We are all trapped in bodies.
No. Man has always been body and soul (Genesis 2:7) and it's their separation through death that has been the punishment of sin: we are not trapped, we are our bodies until death severs us. God made our bodies (Psalm 139:13-16), and God will resurrect our bodies (John 20:22-28).
You are espousing the oldest, most disproven and ridiculous gnostic heresy, retarded dualism. Our Lord healed bodies as well as souls when he walked on the Earth. Faith without works is dead (James 2), and there's no work without a body to act, a body we are commanded to keep as able as possible in order to enact faith and charity, which amounts to keeping others as able as possible in body and soul to carry out the works necessary to sustain the expansion of the church. Trannyism and its enablement are the exact opposite of this, a spread of impotence in body and soul that ends in suicide: pure evil, so blatantly so one does not need to be Christian to realize it's the apex of immorality as it drives straight to societal collapse and the end of generations.
You are a Satanist who hates the world God loved so much he gave His only begotten son to save, while you wish to destroy it. Examine yourself, why do you hate yourself so much. Stop polluting, abandon foolish conceits and humble yourself.