RPGCodex is a Western, computer-focused forum, so I think the finer points of Japanese conservatism with regards to the video game industry goes somewhat unnoticed here. The obvious example and king of this is Nintendo: they will not fix what ain't broken until the people stop demanding more. They finally broke the back of Pokémon, but when they shake up the formula too much people inevitably beg for a classic Zelda or Mario title. Basically every notable Japanese franchise I can think of follows this pattern. From Software, in particular, will spin off a new franchise if they deviate enough from the "core" of their previous titles. I'm sure sales figures played heavily into this in the Fifth-Sixth generation titles as well.
The more of From's back catalogue you play, the more this slow iterative approach becomes apparent. After making three King's Field games, in as many years, they translated the engine, control scheme intact, to adventure format with Echo Night. Every Armored Core game had 2 or 3 side games that effectively expanded on the assets they made for the base game; focused on arena missions, netplay, one was a sort of managerial AI game where you didn't even control your mechs anymore. The outliers and one-offs presumably sold terribly, if Kuon's eBay prices are anything to judge by, so they just cut off the dead branch and made more Armored Cores. Similarities between franchises are also more than superficial: I've never seen this chart before, but I knew when I searched "FromSoft Bingo" a tired meme like this would pop up.
The West has no real conception how creative works are made. Video games are both a product, something greedily expected to fulfill a certain pre-cut notion of "what games should be," and a religious object, to be worshiped mysteriously like a strange artifact that fell off the trade ship of a higher intelligence. Demon's Souls was a hail mary, breaking basically every "rule" of "goodgamedesign" that retarded consoomers believe. Endlessly respawning enemies. Overtly punitive deaths. Obfuscated, baroque and poorly-communicated systems (Miyazaki has stated that he expected people to figure things out in community efforts online.) It was more or less expected maybe not to bankrupt the company but to deliver the same sort of sleepy AA they'd been making for 15 years. The fruit of all that iteration is a series with more ARRPEEGEEing than anything America has managed in the last 25 years, so no, I'm not a "former FromSoftware Fan," I'm a militant fanatic. It's easy to deride formula, but
it's not like any of the wannabes even come close.