There are no fucking "pointers" in the save file.
What an ass.
I guess he means IDs to items, locations or variables that have been removed or changed.
There are no fucking "pointers" in the save file.
What an ass.
A little paranoid, aren't we?? NotAGolfer ?
sawyer, is that you?
One more thing: I think you should bite the bullet and design actual armor for the rag dolls. The green is clashing, I'd rather you go with a black ragdoll, and then fill it in with white as your character gets armor. Green is just... glaring.
Digressing back to main topic, has anyone figured out lock-picking?
A little paranoid, aren't we?? NotAGolfer ?
sawyer, is that you?
Resurrecting dead party members without permanent penalties worked perfectly fine in the RoA series. Just make sure that it's not something your other party members can do whenever they want, either force the player to spend resources that have a limited number in the game or let NPCs do it. Those have to be paid generously of course, making money or whatever resource you want to use as currency an issue. And the way to reach those NPCs has to be long and dangerous enough (on the average) to make it a nuisance to use their services frequently.
All this Grimoire hype made me want to try the original Wizardry series btw. So I decided to start with Bane of the Cosmic Forge (Wiz VI).
Online guides are a little scary tbh. I don't want to change classes for fucks sake. I don't want to do this and I don't want to metagame. So I guess I'll just ignore them, look at some charts in the cluebook that comes with GoG and try my luck playing it blind... maybe I'll better read the part in the manual on what the skills do.
Thank god there's at least an automapping mod. Mapping by hand? Fuck off, can't do that, I'm not 15 anymore and my time is limited.
Its either fixed, or i am giving up with this. Will not start this over and over , as its likely to happen again.
Zep Zepo Perhaps he means in memory, like after they are loaded? Or something in the save file that results in a bad pointer? You understand such concepts yes?
It's telling something on the current state of the conservative cucks agenda when the only thing they have left to be rejoicing about is a buggy blobber that is not even that good selling 2000 copies.
It's not coming out
No, really. It's almost as if some of you guys are endorsing this broken average game as a away to avenge yourself against refugees and gay marriage. It's hilarious. Cleve might be a bad programmer but he is quite the salesman.
Cleve triggering some more healthy thoughts with his dastardly act of releasing a game. It's almost as if by attacking this one-man project...
go back to 4chanIt's telling something on the current state of the conservative cucks agenda when the only thing they have left to be rejoicing about is a buggy blobber that is not even that good selling 2000 copies.
It's not coming out
No, really. It's almost as if some of you guys are endorsing this broken average game as a away to avenge yourself against refugees and gay marriage. It's hilarious. Cleve might be a bad programmer but he is quite the salesman.
Cleve triggering some more healthy thoughts with his dastardly act of releasing a game. It's almost as if by attacking this one-man project...
Holy Dumbfuck, how much retadred one can be! Willingly. Cleve is racist and homophobic but I guess these rapefugees which come from Sudan and Somalia etc. (all provinces of Syria of course) are not only non-racist but also LOOOOOVE gays. If only Cleve was darker or simply of different religion (Mudslime) they would kiss his feet, buy 20 copies of his game and sing praises in his name.
Anyone who'd criticize any techical malfunction would be labeled as islamophobic.
Well, Cleve is a minority. The smallest minority in the world. Neanderthal.
So gentlemen leftist Cucks, STOP being so bigoted and Neanderthalophobic. This game is great move towards acceptance and inclusion of Neanderthals in our community.
Oh and btw. as a guy coming from only one of dozens of countries whose renesanse was stolen and replaced by 4 FUCKING centuries long brutal rule by Mudslimes, my biggest wish for you lefty cucks in the West and everywhere else (we have your kind even here, especially at colleges) to get MAXIMUM enrichment, the one ALL whites got (regardless of their sex, status, age or whether they were allies or not) during the Haitian revolution.
That would truly be a sight to behold and poetic. Oh and one more thing... If you get butthurt, enraged or anything else about it, that's, according to your progressive religion, racist and deeply problematic cause it proves you're guilty of thinking that as whites you do not deserve that and that you can in any situation be victim and non-white be aggressor. You deserve it. Denying it would be, again according to YOUR OWN DOGMA, white privilege.
Try at least to be good allies if you can't help it and not be white (it would really help our revolution if you as whites would just kys, that's the biggest contribution you as whites could give). Buy 25 copies of Cleve's game or Neanderthalophobic will be added to your CV.
Good luck then finding any job and OH snap, one more interesting factoid for our commie cuck friends, you see... different minorites hate each other. Without whites, racism would not only be not gone but increase (Chinese and Japanese would clean Africa of Negro element, Chinese are already setting up to do it on eastern coast of it) and whites make about 10% of world population.
Oh, oh, oh! And don't forgetti, kys-etti!
Zep Zepo Perhaps he means in memory, like after they are loaded? Or something in the save file that results in a bad pointer? You understand such concepts yes?
Of course I do. I also know what a "pointer" is in programming lingo. There are no "pointers" in the save file. They would be in the .EXE
go back to 4ch
What the flying fuck happened to GoG? Their forum seems to be filled with "feminist gamers" and "respect muh pronouns" and people throwing out retarded buzzwords and calling Cleve all sorts of names? I don't remember it being this bad a few years back.I thought GOG was about "Good old Games".When the hell did a bunch of SJWs get over there and cry about "MUH FEELINGS" and tell people to buy J-RPGS. Guess I missed something because reading the last few pages of the Grimoire thread there made my balls shrivel.
Nitpicks aside, has anyone figured out what races can be the jester, and how many attribute points you need to play her? Same with the Naga Assassin. I rolled for 30 minutes, and managed to get 30 attribute points, but assassin class was still locked. I ended up settling on thief.
3D is disgusting.
The greatest gift of the world that Grimoire can make is to finally wake people up to the realisation that whether 2D or 3D, computer game artwork has rapidly transitioned from the most beautiful surreal artform you could imagine into soulless, photorealistic Sh*te!!! Play any Amiga game or even BLOOD from Monolith and ask yourself what went wrong in the last 20 years?!?
Why? Afraid to not be called reactionary? Racist? Or even worse gasp, white male?
Click nameplates. DOHOkay, more interface thoughts: I think you should be able to click-and-drag portraits of party members to reorganize them. It would also be nice if you could hit the 'esc' key to enter menu. Then hit it a second time (like a toggle switch) to close the main menu. All nitpicks aside, I am having fun. I think the game just deserves a little more explanation - like a manual to RTFM on.