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Dec 4, 2010
Making it hard for scrubs like you to get past 20 :smug:
I'm rank 13, and I play on EU which is like twice as hard as US (at least it is in SC2/Dota2).


I also don't cheese builds or copy others.

I got to 11 using only my own decks. And since I outright declare that my region is better than yours, it looks like i win.



Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
EU has always had stronger competition in online gaming.
Comparing ranks between regions are meaningless.

I got to 11 using only my own decks. And since I outright declare that my region is better than yours, it looks like i win.
but now you're cheesing up ranks.
must be fun.


Dec 4, 2010
I got to 11 using only my own decks. And since I outright declare that my region is better than yours, it looks like i win.
but now you're cheesing up ranks.
must be fun.

How exactly is my deck a cheese deck? Please explain. Because its good? Its not a blatent rush deck, it doesnt use charging double moltens, it doesn't rely on a 10 damage kill anything spell. In fact it requires quit of bit of thought.

You're being an idiot in any case simply because I posted a deck and you somehow, without any reason, claim that im 'cheesing' my way through the ranks without any knowledge of what im doing. In fact ive been streaming my deck building for the past 6 hours.

Not that your bs would have any merit in any case. Competive gaming is exactly that, competitive, and crying about 'cheese' makes you look like a butthurt little girl. Using known decks that work is a completly normal practice in TCG's. Go back to your arena shit if it bothers you so much.

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Dec 31, 2009
Dunno if cheese is the right word for it really. Fag is more like it. But what can I say, those sweet wins smelled so nice :M


May 21, 2011
He was probably more "annoyed" you play a clearly competitive deck in non-ranked...
Not exactly sure why you would need to copy those decks or bother with terms like "mid game murder deck". It's the standard bulk of efficient cards with whatever chosen class can bring to the table.


Dec 4, 2010
He was probably more "annoyed" you play a clearly competitive deck in non-ranked...
Not exactly sure why you would need to copy those decks or bother with terms like "mid game murder deck". It's the standard bulk of efficient cards with whatever chosen class can bring to the table.

Except the whole thing was about why he finds ranked retarded, using the deck copying as an example. learn to read.
Learn to play while you are at it. You've already shown a def lack of understanding of the way the game works. I'm not great by any stretch but even i can see how 'throwing together efficient cards' and expecting to have a decent deck is bs.

The reason its a 'mid game murder deck' is because that is PRECISELY how the deck plays. Its incredibly different from (edit: some, i should say) other
competitive rogue decks. Not that I expect you to understand this


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I got to 11 using only my own decks. And since I outright declare that my region is better than yours, it looks like i win.
but now you're cheesing up ranks.
must be fun.

How exactly is my deck a cheese deck? Please explain. Because its good?
pretty much. just like map-specific cannon rushing in RTS or kick-spamming in fighting games.

I try to run good decks too, but I try to make the decks from my own trial and errors. I think that's the fun thing about hearthstone, trying to figure out what works yourself.
taking someone else's schematics and just play is a mindless grind.

winning with style isn't popular, I just wish it was.


May 21, 2011
Except the whole thing was about why he finds ranked retarded, using the deck copying as an example. learn to read.
Learn to play while you are at it. You've already shown a def lack of understanding of the way the game works. I'm not great by any stretch but even i can see how 'throwing together efficient cards' and expecting to have a decent deck is bs.

The reason its a 'mid game murder deck' is because that is PRECISELY how the deck plays. Its incredibly different from (edit: some, i should say) other
competitive rogue decks. Not that I expect you to understand this

Yes it's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, when the difference doesn't even show up in 70-80% of the games. That 2/2 spell damage that's a poor man's thalnos, or that BOLD CHOICE of a gnomish inventor when you probably ran out of inspiration are making all the difference.

The very deck you posted it's just "throwing together efficient cards". No real plan behind it, just raw efficiency of most of the cards in it. I wouldn't blame the players for using that, game is designed like that so w/e, play to win. But spare the bullshit and pretending there's some deep thought put into that...

Hell, I started to appreciate meeting priests at least those seem to have some deck diversity...
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Dec 4, 2010
Except the whole thing was about why he finds ranked retarded, using the deck copying as an example. learn to read.
Learn to play while you are at it. You've already shown a def lack of understanding of the way the game works. I'm not great by any stretch but even i can see how 'throwing together efficient cards' and expecting to have a decent deck is bs.

The reason its a 'mid game murder deck' is because that is PRECISELY how the deck plays. Its incredibly different from (edit: some, i should say) other
competitive rogue decks. Not that I expect you to understand this

Yes it's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, when the difference doesn't even show up in 70-80% of the games. That 2/2 spell damage that's a poor man's thalnos, or that BOLD CHOICE of a gnomish inventor when you probably ran out of inspiration are making all the difference.

The very deck you posted it's just "throwing together efficient cards". No real plan behind it, just raw efficiency of most of the cards in it. I wouldn't blame the players for using that, game is designed like that so w/e, play to win. But spare the bullshit and pretending there's some deep thought put into that...

Who the fuck claimed anything about deep thought you tryhard prick? The point is that the deck is designed towards mid game dominance as opposed to early game rushing, spell damage control or late game stalling. In a fucking game with a grand total of 30 cards per deck, the differences are huge when choosing different cards for different mana costs.

Are the cards all efficient, and widely used cards? Yes. Its a fucking competitive deck. Does that make it equal to a leper gnome, knife-juggler-max-of-4-mana-per-card-get-8-minions-on-the-board-as-fast-possible deck? No you fucking idiot.
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Dec 4, 2010
I got to 11 using only my own decks. And since I outright declare that my region is better than yours, it looks like i win.
but now you're cheesing up ranks.
must be fun.

How exactly is my deck a cheese deck? Please explain. Because its good?
pretty much. just like map-specific cannon rushing in RTS or kick-spamming in fighting games.

I try to run good decks too, but I try to make the decks from my own trial and errors. I think that's the fun thing about hearthstone, trying to figure out what works yourself.
taking someone else's schematics and just play is a mindless grind.

winning with style isn't popular, I just wish it was.

I make my own decks all the time. I also try other decks (to a lesser extent. not that i have to excuse it), because I think that that is also fun.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I make my own decks all the time. I also try other decks (to a lesser extent. not that i have to excuse it), because I think that that is also fun.
alright. cool, then.
merry christmas!

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
I honestly don't see the problem with trying decks from the internet. I mean, yeah, if it's all you play you're kinda missing half the fun of TCGs, but playing other people's decks is a great way to learn more about how certain styles work and to get more insights into different playstyles and combinations that you may not chance upon when making your own decks. Arena is also great for this, of course, but less reliable.


Dec 4, 2010
It also teaches you about deck building which is hard as hell. Ive only personally come up with two decks that i could compete with in ranked (at levels 14-11 anyways), one which im retiring now because its just a bit less reliable then id like it to be.

In casual anything goes of course but meh. I DO design decks to win. (it just doesnt always work out)


May 21, 2011
I make my own decks all the time. I also try other decks (to a lesser extent. not that i have to excuse it), because I think that that is also fun.
Not sure you realize but your example was one of the poorest choices possible. There's nothing to try about that deck, nothing to learn from it, look at it, it's bog standard clump of efficient cards. Even the rogue legendary in it is used without proper support because it's safer not to abuse it...

If you have problems building competitive decks in this game, I bet my ass you just overthink it...
What's hard is making fun decks and resisting temptation to delete the game when facing the 100th boring ass efficient creature spam...


Dec 4, 2010
I make my own decks all the time. I also try other decks (to a lesser extent. not that i have to excuse it), because I think that that is also fun.
Not sure you realize but your example was one of the poorest choices possible. There's nothing to try about that deck, nothing to learn from it, look at it, it's bog standard clump of efficient cards. Even the rogue legendary in it is used without proper support because it's safer not to abuse it...

Not sure if you realized it but the deck was posted a page before this one and in no way is connected to the statement you are quoting. I honestly don't even know how you are referring to that deck as an 'example' of what I'm saying. Are you fucking drunk? Your response would be fitting if i was saying: "I learn from them. Take this deck here [shows deck] etc"

edit: Not to mention I feel that i have learned a lot from the deck


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
People are adverse to netdecking? Seriously? The point of a constructed format is to test playing skills, the point of limited is to test deckbuilding skills. That's like, a universally accepted truth in TCGs. I can't believe there are people who would willingly play shitty suboptimal decks and whine about originality in fucking constructed.

If I play ranked, I play to win. Of course I'm going to use whatever I think will get me to that point. I also don't draft shitty Arena decks on purpose because someone else told me card draw was important before I figured it out myself.

You know what, fuck that. Someone else has already written about this better than me: http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html

SIRLIN said:
In reality, the "scrub" has many more mental obstacles to overcome than anything actually going on during the game. The scrub has lost the game even before it starts. He's lost the game before he's chosen his character. He's lost the game even before the decision of which game is to be played has been made. His problem? He does not play to win.

The scrub would take great issue with this statement for he usually believes that he is playing to win, but he is bound up by an intricate construct of fictitious rules that prevent him from ever truly competing.

Not playing efficient decks in constructed = fictitious, self-imposed rules. We're one step away from what we'd call LARPing in an RPG.

In other words:

DakaSha said:
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
It's like when people in MOBAs whine that they got ganked or something, or were killed by the usage of multiple ultis. Yeah, so what? We won.


Dec 4, 2010
It's like when people in MOBAs whine that they got ganked or something, or were killed by the usage of multiple ultis. Yeah, so what? We won.

Lol exactly 'Loser cant even kill me alone need 3. come mid 1v1'
In any case I REALLY am thinking about buying street fighter or king of fighters now :-/


RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
^ lol
It's like when people in MOBAs whine that they got ganked or something, or were killed by the usage of multiple ultis. Yeah, so what? We won.

Lol exactly 'Loser cant even kill me alone need 3. come mid 1v1'
In any case I REALLY am thinking about buying street fighter or king of fighters now :-/

Meh, I hate fighting games. Doesn't make the article less brilliant, though.

Also, I find Zed calling DotA2 OMG SO HARDCORE, LOL IS FOR SCRUBS painstakingly ironic now that he, like a true scrub, whines about people beating him employing the best tactics known to them. No truely competitive player would do that :troll:

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