What other sinergies did you guys found out ?
Ive found that Prism works nicely with Rapier for POW efficiency.
Obviously, Monster and Central were designed to go togehter.
Need a +5 pwr boost, just fire that overclocked zapper of his.
Still, what works best for me is:
Archived Banks + Xu + Seed + Lockpick
I'm very fond of seed. During the first missions, you can make do with just breaking 1-2 firewalls per turn making it very power efficient.
It's even possible to use Brimstone successfully, but I always consider this a wasteful program.
Break all safes with Xu to save even more PWR.
Your PWR count resets to 10 after each mission (it carried over in ea builds), which should let you do all the hacking you need.
This way you can ignore getting pwr from consoles, opening up the possibility to convert it to cash with banks' chip.
It's challenging for the first two, three missions cause archived banks has shit starting zapper which I usually sell at the first nanofab after expending the ammo, but Xu sorta makes up for it, as he's got a door trap and a hand zapper he can share.
After the startup period during which you should invest a few points in Hacking to maximize the rewards and possibly get a -1 cooldown augmentation for the guy who'll be using the chip, you should be swimming in cash,
easily making 1k - 2k per mission on just the consoles.
Maxing out your agents gets trivial at this point, and nanofab vestibules should start feeling like christmas.
It's important to hit a server farm soon-ish to upgrade your hacking tools. Dagger 1.0 or 2.0, Lockpick 2.0 and Hunter (Taurus will do in a pinch) make for a nice package that can handle any firewall for very cheap.
Add a parasite or data blast to hack multiple stuff at once and you're all set.
The biggest problem about tis build is when you have shit luck with finding stuff in the first 2-3 missions. Without Torque injectors the cooldown on the $ chip takes forever, forcing your moneymaker to drag along. It also gets pretty shitty if you don't find a second neural disrupter or a gun to save you from an accasional fuckup (I'm typing this from the perspective of Expert Ironman I am trying to pull off atm.).
An EXTREME version of this build would use Monst3r instead of xu, since he starts with Hacking:3, you will get about +100$ per console, making it very likely to end mission one with a metric fuckton of cash.
Unfortunately, it also emphasizes the weakness of the first version of the build, as your zapping ability will be really crappy unless you luck out on the nanofabs.
Another interesting combination for me is Archived Shalem + Xu (same set of programs as above, I really like Seed + Lockpick, but there's nothing fundamentally wrong about power drip). Xu can disable heart monitors for a turn, and Shalem's three shot gun is very efficient (it could probably work just as well with archived Decker, but I'm not a big fan of the guy). Cleanup cost is really peanuts in my view, given the freedom you get from offing just one guard or two - it's often enough to pick the level clean.