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Is InXile a Ponzi scheme?


Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
Is kickstarter a massive Ponzi scheme?

Lurker King

The Real Fanboy
Jan 21, 2015
Remember when Brian Fargo drove his company into the ground in part by riding the early cinematic wave that helped kill old crpgs and people on this very forum were like "yeah we better give this guy thousands of dollars because his name was nebulously attached a decades old game no one cares about except for internet cred?" Remember how people on this forum were obviously scammed by garbage game wasteland 2 and decided to give this man MORE MONEY only to get scammed even worse? I remember and I laugh every time I remember.

This! People here like to act as if they are the cool cynical kids of the internet, but there is so much self-delusion going on.
May 5, 2014

Charles Eli Cheese

Neckbeard Shitlord
Edgy Shitposter
Dec 31, 2016
Jewed by inanatron the crybaby faggot
I think kickstarter should be more for groups that already have a demo but are too small to have any real budget on their own and want 50k-100k to pay for genuine expenses like some art and music and crap. As a means to fund a whole game with millions it's just retarded and as we are finding out, doesn't really work. WL 2 was OK I guess, but not nearly what I hoped, and they have gone much further afield and much more mainstream since then, with little to show for it so fuck them.


Sep 20, 2014
Unfortunately, the mechanisms driving Kickstarter are a poor tool for fixing this issue, and for a number of reasons.
  • Games companies are made up of artists and maybe a couple of business-minded people, neither of which tend to be good at PR. Pre-KS, PR and finance were handled by the publishers - which KS is specifically bypassing. So, these dev companies either have to spend money out of their own pocket to hire a competent PR person, have one of the artists handle PR - no!, or ask backers to pay for PR (hah hah hah, yeah right!).
But isn't Fargo comfortably above average in PR, at least when it comes to reaching his target group?


Nov 27, 2011
The end of every place
But isn't Fargo comfortably above average in PR, at least when it comes to reaching his target group?
To all appearances, he's certainly a businessman/salesman of above average competency, at the very least. And he is certainly able to make a sales pitch to an audience. Which is the typical sort of person in charge of a company. The discipline of PR, on the other hand, is less about making sales, and more about how to control the message that is generally spoken about your company and products. Broadly speaking, a company doesn't even need PR - that is, until the day some shit goes down and your PR rep steps into crisis management mode for the company. Because one of their main jobs is to prevent scandal, and to mitigate the effects of scandal when such things do occur. And while you don't need need them most days, on the other hand, if they have been there all along - and if they're of any worth - then they have already worked to insulate the company from the worst effects of any such scandals.

Thus, the PR rep may be tasked with organizing the press schmooze party for your new release - knowing all of the right people and making sure that they're there and happy. While it's the boss who is the one out on the floor of that party, pressing the flesh, making sales by making the press and public love him and his latest product.

Charles Eli Cheese

Neckbeard Shitlord
Edgy Shitposter
Dec 31, 2016
Jewed by inanatron the crybaby faggot
I think kickstarter should be more for groups that already have a demo but are too small to have any real budget on their own and want 50k-100k to pay for genuine expenses like some art and music and crap. As a means to fund a whole game with millions it's just retarded and as we are finding out, doesn't really work. WL 2 was OK I guess, but not nearly what I hoped, and they have gone much further afield and much more mainstream since then, with little to show for it so fuck them.

Basically what I am saying is you don't ever pay for something completely before it's actually produce. You can pay half now and half later but paying for it all is a giant mistake. True story, one of my neighbors comes round begging for work a few years ago. I had all kinds of house maintenance that needed doing so I let him do various stuff always paying afterwards. One day I am going to be out of town so give him 100 bucks to get rid of this tree while I am gone. An easy job actually, it is a small tree. I get back, it's not done.

I get hold of him and ask him why he didn't do the work and he asks if I have a contract then laughs in my face. Even though he is about 5 foot tall mexican guy who I could stomp to death like a puppy and even though he had done thousands in work for me and even though I live in the same fucking block! Anyway I shoved him down on the concrete and he threatened to call the police but I just laughed. After that no one in the neighborhood would hire him for odd jobs any more and it was not long before he could not make his rent.

tldr: frogs should not give scorpions the money up front


Feb 28, 2015
Y'all just need to wait for the inevitable Choplifter RPG and/or Stonekeep 2 kickstarter.

Hey now, lets not forget the sequel to the critical hit that was Hunted: The Demon's Forge

Studio Fawn

Studio Fawn
Nov 11, 2012
What if I told you ....it takes years to make a bideo game?

Wasteland 2 sold over half a million units....

Ponzi scam confirmed! Making games then selling them! Also confirmed Putin is secretly controlling inxile.
Sep 7, 2013
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Serpent in the Staglands Bubbles In Memoria A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Things like these are bound to happen with Kickstarters, but this time it happened to inxile. Every company should drop the kickstarter bullshit asap.
This is an overreaction.

You sure? Videogames are seriously lacking in the KS department. IIRC it's the least successful area in KS itself, or at least the most likely to fail to deliver.

That's because the entertainment industry is extremely sleazy and bullshit prone.


Thought Criminal #3333
Apr 18, 2005
On Patroll
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So now there's butthurt because of how others rate your posts.
Button. Butthurt. Coïncidence?


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