage.
First few fights in prison (assumed to be "set" fights since I had random set on Never) ...
Several encounters against 3-6 Worms, no sweat at all. A few against one or two Rats. Once again, no sweat. Easy as pie. Too easy, really, as very few of these critters ever got a chance to do anything before death embraced them.
Then: 3 ?BUGS?; 1st warrior died in one hit, 2nd warrior died in one hit and no one - absolutely no one - was able to penetrate in 3 rounds. Not one. Only success was the Bard sleeping one per round.
Not saying combat is broken (easy enough to just reload), but a random (?) encounter against unbeatable foes isn't what I'd call balanced.
They are only coprophages, and you can take them with a level 1 party.
Can you explain the tactics needed?
I'm rather short on useful spells and still have crappy equipment. Even with majorly enhanced STR and AGI, I have been unable to do any real damage in several encounters.
Or are you saying it's possible to whup them if I get a wonderful streak of favorable dice rolls?
Blow it out your ass, you obese pederast. I didn't pirate your game, and I certainly don't give a damn about not being able to post in your forum. Get bent.
If you can lift a car, that's not obesity, little man. That's also not fat you're looking at. Trying to get it back this week at the gym, amazing how weeks of sedentary parked solid in front of a computer and am still doing 140 pound bent-arm pullovers. Surreal. Muscles swelled so much from a single workout I looked like the Michelin tire man, could barely move, was hyper inflating inside my own body like one of those Sumo suits. Just fell over and laid there as quads and biceps bloated to 10x size at rest. Basically did ten minutes of weightlifting and metamorphosed into Hulk on the spot. Casuals at the gym were crying and curled up into fetal position in horror beneath tables completely traumatised at seeing me 4x height and weight when I entered. Where does the mass come from, man? Where does the mass come from? How I can enter the gym weighing 280 and leave apparently weighing 560?
If you didn't care then why did you come skipping over to RPGCodex with your mascara tears pouring down crying dindonuffin?
Listen, is that 700 pound man sitting on a bucket playing computer games in your avatar? Who is that? Please don't tell me that lard hillock is you. Just looking at your avatar the smell hit me and that's physically impossible.
I will personally purchase 50 copies of Grimoire and donate them to 50 random people who want a key if you will post a video of you lifting in the gym. A legit video, no cheating. Would love to see your technique.
The prison is one of the two hardest beginnings, for which you get a pay-off in the form of better gear right away. Shrine, Sanctuary and Midnight Gardens are all much easier.
This is just off in so many ways. Enemies like dragonflies and trog warriors who oneshot anything they hit
- no clue what attributes, buffs and skills do exactly
manual may provide that, but spells and skills do have ingame descriptions, wihch allow you to vaguely say what they do, but the exact value is unclear. What do barter, diplomacy and similar actually do for me? How do lockpicking, sorcery etc. influence my chances of success?
How much bonus do armorplate, enchanted blade and bless provide? How many rounds do they last? For that matter, would armor plate cause my saurians TAC to overflow into the negative as well?
You get ArmorShield books for everyone, you scribe them, you always go around with 7-8 lvl7 armorplates minimum, dragonfly hits stop connecting. Also works on Samhain Horror. Doesn't work on those fucking fairies that cast Deep Freeze.I'm not even sure what to do vs. dragonflies. Except avoid them at all costs.
the ability to stack at least 4-5 lvl7 Magic Screens is indispensable
You can (at least, in That's the whole point (for Armorplates as well).You can actually stack them on top of each other?
As for bosses, well, either they rape you in one turn unless you cheese bard stunlock/deep freeze/lucky crit, or they don't and simply die to lucky crit.
So all Grimoire bosses are basically Beasts of a Thousand Eyes?
Still waiting to play the game but this is not the good kind of difficulty, except in very rare cases. Boss battles in Wiz 7 were always about preparation and good planning in a prolonged battle of attrition. They were everything but a chaotic flash-melee based on luck or crits. Save maybe for Barlone and Beast all of them were doable simply with a little patience and sound judgement.
Actually, to mondblut, Berserkers can't scribe at all, can they?
Vamphyrs can't wield Kraken controlling helmet which gives to its owner insane magic regeneration (which allows one to renew screening spells much faster than they expire) - and Wizards have Magic Screen and Deflection Screen. I didn't manage to find books for either of those - and even if one can do without Deflection Screen, given enough Armorplates, the ability to stack at least 4-5 lvl7 Magic Screens is indispensable, at least for those deepfreezing assholes.