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Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Wouldn't he know better since he just made legend and you apparently haven't played in months?


Nov 25, 2007
Viktor Von Phage & Seari What do you think about subbing Sunfury for Argus? I know argus gives attack and health bonus, but Sunfury is cheaper...

Also Seari the EU server is much easier than the Kwan. Though your deck looks nice, I might make some addendums. Here is what I am using for aggro-din, plz critique ppl:



Jan 10, 2010
Cowboy Moment I respect you as a player, but you are thinking with a mentality from a year ago or so. Cenarius is long out the door in terms of combo druid; a relic of a bygone era. He is simply too slow. (He is amazing in Taunt Druid though) Ragnaros provides a greater immediate impact when he lands (and he lands a turn sooner), instantly doling out 8 damage. It's a burst damage deck, and Ragnaros is an extremely powerful burst damage card. As explained before, BGH is used in an extremely low percentage of decks today - some Druid, some Control Warrior, and some Handlock. That's it. The decks actually teching him combined likely take up 25% of the metagame. Plus, this deck already runs 3 BGH targets - usually if the opponent has a BGH, it'll be flushed out on Boom/Fel Reaver.

Fast Druid is trying to constantly apply pressure. Cenarius not only takes an extra turn to land, but does not immediately pressure unless you already have guys out for him to buff. Likewise, even Sylvanas is too slow in this environment for a combo druid. As mentioned before, she excels in Taunt druid.

As for where I got the idea to play ragnaros, well, obviously I netdecked. The list I copied was from someone who hit top 10 legend this month. If you look at actually successful modern combo druids, they usually include cards like Ragnaros.



Nov 25, 2014
Pathfinder: Wrath
Because Leeroy does 2 more damage ya doofus. Every point of damage is vital for the high stakes world of EBOLA! It's not a must craft - I'm sure the deck can hit legend without him, but if you own the card, he is a small upgrade most of the time.
I'd rather have a 2 less mana 4 attack charger that can be comined with buffs in the same turn and also used during the game for pressure and not just a finisher. Can't tell you how many times I've won with divine favor drawing into arcane golem and buffs(+abusives).


Jan 10, 2010
Viktor Von Phage & Seari What do you think about subbing Sunfury for Argus? I know argus gives attack and health bonus, but Sunfury is cheaper...

Also Seari the EU server is much easier than the Kwan. Though your deck looks nice, I might make some addendums. Here is what I am using for aggro-din, plz critique ppl:


Like i told you before, get rid of that fucking sword of justice fuuuuuuck. and no, you don't want sunfury - defender only gets played for the 2 +1/+1's, and if anything, Defender of Argus is a borderline card that's usually cut out for most of these decks.


Jan 10, 2010
I rather have a 2 less mana 4 attack charger that can be comined with buffs in the same turn and also used during the game for pressure and not just a finisher. Can't tell you how many times I've won with divine favor drawing into arcane golem and buffs(+abusives).

Well Arcane Golem is almost always referred to as the replacement for Leeroy. I'm not saying you need Leeroy, just that if you already own the card, try it. There were also plenty of games I won off of Leeroy + Abusive/Blessing/whatever when the game went on too long that allowed me to close things out; games where I specifically needed that extra 2 damage.

It's fairly zero sum.


Nov 25, 2014
Pathfinder: Wrath
Just buy the right cards for eboladin or don't play it. It's not like they're expensive.


Nov 25, 2007
Just buy the right cards for eboladin or don't play it. It's not like they're expensive.

I do have the right cards. All I am missing is a Coghammer which is only used in some versions of shockadin; and another Knife Juggler, which I can craft if I need to, but I don't think I do. That card is too unpredictable (where the knives land)


Jan 10, 2010
another Knife Juggler, which I can craft if I need to, but I don't think I do. That card is too unpredictable (where the knives land)


men. just craft the knife juggler men.

also trump teachings ASAP. trust us. it's for your own good!


Nov 25, 2014
Pathfinder: Wrath
I think Firebat has been climing with eboladin on asian server, you can watch that instead if you can't stand Trump because he's an annoying autist.


Jan 10, 2010
I think Firebat has been climing with eboladin on asian server, you can watch that instead if you can't stand Trump because he's an annoying autist.

Well, I'm not saying to watch Trump stream. I'm saying Andhaira needs to watch the basic fundamentals presented in Trump Teachings (which is a youtube series). I'm really trying to not just be mean/shit on him, but he's not grasping certain fundamental concepts of the game; and watching that series may fill in some holes of things he's missing.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Andy is clearing trolling because no one is this bad and so brazen about it.

Cowboy Moment

Feb 8, 2011
Play Reckless Rocketeer as a Leeroy replacement. I'm good at Hearthstone, you can trust my judgement

Wouldn't he know better since he just made legend and you apparently haven't played in months?

This will probably come as a shock to you, but it's very possible (and common) for people to reach Legend with suboptimal decks. Hell, it's not uncommon for said decks to be played in high stakes tournaments. I distinctly remember a time shortly after GvG release when rank 1 EU was held by a Deathwing Hunter. I know because I lost to the guy.This does not, in fact, make Deathwing an optimal choice for Hunter decks in general.

Besides, generally speaking, isn't it good for this thread to occasionally have some decent deckbuilding discussion that doesn't involve telling Andy to craft his second Knife Juggler?

Cowboy Moment I respect you as a player, but you are thinking with a mentality from a year ago or so. Cenarius is long out the door in terms of combo druid; a relic of a bygone era. He is simply too slow. (He is amazing in Taunt Druid though) Ragnaros provides a greater immediate impact when he lands (and he lands a turn sooner), instantly doling out 8 damage. It's a burst damage deck, and Ragnaros is an extremely powerful burst damage card. As explained before, BGH is used in an extremely low percentage of decks today - some Druid, some Control Warrior, and some Handlock. That's it. The decks actually teching him combined likely take up 25% of the metagame. Plus, this deck already runs 3 BGH targets - usually if the opponent has a BGH, it'll be flushed out on Boom/Fel Reaver.

Fast Druid is trying to constantly apply pressure. Cenarius not only takes an extra turn to land, but does not immediately pressure unless you already have guys out for him to buff. Likewise, even Sylvanas is too slow in this environment for a combo druid. As mentioned before, she excels in Taunt druid.

As for where I got the idea to play ragnaros, well, obviously I netdecked. The list I copied was from someone who hit top 10 legend this month. If you look at actually successful modern combo druids, they usually include cards like Ragnaros.


That honestly doesn't make much sense to me. How can Sylvanas be too slow while Rag is fast enough? If the meta is so fast around 1-5, then there's even less reason to play Rag, who is awful against aggro. Sure, he applies pressure if he lives longer than one turn, but I think you'd have been better off with a 4 or 5 drop to make your deck more consistent - Druid's main weakness in general. I mean, I'm sure it works and he wins some games for you, but I think it conflicts with your basic gameplan a bit - which should be to ramp out minions for early board control and convert that into enough damage to put the opponent into combo range.

Then again, I just hate Rag as a card so maybe I'm biased against it. I thought it was bad when people played it in Handlock back in the day as well.


Nov 25, 2007
You bought BRM but don't have Knife Juggler?

Learn 2 read MEN. I have 1 Juggler, I can craft another but didn't feel like it. I know another KJ and a Coghammer will really boost my aggro-din...

But I've never had any desire for retarded face decks before rank rewards were announced. I also never net decked before this; I much prefer to make my own decks and play for fun while doing my dailies and an arena run once in a while. Also I tested my own decks at rank 11, including dragon pally (my version) and they performed well; that is I didn't go into a tilt. Not to mention it's always fun to bring out a turn 7 Nefarian or turn 8 deathwing; opponents always rope burn the turn after I do that. :lol:

Anyway, I took out Sword of Justice , 1 Arcane Golem and 1 Divine Squire; replaced them with 2 wolfriders and 1 additional Blessing of Might. Still stuck at rank 11. Will a second Kinfe Juggler really be that helpful?

Phage What do you think of equality + wild pyro combo for eboladin? It would really help in handlock matches.


Jan 10, 2010
Cowboy Moment - Rag applies pressure immediately the turn he comes out - he deals 8 damage the same turn. If you look at the deck, you will notice there are 6 plays for 4, and 5 for 5 - those slots are totally accounted for. There is an argument to be made for adding in another 6 drop, but again, Sylvanas really is indeed slow. I'm not too sure how that part is confusing: the turn she is played, she is essentially a vanilla 5/5 for 6, which is inherently very slow; then she needs to die trading to something before her effect matters.

I'm not sure when you last played, but right now a lot of decks will just ignore Sylvanas entirely. Eboladin, Face / Midrange Hunter, Mech/Tempo Mage, and Patron are incredibly popular (incidentally, Fel Reaver is fantastic against all of those decks for reasons mentioned in other posts)

I think you are indeed biased against Ragnaros. He is a great finisher that will immediately kill a large creature, or dome the opponent for 8; AND they have to clear him immediately after. Syvlanas on the other hand can be ignored if your opponent has no minions she can trade into. Additionally, Innervating out a Ragnaros is immensely powerful - similar in strength to innervating out a Dr. Boom.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
Learn 2 read MEN. I have 1 Juggler, I can craft another but didn't feel like it. I know another KJ and a Coghammer will really boost my aggro-din...
MEN, you didn't magically acquire BRM. You either paid rupees or whatever third worldia currency you have or in-game gold. Either way you'd have been better off getting Classic packs if your collection is still lacking cards that are in a lot of decks. There's maybe four or five worthwhile cards in BRM and, congrats, you paid $30 or 3500 gold. That would have been 35+ Classic packs. At least with Naxx there are around a dozen or so cards still used from it.
Last edited:


Kinda sad that none of you consider the fact that maybe he could have bought for the actual SINGLEPLAYER EXPERIENCE


Nov 25, 2007
I bought it with in game gold I had saved up. I paid in parts, since I usually blow my dailies gold on packs and arena. So yeah, it was 3500 gold and it took me around 2 months to get it all. I got it because I like BRM better than Naxx, the cards in it suit my custom decks better than anything in Naxx like Emperor, Flamewaker, Nefarian (it's RNG but it works pretty good with Anoinidas) , dragon consort, blackwing corruptor and dragonkin sorc. Many of these I need for my dragon pally.

I know Naxx has killer cards, especially Shade and Kel Thuzud, and the slime is pretty cool too.


Beg Auditor
Aug 27, 2009
2800 gold wasted. Buying Emp is acceptable, though.

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