Sure, but it doesn't connect to anything. You could try to paint it as an exciting eerie mystery or "environmental storytelling" or w/e, but since we know that it was actually a full plot point previously, and there's otherwise no mention or even suggestion in the released version's story of that still being the case, it seems more like an odd holdover. If they're still meant to be stealing Earth's resources, you'd think
someone would mention it at some point, or that the outrage of the drained ocean would be a rallying point for the resistance when it kicks off, or that you'd come across some kind of machinery designed for that purpose (akin to AirEx, also cut from the game). Especially weird since Earth's biosphere is totally fine otherwise, and there's no need for the gasmasks and such from the alpha/beta. The Combine are apparently
just stealing water. Why?
It's one of the things I really don't get, along with the removal of the clearly-alien Combine variants, like the
weird slug soldier and the "Alien Assassin". They had some good ideas and some distinctive visuals, and they decided at the last minute "nah, let's ditch our whole plot and make the antagonists human men in gasmasks". No matter how good the hacker kid was, it's still such a confusing move.