This game does the Frostpunk thingy much better than Frostpunk ever did.
Love the game too, played it yesterday and today overnight, in my age this shit happens only once in a few years.
But Frostpunk still wins in my book, there are a few things in Ixion that really got on my nerves. You mentioned one, the resource management. Chirst almighty, who told the devs it was a good idea to segregate sectors into their own little bubbles? This shit was so grating all those 25 hours I bumbled through my first run.
Also... 25 hours one run. That's not great for a rogue-lite mix of Frostpunk and FTL. Granted, that's first run, just stumbling blindly through, restarting chapters. But still.... I didn't have any qualms about restarting the various Frostpunk scenarios because one can take only a few short hours, if that. But here? Midway through a sector you realize you came wholly unprepared and sometimes it's not enough to just restart the current sector, you have to replay the previous one too. That's just too much, however I love the game.
Also considering you have to rebuild your sectors more than in any other such game I've ever played everything takes so goddamn long, especially with clogged storages. I could accept we don't get a simple "move a building" feature but goddamn, tearing down something and rebuilding takes soooooo long.
There are a few other small niggles, mainly associated with the UI (it was p. frustrating not being able to cancel or modify some orders). But otherwise the game is a rough gem, especially the vibe and story. Oh and the music. Loved it.