Damn, missed it.
Yeah, always struck me weird that an anxiety-prone introvert ended up as inXile's de facto community liason. Speaking as one myself I can't imagine taking that kind of job. sea's talents of monocled design and analysis are better used elsewhere I would think. I guess it was because he was forum active in the first place that they kind of said, oh you forum, OK police the forums then and talk to those people.sea left the forum a long time ago (2015) because he's a neurotic, nervous wreck. Doesn't have anything to do with BN.
Yeah, always struck me weird that an anxiety-prone introvert ended up as inXile's de facto community liason. Speaking as one myself I can't imagine taking that kind of job. sea's talents of monocled design and analysis are better used elsewhere I would think. I guess it was because he was forum active in the first place that they kind of said, oh you forum, OK police the forums then and talk to those people.sea left the forum a long time ago (2015) because he's a neurotic, nervous wreck. Doesn't have anything to do with BN.
Brother None got promoted?
Or sacked?Brother None got promoted?
Brother "Leave This Many Jews Alive" None
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Tell that to Zyklon Beekers!Alright the antisemitism needs to end, thanks.
Revealing the hipocrisy of Thomas "Zyklon" Beekers was a very lulzy and codexian moment. RIP bubbles
Also Brother Nazi stopped posting loooooong before that (Along with all the inxile people who just came here to shill)
Zyklon Beekers and Shilling Eunuch Autist may no longer be with us but they will always have a place in Codex Hall of Shame.
Sea was introduced to the industry by Brother Genonecide, so he's very thankful and obedient. Since Brother Genonecide says „Bad Codex, Sea! Bad!”, while yanking the leash fiercely, there's no more posts from Sea on Codex to be seen. Cpt out.
Yeah, always struck me weird that an anxiety-prone introvert ended up as inXile's de facto community liason. Speaking as one myself I can't imagine taking that kind of job. sea's talents of monocled design and analysis are better used elsewhere I would think. I guess it was because he was forum active in the first place that they kind of said, oh you forum, OK police the forums then and talk to those people.sea left the forum a long time ago (2015) because he's a neurotic, nervous wreck. Doesn't have anything to do with BN.
Yeah, maybe.Maybe if he'd stuck around we could have given him good advice on things like UI design.
Yeah, maybe.Maybe if he'd stuck around we could have given him good advice on things like UI design.
Honestly the impression I get is that he was the "new guy" who got stuck with the crap jobs nobody else wanted to do, just like at any company. Doesn't seem like anyone at inXile is super passionate about UI design or customer communication, so they just said, hey new guy, check your email.
He's. And this forum is relatively nice to neurotic nervous wrecks of his type.sea left the forum a long time ago (2015) because he's a neurotic, nervous wreck. Doesn't have anything to do with BN.
Wasn't it some salty banned codexer that spread all the BN stuff to reddit/8chan?
I don't remember anyone here posting it outside the forums.
Yeah, but let's not bullshit ourselves here, we knew some nutter is gonna do it the moment people dug out those quotes.
lulz, I remember now.
It was T-Rex. He even posted it on Reddit under the guise of Skyway.
And now he's back as Martyrized Dinosaur.
I don't remember anyone here posting it outside the forums.
CC'ed former president Jimmy Carter
like seasea left the forum a long time ago (2015) because he's a neurotic, nervous wreck
Sea was introduced to the industry by Brother Genonecide, so he's very thankful and obedient. Since Brother Genonecide says „Bad Codex, Sea! Bad!”, while yanking the leash fiercely, there's no more posts from Sea on Codex to be seen. Cpt out.