There is a certain small, but very vocal segment of the adventure game community that *really hates* Jane Jensen. Well, maybe that's not quite fair. They really hate The Silver Lining, and fairly or not Jensen is linked to that due to it being set in the KQ6 areas, and crediting her as inspiration. I've never played Gray Matter, but I do know that I love Gabriel Knight 1 & 2 and King's Quest 6, so I will give some money to this project once I have a bit more to dole out.
huh I honestly did not know she worked on KQ VI. That more you know I guess.
Good to see another supporter. I can understand some people just aren't JJ fans (and are HUGE backers of Schafer). I get that.
Voting with your wallet to support independent studios is a voice were we can say fuck you Publishers. And that's what I support. And I still love JJ and feel she will/can pull off some decent Adventure Games. Give us back the fucking games we know and love.