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Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
I think im the only person that doesnt give a shit about mages and has a decent win/loss with them. I'm not even very good, but i dont find mages to be exceptionally OP except for the few people that have the Alekstrasa/Pyro/Molten combo and pull exactly the right cards when they need them.
Yeah. I suspect the stats for mages don't show they're too great, but the thing is...there's no real counter for them. You can counter rushdown with boardclear and tauntwalls, everyone has some sort of removal for exceptionally powerful but supurbuffed characters, but what can you do against direct damage? It goes around everything, the ONLY deck that has counters is - go figure - other mages. So I think it's not so much that they're OP but that - like priests and unleash-the-hounds-hunters before 'em - they feel like bullshit and frustrating to play against.

I just went 5-3 with a mage on arena. Post-patch my arena runs haven't been great, tho I caught myself making horrible decisions more than once so I guess my brain is still a bit wonky (trying to recharge from 70-hour workweeks, Hearthstone's good for that)

I've been practicing more with mage and shaman in arena trying to polish up my skills with em, since only being good with hunter and priest won't cut it and I like the way those decks operate (I also really like druids but they are actually statistically terrible).

I kind of suck at deckbuilding tho, always have (my old MtG decks are horrible). I don't have a lot of cards unlocked so I'm probably missing a bunch of good ones. Here's me four regular decks with notes, if anyone feels like it, lemme know what I'm missing or what obvious creatures I need to pull and replace.


Shadowpriest deck is designed to start off with gimmicky nortshire cleric and superbuff plays to eat up opponent cards before going to shadowform and throwing down big creatures. Took me up to 3-star diamond pre-patch, but not winning a lot with it post. I'm still waiting for the time when I've played two shadowforms and then toss out Velen, that'd be fun, 2-cost fireballs!


Bog-standard hunter deck. Haven't played him since the nerfs, probably needs some tweaks now. Was pretty effective pre-patch.


Burst-damage deck. My creature selection kinda sucks tho, but it's been mildly efficient so far. No real overload cards coz I'm not too good with those.


I'm missing quite a few good mage cards (only reason frost nova is in there is I don't have blizzard yet), probably need to pull the ogre magi for a dragon and maybe an arcane intellect for a auctioneer. I'm losing almost no games with this deck (I think I've gone 15-3 so far on ranked) though I'm probably not high-ranked enough to hit the pro rushdown guys. The deck combos some efficient removal with some cards that make people freak out like the mana wyrm and ethereal arcanist, when in reality pretty much 100% of my wins come from Archmage Antonidas. I know, it's not a good idea to rely on a single card like that but he's fun. I've sat on a coin waiting for him to come out, allowing for two spells instantly off the bat. Wyrm and Arcanist and sometimes Water elemental ate most of the removal meaning they usually can't get rid of him in one turn, and it tends to be over 1-2 turns after he comes out, especially if they were silly enough to leave a geomancer and/or apprentice alive (I was never a fan of the apprentice but man she can cause some power if she's still there when I play Antonidas)


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
5 wins quests at higher ranks when you don't sit on a ton of legendaries should give 1000 gold

nice decks None, but I would pick a Silencer or Owl over the silence spell
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
grrr, I consistently get 6-3/7-3 results in Arena, I just cannot get higher. What am I doing wronk?


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
grrr, I consistently get 6-3/7-3 results in Arena, I just cannot get higher. What am I doing wronk?
those are not bad results at all.
I'm lucky to even get over 4-5 wins. when I do, I usually go pretty far because it means I have drawn a very solid deck.

I just started a rogue run and I think the draft is decent... no eviscerate though.
I got mass minion (imp master, 2x defias ringleader, harvest golem, silver hand knight) with sea giant... so that's nice :D
also a Brewmaster Jr. to add an additional unit. works very well with ringleader.
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RPG Codex Ghost
Oct 19, 2009
Hmm. Fair enough I guess. Just seems like I could be doing even better. I haven't had a single 9+ win since my first one. On that note, I just had the weirdest draft. I picked 4 Truesilver Champions and passed on 2, and I also have 3 Consecration. No clue how this deck is going to perform, it has ALL the good stuff, but is way to heavy on the end of the curve.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
aaaaaaaaaand 2-3. you think you got a good draft but then comes a priest with 4 taunts and 3 carddraw-clerics.

I got gruul.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Gruul is ass. But congrats on the dust!

Also 12 wins seems so out of reach to me, especially since it's still 3-and-out. Not that I mind, it'd make it even more awesome to accomplish, but I've never even gotten to 9 (8 is as much as I got)

Good luck Grunk. Let us know how it turns out!

Also seriously you guys. Priests are the worst:


1) Steal two earth elementals 2) play both on turn 8 and 9 3) follow up with two divine spirits and an inner fire and the shaman goes from full health to dead. That's just...it's just pure dickishness.

Lightwell been sitting there trolling since turn 2 as well.

Such a troll deck.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
I just lost because the client side doesn't show the server (real) side of card order. So my Defender only added taunt and +1/1 to one of my two minions. They need to fucking fix that ASAP.

Not to mention the bug with cards being all jumbled up in your hand. That's not game-breaking though, just irritating.


Nov 1, 2007
Dans Ton Cul
Serpent in the Staglands Divinity: Original Sin
Each pack I open now usually give me an extra or 2. Works for me, I crafted a Spellbreaker yesterday.
Dec 31, 2009
BN-Chan, drop silence (it sux, card disadvantage that is situational at that), Darkscale healer (it's a bad Yeti), Lord of the Arena (too expensive for too little hp), consider dropping inner fire and sen'jin.

I'd probably drop hunters mark from hunter deck, card disadvantage usually. But hunter is kinda bad anyways.

Windfury, the card, is too bad to be a card on its own. Particularly when you can have it bundled with windspeaker instead. I'm noticing you have few 3-drops, scarlet crusader or SSC might be a good fit here? Also I dropped the second bloodlust from my own shaman deck, since having 2 bloodlusts on hand at the same time is kinda bad as the card does nothing unless you already have a substantial board position.

Mage: Arcane missiles are waaaaaay too unreliable, even if the enemy has one 3/2 and nothing else you have a 50% chance of killing it. The other cards are cool but are you sure you have enough creatures?

Just my thoughts.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
don't feel pressured to have 3 cards just for the sake of having 3 cards. most of them suck ass.
there's a few okayish picks for arena: imp master, scarlet, mech golem
but for constructed you really don't need them.
you don't need to pick 30 cards for constructed either if you feel like you are drawing too much, well, shit.


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Hunter's mark along with multi shot is an excellent creature removal, I like it.


Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
warlock soulfire away his jaraxxus = all-out assault for the face. hoh hoh hoh!
kudos to the warlock for not running murlocs tho.

this is my current rogue deck. I change a card every 2-3 games. I'll probably switch the kobold for something else, but it actually works really well as a turn 2 bait (and if they greed, you can 2dmg shiv or 2dmg fan of knives, or 3dmg backstab).


edit: lol just noticed the shieldbearer. just an experiment :D
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Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Thanks bros.

BN-Chan, drop silence (it sux, card disadvantage that is situational at that), Darkscale healer (it's a bad Yeti), Lord of the Arena (too expensive for too little hp), consider dropping inner fire and sen'jin.
Already dropped silence (for a spellbreaker), may well swap out those cards (Darkscale has a few nice gimmicky combos but not enough to justify it)

I can't resist carrying one inner fire for the occassional omgbomb gimmick plays, like the one shown above :3

I'd probably drop hunters mark from hunter deck, card disadvantage usually. But hunter is kinda bad anyways.
I kind of like hunter's mark for removing big creatures, but I pulled it for a second deadly shot. That's the thing with hunters though, their removal is so unreliable.

Windfury, the card, is too bad to be a card on its own. Particularly when you can have it bundled with windspeaker instead. I'm noticing you have few 3-drops, scarlet crusader or SSC might be a good fit here? Also I dropped the second Bloodlust from my own shaman deck, since having 2 bloodlusts on hand at the same time is kinda bad as the card does nothing unless you already have a substantial board position.
Cheers, will tweak a little. I do like scarlet crusader.

And yeah, bloodlust isn't as useful since most players will be way too smart to let you build up a board position as a shaman.

Mage: Arcane missiles are waaaaaay too unreliable, even if the enemy has one 3/2 and nothing else you have a 50% chance of killing it. The other cards are cool but are you sure you have enough creatures?
Honestly, I've had a ton of success with arcane missiles. I have enough cards for it to synergize with to make it worthwhile. I don't treat it as reliable removal but so far it's given me pretty much the result I'm looking for every time. Maybe I'll get less lucky with it later, but particularly if I drop a kobold and then arcane missiles that's p good odds to remove a single 3/2. I often keep other plays in reserve (like the hero power) in case it doesn't work out perfectly. So far nuffle's been really kind, perhaps I'll grow to hate the card if He turns on me

I threw this deck together and had the same thought, where's the creatures. But so far it hasn't been a problem. It helps that some spells are actually creatures (mirror image and entity), but still, I was tweaking it since and pulled the ogre for a drake and one of the arcane intellects for an auctioneer. Right now this deck's by far my best one, results-wise.
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Codex Staff
Staff Member
Oct 21, 2002
Codex USB, 2014
you don't need to pick 30 cards for constructed either if you feel like you are drawing too much, well, shit.
oops, I guess you do. I had never tried it before :D


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
lol at people tryharding in casual

lol at blizzard, I cancelled my two win quest with rogue/druid and the game gave me a five win with rogue/druid

also rank 11 is fine, I'm stuck at 16/17 forever it seems


In My Safe Space
Jan 1, 2011
Normally I use my good decks, for example priest or mage to play ranked. I like the challenge. But for my daily quests I go to casual. For example I have no cards for druid, so I build a deck from neutrals. When I see enemies in casual using two or three legendaries it baffles me.

Why play unranked when you have a strong deck? To me it is the equivalent of killing low level characters in mmos.


Dec 4, 2010
to learn how to play your deck?

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