Yes, it was a new concept. It was something Notch could make without fancy graphics. Thousands of such games are made each year, most of which you and everyone else never heard anything about.Minecraft is great because no other game like it existed at the time. It was the kind of game everybody wanted as a kid but a game like it never existed.Marketing (or at least, great social media skills) was what made Notch $2 billion with a stupid, very low-res blocks/voxels game (Minecraft). In a few years time.
And I think he was pushing it when he wanted $10 at the start.
Mods like IndustrialCraft2 and Thaumcraft make it just amazing.
Grimoire was supposed to be $29.95 originally, btw.
Grimoire was supposed to be $29.95 originally, btw.
Ever heard of "inflation"?
The Steam rating sank into "mixed".
Guess that hateful Wikipedia article's done its job.
sick burn lmao
The more I read about the next update the more significant it seems. Cleve, have you given any further thought to doing an opt-in test for it on Steam first? Other companies do this all the time, like HBS with Battletech at the moment or VD's team with AoD. People tend to be far more accepting of stuff breaking if they're chosen to try the patch in beta than if it just gets pushed out to them.
What impact will all these changes have on existing saved games, wouldn't this be a good thing to get a few volunteers to check?
Yes, it was a new concept. It was something Notch could make without fancy graphics. Thousands of such games are made each year, most of which you and everyone else never heard anything about.Minecraft is great because no other game like it existed at the time. It was the kind of game everybody wanted as a kid but a game like it never existed.Marketing (or at least, great social media skills) was what made Notch $2 billion with a stupid, very low-res blocks/voxels game (Minecraft). In a few years time.
And I think he was pushing it when he wanted $10 at the start.
Mods like IndustrialCraft2 and Thaumcraft make it just amazing.
It did everything which every AAA producer will tell you is absolutely a no-no. And, yes, it introduced one mechanic which could have been nice if it was further developed in any way.
That sounds like a very doomed project.
The again, as salesmen like to say: a good salesman can sell even shit for a premium.
Grimoire Manual Is Nearly Ready
Hopefully sometime during this week will be releasing first version along with the next update providing substantial improvements to gameplay and many bug fixes/tweaks much requested by users.
I think Cleve knows that once he puts the manual out everything written there will be tested, I mean right now if CON does not give you more HP or STR does not add to your damage we don't think it's a bug, but if the manual says something and it does not work that way it is a bug. So I think he is actually verifying that everything he writes actually work that way and fixes it if not and that's why we get the manual + a huge update to the game.
GOLDEN ERA GAMES [developer] 3 minutes ago
If you have played Grimoire and are still waiting for the manual, please give it a review. A collective of SJW activists have been colluding on another board in rage at the fact that people are enjoying Grimoire. They keep sending people over here to buy it, play it ten minutes and write a bad review of it. It would only take a few right now to push us back to "Mostly Positive" until the manual and latest update comes out and puts us into "Astronomically Positive."
"Pepe" is clearly an alt-right troll last name.
The ratings are dropping further into 'mixed', down to 68% at the moment. Cleve banning and badmouthing people left and right (like the above) is probably one of the reasons.