Boring combat.
Hit battle button and wait while annoying clang sounds play.
No battle speed option.
No resolve combat option.
It's retarded play that has been fixed by better games in the last 25 years.
Verdict: Would not buy again.
Disclaimer: I got it for free.
Zep Zepo
I'd add the first 4 dungeons have the exact same monsters but some of them might have a boss whom you can OS (the mummy boss with the cursed bone dagger)
You need an item from dungeon A for solving dungeon B but you also need items from dungeons C and D for solving A and of course, you need the item from dungeons A and B to solve dungeon C and D plus you need to combine those items to solve those dungeons and get out of the first area.
More linear than this shit, it's called a retarded console game.
You get to fight overpowered monsters in the first city, which you can reach level 1.
I replayed wizardry 7, in normal mode, the early fights are extremely easy (in hard mode, you can still make it)
Swimming is as retarded as in wiz 7 (although it might be worse in wiz 7, like 4 points in the skill and you can't even practice, you just put one foot inside a pond and you drown )
Not being able to make some improvements over a 30 years old game while developing it for 25 years is an achievement by itself, the guy is the worst game developer in the whole multiverse.
Is there a story in this game, and is it a concrete one that adds to the experience versus being a minor addition? I'm interested in trying it just due to the sheer hype that this game has gotten on this forum, but story is really important to me.
If you enjoy reading the story and the dialog in the small game dialog window, there might be one, i admit i probably just read 1/3 of what was thrown at me and almost became blind.