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Improving Skyrim / Recommended Mods thread (Mostly about Requiem)

a cut of domestic sheep prime

A pal just gifted me the legendary edition of Skyrim. What sort of mods would be considered "must" to make this game playable these days? As far as I know Requiem/SkyUI/TrueCompass/BetterQuestText gets you already far but is there more essentials?
Depends on what kind of game you want and how much deviation you want from the Vanilla Skyrim. My mod list with the must-haves in bold:
This is my complete mod list, but the load order isn't correct (use BOSS and Mod Organizer - which I feel is better than Manager - to make it work):
3DNPC v2 90 Beta - Adds a bunch of decent quests and voice acted npcs to the game.
A Quality World Map - Better worldmap.
Alternate Start - Live Another Life - Choose how you start the game instead of sitting through the crappy intro. Get it. It really is that good.
ApachiiSkyHair v 1 5 Full - More hair options.
Apocalypse Spell Pack - Bunch of cool spells that are semi-balanced and lore friendly.
Better Dynamic Snow - Snow appearance.
Better Vampires 6.41 - Again, must have.
BetterShapedWeapons DSR Addon - these mods make bladed weapons actually look sharp vs vanilla.
BetterShapedWeapons LeanWolf
Calientes Vanilla Armor -- Combined Pack v2-1 - these mods make all armor look better for CBBE.
Calientes Vanilla Armor -- Soldier Pack
Climates Of Tamriel - Dawnguard Patch - I guess this makes things look better by adding more nature stuff.
Climates Of Tamriel – Dragon-born Patch
Climates Of Tamriel - Sounds - Nature sounds to go with the nature stuff.
Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2
Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2 Dawnguard
Convenient Horses - Makes horses no longer retards that attack everything.
Dead Body Collision - Makes dead bodies have substance, rather than being able to walk through a dragon corpse...
Deadly Dragons - makes dragons really tough vs pushovers like in vanilla.
Dragon Soul Relinquishment - do something with all your extra dragon souls.
Enhanced Blood Textures 3 5b - more, better looking blood.
Enhanced Character Edit - more options to shape your character. Another must have.
Enhanced Lights and FX - Get it!!! Indoor environments never looked so good at almost zero performance hit!
Enhanced Lights and FX - Dawnguard
Enhanced Lights and FX - Dragonborn

Feminine Running Animation v1-1 non BBP pack
Footprints - everyone leaves footprints in snow etc.
Frostfall 2 5 Release - cold becomes actually cold. You can die of exposure etc. Adds campfire and shelter mechanics. Optionally affect vampires or not.
Get Snowy V4 - visual effects from cold apply to characters.
IA v6 BETA - Immersive armor pack adds tons of lore friendly armor to the game.
Immersive Weapons - same for weapons.
Killable Children - BOSS Compatible - children are no longer immortals.
Levelers Tower V35 Resources - cool for testing out characters in combat and stuff + very advanced cheat mod, if you want that. Not lore friendly.
Levelers Tower v35a ESM
Lustmord Armor V1-2 SD
Project Reality - Climates Of Tamriel-V3 - part of climates above.
Realistic Force - NPCs no longer fly for miles from a single arrow hit...
Realistic Needs and Diseases - hunger, thirst, sleep, etc - and turns off if you become a vampire...though you'll need sleep still and blood instead of food and water.
Reduced Distance NPC Greetings - eh, can cause problems, but I like it because people stop looking at me and saying weird crap all the time.
ReProccer - for SkyRe. Use the link in the SkyRe user guide.
Run For Your Lives - people run from dragons rather than being slaughtered like helpless fools and depopulating the game like in vanilla.
SBF - All In One esp - replace ugly companions faces with prettier ones. Recommended if you have a dick.
Sjel Blad Castle - v1 - Giant ass castle mod...but I don't like how it's just there and you don't buy it or anything. Pretty though.
Skyrim -Community- Uncapper - level skills forever - skill effects scale to 199.
SkyUI - get it!!!!
SLF Hair - LITE - 1K - improves hair textures.
SMIM Meshes - GET IT!!! Replaces ugly Bethesda models with better ones at almost no performance hit.
Static Mesh Improvement Mod - Part of above. Replaces ugly Bethesda models with better ones at almost no performance hit.
T3nd0s Skyrim Redone - AKA SkyRe. Modular overhaul that redoes perks right and rebalances combat etc. I like it.
The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER Unleashed - More eyes.
UFO - Dragonborn AddOn - UFO is supposed to help followers be better. They are still dumb, but you have more control over them...
UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul Compatibility Version
Underworld Dawnguard - Blue Vampire Version - Yeeeeeessssss... Vampire eyes are no longer Extremely freaky looking in dawnguard. Now they are just blue and glowy...
Underworld Dawnguard - Dark Lycan Eyes - Black werewolf eyes
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - ALL UNOFFICIAL PATCHES ARE MUST HAVES AND FIX MASSIVE BUGS. You'll still find things that need to be fixed though. I think the patch might have created a quest stopping bug in the mages guild questline though. it makes an area collapsed that shouldn't be in the book finding quest. I needed to use the "TCL" command in order to clip through it...
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch
Unofficial Skyrim Patch
I'm also using the Nova Performance version of RealVision ENB, but ENBs have caused problems for others and frankly the performance version doesn't make too much of a difference, so (unless you've got a very beefy rig and can max the settings of the full version) I don't recommend bothering with ENBs right off the bat... I recommend SkyRe over Requiem (as it offers more challenge without making the game insanely difficult, but get deadly dragons as SkyRe doesn't touch dragons) - the reproccer in this list is for SkyRe and basicaly patches weapons other mods included so that they are compatible with SkyRe.
You'll notice I also use SkyRe. I feel it improves the gameplay from vanilla a good deal without making it into a game that's so challenging it feels incompatible with the plot of various quest lines. Requiem does make it that challenging. Requiem feels like a completely different game. Actually, so much so that it feels broken quite often (bows are instakill railguns at close range for example). However, a few people here really like it and will argue to the death that I just need to "git gud", so to each his own.

I used to use a mod called "duel" to enhance the combat. That only alters enemy AI and makes that combat a little more realistic. I prefer SkyRe because it redesigns the perks into being actually useful and alters the level scaling to be a bit more challenging in certain areas. It doesn't touch dragons though, so get a dragon mod to improve those weak little lizards.
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Arch Devil
May 25, 2009
Can't recommend this one enough once it's out. The previous version from which this mod is based on was great:

Being Female




Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Can't recommend this one enough once it's out. The previous version from which this mod is based on was great:

Being Female

  • · What's new in Beeing female:
    - NPCs can become pregnant!
    - NPCs got a menstrual cycle
    - Can save up to 384 uniqu NPCs
    - Labor pains added
    - I added some kinds of damage (giving birth, Labor pains, Mittelschmerz, menstraul gramps)
    - Labor pains and replanish phase are added.
    - Animations are added (when taking damage or giving birth)
    - Menstrual blood added
    - Pregnant water breaking added
    - Pregnacy Abortus added
    - Loosing the unborn child when drinking to much alcohol or you took to much damage.
    - Information Menu
    - Male compatiblity (when the Player is a male he got a menu where he can see the womans he impregnate)
    - 2 Perks that reduce damage
    - Pregnant with up to 6 Babys
    - Stop the timer - this makes the state freezing so the Player can stay pregnant.
    - Show Stats Info Spell - This spell Shows the state of a woman
    - Anti Sperm Essence (cooking recipe to make vinega for washing out sperm - like in old days)
    - Ovulution egg traveling delay
    - Pregnacy belly scalling is exponential - in the 1. trimster it only scalls up to 20%, in the 2. trimster up to 70% and in the 3. up to 100%
    - Menstruating can be very painful, sometimes not.
    - Using SexLab Sounds
    - ModEvents, Keywords State-Spells for mod developer

MCM Menu


MCM General Settings


MCM Menstrual Menu


MCM Pregnacy Menu




MCM Info Menu - here you can see your current stats


MCM This menu will be removed before release, sry :) ... it's useful for me to test all Features


MCM Info - here you can see that my Menstruation pains are dolorous! Ouch!


Some Menstruation blood - at now it's not a gore effect. I'm not sure to Switch it to gore


Giving birth is animated and with a Special camera-view :)


This is the replanishing Phase - The breasts stay bigger, the belly is a bit bigger as normal and everything is scalling back to normal after time. THe Player can't become pregnant when replanishing


The anti sperm essence :) ... it's only a bottle with vinegar. That's what the peaple used in early days


The Debug Messages say that this NPC is pregnant with 1 Child!!! :) Good Job Player


Ok now this NPC Looks pregnant too


The NPC is about to give birth.... the pregnant water just broke


NPCs also got a birth animation


Here you can see the 2 new Perks


Oh my goodness - The unborn Baby got -4% health! it's dead


We've lose the Baby.... we are already bleeding
Meh another productive member of modders society, putting hours of work for some useless crap to feed his own fetishes

At least now I know what does it look like when simulationism goes degenerate.


Dec 6, 2012
Finally got around to playing Dawnguard. Some impressions:

- I detest all the on-rails sequences and the cutscene paralysis. First when you meet Serana, then Harkon, then Vyrthur.

- What is with the writing in the dlc?! The dialogue with Serana feels like I'm playing a BioWare game. Not to mention the attempt at forced emotional engagement by forcing her as a follower for much of the questline.

- It's hilarious watching the game give a binary choice in the beginning (which is a poor one considering you don't have much to go by except perhaps 'ooh, that vampire lord form looks cool!'; though, I guess if you're already a vampire it might be reasonably enticing. But that would be even more hilarious as it would mean that the vampire hunters recruited a vampire in the crusade against vampires (Requiem does change this), bearing in mind that that hilarity is in addition to them working with Serana.) and still do everything possible to make sure that that binary choice doesn't deprive you of much of meaningful content. The quests are mostly the same on either side, you can still become a vampire lord anytime later, and you have access to both types of sun arrows. Now, there is crating crossbows which is not available if you go against the Dawnguard, but thanks to Bugthesda, the relevant npc bugged out and I can't craft them after I sided with them. The forge in the Fort doesn't even exist.

- As for Requiem specific impressions, Soul Cairn was brutal, and justifiably so. Easily the toughest part of Skyrim with the mod. It was bad enough in any one encounter, it gets attritional if you want to fully explore the area.

- (Not part of the main questline but the Aetherium forge quest (actually, I did this quest way before starting the dlc main questline but didn't realise it was added by the dlc) was a good challenge thanks to the Requiem-added Enchanted Spheres. I mostly found it more prudent to try to sneak past them than to try to destroy them.)

- I did like exploring the Forgotten Vale; plenty of stuff to do on open ground rather than confining most of it to interiors.

Overall, it feels Bethesda tried to shoehorn a BioWare game--in terms of writing, quest design, character interaction, player agency--into TES and the result is awful.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Overall, it feels Bethesda tried to shoehorn a BioWare game--in terms of writing, quest design, character interaction, player agency--into TES and the result is awful.
Pretty much, yeah, but seriously: It's not like it's any worse than the rest of the game. Would a TES-style questline Skyrim-style questline really have been better than this?

Actually, let me write it for you: Remove the choice of which side to fight on along with the pseudo-romance. The player starts a vampire hunter and eventually is forced to become a vampire lord to progress - see the companions where you are forced to become a werewolf and the thieves guild quest that forces you to sell your soul to a daedra for more on this sort of batshit quest design. You'd still have to take Serana along on some missions, just like you had to take the two thieves with you in the last thieves guild quest. Then you fight the boss at the end and get to keep whatever stronghold as your own. You can also seek to cure yourself of vampirism just like you could cure yourself in the companions questline.

Sound like a better game?

TLDR: Bethesda. Bethesda really sucks: no matter what writing style they use.


Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
It would have been better if Bethesda learned to stick with just the one idea in a 20 dollar dlc.

It's not vampires versus vampire hunters at all. It's vampires, vampire hunters, the soul cairn, snow elves, long lost snow elf ruins 'n artifacts, elder scrolls, moth priests, prophecies, blocking out the sun, the dawnguard, vampire snow elf priests, sun magic, that priest who talks to a daedric prince, armored trolls and huskies, a stupid vampire bioware waifu and a whole lot of lacking choices and consequences.

Eh it's bethesda. . . a change of scenery is at least kinda nice.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

I think Bethesda realizes that a large part of their market is just playing a hiking/larping sim and therefore needs big areas to explore - hence all the different plot elements they shoehorned in there as excuses to add more areas. I mean, the people who actually play this stinker for the plot probably definitely aren't going to notice how unfocused the writing is.
May 6, 2009
Glass Fields, Ruins of Old Iran
Well, if the fans just wanted huge areas to explore, they wouldn't need to cobble disjointed biowarish storylines. Just a simple "You are approached by a nobleman who wants you to seek an artifact for him in the distant Island of Numtumtep" would suffice.

Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
And worst thing of them all Moth Priest is :popamole: pseudo medieval monk from oblibion instead of guy clothed in ancestor monks; install ''Timing is everything'', set the timing of vampire attacks on 100th level and enjoy the Requiem which adds all useful assets like crossbows to the gameworld. :incline:


Dec 6, 2012
Overall, it feels Bethesda tried to shoehorn a BioWare game--in terms of writing, quest design, character interaction, player agency--into TES and the result is awful.
Pretty much, yeah, but seriously: It's not like it's any worse than the rest of the game. Would a TES-style questline Skyrim-style questline really have been better than this?
I won't say if oc's guild questlines are any better (they're all mediocre to poor) but Dawnguard's is certainly noticeably worse.

Remove the choice of which side to fight on along with the pseudo-romance.
Actually, that ill thought-out choose-your-side choice is one of the chief contributors to the lack of quality in Dawnguard questline. OC's questlines are linear but Dawguard's manages to stay linear despite that choice. OC generally doesn't pretend to give a choice, it merely tries to offer some explanation that may or may not be sensible.

The player starts a vampire hunter and eventually is forced to become a vampire lord to progress - see the companions where you are forced to become a werewolf and the thieves guild quest that forces you to sell your soul to a daedra for more on this sort of batshit quest design.
You're not forced to become a vampire lord at any point. As for becoming a Nightingale, while you don't need to become one to kill Mercer Frey (which is what the game gives as a reason), it makes sense that Nocturnal would want something in return for letting you restore the Thieves' Guild. Somewhat similarly, becoming the Listener for Dark Brotherhood is not exactly stupid because that's the only way to get the big contract. Not much choice there, but not completely nonsensical either. Becoming a werewolf is certainly stupid, though, because you don't need to be one to deal with the Silver Hand or to cure Kodlak of his lycanthropy. But the bigger problem with the guilds' questlines is clearly the disregard for your pc build, whereas Dawnguard doesn't suffer from this problem.

So, uh, I guess Dawnguard is better in this aspect.

You'd still have to take Serana along on some missions, just like you had to take the two thieves with you in the last thieves guild quest.
It's not comparable at all. Serana is forced for pretty much all the quests; the only ones she isn't part of (if I recall/noticed correctly) are when you recruit a couple of npcs for Dawnguard and when you get the Elder Scroll in Blackreach, but the latter is so only because you can get it without starting the dlc. And sometimes you can't even dismiss her in between quests so you're forced to do multiple quests in succession if you don't want her as a follower.

Then you fight the boss at the end and get to keep whatever stronghold as your own.
Well, if you choose Dawnguard side you get to keep (more or less) both the strongholds.

You can also seek to cure yourself of vampirism
I assume this is following from where you said the player is forced to become a vampire lord?

TLDR: Bethesda. Bethesda really sucks: no matter what writing style they use.
I think the Biowarean writing just makes the whole experience insufferable.
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Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
With right mods you can ignore the thief guild or even send the scum behind the bars and there's alternative way to deal with Dark Brotherhood; the only jarring thing in OC is being forcing to become werewolf for no in game reason and one* of the Marcath Deadric quests. What is far more jarring than bioweran story its putting Vampire crisis in the middle of Rangerock and civil war and making the supposedly extra rare elder scrolls into quest macguffins 102th. It's like Todd and Howard making list of what Skyrim has to have:

Emperor Assasination! Yayyy!

Potema Yayyyy!!!

Elders Scrolls, More Elder Scrolls!!!!!!!!


Vampires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vampire Waifu:bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:


It's like new Bethpizda only way to not make Skyrim as generic and bland as Cyrodill from TES V was to make it into Rollecoster of Cool shit and TES lore theme park.

*Second one had decent Choice and Consequence and freedom to ''fail'' and was one of the better ones in Skyrim along with Windhelm serial killer investigation.


Dec 6, 2012
Yeah, they went overboard with the Elder Scrolls. It made sense and was fitting in case of Alduin, though. As for the emperor assassination, I didn't really mind it. The Empire is going to fall inevitably at the hands of Thalmor, so might as well hurry it along by killing the emperor. Same reason I sided with the Stormcloacks.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

Well, if the fans just wanted huge areas to explore, they wouldn't need to cobble disjointed biowarish storylines. Just a simple "You are approached by a nobleman who wants you to seek an artifact for him in the distant Island of Numtumtep" would suffice.
That'd be fine if it was $2-5. People still need more content to justify a $20 purchase to themselves.

Actually, when you look at the structure of the each of the quests, they're pretty much what you just said. "Go here. Explore. Find X." (Bow, pool of blood stuff, elder scroll, moth priest, Serana, Serana's mom..." The Bioware is just there to join it all together.
Actually, that ill thought-out choose-your-side choice is one of the chief contributors to the lack of quality in Dawnguard questline. OC's questlines are linear but Dawguard's manages to stay linear despite that choice. OC generally doesn't pretend to give a choice, it merely tries to offer some explanation that may or may not be sensible.
This is what doesn't make sense to me. You don't like that there is a choice - one that actually does make a difference to the storyline, if not the locations you visit - and you prefer vanilla Skyrim's choicelessness leading you around by the nose. Does the choice provide much, if any incline? Nope. But it doesn't really do any harm...

You're not forced to become a vampire lord at any point.
I was re-writing it based on the premise of it being written like one of the other guild questlines... Try to keep up, bro. ;)

It's not comparable at all. Serana is forced for pretty much all the quests; the only ones she isn't part of (if I recall/noticed correctly) are when you recruit a couple of npcs for Dawnguard and when you get the Elder Scroll in Blackreach, but the latter is so only because you can get it without starting the dlc. And sometimes you can't even dismiss her in between quests so you're forced to do multiple quests in succession if you don't want her as a follower.
Yeah, you've got me there. Serana is the only NPC I can think of that you need to take around with you so much. Still, there are many quests in the game that require you to tag along with other NPCs, so it's not a completely foreign concept. Just one that's overdone in Dawnguard and Biofailed for extra annoyance.
TLDR: Bethesda. Bethesda really sucks: no matter what writing style they use.
I think the Biowarean writing just makes the whole experience insufferable.
I still fail to see how it's any worse than the retarded mages' guild quest, but to each his own.

"I'm the archmage! I know the staff is in Labyrinthian, but I make you waste your time and go all the way through a dwemer ruin to find its location!"

"You saved the guild! You are now FORCED to become the archmage in spite of the fact you can't cast more than a few basic spells." (In my playthrough anyway...)
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Commissar Draco

Codexia Comrade Colonel Commissar
Mar 6, 2011
Привислинский край
Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
You failed to mention comrade that being admitted into college is part of main quest and unsinkable unlike the rest of cool Majestic and Epic shit Todd and Micheal put in; Skyrim is only enjoyable when you ignore main quest, Dawnguard and most guilds and RP it as Knight Errant simulator, doing bounties and quests for jarls and finally retire to your hard earnerd Manor with your deadric artifact collection, wifu, 2 kids and dog. :D Or play some mods like ESF Compannions or Return to Helgen which don't feel like rollecaster for 12 years old kiddies.

Speaking of mods found this page:


With mods for FNV and Skyrim; there's one reinstalling Imperial Bureaucracy and Legion; was tempted to install F3 without the guns to play it.
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Dec 6, 2012
Actually, that ill thought-out choose-your-side choice is one of the chief contributors to the lack of quality in Dawnguard questline. OC's questlines are linear but Dawguard's manages to stay linear despite that choice. OC generally doesn't pretend to give a choice, it merely tries to offer some explanation that may or may not be sensible.
This is what doesn't make sense to me. You don't like that there is a choice - one that actually does make a difference to the storyline, if not the locations you visit - and you prefer vanilla Skyrim's choicelessness leading you around by the nose. Does the choice provide much, if any incline? Nope. But it doesn't really do any harm...
The point was that it does harm it. The game gives a choice between vampires and dawnguard then proceeds to make the whole thing all about Serana and little about vampires vs. dawnguard.

I still fail to see how it's any worse than the retarded mages' guild quest, but to each his own.

"I'm the archmage! I know the staff is in Labyrinthian, but I make you waste your time and go all the way through a dwemer ruin to find its location!"

"You saved the guild! You are now FORCED to become the archmage in spite of the fact you can't cast more than a few basic spells." (In my playthrough anyway...)
That wasn't my point. OC has its share of awful quests and passable quests. And many quests do allow the player to approach from different points. Overall, OC's quests are better designed than Dawnguard.

a cut of domestic sheep prime

If you say so, bro. To me, the OC's quests are porn level story writing at best, filled with one dimensional characters and giant plot holes. Not saying Dawnguard is better, but it isn't really that much different. More of the same, good for what it is. Neither :decline: nor :incline:.
You failed to mention comrade that being admitted into college is part of main quest and unsinkable unlike the rest of cool Majestic and Epic shit Todd and Micheal put in; Skyrim is only enjoyable when you ignore main quest, Dawnguard and most guilds and RP it as Knight Errant simulator Daggerfall, doing bounties and quests for jarls and finally retire to your hard earnerd Manor with your deadric artifact collection, wifu, 2 kids and dog. :D
Fix'd 4 u. :D Actually, this is why I love the Live Another Live mod so much. The game really is 100x better when you get to completely ignore the main quest and never even become a dragon born. No save the world BS, no fighting cliff racers dragons every five minutes, Dawnguard is optional, so I usually just ignore it unless I get bored and want to start overpowering enemies with the VL form. So refreshing.


Mar 8, 2008
A pal just gifted me the legendary edition of Skyrim. What sort of mods would be considered "must" to make this game playable these days? As far as I know Requiem/SkyUI/TrueCompass/BetterQuestText gets you already far but is there more essentials?

Picking mods is a huge academic topic that it's impossible to teach or learn in a single forums reply or even one whole forums site. But here I can give you some general advice that I've learned from a whole month of intense modding training:

Stability Is Everything

You must have some basic knowledge about the game before doing any modding or you'll have lots of trouble facing frequent CTDs/Infinity Loading Screens/freezing and not knowing what causes what:
- Know that the game WILL crash when its memory usage reaches 3.1 Gb. You MUST install ENBooster to fix that.
- Know that the game WILL ILS/freeze when it loads lots of textures and stuff. You MUST install Safety Load to fix that.
- Know that the game's OFFICIAL esm files contain so called "dirty edits" which may ruin your modded game in the long run. You SHALL use TES5Edit to "clean" any dirty mods.
- Know that the game WILL crash if you don't have a proper load order of mods. You MUST use BOSS to manage a proper loading order (strictly speaking it's not necessary as your experience increases, but it'll still save a lot of work).

Scripted Mods Are ALWAYS Used With Caution

Know that unlike Morrowind/Oblivion, in Skyrim there is NO official "clean save". For a lot of mods which use scripts, if you uninstall the mod, then any game saves that use them will have references or orphaned scripted still embedded in them. Even if the mod author states that uninstalling (in a proper way) is safe, some references will still be there. If the situation is bad, in the long run it will cause save game bloats (game save size reaching hundreds of Mbs) and/or constant CTD or glitches (e.g. werewolf form taking minutes to set off)
Know that in the case above, but in a worse sense, a LOT of mods can NEVER be getting rid off, especially for mods that the author stopped support for a long time.
Know that a lot of random CTDs and glitches are caused by using a lot of scripted mods. Because of the nature of scripts, they require constant updating, and because of the sucky papyrus engine (the script engine of Skyrim), running a lot (6 or more) of heavily scripted mods will cause resource misallocating or conflicts or shit that will simply glitch out your game. Examples:

- Wet & Cold's script will do a check whenever you switch zones. I CTD'd a lot when I use it during zone transitions. I also got one vanilla game event failed to trigger while using Wet & Cold because the event occurs exactly as I change zone. Uninstalling W&C fixed that.
- Enhanced Blood Textures have scripts that cause NPC to make blood pools. The script will make a dead NPC gush out blood every few seconds and apply multiple stacking blood texture on the ground he's laying on, simulating a blood pool. You can imagine how stressed the papyrus engine will be if you killed a lot of NPCs and therefore a lot of blood scripts are running simultaneously.

To avoid script related stability problems:

- Always read the mod description (how heavy scripted it is, how is its compatibility, etc.) ESPECIALLY if it has any instruction on how to UNINSTALL it.
- Always check the latest updated file's date. You don't want to install something that's last updated in early 2012 or something unless it's just textures replacement.
- Always check the latest forums posts of a specific mod. Sometimes the author have important messages stickied on top. Sometimes you'll see other posters complain about possible conflicts or CTDs, and hopefully provide guidelines or fixes. Sometimes you'll read from posters that the mod is abandoned by the author and such mods shall NOT be installed unless you know what you're doing (once again, exceptions are simple meshes/textures replacement mods or mods that other posters deem ok to use).
- Always include scripted mods one by one (or three by three), do not throw in a dozen scripted mods all together and declare the game "STABLE!" just because you don't crash when you reach Riverwood. There stands a good chance that you WILL crash when you go to Whiterun, and by then it'll be too late (or at least very tedious) to fishing for culprit mods.

PS: with a lot of mods with scripts you can disable specific functions to relieve the papyrus engine's stress. For example you can disable blood pools of EBT, the "water dripping" shader of Frostfall/Wet & Cold, and so on. Unfortunately a lot of mods or their functions require periodically checks (a few seconds or so) and you can't disable them; using a lot of these mods will cause trouble. How much is too much you may ask? Well, I can't give a clear number because apparently there's a kind of "threshold" of game stability. Try to install 5 scripted mods, play for a few hours, then add another one tomorrow, if it's stable add another the next day, and so on.

Overhauls Aren't Necessary The Best

Despite what others tell you, SkyRe or Requiem are not strictly must-haves for your game. The main problem with these mods is because they cover so many things (from perks to game mechanism to damage and so on), it will make your game far less moddable, so if you're not happy with one aspect of the mod and want to use another mod to replace a function, your option will be either very limited or even impossible. For example, want to try Apocalypse Spell Package, or Deadly Combat/Deadly Dragons? But will they balance well with Requiem? Thankfully both SkyRe and Requiem are both self-moddable to a certain extend. However...

Which brings the greatest problem: such mods are not supposed to be casually installed or uninstalled midgame. You're supposed to start a new character with them and stick right through it. If you find the mod not to your liking after 30 hours (perhaps you hated some changes, perhaps you wanted some other mods but they're not compatible, and so on), then you must uninstall the thing and restart. It's not that restarting is bad for this game anyway, but it can be frustrating for you if you're in a mod trying mood.

Personally I prefer to use a combinations of mod choices because I know what needs to be modded and to what degree, while SkyRe and Requiem can bring a very unique, possibly "a different Skyrim" experience because they really "overhauled" everything. I didn't choose the latter also because I'm still fine-tinkering with game stability issues and gameplay balance understanding, so using self-choices gives more room to experiment.


Nov 25, 2011
I need the last version of Script Dragon but the link on the official site seems to be not working. Could someone upload it, please?

edit: Never mind. Already fixed it.
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The Real Fanboy
Nov 3, 2013
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hey thanks Heresiarch, I had read of the ENB boost but hadn't installed it yet; I don't use many graphic intensive mods so I figured what the hell but Safety Load sounds like a great safety measure. I tried both and my card seems to draw pretty much the same power but the framerate seems smoother and even if I had like 3 crashes in over 160 hours of gameplay extra proofing is always welcome


Oct 3, 2012
At least some people have fun with the game. I destroyed my worthless Skyrim DVD today and dumped the connected Steam account into trashmail. I'll never touch any of Bethesda's generic bloatware ever again. Now I feel free.

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