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Completed Katawa Shoujo: I love you just the way you are...


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong

Excellent choice Dovahkiin.
To do otherwise is to invite misfortune Kenji


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
...yeah, having night walks with a guy you just met 5 days ago...when you're completely blind. Completely amazing.
I'm just glad this game protagonist isn't Rance or else he'd "Goddamn I can rape her but i dun wanna be called a rapist, how am I gonna get away with this. *Rance's thinking face*"


May 9, 2007
Roughly how many decisions per hour would you say in this game? Also, try and fuck the librarian.


Jul 6, 2008
Codex 2012
He could offer to lend her his walking stick. Gahahaha.

Also Rin should really snap some day and knife someone to death.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Excellent choice Dovahkiin.
To do otherwise is to invite misfortune Kenji

:lol: I was like "Must be retarded to lie at this point..."

Roughly how many decisions per hour would you say in this game? Also, try and fuck the librarian.

I would say every game - day you got around 1-2 decisions. This game, as DamnedReg mentioned, is quite lengthy.
I'm obviously not gonna LP another run of this game when I'm done. It's rather taxing.


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
:lol: I was like "Must be retarded to lie at this point..."
My thoughts exactly...
Doesn't stop Hisao-kun from practically denying it whenever he has an episode, though...

I would say every game - day you got around 1-2 decisions. This game, as DamnedReg mentioned, is quite lengthy.
I'm obviously not gonna LP another run of this game when I'm done. It's rather taxing.

I've done Lilly and Rin's route, each clocked about 7 hours so I can definitely attest to that.
There are a lot of decisions during the first act, it's quite a jungle. From memory, we still have one to go before Act 2.
Succeeding acts slow down a lot, I'd say they average about 1 decision an hour at this point and a fair number of these have no effect beyond the ensuing dialogue.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
ED: Today is going so fast, we didn't even get a damn scene where Hicchan whines about waking up early, also, we skipped the morning run routine. Guess he really didn't like being outrun by bionic girl.

The students roll into class for the Saturday morning session, each and every one of them sporting the tired eyes of people that have worked through the night.

With only a day left to prepare, I suppose it's not so surprising. Thankfully, we only have to suffer through classes until the lunch break, and then our time is our own.

ED: Wow. Saturday classes? Poor bastards.

Mutou lurches into the class in a tired stagger. I suppose students aren't the only people here that enjoy their late Friday nights.
Without saying a word, he scrawls come page and question numbers on the board and slumps down at his desk.
It's completely atypical behavior for him, but it appears that no one in the class is going to call him out on it.
Wordlessly, the students shuffle their textbooks into position and get to work. Not wanting to break the trend, I do the same.
Fatigue has made the class antisocial; not a peep is heard among the ruffling papers.

That can partly be attributed to the two empty seats beside me. For some reason Misha and Shizune aren't present; probably doing council work for the festival.

It's very quiet without Misha present.
I wonder if she was born as rowdy as she is, or if she is "making up" for Shizune's lack of voice.

ED: Interesting theory, but I prefer to classify her as insane.


I'm so engrossed in thinking about Misha that I don't even notice Mutou approaching my desk.

ED: Engrossed...in thinking of...her? :eek:

Sure...what's this about?
It's probably better if we speak outside the classroom..

ED: Uh oh.

Something about this doesn't sound too good, but I stand up and follow him out into the hallway.

ED: I hope Shizune didn't finger us for something over that episode.

Mutou stands in the hallway, scratching his head as he works out what he is trying to say. Not knowing what is going on, I wait silently.


ED: Meh.


I expected Mutou to be a little vague, but this pushing the limits.

You know. Things. You've had a week to settle in now, so how are things?
Er, fine I guess.

ED: Abso-fucking-lutely. :smug:

I see. And how is your...condition?

The pause before "condition" seemed a little unnecesary.

Haven't had any problems so far.

A brief shimmer of relief passes across Mutou's face.

Good, that's good. The school nurse was a little concerned that you might have been pushing yourself a bit too hard.

ED: Ehhhh? I thought Emi would've said otherwise, seeing as to how we quit coming for morning runs...I don't hate the Energizer Bunny, but Hicchan just hates running.

He asked me to keep an eye on you when he couldn't.
That makes sense...
I'd ask that you don't blow us off so freely. As much as we try to give you the level of education that you would get at normal speed, you have to realize that you have limits.
Our goal is to make sure that you know where those limits are, and how to maximise your potential within them. Do you follow me?
I guess. I mean, I don't plan on doing anything stupid.
Well, that's a start, I guess.
So then, onto my next question; how are you finding your studies? I understand you were laid up for a while. We're not too far ahead, are we?

ED: It would be an interesting game mechanics if the game actually forces the player to pass a test of some sort, but this is a visual novel. So it really isn't surprising that NOTHING except the guy to girl social interaction matters to your success. But it's strange why the writers omitted the book he reads. It's almost like it's a pointless filler of background. So you're a bookworm. Big fucking deal.

I don't really think so. I tried to keep up when I was in the hospital, so it hasn't been too hard.

Mutou taps his chin and raises an eyebrow as he absorbs the information.

Is that so..I suppose there are still students out there that realize the importance of learning...

I wouldn't go that far, I was only trying to keep myself occupied in my little life-support prison.

Well, yeah. You've got to keep up with these things, right?
That's exactly it. One wrong move in this world and you're left behind, right?
Er, right. Wouldn't want that to happen.
No, no you wouldn't. Every week there's a new scientific discover. Most of them mean nothing to the layperson, but any one of them could be the key to the Next Big Thing.

ED: Yawn.

I'll keep that in mind.

It's obvious that Mutou's Serious Talk is over, and he's gone back to his standard slightly scatterbrained approach to life.
I think, in hindsight, that I prefer him this way. He's slightly more predictable in his unpredictability.

Well then, I think that's all I really had to say. Let's get back inside, shall we?

My relief at that suggestion is insurmountable.

Sure. You're the boss, right?

Mutou pauses for a moment.

I don't think any of my students have ever said that to me before.

For an instant I consider replying to this, but something deep within me tells me to shut my mouth and get back into the classroom.

A few of the students jump at the sound of the door, rapidly trying to pretend that they are working on the questions on the board.
Some don't even bother, their heads slumped on the desk as they nap. Thankfully, it would appear that Mutou does not even notice them.
He returns to his desk and retrieves a scientific journal from one of the drawers. I guess I got to him there.
The class returns to the near-silence that Mutou and I left it before our chat.
Mixed feelings of tiredness and anticipation buzz around the room. Everyone here is either waiting for a chance to rest or the chance to get their last-minute preparations underway.
The clock on the wall slowly ticks the remaining class time away, until finally the bells cry out, ending the torment.

Before you all leave, I expect the answers for those problems by Monday.

The class sighs as one, instantly regretting slacking off, but still acutely aware of the more pressing issues at hand.
The classroom empties in a blink as everyone rushes to their last-minute festival preparations.
I stay behind and try to quickly finish the questions so I don't have to bother with it over the rest of the weekend, with the festival and all tomorrow.

ED: Good, good. Leaving us free tomorrow for the important task of helping Lilly. :smug:

Apart from me, Hanako is the only one left, obviously waiting for Lilly.

ED: Hmmm...Chance?


But it's none of my business, and I naturally don't ask about it from Hanako.

ED: Eh...she's still not approachable yet?

Despite the relative proximity of our seats, neither tries to strike up a conversation about that or anything else either, so an oppressive silence falls upon the classroom.
Time passes in silence. It's probably just fifteen minutes or so but it feels longer. I turn pages of my notebook. Hanako turns pages of the novel she's reading.
My pencil lead splinters against the paper just when I was about to finish a paragraph.
The sound of my irritated sigh and subsequent fumbling around for a sharpener feel like they're breaking the mood in the classroom.
Hanako keeps her eyes firmly away from my direction.

ED: Sigh.

Before long, Lilly's tall figure appears in the doorway.


ED: Awww.

They talk quietly for a moment, but it isn't long before Lilly leaves down the hall and Hanako idles back into the classroom, taking her seat once again.

ED: Weird.

I watch Hanako out of the corner of my eye out of sheer curiosity at the idea that the two would be separated.


The boredom evidently becomes too much for her though, her slender frame reaching into her bag and pulling out a small book.

ED: Why can't you talk to her? Seriously. This is probably the best chance.

Come to think of it, that isn't the one I saw her reading at the library. She must be quite a fast reader to get through them at this rate.
But why would Lilly leave her to her own devices? It seems to be quite out of the ordinary, going by Hanako's reaction.

ED: Was Darth Sion abandoned by Darth Traya due to yesterday's absence when heading into town with the Exile? :eek:


Ah, that's right. I think Lilly mentioned something about going into town today before Rin bumped into us.

ED: Hmm..then we should...uh...y'know...

The thought of that walk makes me look outside.
The bright sun and occasional people wandering around and enjoying the afternoon made me yearn to get out of school, or at least do something other than sit here.


ED: That's the spirit, Dovahkiin!

I give a grunt as I lever myself out of my seat, briefly debating with myself whether or not to hang out with Kenji.

ED: Fuck you, man.

He doesn't strike me as the "enjoying the nice weather outside with others" kind of person, really. I guess I'll catch up with him later.
Changing tacks, I briefly entertain the idea of talking with Hanako, but by the time I look at her seat, it's vacant. She must've left for the library.


ED: Durrr..whom shall we stalk? Seriously? :retarded:

Following Hanako to the library seems a bit intrusive. There was a reason she left the classroom, after all.
And that aside, I do want to catch up with Lilly. At the very least, I'd like to thank her for looking out for me despite her other, obviously taxing, duties.

ED: Riiiiight.

I guess I'll walk around town. With any luck, I should be able to find Lilly. The exercise'll will do me some good, as well.

ED: We'll end this update right here as midnight in RL approaches. Time for bed. Cya tomorrow, Ai-BROS!


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
I don't understand this shit. Is this supposed to be a hentai game? Seems like it has degenerate potential - it's a school full of crippled girls right? But why is it beating around the bush so much? Seriously these fucking games, there's way too much efforts put into the writing, I was already pretty confused at Sengoku rance but i really dont understand how these games work its not like its going to be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAKGLGUGJKFKDI)S)LPQqw^;do-0dvlpc.`xcdkdkld


Sep 16, 2009
Guyse, you know that Andy RK is actually trolling you - there are no NSFW scenes in this game... :lol:


Jan 16, 2012
Let's say it like this: this game has hentai, not much but it is good.
Most of the time is spend character building instead, and i have to say that is a good thing. The storys give you a warm, fuzzy feeling sometimes and othertimes you are crying your eyes out until you think you're gonna drown.
Rin especaly hit me like a truck full of bricks, gotta get more tissues.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I don't understand this shit. Is this supposed to be a hentai game? Seems like it has degenerate potential - it's a school full of crippled girls right? But why is it beating around the bush so much? Seriously these fucking games, there's way too much efforts put into the writing, I was already pretty confused at Sengoku rance but i really dont understand how these games work its not like its going to be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAKGLGUGJKFKDI)S)LPQqw^;do-0dvlpc.`xcdkdkld

I'm sorry that this game is Serious Business. :smug:


Best Poster on the Codex
Aug 21, 2007
Frown Town
I don't understand this shit. Is this supposed to be a hentai game? Seems like it has degenerate potential - it's a school full of crippled girls right? But why is it beating around the bush so much? Seriously these fucking games, there's way too much efforts put into the writing, I was already pretty confused at Sengoku rance but i really dont understand how these games work its not like its going to be aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAKGLGUGJKFKDI)S)LPQqw^;do-0dvlpc.`xcdkdkld

I'm sorry that this game is Serious Business. :smug:

It's too bad I can't make a comeback pun with your internet handle or otherwise the clever humour would have gone through the roof


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I guess I'll walk around town. With any luck, I should be able to find Lilly. The exercise'll do me some good, as well.
Walking through the school courtyard to the gate, I give a small nod to a couple passing classmates, the gesture being returned in kind.

Even from here, the shouts of the sports club members can be heard. From the sheer volume of the din, the track must be packed right now.
I remember what Lilly said yesterday about being dropped right into the middle of a busy time for the school.
While I'm trying to get my bearings and catch up on study that I've missed, everyone else is doing normal school activities. The feeling of being a foreigner still hasn't dissipated. At least, not yet.

Well, I guess not everything's bad.

This is a private school, and that much is easily noticed when walking around outside. Not only are the school grounds huge, but the buildings themselves are immaculate and quite divorced from the dime-a-dozen concrete blocks of public school.

There's also the fact that there's a much stronger feeling of community here, or at least a friendlier atmosphere. At my old school, it was generally accepted that people would keep to their little clique and be done with it.



Having seen a fair portion of the town, even including the houses perched on the hills around the outskirts, I decide to take a walk around the park before heading back.

ED: Heading back? What? I thought we're here to stal- err...find Lilly!

Living in the city all my life, the total lack of smartly-dressed businessmen and fashionably-dressed girls strikes me as incredibly unusual.

All that's to be seen are the odd elderly person shuffling along the sidewalk and assorted busily chatting pairs of middle-aged women outside of small storefronts.

Walking along the road to the park quickly distracts me from them, though, making me realize that I perhaps pushed myself further than I should have done to see as much as I could.

ED: Is it really that bad? I mean, we WALKED, didn't we?

As my breath begins to wheeze and my chest tightens more and more, I give up on the prospect of soldiering on.

ED: You're gonna die from having a walk into town?

After a quick glance around the park as I enter, I take a seat on a wobbly old bench that I notice near a couple of vending machines.


Lonely Dovahkiin is Lonely

The stay in hospital, the surgery and the medications must be taking their toll on me. Dammit.
Eventually, my breathing returns to normal and the muscle in my chest loosen, not without a fair measure of relief. I guess this means the end of my little sojourn though, in any case.

ED: :(


A little bell above the door signals my arrival to an empty counter.
For a few moments I stand there waiting, my eyes every now and again drifting from one end of the counter to the other searching for a service bell.

Eventually a door some ways behind the counter opens, the person emerging from it taking me by complete surprise.


ED: Well, this is totally unexpected.

Hi, I had no idea you worked here.

I really have no idea how to address her either, given that she is technically school staff as well as, apparently, a waitress.

Ah, yes, um...

She quickly paces up to the counter, before flinging her upper half downward in an overacted bow.

Welcome to the Shanghai! May I take your order?

Straight down to business, I see.

I don't know...well, some coffee, please?
Yes, certainly. I'll make it right away and bring it to you when it's done.
Uh, thanks.

Yuuko's formality takes me aback. She seems to take her job very seriously.

Obeying her instructions, I turn around and quickly glance around for a free table. Considering the cafe seems to be empty, this is a simple task to accomplish.

As I walk towards a table adjacent to the window, I notice a flash of yellow around one of the table dividers.

ED: This is too good to be true.



Blonde, fair-skinned and only a little shorter, he...she? I think she, must be a relative.

ED: Trying to cheer yourself up?

Since the two are all but silent as the suited figure takes a swig from a cup of coffee, I decide to greet Lilly. Some part of my coming here was in order to meet her, after all.

ED: I thought we're going back after the park stroll nearly killed you? :lol:

Hi, Lilly.
Yeah. It's nice to see you again.

The suited girl looks up, noting my uniform with a relaxed smile.

Know each other?
I.. guess.

It's as good an approximation of our relationship as I can think of.

Hmm...care to take a seat?

ED: Yes, please.

She says this to the air beside me, but the message is clear enough and I take a seat beside her.

I suppose some introductions might be in order.
Hisao, this is Akira Satou, my older sister. Akira, this is Hisao Nakai, another Yamaku student.

Looks like my guess is correct. The newly-introduced Akira gives a nod, which I return.
What I don't return however, is the almost analytical gaze with which she looks me over.

ED: Hurry up, Stalker.

As she does so, Yuuko walks up to the table and carefully places the coffee on the table before bowing and taking her leave.
Gently bringing my hand to the side of the cup, I realize that it's already at just the right temperature to drink. After taking a sip, the flavor turns out to be just as good as the temperature.
Yuuko seems a lot better at this than being a librarian.
I take a good, long drink before relaxing into the seat.
It takes mere seconds for Akira's examination to come to an end. Apparently becoming quickly bored with the activity, she turns to her sister.

So, how's school recently?

It seems Akira is entirely unconcerned with someone she doesn't know at all listening to everything they say.
Not that I mind. Leaving them to their chatting, I sit back and continue drinking the pleasantly aromatic coffee.

Sounds like it's pretty busy for ya, then.
At least I'm not cooking your meals after school any more.

ED: How does she cook? I mean...chopping vegetables. Lighting a stove. Knowing when the meat is cooked?

As they talk, I slowly realize that I'm entirely unable to gauge Lilly's emotions through her eyes; as I would for any other person.
It bocomes slightly unsettling as I subconsciously focus on that fact.

Whoa, so cold. Weren't ya just cooking for yourself anyway? I only ever got leftovers.
That's not the point...are you managing to feed yourself, at least?
I can cook without blowing myself up, you know.
Hahaha! It's fine, it's fine. I needed to learn sometime anyway.
Ah, Lilly?

Everyone present is momentarily distracted by Yuuko, who places a cup of tea on the table for Lilly.

ED: So...we came later and got our coffee first? Very unusual.

Taking a moment to glance at her watch, Akira levers herself off her seat and gives me a quick nod.

Well, I'd better be off. It was nice talking to ya, Lilly.
Akira, do you have to..

Lilly looks genuinely mournful at her sister suddenly leaving. It does seem like she might have the wrong idea.

Sorry, I need to get back to work. They'll be on my neck again if I don't make it back quickly.

So informal...Akira's trim and tidy appearance would give anyone the wrong impression of her.

Bye, Akira...
C'mon, don't look so down. I'll be around again soon. Seeyas.

With that, she waltzes out of the Shanghai with her hand held high.

ED: We're still here!!

Lilly still looks pretty depressed, so I try to make some small talk in an effort to take her mind off it.

She seems nice.
We used to live together, but now that I live at the school we hardly ever see each other.

Despite Lilly having been quite affable, I still don't really know much about her. In hindsight, it's surprising just how much she's extracted from me.

You used to live together? Was it somewhere around here?
It was pretty far south, so the trip into Yamaku was fairly long.
With her working hours getting longer and Yamaku being so far away, there was little choice in the end but to move into the dormitories.

Well, that explains the chatter about cooking. Evidently regaining her composure, she lives back up...at least, in part.

I take it you're better rested, now?
You sound less exhausted than you did when you first came in.

To be able to pick out my breathing like that...she must have pretty good ears.

ED: She can sense the force, I bet.

Yeah. Ended up walking all over town, despite only planning on taking a short walk down here.

ED: :lol: Wait, I thought we were stalking her?

Reminded of my thirst from the walk, I lean forward to take a sip.
Without further ado, Lilly starts on her cup of strong-smelling tea.
I guess I'd better get going back to Yamaku. There's only so long I can stall studying for, and I want to get a good night's sleep before the festival.

ED: Hey, wait. Lilly's still here, man!

Standing frm my seat, I take the coffee-stained cup from the table.


ED: He's gay.

Yeah. You going to head back as well? It's getting kind of late.

For a moment she pauses, before lifting her face over her tea cup as if she was looking at me.

Yuuko, could we have one more coffee please?
Okay, I'll bring it right away!

ED: Huh? Coffee with Tea?

That's... not subtle.


ED: I guess it's the only way to make you stay.

In the end, though, I have little reason to refuse. To be honest I can hardly say no, all things considered.
Giving a manufactured sigh, I take a seat opposite her.

Wanting company, then?
Hmm...I'd say that it's more that I was wondering..

I see she's in questioning mode, again. She does seem to be unusually interested in me, or at least curious.

Do you have any siblings?

Not exactly an unexpected tangent.

No, only child. To be honest, the idea of having someone that close makes me a bit envious.

I raise an eyebrow, which of course goes unseen. The short silence communicates the question well enough.

It's just that others have said the same thing before.
It's a difficult subject to try and think about objectively, given that I've always had someone like that.

I can mostly understand what Lilly means, given that it would be hard to place oneself outside of a situation they've been in all their life.

She and her sister must have a pretty close relationship.
Taking pains to interrupt us as little as possible, Yuuko dutifully comes over and places a cup on the table.
Lilly thanks her as I sit back, taking in this vexing girl in front of me.

Despite always seeming to be on her guard and in control of herself when talkin to others, she has an almost childlike curiosity about other people.
That said, those rare moments she seems to slightly lower her guard are the most insightful into how she thinks.
Reaching forward for my drink, I realize something I probably should've noticed earlier.


ED: Wow. And I thought you were a fag.

Despite making a good pace, it's already nightfall by the time I reach the large iron gates in front of the school.

ED: This is a strange scene transition. What happened to Lilly? Did you just ditch her after the second cup of coffee? Or did RK47 skip a sex scene to troll the Codex? Keep guessing. Maybe we'll find out.

While it's nice to have plenty of time to wander around by virtue of living right next to the school, I can't help but get the feeling that very few students actually take the opportunity.


Given the large number of accomodations and facilities that the school offers, many of them might simply not see any point in venturing outside, let alone people such as Hanako and Kenji.
It makes me wonder if students like Shizune, Misha, and Lilly are the exception for this school, rather than the norm.


Well, that's the end of Saturday.

ED: That was quick. Tomorrow the festival starts; I guess I better get ready for work now. See ya tonight! :salute:

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Guyse, you know that Andy RK is actually trolling you - there are no NSFW scenes in this game... :lol:

What's that got to do with the price of fish? Does anyone really read these threads of random low-quality hentai pictures? It's the train wreck quality these games usually have that makes em appealing. Though I dunno if this one really has it, it's just kinda boring so far. Decently written, though, and RK47 is making it work.


Nov 9, 2011
I am actually happy it's not a porn fest. It would've been quite disturbing if we take advantage of their disabilities in this manner. Train wreck or not.
I like reading. I'm a storyfag.


Mistakes were made.
Jan 2, 2012
The character building and sentimentality is just part of the trolling that the porn completes: http://i.imgur.com/e5mi6.jpg

Edited for no more frozen frog. For real this time. My incompetence is astounding.


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Brother None
Boring does describe the first act rather well, but it's a necessary evil.
You can't really jump right to the interesting parts without adequate character building, it just won't have the desired effect.

With that said, It picks up quite a bit after the first Act, we're nearly at the end of it.
I'd imagine the next 2/3 updates will be for the final vestiges thereof.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I am actually happy it's not a porn fest. It would've been quite disturbing if we take advantage of their disabilities in this manner. Train wreck or not.
I like reading. I'm a storyfag.
I've done almost all the routes now, and Shizune's was by far the most disturbing. Partly because of Shizune herself, but also largely because of the implications of having a relationship with someone that you can not only lie to, but lie FOR, without their knowledge. Though her route had by far the best Kenji appearances, I should get some screenshots of them later.

Emi and Lilly were by far the most mature and normal girls.

Hanako is way too vulnerable and both her and Rin are pretty childish. Also, I couldn't get the squick out of my head thinking of the implications of Rin's armlessness. Though in retrospect I suppose it's not that bad. You can actually reach most of your body with your feet if you're sitting down. The only major exception is your back.

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