this was named in the third post and he already said no, don't some of you read the whole thread?
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption?
Did you try asking the Dex's help too? I pretty much found all my old games from my younger years. The now dead website TheUnderdog was great help in that. Memory can also do funny things tho, I do found a game but my describtion turned out the be quite false. Hope the OP will manage and that may you find your missing title too.I know that feeling, I have a memory of playing an RPG when I was a kid I never managed to find again and it's really annoying
Did you try asking the Dex's help too? I pretty much found all my old games from my younger years. The now dead website TheUnderdog was great help in that. Memory can also do funny things tho, I do found a game but my describtion turned out the be quite false. Hope the OP will manage and that may you find your missing title too.I know that feeling, I have a memory of playing an RPG when I was a kid I never managed to find again and it's really annoying
No, I never asked but I remember quite well how it looked and I've never found it in 20 years of searching, must have been an early freeware or shareware dos game
Then describe it. First person or not? Tile-based or isometric? Party or solo? TB or RT? Separate combat area or not? CGA/EGA/VGA? Was it really a DOS game or early Win 3.11 (as Exile and The Depths of Dejenol).No, I never asked but I remember quite well how it looked and I've never found it in 20 years of searching, must have been an early freeware or shareware dos game
I thought about it, but doesn't it has a pretty colorful areas? Probably, I confuse starting areas with later ones.Heretic 2 was all brown and 3rd person
Sounds like something Telengard-inspired. It pretty much describes its (at least dnd) gameplay.. Combat I think was either TB or you stepped on a tile and either survived the monster or not (too long ago to remember). the main goal was to find treasures I think. Levels were randomly generated. There might have been other encounter besides combat and treasures but I'm not entirely sure.
Tile-based, definitely a Dos game, I played it somewhere between 1990 and 1994, but I assume it was either older or a freeware/shareware game by a single creator
You're this stick-man going through a top-down dungeon from room to room and as you explored you uncover what is in each room. There could have been some fog of war. Visual were all in black and white, and very simplified. Combat I think was either TB or you stepped on a tile and either survived the monster or not (too long ago to remember). the main goal was to find treasures I think. Levels were randomly generated. There might have been other encounter besides combat and treasures but I'm not entirely sure.
Edit: definitely not any Ascii roguelike btw. though the gameplay was rogue-ish somewhat, only very primitive, I don't think you had any equipment (though I could be wrong, sadly its too long ago)
Sounds like something Telengard-inspired. It pretty much describes its (at least dnd) gameplay.. Combat I think was either TB or you stepped on a tile and either survived the monster or not (too long ago to remember). the main goal was to find treasures I think. Levels were randomly generated. There might have been other encounter besides combat and treasures but I'm not entirely sure.
I call it Rogue-likish TB. See Eschalon Book One for another CRPG example.I also have an RPG that I'm looking for a very long time. It looked similar to Ultima 7 and it had a kind of TB system where the AI only acted when your character acted. I don't know how you call that system?
I played it in the late 90's on windows 95/98. I'm pretty sure it was solo, graphics were between ultima 6 and 7. I remember starting the game in a village and then arriving at a walled city. There was a market and you could buy goods by talking to the vendors but you could also just pick them up from the table and get beaten up by guards and thrown into the city jail.I call it Rogue-likish TB. See Eschalon Book One for another CRPG example.I also have an RPG that I'm looking for a very long time. It looked similar to Ultima 7 and it had a kind of TB system where the AI only acted when your character acted. I don't know how you call that system?
Year? Operation system? VGA? Party or solo?
I played it in the late 90's on windows 95/98. I'm pretty sure it was solo, graphics were between ultima 6 and 7. I remember starting the game in a village and then arriving at a walled city. There was a market and you could buy goods by talking to the vendors but you could also just pick them up from the table and get beaten up by guards and thrown into the city jail.