Exitium's always been good about pointing out the errors I've made in my ramblings before. I have the problem of reading what I mean rather than what I actually wrote, so I read over little typos, double words, and stuff like that.
Jed said:Hey, again I'm not disparaging your apparent skill with English, it's just that "first language" usually denotes the language your mother and/or father spoke to you from the day you're born, the language you speak at home, etc., rather than a language you're educated in once attending school.Sol Invictus said:So what, Jed? Malaysia was a British colony some 50 years ago and the education system is entirely Anglofied (is that a word?). Most, if not all people of European descent, meaning myself, are English educated. As for Gooks, they're Filipinos, not Chinese. Don't you think that line is old now anyway?
Lancaster said:It would be nice to see reviews of Prelude to Darkness and Teudogar.