Is this actually worth playing? Do things work? Is it unbalanced but in a challenging/creative way, i.e. with an endless playground of tools to play with and creatively build your characters with?
Is this actually worth playing? Do things work? Is it unbalanced but in a challenging/creative way, i.e. with an endless playground of tools to play with and creatively build your characters with?
I am working on some functions to sort on class and type - as well as a global grid to show all items at once to select one from.
He means the inventory.
I Stopped playing when meeting a dwarf who said not to corss a chasm because there is a lot of creatures there that could spread out intot he world
The description of attributes in the manual is informed by every single reference to that attribute in the game in any formula, which can be substantial influence depending on which attribute it is. Some of the attributes figure in almost everything that happens in the game.
Grimoire V2 will definitely have a substantial discount at launch. It is possible in coming months there will be sales of Grimoire after the manual is completed. Since most of the people who consider Grimoire overpriced are people who stole it and pirated it anyway, there is not much to be gained by running killer discounts of Grimoire, especially not until the second final director's cut is updated on Steam.
P.S. Somebody wrote me today to tell me they have been playing for hundreds of hours and have completed all endings and still find the game fun enough to start again from scratch and play with a different party combination.
Fuck youThat was for the other repressed homosexual and his WTF am I reading under Rpguy's post.
Somebody wrote me today to tell me they have been playing for hundreds of hours and have completed all endings and still find the game fun enough to start again from scratch and play with a different party combination.
Cooper is inclining filial piety to previously unimagined new heights.Somebody wrote me today to tell me they have been playing for hundreds of hours and have completed all endings and still find the game fun enough to start again from scratch and play with a different party combination.
Which makes you wonder if this happens before or after the manual is released.
Which makes you wonder if this happens before or after the manual is released.
I Stopped playing when meeting a dwarf who said not to corss a chasm because there is a lot of creatures there that could spread out intot he world
Another fantastic game sequence. The tragic tale of Leraus Stonecutter was more emotionally profound and detailed with picturesque language than anything written by Obsidian. Hearing a voice from centuries past telling of the king's men "not just dying, but in ways too bizarre and vile to be fit for narrative".
I Stopped playing when meeting a dwarf who said not to corss a chasm because there is a lot of creatures there that could spread out intot he world
Another fantastic game sequence. The tragic tale of Leraus Stonecutter was more emotionally profound and detailed with picturesque language than anything written by Obsidian. Hearing a voice from centuries past telling of the king's men "not just dying, but in ways too bizarre and vile to be fit for narrative".
The Samhain underworld itself was quite underwhelming after this buildup, though. I'd have expected for it to be filled entirely with Samhain Horrors, not silly snakes and oreworms and whatever.
The Samhain underworld itself was quite underwhelming after this buildup, though. I'd have expected for it to be filled entirely with Samhain Horrors, not silly snakes and oreworms and whatever.
BTW, do we have any young codexians around who have finished Grimoire but weren't born when Cleve started work?
Ye, I haven't finished it yet. I've been busy with lots of other stuff.BTW, do we have any young codexians around who have finished Grimoire but weren't born when Cleve started work?
Wayward Son
Unfortunately, his codexian party has chosen to remain imprisoned under the village of Crowl.
Grimoire Update
The biggest problem for long-time players has been the bug with NPCs vanishing off the map and never returning. This update features a substantial hack applied to saved games when they are loaded that tries to fix the incorrect flags and counters that some NPCs have carried forward from earlier versions. This should result in these NPCs reappearing in many locations at new intervals that have also been adjusted in their scheduling counters.
The next update will likely restore the movement and dynamic pathfinding of the NPCs and also introduce their former competition with the player for tablets and other treasures hidden in Hyperborea. These things were commented out but some of the old code has already been incorporated to give the NPCs agendas and schedules of their own.
The following update after that will be in tandem with the release of the manual for the game.
A manual is certainly a desirable thing. I never read anything but the introduction of the manuals for every single classic RPG I have played. All but a few of them went into almost no depth on their mechanics. I know that Grimoire would be greatly enriched by a manual due to its complexity but I think people who complain it is not playable without a manual are very special snowflakes indeed.
The experience points are on a curve, not linear.
Mostly around level 12 on my most recent playthrough.
I started Grimoire with the release version and later updated to, which I used until the end. My characters were level 9 when I finished the game.Which makes me wonder, because I remember there was a patch that changes xp to go up faster so that you wont finish the game in such a low level ( 12 ) but more around 20