Vanilla Skyrim.... eh no never played it save the opening level on the PS3 at my cousins
Modded Skyrim yeah 165 hours and honestly it is a relaxing experience, doing a couple of dungeons, coming back to town to sell and craft some shit, try a few mods and dress up my waifu... plus adding some combat mods got things pretty hectic and I actually had to back out a few dungeons because I ran into too tough enemies (like elder vampires) but overall the equivalent of a Carls Jr hamburger; the finest junk food can get
Skyrim with Requiem now you are talking, currently I restarted a char over the weekend and it is so much fun, where you have to really plan attacking more than 2 enemies at a time, using summons, poisons and scavenging all sorts of ingredients and equipment... less "relaxing" than with mods but oh so satisfying having to actually block and time my attacks, conserve stamina and get killed in one single hammer strike if I miss that opening headshot
I really dont understand the amount of nose turning at Skyrim, it is no masterpiece but moded and as a dungeon and hiking simulator it is very enjoyable. Not all games need a deep and meaningful story or memorable NPCs (although Serana, Illia and a couple of standout do come to mind)
and yeah kiddies but sometime I just want to play something mindless but fun, not all games are Age of Decadence or Torment