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Hostile takeover of shoutbox by substance abusing losers


Jun 1, 2011
imagine showing up to a place that's 99% male, going "teehee im a gurlll btw" and pretending you don't understand
Imagine showing up in a place that should not give a damn if you have a penis or a vagina. People forget RPGcodex is a GAMING SITE.
That's a bit of a fallacy isn't it? You going to pretend that women haven't ruined entire communities, hobbies, games, and guilds in MMOs with their BS?

It's kind of a saving grace we don't have a couple dating on here, especially administration. Can you imagine what would happen if someone gave someone's gf shit? It would cause a lot of drama, especially if the guy simped like SDG.

Although, I don't think it's a big deal to ban SDG for a few hours when he's drunk and acting a fool, it's just like bros protecting drunk bros from humiliating themselves.

Mebrilia the Viera Queen

imagine showing up to a place that's 99% male, going "teehee im a gurlll btw" and pretending you don't understand
Imagine showing up in a place that should not give a damn if you have a penis or a vagina. People forget RPGcodex is a GAMING SITE.
That's a bit of a fallacy isn't it? You going to pretend that women haven't ruined entire communities, hobbies, games, and guilds in MMOs with their BS?

It's kind of a saving grace we don't have a couple dating on here, especially administration. Can you imagine what would happen if someone gave someone's gf shit? It would cause a lot of drama, especially if the guy simped like SDG.

Although, I don't think it's a big deal to ban SDG for a few hours when he's drunk and acting a fool, it's just like bros protecting drunk bros from humiliating themselves.
I don't know i don't think in stereotypes. Also, i won't define all just for a group of socially diseased people. I never said i was in favor of the ban i don't even Theo was. Probably Theo wanted the staff to give him a warning. I want to be crystal clear here. I am one of those that don't side with the WOKE agenda or the LGBTQ+ nonsense i am displeased like everyone when certain things get shoveled in my games or media or communities as well.

Blame a whole sex for the action of some retarded individuals ((and yes such individuals counts also male)) is not very bright.
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Mebrillia got Fork banned and has tried to get ElectricOtter and Saeci in hot water for making fun of her age all in good fun and light ribbing.

How many more innocent souls must fall before the common denominator in all this are these two drama lightning rod femoids?


Jun 1, 2011
imagine showing up to a place that's 99% male, going "teehee im a gurlll btw" and pretending you don't understand
Imagine showing up in a place that should not give a damn if you have a penis or a vagina. People forget RPGcodex is a GAMING SITE.
That's a bit of a fallacy isn't it? You going to pretend that women haven't ruined entire communities, hobbies, games, and guilds in MMOs with their BS?

It's kind of a saving grace we don't have a couple dating on here, especially administration. Can you imagine what would happen if someone gave someone's gf shit? It would cause a lot of drama, especially if the guy simped like SDG.

Although, I don't think it's a big deal to ban SDG for a few hours when he's drunk and acting a fool, it's just like bros protecting drunk bros from humiliating themselves.
I don't know i don't think in stereotypes. Also, i won't define all just for a group of socially diseased people. I never said i was in favor of the ban i don't even Theo was. Probably Theo wanted the staff to give him a warning. I want to be crystal clear here. I am one of those that side with the WOKE agenda or the LGBTQ+ nonsense i am displeased like everyone when certain things get shoveled in my games or media or communities as well.

Blame a whole sex for the action of some retarded individuals ((and yes such individuals counts also male)) is not very bright.
It is very bright to recognize patterns. There are plenty of examples of this, you can see this trend throughout society, and the nutjobs getting their way was my point. It's not just a "stereotype".

I don't know what Theo expected, but I don't think it's a big deal that a drunk, suicidally depressed guy hit on a "woman".

A horse of course

I agree that Wizardora is a cockteasing nerdbait t*rn-"based" weekender, (compare to shemale codexers who merely get harassed but don't actively invite it, such as Mebrilla or Chonkem), but SDG has been an annoying spammer for years and a horny retard for months, so he deserves this.


I agree that Wizardora is a cockteasing nerdbait t*rn-"based" weekender, (compare to shemale codexers who merely get harassed but don't actively invite it, such as Mebrilla or Chonkem), but SDG has been an annoying spammer for years and a horny retard for months, so he deserves this.

Lord of Riva

Jan 16, 2018
Strap Yourselves In Pathfinder: Wrath
Show me the bait. Because I don't see it.

I have made my case multiple times now, whatever happened here happened before, you can see the reaction by other men regarding theodora.
Do you really buy that both Theodora and that other user are just to "naive" to speak about who they are and what their sexuality is?

She was naively just being polite because he was making such a big deal about the notion that she was "gay", all dramatic like it was the end of the world.

That's really my issue with so much of what you say, it assumes a lot of bad faith and/or idiocy and rarely that there's often just no winning move with some people.

The truth of the matter is that, stalkerish/obsessive behavior like was observed by SDG but also users like fluent. (and as Generic-Giant-Spider showed yesterday Atleticano in shoutbox, by showing choice quotes) is decidedly male. So if you look for behavior like that from the women you will not find it.

rusty_shackleford is right of course
imagine showing up to a place that's 99% male, going "teehee im a gurlll btw" and pretending you don't understand

There is absolutely no reason for this to happen, at all, if the "women" where just behaving like normal users, created an account and did not make their own sex and sexuality the topic all the time.
I mean, you, or idk. Crispy could be a woman for all I know, how many times are you asked out by the incel and lonely crowd your forum definitely has a part of?

Imagine showing up in a place that should not give a damn if you have a penis or a vagina. People forget RPGcodex is a GAMING SITE.

This here is the truth, naturally the space does not care if you are a woman, if you don't make your whole person about being one, as this is an anonymous space.

I retain what I said, this here is "normal" sexual dynamics.

Just insert a deranged drunk on the male part and 1 or 2 (idk.) women from the deep end who fish for attention *here* of all places.
Your mod policy can change this, you just have to stop being obtuse to the way women behave and give Signals, which is often quite subtle and how lonely men react when they misinterpret these signals.

These discussions, that lead to bans, especially when it comes to men who cling to even the littlest hope, can be stopped if you are willing to. I know you are not responsible, this forum is excellent because of your hands off approach but on the other hand one of the deranged, that have a home *here*, may never turn up again. And i think a slap on the wrist, just like you did with SDG for a short-time ban is more than reasonable to hopefully stop this in the future.

I know this is kind of funny, i get that, but you know what would be funny as well? To see Theodora think for once how she behaves, I wonder if that is possible.


Aug 12, 2021
Humbaba said:
I actually can't, which is why I'm asking. You seem to think that she's doing it on purpose but even if that were true, that would constitute mild trolling at best and I don't think that's a bannable offense.

He said and then proceeds to answer the questions, which are literally the same as the ones in my prior posts. Genius. I accept that you consider it as such, i do not.
Yeah? Unless you really wanna go to jail.
hmhm, you have an interesting view on sexual dynamics then since you do think that equating not thinking "no means no" is tantamount to rape, sexual misconduct or at least stalker behavior. If i were to adhere to your believes I would not be married, first I said no, then she said no and then she said yes. That is how reality actually functions, only in the heads of children and ideologues exists a world that is as simple as that.

You wanna rephrase that one again buddy?

Why? if I made a mistake writing, ignore it I am not seeing it. If you are saying I said something abhorrent, I did not and do not care that you think I did.

Then you are either lucky to never have been lead on, blind because you never have seen others be lead on or an ideologue who believes that women have no impact on the world through their behavior.
Women do give clear signals. Not my fault you're not getting them.

First of all you will have erred yourself before, secondly we are talking about a dude who is drunk all the time and thirdly we are not talking about me here.
But all of this is ignoring the fact that Theodora is not into SDG and he'll just have to deal with that. It's hilarious we're even having this conversation tbh.

Don't worry, we won't since that is equally pointless with you as it is with her
Strong contender for most retarded post 2022, if you're not gonna bother with me, then I won't with you either I suppose. That poor "wife" of yours lol.

A horse of course

I just realized how to fix this. All m*n should be banned from this site.
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Glory to Ukraine
Feb 19, 2020
anima Bȳzantiī
There is absolutely no reason for this to happen, at all, if the "women" where just behaving like normal users, created an account and did not make their own sex and sexuality the topic all the time.
I mean, you, or idk. Crispy could be a woman for all I know, how many times are you asked out by the incel and lonely crowd your forum definitely has a part of?

I feel like you think you're being very logical about this, but are missing just how much emotional content / arbitrary bias you're expressing here.

Yes, my name is "Theodora". One of the few things I noticed about this place before signing up was there seemed to be a lot of people interested in history, and Theodora and Justinian are two of my favourite historical figures, and I've rarely met a history nerd that didn't find Eastern Rome fascinating. My name was an offer to talk about that, not my sex. I did not realise that amongst the kind and interesting people on here that there would be quite so many neurotic assholes whose every other thought revolves around an insecurity over women (not to mention an obsessive, love-hate fascination with trannies).

Frankly, I find the expectations you put on men absurdly low. DU in my rare interactions with him doesn't treat me like those men, nor does Infinitron, Crispy, Scruffy, essentially no one on staff, including those who think I am an idiot; a fuckton of other men on the forum fail to act so pathetically either, but you act like this pathetic behaviour is just what men do when reminded a) women exist b) that they have a sexuality.

It never occurred to me to obfuscate my gender on here because when I have remained anonymous elsewhere, those with a shred of empathy or awareness soon picked up that I wasn't a dude, either from how I type, or -- outright -- hearing me on voip. Not sure why I should've approached this place differently, given again: I had no notion there were this many misogynists.

Generally, as with Mebrilia, others bring up my sexuality and I correct them. If that's bait to you, you're living in a very strange bubble indeed. Once again though, this is all your conjecture; and I'm hardly on any plane of comparison with the guys posting smut for each other, or referencing to their own sexual behaviours. I don't care what they're up to, but I don't see how you establish it's my responsibility to cater to the particular group of hopeful, horny morons that think they're going to getting a gf by harassing some stranger on a different continent.

People have responsibility for their own self-mastery, and your whole fixation -- literally and metaphorically -- that 'short skirt = responsibility for others' violence' is a total cop-out, and at best a cope for your own uncomfortable thoughts. The fact you can't identity that all this is totally asocial behaviour leaves me at a loss for words. Go on a pilgrimage or something, find your humanity.


Village Idiot Zionist Agent Shitposter
Jan 2, 2012
There is absolutely no reason for this to happen, at all, if the "women" where just behaving like normal users, created an account and did not make their own sex and sexuality the topic all the time.
I mean, you, or idk. Crispy could be a woman for all I know, how many times are you asked out by the incel and lonely crowd your forum definitely has a part of?

I feel like you think you're being very logical about this, but are missing just how much emotional content / arbitrary bias you're expressing here.

Yes, my name is "Theodora". One of the few things I noticed about this place before signing up was there seemed to be a lot of people interested in history, and Theodora and Justinian are two of my favourite historical figures, and I've rarely met a history nerd that didn't find Eastern Rome fascinating. My name was an offer to talk about that, not my sex. I did not realise that amongst the kind and interesting people on here that there would be quite so many neurotic assholes whose every other thought revolves around an insecurity over women (not to mention an obsessive, love-hate fascination with trannies).

Frankly, I find the expectations you put on men absurdly low. DU in my rare interactions with him doesn't treat me like those men, nor does Infinitron, Crispy, Scruffy, essentially no one on staff, including those who think I am an idiot; a fuckton of other men on the forum fail to act so pathetically either, but you act like this pathetic behaviour is just what men do when reminded a) women exist b) that they have a sexuality.

It never occurred to me to obfuscate my gender on here because when I have remained anonymous elsewhere, those with a shred of empathy or awareness soon picked up that I wasn't a dude, either from how I type, or -- outright -- hearing me on voip. Not sure why I should've approached this place differently, given again: I had no notion there were this many misogynists.

Generally, as with Mebrilia, others bring up my sexuality and I correct them. If that's bait to you, you're living in a very strange bubble indeed. Once again though, this is all your conjecture; and I'm hardly on any plane of comparison with the guys posting smut for each other, or referencing to their own sexual behaviours. I don't care what they're up to, but I don't see how you establish it's my responsibility to cater to the particular group of hopeful, horny morons that think they're going to getting a gf by harassing some stranger on a different continent.

People have responsibility for their own self-mastery, and your whole fixation -- literally and metaphorically -- that 'short skirt = responsibility for others' violence' is a total cop-out, and at best a cope for your own uncomfortable thoughts. The fact you can't identity that all this is totally asocial behaviour leaves me at a loss for words. Go on a pilgrimage or something, find your humanity.

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