Finally, let me summon the game master who will explain why you play this game: Abracadabra Lilura
That's a lesson the game's trying to teach you. That following your dreams is stupid.Also OC has stupid ideas in terms of developing NPCs - like dwarf getting from decent warrior to incredibly bad monk.
Yes, but only so you can play Mask of the Betrayer without being confused as to what is going on. Treat the original campaign as an introductory adventure, the shitty prologue to something great that doesn't really relate that much to the aforementioned prologue.Is NWN2 worth playing?
It has a barbarian class, why is this even a question?
'sright.You should just play those Conan custom modules over either though.
I'm hopeful that the best is yet to come.
But for its stability, it'd be a decent mod.It offers a much better exploration experience.
True, I'll admit giving up on it. Still, what I have played was far better then SoZ.But for its stability, it'd be a decent mod.It offers a much better exploration experience.
It's good even my cat plays she likes the tieflings hehehehe
Man, as soon as I saw the screen, the music from the High Harvest Fair started playing in my head.
Well, I disagree. NwN2 is worse, certainly, but it is because it tried to implement party control and - God Almighty - Attacks of Opportunity in an engine that wasn't designed for party play. Even the way characters move in NwN feels awkward. The whole battle line feels like a castle of cards about to collapse at any moment. Compare it to the much more precise controls you'll find in PoE and the IE games. That said, I guess the combat would be bearable in NwN1, as long as you're ok with the 'party' size and as long as the module has sparse combat. My advice is playing nothing more complex or subtle than a self buffing fighter.The combat in NWN 1 based games is actually very good and enjoyable, the aspect which makes it suck is the lack of party control. The design of the combat and its mechanics is excellent as its it monster variety and design.