Fought the infamous instakill spear trogs today for the first time and... what's the big deal? Cast armorplate and not only did hit first due to speed, but they failed to penetrate a majority of the time.
Really had expected some nightmarish encounter wherein my party would be devastated by constant spears from every direction, what I got was their failure to penetrate a necromancer's robe and some pretty easy encounters even with basic autoattacking.
Beta played his first true blobber and decided his opinion on the game was worth a shit, that's the only reason we're discussing the one hit kills. I mean fuck you run into this shit in the super demo areas with the dragonflies and no one cared then
Septic seppo was trying to get support on the forum but no ownership icon of course.
I think Nekot got him a key in the end though, to facilitate development on the Decline editor.
Anyway, Cleve, if you're doing a major update are you thinking of using the beta test branch for it? Might be a good idea to get a few of us to test it before you roll it out to everyone.
Next update will break all mods and editors currently being written by confirmed pirates. None of that stuff will work so might as well abandon that version. I have already done some work on this. If you want build an editor, purchase the game through the Steam store. Maybe I will work with real owners. Pirates I will keep busting all your hacks shortly with a rotating encryption alg that will change every single version issued.
Sounds like a stupid idea. People hate DRM because it often interferes with legitimate customers. Breaking their mods just because a pirate made them will have the same effect.
Next update will break all mods and editors currently being written by confirmed pirates. None of that stuff will work so might as well abandon that version. I have already done some work on this. If you want to build an editor, purchase the game through the Steam store. Maybe I will work with real owners. Pirates I will keep busting all your hacks shortly with a rotating encryption alg that will change every single version issued. I am sure most of these guys don't exactly have busy schedules this century so I am certain they will eventually crack each one ... right before I release the next one.
It took me about an hour to figure out how to use my berserk skills. If you quickly guessed that this requires a weapons with "melee" attack mode, great respect. 600 such questions - and will be those same 600 hours.Jesus, all these lame losers bitch moaning and complaining about muh manual... It's a manual not a brain transplant, it won't help you anyway...
Having a manual is fine but when there isn't one we can figure shit on our own like you did. We're not 5, we can deduce the workings of a video game.
Fought the infamous instakill spear trogs today for the first time and... what's the big deal? Cast armorplate and not only did I hit first due to speed, but they failed to penetrate a majority of the time.
Really had expected some nightmarish encounter wherein my party would be devastated by constant spears from every direction, what I got was their failure to penetrate a necromancer's robe and some pretty easy encounters even with basic autoattacking.
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly.
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly.
Does Darth Roxor have his copy?
Next update will break all mods and editors currently being written by confirmed pirates. None of that stuff will work so might as well abandon that version. I have already done some work on this. If you want to build an editor, purchase the game through the Steam store. Maybe I will work with real owners. Pirates I will keep busting all your hacks shortly with a rotating encryption alg that will change every single version issued. I am sure most of these guys don't exactly have busy schedules this century so I am certain they will eventually crack each one ... right before I release the next one.
Cleve, I appreciate the desire to strike fear into the hearts of the peanut gallery, but please don't mess with the .RSF bundle format; I'm only an inferior sap-brained hybrid, I can't possibly hope to keep up with a full-blooded Neanderthal encryption system. I am happy to prove my Grimoire ownership if you'll let me continue work on my modest tool.
It took me about an hour to figure out how to use my berserk skills. If you quickly guessed that this requires a weapons with "melee" attack mode, great respect. 600 such questions - and will be those same 600 hours.Jesus, all these lame losers bitch moaning and complaining about muh manual... It's a manual not a brain transplant, it won't help you anyway...
Having a manual is fine but when there isn't one we can figure shit on our own like you did. We're not 5, we can deduce the workings of a video game.
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly. I must be too dumb, so I eagerly await your answer. We want to see what you have deduced.
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly.
Well, some of that is plain wrong like metabolism and destiny not being able to be increased manually. And at least when the game first came out I didn't see a difference in regen from those with high and low metabolism.
And devotion seems to do the same thing as intelligence and wisdom. Just by reading that devotion seems more important than int and wis and if I was using this as a guide I would max dev, go str and agi. It says nothing about speed dictating turn order which is super important to know. Even having read that I would still just pump speed for everyone but my dedicated casters unless something has changed significantly in the last week or two.
Fought the infamous instakill spear trogs today for the first time and... what's the big deal? Cast armorplate and not only did I hit first due to speed, but they failed to penetrate a majority of the time.
Really had expected some nightmarish encounter wherein my party would be devastated by constant spears from every direction, what I got was their failure to penetrate a necromancer's robe and some pretty easy encounters even with basic autoattacking.
felipepepe, take notes. If you don't cast a protective spell, that's not broken combat and insta-kills are common in blobbers anyway.
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly.
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly.
Well, some of that is plain wrong like metabolism and destiny not being able to be increased manually. And at least when the game first came out I didn't see a difference in regen from those with high and low metabolism.
And devotion seems to do the same thing as intelligence and wisdom. Just by reading that devotion seems more important than int and wis and if I was using this as a guide I would max dev, go str and agi. It says nothing about speed dictating turn order which is super important to know. Even having read that I would still just pump speed for everyone but my dedicated casters unless something has changed significantly in the last week or two.
Bigfus you're a fucking douche please go back to Reddit or wherever the fuck you came from I'm sure the Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter online subreddit is really dead without you
Parachute all millennials into downtown Baghdad with a buck knife and candy bar at Ramadan and watch them become men.
For a moment I thought that this was the NBA thread post Kyrie trade.We're watching it folks...The Great Cleveland Meltdown before our very eyes. Enjoy the ride!
I'd wager I am older than you old son, but I will bow to your superior knowledge, please explain all stats, and tell us what they do, exactly.
Well, some of that is plain wrong like metabolism and destiny not being able to be increased manually. And at least when the game first came out I didn't see a difference in regen from those with high and low metabolism.
And devotion seems to do the same thing as intelligence and wisdom. Just by reading that devotion seems more important than int and wis and if I was using this as a guide I would max dev, go str and agi. It says nothing about speed dictating turn order which is super important to know. Even having read that I would still just pump speed for everyone but my dedicated casters unless something has changed significantly in the last week or two.
Exactly, which is why the wiki in this respect anyway, is useless. The fanboys and the geniuses tell us they 'figured it out' or point us at a wiki that has obviously incorrect info. Helpful that. FFS.
ASSERT FAILED! 'rpggamec.cpp' Line 661
upon showing the World Management Magazine (or wtv) to mr. Nebulon.
upd: both ad pages, too.
upd2: mr. Zyrinx, by contrast, reacts correctly to them. Now you know who is the legitimate contractor and who is an impostor!![]()