Just a few days into my turn, a shitload of migrants arrived, which is nice since there were only 17 dwarfs left in Virgintraded. Now there are 48 (but not for long).
Hsark’s diary, 21st of Granite 256
Someone told me Virgintraded is a good place to start again, build up some wealth, or hide while the King cools off about that incident between eh… someone and his daughter. So I took the trip. Even got some of my bros to tag along.
Kalin’s got quite the temper as can be seen on his rap sheet:
With my wits and my companions’… yeah whatever they’re good at, we’re gonna own this place in no time!
Oh, and we brought a bunny too.
Cog is the perfect name for a dwarf pet, wish I'd thought of it myself.
Funfact – Apparently Erush Stinkthsomething, one of the migrants, is SerratedBiz’s father.
Hsark’s diary, 27th of Granite
They fucking knew what a dump this place is! I shoulda suspected the words of encouragement back home were just serpent tongued bullshit!
I mean just look at this mess!
Wait! I take it back – apparently the fort’s swimming in gold. You just have to scrape off the shit covering everything to see it. I bet I could set aside a nice pension for myself if I play my cards right.
Hsark’s diary, 28st of Granite
I’ve been offered the post of fortress overseer. They said my predecessor went to join with his wife or something. It didn’t sound too good, but I don’t really care. With me in charge things are gonna change around here.
Virgintraded’s as good an argument for central planning as I ever saw. To go somewhere you have to take a fucking tour of the place, up the stairs, down the stairs, crawl here, jump here, oh mind the magma, etc. There’s shit all over the fort, clothes, bones, rotting food, broken crafts, strewn all over like a tornado passed through. So I gave the order to clean things up, you know, engrave some nice walls, rearrange the furniture a little. This is a dwarf fort, not a fucking forest retreat with leaves and whatnot as a part of the fucking décor! Some order
please! I have to think a bit more before we start knocking down walls, but we’ll get to that in good time.
Hsark’s diary, 30th of Granite
There aren’t nearly as many inhabitants here as you’d believe from the size of the place. It’s unsettling really. I’ve asked why, but they all seem to dodge the question.
Hsark’s diary, 8th of Felsite
Elfs have been sighted on the trail to our fort and Sanjor went to check on them so we could calibrate our catapults. Unfortunately a deep goblin was lying in wait, stabbing him and running off before anyone could react.
Bim Uzollek, our brave surgeon, promptly ran out to fetch Sanjor who was lying bleeding and unconscious on the bridge. That’s when the other goblins surged from their hiding places.
Yeah uhm I'll just go poke our steel decked dwarf military to deal with this "threat".
Bim did what every sensible dwarf would do when charged by a throng of bloodthirsty goblins – ran straight at them. There’s always the chance they’d laugh so hard they’d miss him.
It is now scientifically proven that goblins have no sense of humor.
Having finished off Bim, the Goblins made their way towards Sanjor, still passed out on the bridge. Poor Sanjor! Just as the goblins threw themselves at him, Risen Mosefon the Marksdwarf opened fire. I strongly recall telling everyone to stay put, but it seems some guys don’t listen so good.
While Risen’s actions were brave, the hail of bolts didn’t do much good. Some of the attacking goblins ran for the entrance, getting chopped to bits, but one plunged his spear into Risen who died.
Oh, and Sanjor didn’t make it either.