Try to find less retarded strawmen next time.
That's not what a strawman is. For it to be a strawman, I would have to be positioning that as your actual argument. I am not. I was lampooning your argument. This is a difference that can be determined with enough reading comprehension.
Yet you don't employ skepticism at all if you get your news from certain sources. Some alt news is fine, but the most popular outlets which make up Cleve's diet are really only for the young, exceptionally gullible, and insane.
Alternative media are important precisely because they present facts and evidence that are often omitted by the corporate media. That is lying by omission. Once you have the missing facts, you get a much clearer picture of what is going on.
The difference between mainstream corporate media and "alternative media" like Shareblue isn't that they're portraying two equal sides of the same event. That's not it at all. The difference between CNN and Shareblue or Fox and Infowars is that CNN and Fox lie by omission whereas Shareblue and Infowars construct lies from whole cloth. Again, some alt media is fine, but we're specifically talking about the media diet that has resulted in Cleve's hilarious worldview here.
For instance: Right now, in the news, there has been another school shooting. The news has reported or attempted to report factual information. However, many coproate news outlets are also reporting that an "AR-15-style weapon was used," whatever the fuck an "AR-style" is--is it a fucking AR platform or not? Anyway, corporate news is building on actual, concrete fact to generate hysteria over AR-15s, because they have noticed that this hysteria accrues views which they can sell to advertisers. They build a saleable narrative out of actual events, and filter that through liberal bias, state and/or parent company interests, advertiser interests, etc.
Corporate news attempts to frame the debate with (mostly, but not always) actual facts. Shareblue and Infowars attempt to build a debate out of completely made-up hysteria. Infowars will very likely report that the dead children are "crisis actors" as they have done before. They might not, as they've recently taken heat for their "crisis actor" shtick*, but it's still likely. Shareblue will probably claim Trump had something to do with it, that a Democrat could have prevented it (lol), and -maybe- that Russia is somehow to blame.
Claiming Infowars, Shareblue, etc. belong in the same realm as mainstream news is akin to claiming that intelligent design belongs in science classrooms. They are not remotely the same things and anyone who seriously gets their news from this shit is completely politically illiterate.
Your problem is that you didn't take the time to examine the evidence every step of the way and reject the conclusions of those who have done that. Your beliefs tell you that their conclusions cannot be true and you dismiss it all out of hand.
Anyway, you can look at the socioeconomic and political machines we have in place, how media operates, and you can test and verify the claims of various outlets at different points over the years many times over, and you can draw useful general rules from these. For instance: Anyone who gets their worldview from facebook is a literal retard. That's simply a scientific fact, and you can phrenologically test their skull lumps to confirm this.
Seriously though, some sources are better than others, and learning how to intelligently assign trust is something all adults have to figure out. Some adults, sadly, have not figured out how to do this, and that's where we get the shit end of alt news, like Breitbart.
*I swear I'm not a crypto-Jew trying to mind-cuck you. I'm just your average Chicana trying to have 14 anchor babies in order to further the goals of the white genocide project as directed by our Jewish overlords. There's a difference.