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Completed Katawa Shoujo: I love you just the way you are...

Tsukasa Buddha

Feb 21, 2011
I didn't ask for this update. And yet I found it impressive, which makes me feel even more violated.

Hisao needs to lock his doors.


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
It's only been 2 hour at most since his last update.
Updates with that much text can easily take all day to prepare, so be patient...


Dec 27, 2008
That was very :what:

Inane, to say. Let's hope Kenji doesn't get crazier than this.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I'm the first person in class today, although I think I'm a little too early. Then again, sitting alone here for twenty minutes sure beats having to suffer that time with Kenji.

The combination of fatigue, frustration and boredom starts making me feel very tired.


Eventually, I hear a tapping noise outside in the hallway, and Lilly's tall figure appears in the doorway. She's not in this class, so she must have some other business. Maybe she's looking for Hanako.

ED: Well compared to the shower scene, this is HEAVAN!

Lilly stops at the door, looking hesitant as if she was a vampire who can't come in unless invited. I consider doing so because she looks rather lonesome standing there.

She steps in on her own accord though, after straightening her skirt and shirt collar as if it was of importance to look prim when entering our classroom.

ED: This is just like the time we were refugees in RPGWatch, eh, Codexians? Monocleds gotta monocle.


ED: ....That face is kinda hurt to look at. :(

She calls into the quiet classroom with a probing, delicate voice. I realize the silence might unnerve her because of her blindness so I break it.

Good morning, Lilly.
Hisao? Good morning. I didn't hear you come in.

I wonder if she thinks it's suspicious I didn't say anything to her before. It's likely. If I were to tell too big a lie now, it would sink me.

ED: ...why do I suddenly have wicked thoughts about this? I mean..she's...vulnerable as heck. Like Black-kun said. She won't see me coming. Literally.

Well, I was already here, just asleep until now.
Oh. have you seen Hanako today, by any chance?
No, she seems to have come in only just before the bells right...or after that. Do you want me to tell her something for you?
No, it's fine. It's strange, but I think we're the only two people in the school right now. I didn't hear anyone else on my way here.

ED: That's PERFE- I mean..why, how did that happen?

I shouldn't have gotten up so early today, I guess.
You're chastising yourself for doing something that other people should? Punctuality is a good thing. I think so, anyway.

ED: *Nods vigorously* :)

It's a very busy morning today. The festival is coming up soon, and today is the deadline for event registration, budget reports and any other official paperwork.
It could be that everyone is trying to complete the necessary forms at the last minute. Maybe that is why it's so quiet today.

ED: Dang, glad we're not part of any of that shit. If Shit-chan and Himmler had dragged us-


ED: Fuck. What's with this bitch's timing?

Misha pops into the room with Shizune as if on cue, shouting with a loudness that makes Lilly visibly flinch.


ED: Hi yourself, retard.


ED: Yes, Mein Fraulein?

Look, it's the class representative~! Hello~!

Lilly smiles, probably amused by Misha's - or Shizune's use of the word "look."


Good morning.
Of course, you're not the representative of this class, right, right~?

ED: ....I can't take much more of this.

I'm not.

Lilly seems a little more guarded in her answers to Shizune than she was with me the other day. I guess they really don't get along at all.

ED: No shit, Sherlock. Time to score points! EXPLOIT!

Then I realize that Lilly might actually not know Shizune is present and she's trying to detect whether or not she is, to know who she is talking to.

For all she knows, she is talking to Misha, but knowing that she and Shizune are practically inseparable, she might expect Shizune being the one that actually talks.

Damn, how complicated. I decide to help Lilly out, for my own peace of mind more than anything else.

ED: Good. Showing some initiative would even things up a bit for Lilly!

You're here early, Shizune.

ED: Dropping sonars.


ED: Wha-why are you frowning?

You were here even earlier than us!

ED: :smug: Target detected.

Misha puffs out her cheeks angrily. Why is she angry? Does she feel emotions on Shizune's behalf, too?

ED: ...can't wait for dual orgasm then..oh wait. Not gonna happen. No sir.

It's not that weird, though, that Shizune did not like my little comment. It's true, I was here earlier than them, so me saying something like that could definitely be misinterpreted as anything.

ED: You're late. You suck?

Especially to Shizune, who doesn't have the benefit of hearing tone to gauge intent.
Before I can start weighing whether or not I should apologize, Shizune has already moved on.

ED: Uh oh..

Class rep~! It's a good thing you're here~! We have to talk.
The festival is coming in three days, right? Every other class has already handed in their projected budget reports for their events! Even the first-years! Except you~!

ED: Don't sound too happy about that you Feminazis...


ED: That does it.

There is still time to hand it in, isn't there?

Yes, that was me. Planning something on this scale is not a small task, and a week is too small a time frame to expect a whole class to work out such a complex issue completely.
Do you want to know what's harder than distributing the funds for one class event? Handling the same matter for every class in the school and then some~! The one who does that is me!

ED: War. War never changes.

Misha puts her hands on her hips and stands up straight. Wow, she is really getting into the role. Lilly doesn't look like she's very amused, though.

Hey, Shizune, aren't you being a little too hard on her? There's still a whole day left.
Please, Hisao. It's all right.

Lilly seems happy I'm taking her side, but a bit conflicted that I might not think she can take care of herself.

ED: Hmm....wait and see. If the Carrier is in danger. Intercept and assist.

If this is about the budget, then I am disappointed you think I have forgotten about it. I understand how important it is.
Then~! Can I have it, please?

ED: No you can't, retard.

Shizune, she might not have it on her at this exact second.
It's not here right now. I asked two students to take care of it for me. Students from my class.

She emphasizes the last sentence much to my surprise. Does she know about Shizune and Misha's efforts to rope me into the Student Council?

ED: Oooooh.

I guess word must've gotten around, so now she's using me as ammo against Shizune. This just gets better and better...

It was your responsibility~! A budget report isn't something you should be delegating away; as class rep, it's your job to be on top of things! This kind of disregard for proper procedure is really just terrible~!

ED: Hey, I think that's kinda-

They completed it, being capable of doing so, but the students have been sick recently, so they could not come to school and give it back to me. If you want, I will apologize on their behalf for getting sick.

ED: Grrr.

Although Misha misses Lilly's little jab entirely, Shizune doesn't, and she seems torn between being offended by Lilly's daring and jumping for joy at the prospect of a challenge.

ED: Come on girls...let's just drop this.

Lilly, don't they live here at school? That's a five minute walk, you know~.
What could they possibly have that prevents them from taking five minutes out of their busy lives...to drop off something that will affect the enjoyment of their entire class?

Misha tries her best to convey the same passion, but can't seem to lose her normal cheerful tone. The result is interesting and somewhat surreal.


ED: *Sigh*

And what's with that attitude~? I said that it's not something you should be delegating away; are you the class representative or aren't you?
Tell me the names of those two students, they should have your job if you can't even handle this simple yourself.

ED: Kisama :rage:

One form isn't the full extent of what I am supposed to take care of.

Lilly's tone is growing slightly impatient, but she is doing a good job of not letting Shizune see how unsettled she is becoming. She's playing her cards close to her chest.

Shizune, on the other hand, wraps her fingers cheerfully along the edge of her glasses, knowing Lilly can neither hear nor see how excited she is.

ED: ....Fuck this. I'm taking punch Shizune dialogue as soon as it's available.


Of course, you do so much, class rep~! It must be so difficult being you~!

Lilly tightens her lips at Misha's words, clearly understanding the intent behind them even though Misha delivers them without a hint of sarcasm which they were meant to have.


ED: Oh shit.

Music: Those who do not fight will not survive!
















ED: Eh,...what?

What are you talking about?
Aren't you taking part in the festival, Hiccan? You are, aren't you? Then~! I hope you're going to do a lot more to make sure it goes smoothly than this person~!

ED: ...Are we gonna take it like a bitch? Huh? Dovahkiin?

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Lilly is blind.

Kenji is sort of blind, definitely so without glasses.

Lilly has no glasses.

What is Lilly is Kenji in disguise? :hmmm:

Tsukasa Buddha

Feb 21, 2011
Option 1 makes it seem like we've accomplished something other than being used by various girls. It also implies that Lilly did not do her part.

Option 2 sticks us clearly on Lilly's side, but is incredibly weak.

I suppose we go with 2 and count on our mistress to press A for the Awesome Killing Blow!


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Option 1 makes it seem like we've accomplished something other than being used by various girls. It also implies that Lilly did not do her part.

Option 2 sticks us clearly on Lilly's side, but is incredibly weak.

I suppose we go with 2 and count on our mistress to press A for the Awesome Killing Blow!

No, we won't. We'll do it ourselves. In true Codexian fashion of winning arguments. :smug:


Music: Kamen Gaider Decline


It's not like I could've done much, even if I wanted.
That's right, you shouldn't expect a transfer student to jump right into it on his first week.

Lilly taking my side feels oddly comforting so I decide to back her up too.

ED: Step 1 : Point out their flaws. Take a side with another poster, so if you fail to counter-argue, he/she will be available to fight your battles. You may also earn Bro/Sis-fists this way and the share of Kodex Kool Kredits if both of you end up winning the argument in the end.

Yeah you're being unreasonable with us both.
Excuses, excuses. Miss Class Rep has had plenty of time to deal with her report.
And we repeatedly offered you a position to help with the student council work, but you refused to commit yourself to making the festival a success.

ED: Step 2: Wait for it...

I don't have time for this right now; no matter what I do, it will mean being drawn into a confrontation with Shizune and that is what she wants.

ED: Step 3: Since they presented a counter-argument, and we're too lazy to be dragged into their argument plus presenting our own version of supporting quotes, evidences as well as counter-arguing...we'll employ the internet forum's best function ever.


ED: :smug:

brofists this.

ED: Arigatou, SCO-sensei.


Lilly, class is going to be starting soon, we can talk more later. I'll tell Hanako you were looking for her.

I can feel Shizune freezing. Maybe this is the first time she has ever been ignored in such a blunt manner.

ED: What's wrong, Shicchan?

Thank you, Hisao. I'll leave now, then.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
As soon as Lilly walks out of the door, I suddenly start feeling reluctant about turning to face Shizune.
I can feel her eyes burning into my back, and I can't bring myself to look at her. She must be furious. I keep expecting Misha to say something to alleviate the tension, but it really is wanting too much.

In the end, I go back to my seat and listen to the sound of Shizune's footsteps as she marches out of the room. She doesn't return until a few minutes before class.

Hanako doesn't come to the morning class at all, leaving her seat looking empty and lonely in the back of the classroom.
I have to tell her that Lilly was looking for her if I see her later.

After the events of this morning, class is pretty boring in comparison. I turn the pages of my textbook lazily.
I have a bit of catching up to do, despite trying to keep up with my studies at the hospital, but I'm not feeling that enthusiastic about it.

The clock at the front of the room sounds unbearably loud. The teacher hasn't said anything in over seven minutes, instead, opting to cover the board in rows and rows of equations taken directly from the book.

The rhythmic clashing of chalk on blackboard seems to synchronize perfectly with the ticking of the clock.
I start to copy down the equations just to pass the time, even though they are right there in the text book.

When the bell rings, I'm not in a hurry because I have nothing to do, so I stay for a while, reviewing what we covered in class today. I prefer to leave last anyway, so I don't have to deal with crowding in the hallways.

I notice Shizune and Misha have also stayed behind, talking to someone from another class.

ED: I thought we're ignoring them. C'mon now.

Shizune's signing so fast that her hands make noises like swords cutting through the air.
Maybe there is pent up anger in there.

Misha is trying desperately to keep up, but it's clear she can barely manage to even understand her.

I put my head down. Whatever they're discussion, it looks like serious business.


Shizune signs to the point where her wrists crackles, and Misha struggles to spit it out in word form.
Sometimes she trips over herself like she's dealing with tongue twisters. And then on top of that, she has to sign back anything the other girl says.

Seems like a rough job. Misha looks tired, like she's about to faint.
Luckily for her, their business is soon finished and the girls sit down on their seats again.


She's hanging her head limply on her desk, looking exhausted.
I'll use the opportunity to reconcile with Shizune a bit, without getting roped into the student council thing again, though I suspect that door is now closed for me.

ED: ...Do what you want, man. We showed that bitch who's boss.

Festival preparations must be tough for you.

Indeed, the people in this school seem to be taking the festival very seriously. Whenever I see people idling around before and after classes they're always talking about their plans for it.

It's kind of neat to see everyone being so enthusiastic about it.
I'm probably the only one who doesn't have anything to do.

ED: Leaves you free to chase skirts, eh?

Shizune scoffs at me first, as if trying to decide whether to ignore or sneer at me, but in the end she starts signing without doing either.

ED: Heh.

Misha perks up, looking at her hands with slightly unfocused eyes.


She signs with harsh, heavy dramatic strokes.
Misha translates her signing into speech for me.
She does it so well it's almost like Shizune is actually speaking, transmitting her thoughts directly through Misha.
She must've practised it vigorously.

Well of course, we're in the Student Council, you know, so we're pretty busy.
It's an important duty of ours, to ensure the success of the festival with all our strength.
We would shame ourselves in front of the past student council generations if the festival were to fail.

ED: Again? Why do we keep listening to this shit? Let's get out..

That's why there must be no flaws, no...err I think that was 'incumbrances,' no nothing that might make the festival short of perfect.

ED: That will be hard when you're in a school full of imperfect people.

Shizune's passionate speech and Misha's enacting are really oddly fitting of them.

Oh? Hello~!

ED: Hm?

I look over my shoulder and see Hanako peering timidly into the classroom, most of her body hidden behind the door.


ED: Oh, hey! About time- let's split! To hell with these two. Let's find Gold Leader.

Hanako blushes hard at Misha's straightforward jab, even if it was only in jest.


ED: Don't let your butthurt leak onto the floor.

Maybe she is showing her dislike of Hanako by association of her dislike of Lilly.
It appears so, and Hanako probably knows it as well.

What is it, Hanako?
H...has Lilly been here?
Sorry, haven't seen Satou. She, eh, came by in the morning though.

Hanako keeps looking uneasily at Shizune, who stares back at her with her usual studying gaze. What is she trying to do?
Of course Shizune isn't going to look away, and she is intimidating enough as it is, so I can only imagine how terrified Hanako would be.

It is a little uncomfortable, watching Hanako's reaction to Shizune's normal behavior. This is what happens when two people of different extremes meet, it seems.

Do..do you know where she is?

ED: That question was meant for you! Come on! Don't let them scare her away!


If she has any sense in her head, she's in her classroom, working on their festival project. But who knows where that woman is loitering at.
You need to find her? She was looking for you in the morning, but I guess you have missed each other.

She waits a little without answering the simple question, looking awfully like she's not sure if it's proper to answer such question.

I can come with you.

ED: :smug:

If it's okay.

Hanako nods fractionally, still on guard, her shoulders stiff like wood. I get the feeling that she might be more comfortable by herself after all, but it's too late to back off now.

She has this really troubled expression she seems to wear almost constantly, one that makes me constantly be on guard myself. I wonder why.

I kind of understand why she always seem to be so wary...or maybe more like, why there could be a person like her.

But I still have no idea how I should act around such a person.

It's dinnertime soon. Were you planning to eat with Lilly?

She nods slightly. So she must have been trying to get into the cafeteria.

Well, there's something of a dinner crowd, just like the cafeteria is crowded during lunch.

It's not as bad because dinnertime is longer than lunch hour, but I can understand why Hanako could be discouraged from going in.

I pick up my bad and we take our leave. Hanako skips a little to meet my initial pace, so I slow down to match her speed.
It doesn't take long for us to be walking at a comfortable pace down the hallway.

It almost feels like we're going for a stroll together; something I can't say I've really done with a girl.

ED: Baka..it's not like I like her or something! Means to an end!

Hanako doesn't seem to be thinking the same thing though. Even though we are walking at the same pace, she never comes within arm's reach of me.

I guess she's still a little uncomfortable around me. Given how shy she is, there doesn't seem to be much helping it, at least for now.



Hanako's head sinks even lower than usual.

Have you looked somewhere else already?
J-just at the library...I was reading...

So she does spend the classes she skips at the library.

Ah, so not exactly a thorough search then. Well, if I had to guess, she'd be in her own class like Shizune said, right?

ED: Don't you have her number? Or are mobile phones banned in this school?


With the slightest of nods, Hanako agrees with my reasoning.
God, she's being so awkward.

Its like I need double layered silk gloves with padding to even begin interacting with her.

Some small talk might help her become a bit more used to me. It isn't hard to tell that the silence between us is hovering on the edge of both our minds.

ED: So I heard you like mudkips.

So you and Lilly usually hang out together after class, right?

I'm not quite sure what I expected from her answer, nor why I even asked the question. That much was rather obvious, after all.

ED: This is so full of fail. Come on. Let's go already!

She doesn't seem like the type to cultivate a social circle, either, so I Suspect that Lilly may well be her only friend.

Must be a pain being in different classes, I'm guessing.

She gives a sharp, almost reflexive nod. Compared to Lilly's careful thought about her actions and speech, Hanako hastens to make her answers as prompt and short as possible.

Lilly...comes by the classroom, though. Even when she's busy.

She gives a small smile as she says it, evidently appreciating the fact that Lilly goes out of her way to help her.

ED: Tell Lilly that I told you to tell her that I love her.

It's pretty cute, really. There isn't any need to say more, both of us content that the discussion's reached an end.

ED: ....So is the rest of the Codex. For fuck's sake!

As we ascend the stairs back to the lobby we are met by a group of students heading downstairs like a school of fish moving from one feeding area to another.


ED: !!! Oh?

Hey, are you all right?
J-just keep going...

ED: Genesis 15:1 "Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward."

Music: I don't believe in Buddha...but I believe in Kamen Rider

The students pass us without as much as a second glance, and Hanako takes up position to my side again as we enter the building, her momentary reprieve from her anxiety all but snatched away.

Even as we climb towards the third floor, she doesn't seem to relax.

It isn't as if I've never known a shy person before, or even shy girls, but Hanako seems to be pretty far beyond what I'd call normal in her fear of other people.

If it weren't for Lilly acting as a mediator, I doubt Hanako would have even been able to walk beside me like this. She seems to completely shut down in the presence of others.

The rest of the walk up to Lilly's classroom continues in strained silence, while I rue her inability to socialize at all.

After we make up our way up the stairs, the noise coming from Lilly's classroom is audible from halfway down the hallway. I wasn't expecting such a din at all.

Well, I guess we found her...

This wasn't hard. Did Hanako come here first then come to me for backup, I wonder?

ED: Don't think too hard. Your heart might explode.

Well if that's true, then at least she's starting to trust me a little. That can only be a good thing.

Eventually the two of us reach the door to class 3-2. With Hanako less than subtly positioning herself behind me, I open the door.


Going by the paint cans, decorations and banners being made, it must be for the upcoming school festival.

I guess my first priority should be finding Lilly...


Finding her among the din is surprisingly easy, not the least because of her looks.

With a couple of students gathered around her as she stands at the front of the class, she seems to be in charge of the preparations, or at least busy organizing them.

Carefully negotiating a path through the various students hunched over the floor for lack of desk space, I raise a hand entirely out of habit as we finally reach Lilly.

Hi, Lilly.

She perks her head up as she breaks off talking to a noticeably smaller girl who must be her classmate, trying to listen as best as she can.


Ah, sorry. Hisao. I have Hanako too.

ED: Mission Accomplished. :salute: Influence Gained: Lilly, Hanako.

She's pretty skittish. Considering the number of people around, it isn't too hard to work out why.
Lilly takes a moment's pause to assess the situation before turning to the other student once again.

For the moment, just ask Moriya for his advice. Kenji's busy with painting one of the banners already.

A quick nod and she bounces off, fingers carefully sliding along the wall's face for orientation.

ED: Oh. So this class is for the vision-imparied...


ED: No fucking way!

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Kenji kind of seems like this world's version of Prosper.

Lilly for the win.


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Kenji kind of seems like this world's version of Prosper.
Abstract art and profundities are Rin's domain.
Kenji is just paranoid and I'm not sure I know a good codexer to compare him to...
Cleve perhaps?

I'd elaborate further, but I'd prefer to avoid spoilers.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I quickly turn about, leaning to the side to see past Hanako.
Sure enough, in a corner of the room, Kenji's hunched over a sheet of cloth as he paints it. His eyes remain only inches from the brush, reminding of how close he had to be to make out my face when I met him.

Sorry about that. Our class doesn't have many students with even partial eyesight, so they're in high demand.

ED: In the land of the blind...oh yeah, I guess that made sense. Kenji is near blind, so he's in the same class as Lilly's.

That's right, class 3-2 was specially for students with poor vision. Preparing for the festival must be pretty arduous for them.

ED: I can't even fathom why Shizune would even go down so hard on this class. Goddamn Nazi. Let's lend our pair of eyes, Dovahkiin.

Need a hand? I could give you help if you need some. Maybe Hanako could too.

ED: Wow, you remembered Hanako? Amazing.

A chance to set her mind on something would do her good, but I doubt she has the courage to ask outright. She quickly nods in affirmation afterwards, so I'm confident I made the right move.

ED: Eyes on the prize, Dovahkiin.

Lilly gives a noticeable sigh of relief.

Ah, that's good. This might actually get finished before everyone goes off to dinner, now.
Would you be able to help the person painting the main banner? It's a big task for him to do, but nobody else can help.

ED: Not trying to look down, but vision-impaired folk and art craft isn't really...I mean, how do you even do your budget reports? In Braille?

Kenji? Sure.

ED: Only because YOU asked.

She seems surprised that I know him. I can't really blame her.

ED: Hah.

I take it you've met?

ED: Don't tell her about the shower incident.

Our rooms in the dorm are right next to each other. Hard to miss each other, really.
Well, it's good to see you're getting friends so fast.

ED: Wish she ain't blind so we can make a face about that statement.

Friend...I wonder if that's the right word to use for him.

ED: Calling him 'friend' would be an insult to all friends.

Hanako's silence during the proceedings reminds me of the reason I put her up to helping in the first place.

ED: I'm getting impressed with your Hanako awareness skills.

We'll go help him then. He knows what needs doing, right?
That's right. Just ask if you have any problems.

Chorusing in assent, Hanako and I begin another trek across the classroom.
Kenji sits crouched on the floor, his gaze fixed on the white calico in front of him.

ED: Maybe if we pretend to be someone else...wait no, that's a bad idea. He might murder us in our sleep.

Hey, Kenji.

No answer. He continues dragging his paint-soaked brush along the large half-painted letters that's sketched on the sheet in pencil.


If this is the way he treats class members, it's no small wonder he's working on this alone.

It's me, Hisao. From the-
Right, right, I know that, man. What are you doing here, though?

His dismissive attitude annoys me.

ED: Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

He must be the type to really get focused on his work, hating to be disturbed by anyone until he's done, I suppose.
While we talk, the sound of Hanako's footsteps as she walks out from behind me reminds me that she's here.

I was just going to help with the banner. Hanako and I, that is.

ED: Don't worry about the face. He can't see shit. Maybe lower your voice pitch a bit..

Oh. Er, hey. I guess that's okay.

ED: Too late.

As soon as Hanako enters the equation, his demeanor takes a complete about-face. His sudden faux-hospitality is slightly unsettling. Oh, right. Women. On second thoughts, this may not have been a great idea after all.

Hanao and I grudgingly set ourselves down on the opposite side of the cloth banner to Kenji, noting several small paint tins on the ground around it.

Class 3-2...noodle stall?

ED: Did they submit it for blind-tasting yet? Ah, hyuck, hyuck. Blind. Taste. Get it? Ah hyuck, hyuck. Wait. Why am I making fun of blind people? Shit. Sorry.

You guys selling noodles at the festival on Sunday?
Yeah, some stalls outside. Or something.

"Or something?" His noncommittal nature sparks a fair amount of suspicion on my behalf. The task at hand comes first, though.

So how do you want to split this? We do borders while you do the text? Or do you want to switch and do the borders?
Text is mine. You do borders.

He has surprisingly strong feelings on the topic.

As I reach over to grab a brush, I notice Hanako's already debating between colors to use.
By the time I've put brush to cloth, she's already started on the delicate pattern.
Looks like my idea of taking her mind off everyone around her worked.

ED: Eh, half the class literally can't see anyway.

With a dark blue stroke, the three of us silently get to work.

ED: Well, this is as close as we can get to Lilly for now.

Not before Kenji takes advantage of Hanako's working to lean towards me and whisper conspiratorially, though.


ED: You don't have to answer that question.

Hanako just wanted some help to find Lilly, that's all.

ED: GOOD answer.

He apparently disapproves of my motivations.

ED: Stay back...

I get it. It looks like I misjudged you.

ED: Uh oh.

You're infiltrating them, aren't you? Going deep undercover.

ED: I'd love to go undercover, but I think we're both thinking different things.

I should have guessed. Letting the truth slip by him would probably be better than outright lying or annoying him, in any case.

Is that why you're here?
Obviously. It sucks, but there's no better way to get intel than going in yourself.
We gotta stick together, man. This is a harsh school, a harsh world.
Yes, very harsh.

He misses my true meaning as he leans back, satisfied I'm sympathetic to his cause. I'd better get down to work.

ED: I hope he doesn't catch on to our romance attempt. He might end up killing the girls or something.

Looks like I am too. Good job.

The two of us connect up the lines of our patterns, mine being as close as copy as I could manage of hers.
With a grunt, I lever myself up from the floor and look around.

Aside from Hanako and myself, there's only Kenji left finishing off a sign as well as Lilly and a couple of students talking among themselves in the classroom.

Looking at my watch, it's no surprise. It's getting pretty late.

Need a hand?

I offer a hand to Hanako, which she uses to get herself up.

ED: ...it's not like you- Ah, I give up. Do what you want with her.

As she does it, I can't help but glance at her wrist; if her scars extend even to there, just how much of her body was burned?

ED: Fuck you, man.


Looks good, doesn't it?

ED: *Psyduck* Have you gone mental?

She looks surprised for a moment before noticing that I mean the banner.

ED: Phew.

It does...I guess.

Her smile shows that she feels a slight sense of pride in the result, just as I do.

With the floor significantly neater for the decorations being placed on desks and shelves, it's much easier to get to Lilly as we cross the room.

We've finished the banner. I guess that's all that needs to be done?

Lilly gives an appreciative nod.

Thank you Hisao, Hanako. If there's any way I can thank you...?
It's fine. Beats sitting in my room studying, at any rate.
I don't mind either.

She nods, before suddenly remembering one last person.

Oh, is Kenji still here?

ED: Who gives a fuck?

Just as I open my mouth, Kenji gives the answer from the other side of the room.

ED: His ears. We must cut his ears.

Yeah, just finished.

He carefully slides his sign onto an empty section of shelf to dry, before quickly walking past us and out of the door.


ED: I hope not.


The remaining two students say their goodbyes to Lilly before taking their cue to leave as well, leaving only the three of us.

Well, I guess that's everyone.
I hope we won't have to do anything like that again.
Working past schooltime?
Indeed. The class's plans this year were ambitious. Maybe too ambitious.
The stalls look nice, though.
She's right, it shows that a lot of work's gone into them.
My my, I'm sure a lot of us would be glad to hear that. At least now there's not much work to do until the festival itself.
Umm...It's getting pretty late. Should we go?
That's probably a good idea. Are you going back to the dorms as well, Hisao?
Yeah, I guess I'll tag along.

The night time lighting really makes the gardens look quite different. Compared to the usual look of lush greenery, things are much more calm.

Being that it's so late, the lack of students around probably helps. The odd one or two can be seen scurrying to and from the dorms trying to eke the most out of their approaching curfews, but no more.

All that can be heard is our footsteps, in addition to Lilly's cane regularly gently tapping the ground in front of her.

It's nice to finally be able to relax a bit after the mad rush during school.

Without even noticing it, I let out a small yawn.


Yeah. Still getting used to the flow of things, I guess.
The...uh...thing..with Shizune took me kind of off guard, though.

ED: Who cares about those two?

I grit my teeth a little at the candid mention of their rather public spat. That said, I do want to sort out what in the world was behind it.

Ah..about that..
I'm sorry about it being so public. Shizune and I...go back some ways.

Her voice seems slightly irritated as she remembers Shizune, obviously unwilling to discuss it any further.

ED: Better not ask again.

I glance at Hanako for her views on this, but her expression is, unsurprisingly, evasive and difficult to read.

Either way I guess her apologizing for it is something, even if my curiosity goes unanswered.

I'll be glad once the festival is over, in any case.

The change of topic is welcome, clearing the thickening air quickly.

I can imagine. My old school's festivals were a lot more low-key than this.
Yamaku stresses the idea of a school community, so the staff likes to make our festivals and such special occasions.
And yet the students are the ones who do the work. What an unfair world.

Hanako and Lilly both chuckle in agreement, savoring the fact that non of the staff are around to hear our grumbling.

I suppose coming from a strict all-girls school helped me a bit with Yamaku. Compared to there, Yamaku is much more relaxed.

That'd go a way towards explaining her well-bred speech and behavior, in any case.

As we come up to the dormitories, it eventually comes time to leave for our respective rooms.

See you Lilly, Hanako.

The two give polite nods before setting off to the women's dorms, just next to the guys'.

ED: Maybe we can stealth our way in.


ED: Guess not.

Walking past him, I quickly stretch my arms and rub my neck, both quite sore after having worked on the floor for so long, before walking to my room.

It feels good to actually have direction, though. After so long in the hospital, the everyday facts of studying, homework and teachers seem almost a blessing.

I guess if things continue like this, my time at Yamaku might turn out okay.

ED: :)

Adhering to the nurse's naggig voice in the back of my head, I set my alarm clock to wake me up early enough to go jogging again.

I made a promise and I'm going to keep it. Besides, Emi is bound to rat on me if I don't show up.

ED: Damn you, Rainbow Dash.

But it's not all that bad.


End of Day 4


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Kenji kind of seems like this world's version of Prosper.
Abstract art and profundities are Rin's domain.
Kenji is just paranoid and I'm not sure I know a good codexer to compare him to...
Cleve perhaps?

Just find any poster with knowledge of feminist agenda. :lol: It's not hard I think. Equality for porn stars of both genders? Jesus F. Christ.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Doing Shizune's route now. You get to hear different stuff from Kenji in each route but this one... oh man. It kind of made me wish you were heading for her instead. Would be awesome having a poster like Kenji here, perfect replacement for Cleve.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
My god it's so goddamn warm on Sunday noons. Killed any momentum I had. Fuck, I'm off for some ice cream. Jesus.

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