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Completed Katawa Shoujo: I love you just the way you are...


Nov 9, 2011
Mmmm. *Updated his journal*

Oh yeah, friday office isn't bad today! We're doing spring cleaning. Will post a before and after pic of my table later. La la la.
What an unproductive day! Oh happy friday~!
Also, boss asks if there's volunteers to purchase a new laptop for a manager - I did~! That means I'm out after lunch~ Yahooo!

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
So, uh, is no-legs girl the love interest for that extra-special sick subset of people who don't just want a cripple, they want a jailbait cripple?

Stay classy, Katawa Shoujo!


May 8, 2007
So, uh, is no-legs girl the love interest for that extra-special sick subset of people who don't just want a cripple, they want a jailbait cripple?

Stay classy, Katawa Shoujo!

You're not appreciating the choices this game offers, so many waifus: waifu that won't scream no matter what you'll to do her, waifu who can't see you coming or waifu who can't run away. Or waifu who smells like, mmm, bacon.


Nov 9, 2011
You're not appreciating the choices this game offers, so many waifus: waifu that won't scream no matter what you'll to do her, waifu who can't see you coming or waifu who can't run away. Or waifu who smells like, mmm, bacon.

Black-kun obviously understands eroge better than most~ Fu fu fu fu~ :p
Anyways, that girl was HHR's choice in his run. So...uh..that makes it one deaf, one who can't shut up, one blind, one scarred, one legless...the last one is probably armless.
*Sigh* I hope this game isn't too long, I gotta leave the country soon. Won't be bringing my computer along.


May 8, 2007
I understand that the art of being a good husband is to only hit your wife in the way that doesn't leave bruises.


Nov 9, 2011
That's my thought as well. How old are these guys? Class 3-3 Means what? 16-18 year olds? Everyone is jailbait? That's the norm in this next gen schooling imo.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
They're all in the last year of highschool, so pretty much everyone is 18.

Spoiler: Emi is actually a year older than everyone else, since she missed a year of schooling when she lost her legs.
*Sigh* I hope this game isn't too long, I gotta leave the country soon. Won't be bringing my computer along.

Might want to give up then. The only short route is the one without any girls. I started doing a second route, and from what I can tell they all follow a basic story structure. I'd say you're about 10-15% of the way through a full route, and probably won't get laid until about 60-70% of the way though.

Though maybe I'm wrong and one of the girls has a much shorter route and puts out faster :p


Nov 9, 2011
I can't imagine playing this game in front of my little brother. :lol:

Maybe after he's asleep. But with parents in the same house? Hell...


May 9, 2007
I see this in your future...



Nov 9, 2011
:lol: Accurate enough depiction. Damn. Damn. Damn. I gotta pick up the pace.

I remember getting in my dad's car at the airport and slipped in the anime mp3 cd i burned.

'what the fuck is this faggot shit' was the rough translation.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
We return to our wonderful lunch programme with my fair lady and her scarred friend...


Apart from getting lost every now and again, and being crash-tackled outside my classroom? Fine I guess.
You...you looked pretty hurt before. Are you really...okay?

For a brief moment, I consider telling Hanako and Lilly about my condition but then, I hold it back.

ED: Not even a choice. Why?

I can't tell why, but for some reason I feel uncomfortable talking about it to these relative strangers, even if they have been pretty friendly.

ED: Well, better do it eventually. I mean, what's the harm in that?

Yeah, it's nothing. I was just a bit startled.

Judging from the two girls' expressions, I don't think that they're buying it. But in, what I assume is their way of respecting my privacy, they don't press the matter.

I guess that is one of the unwritten rules around here; "don't ask." Even if people's conditions are obvious, like Hanako's, there's still bound to be a story involved.

Everyone has things that they don't feel comfortable speaking about, and I think everyone here recognizes that.

So, uh...how long have you been in this school? You both seem to know your way around pretty well.
Hmm..well, I've been here since the start of high school, but only moved into the dormitories a year ago.
Hanako joined at the start of high school as wel, and moved to the dormitories when she did, if memory serves me right.
That's right. Since...high school.
So you've known each other since then.
Since I moved, yes. Hanako lives next door to me, so it's only natural, right?

ED: Let's hope the natural does not come to pass between you and Kenji, Dovahkiin.

Yeah, of course.

ED: Actually. No. Not really. I don't believe for one second it's that simple, and I'm glad Dovahkiin is smart enough to realize it on his own.

Living next to someone is probably reason enough to befriend them, though I'm guessing that Lilly's blindness played a part in it as well.

I can't imagine Hanako easily making friends with someone who has to deliberately avoid looking at her scars.

ED: Yeah, it's kinda mean to say it...but it's true.

With the immediate conversation dried up, we start to eat our lunch.

It isn't long before the bells are signaling the end of the break. Like me, the girls pack up their lunches as efficiently as they set them out.

ED: :(

I guess I'd better be off. Are you going to go with Hisao, Hanako?

ED: Oh dear.

Hanako looks up at me, and for a second I can see that she is considering skipping class, maybe just to avoid walking to the classroom with me.

ED: Roll for reaction.


ED: Wow. Hanako influence gained IMO!

I don't know what to think of it. Hanako really is delicate to the point of breaking if looked at in the wrong way. It makes me a bit nervous too, but I push the feeling aside, trying to be as natural as I can.

We should hurry then. Class has already started by the sound of it.

Lilly gives a nod of farewell as she bends down to take her cane, Hanako and I filing out before her.

We walk quickly down the empty halls to our respective classes.

As we reach the door to Lilly's 3-2 classroom, she turns towards me.

ED: Let's do it again <3!

My pleasure, Lilly.

ED: Now for the hard part...

So, do you really want to go back to class now?
Okay then.


I feel like I should say something more to her, but it's hard to come up with anything that would be appropriate and safe enough.

And Lilly was right; the more time we spend out here, the more explaining we have to do.

I open the rear door to the class, and walk in.


ED: Whoops. Are we late?

However, as Hanako follows me in and closes the door, he simply nods to us and continues his lecture.

ED: :smug: Hanako-chan to the rescue!

This is the third time that Hanako has had her truancy practically ignored. There's definitely something going on here.

ED: We can skip class with her help, meat-head!


ED: Good riddance!

I wonder if it is some form of informal agreement with the staff, or if it's a "perk" afforded to the unique students of this school?

Trying to make as little disturbance as I can, I extract the relevant textbooks from my bag and start catching up.

The class goes on quietly.

The teacher seems like an okay person despite the weird first impression I got, and the material is relatively interesting.

However, the way he teaches is really bizarre. It's as if he expects that everyone is a natural genius.

ED: Pretty ironic, considering where we at. Oh well..

When the final bell sounds, I realize that there is still a lot of time left in the day, and I'm left wondering what to do.

ED: Why don't you stalk Hanako-chan some more? Err...not for unsavoury purposes, mind you...

It's odd, at the hospital I had 24 hours a day of free time, but here filling the considerably shorter hours feels difficult.

Everyone else leaves, and I'm left alone with the teacher.

ED: Wha- why?! Stupid! You could've done something else!

Mutou sensei is examining the assingment sheets we were working on earlier, marking them with a red ballpen.

Raising his eyes fro mhis papers briefly, he notices me and furrows his brow.

ED: Sigh.


I jump at him addressing me, but I guess it's natural to spark some conversation since there is nobody else around.

Umm...nothing. Thinking about what I'd do after school.

The teacher slowly puts the cap on the pen he is holding and arranges his papers into a stack, clacking it against the desk twice.

He seems very methodical and for a brief moment I am reminded of Shizune, but the teacher is more unhurried and relaxed, much more routined.

You have no plans?
No. I considered joining a club, I don't know what kind of club would interest me.
Go observe a meeting of someone else's club. Might pique your interest.

ED: That is your mission.

I guess...

ED: This isn't a training exercise. Your targets will be human beings. Keep that in mind.

I just...

ED: Quit screwing around!

But I don't know how to continue from there.


Mutou looks at me in a way that makes me quickly want to take the words back to avoid a conversation.

But I can't, so I have to forge ahead.

I just don't know how to deal with people.


I mean, the other students.
I'm talking to people and everything, so it's not that I'd be isolated or anything.

ED: I wish I had an answer for you, but you'll have to decide for yourself who you can trust.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

The teacher scratches his cheek absent-mindedly, looking very unresponsive.


These things are only an issue if you make them one.
You can talk normally with someone, evne if they are blind or something.
Try to look behind the superficial. There's not a single student here who isn't just a normal kid behind whatever they might seem at first glance.

ED: That is going to be so much help.

He says the same thing as Yuuko did.

I know they're right, but it's hard. How can you not consider for example Shizune's deafness, when the only way to communicate with her is to talk through Misha?

ED: You can try learning sign languages.

Or Hanako...it's not like you can ignore her face.

I thought we were over this, what the hell, man?


ED: Enough! You have a job to do!


Music: The Patriot Makes His Entrance

I'm interrupted by the door of the classroom suddenly slamming open.


ED: Oh shit.

Misha crashes in, hand straight in an enthusiastic greeting, her voice loud and lively enough to wake the dead from their graves.

She starts towards the teacher's desk with her bouncing step, hands energetically swinging with the rhythm.

Mutou, visibly dismayed at the interruption and Misha in general, slumps in his chair.


Misha stops in her tracks and looks around cluelessly, as if she's sensing from his tone that something's wrong but has no idea what.

We have talked about volume control before.

But she doesn't lower her voice at all, and the teacher just rubs his eyes.

So, what is it?
I...we need help! We are running out of supplies for the festival stands!
This is a distress!

ED: ...We should escape when we can, Dovahkiin....

She waves a pink slip of paper she's holding around.

So...go get more supplies from the art room. What's the problem with that?
Plywood! Plywood is always the problem! Last time we wanted more there was only a little, but that time we just took it all and went with that.
Now there's like none left there, so do you know where is some?
I don't understand. How would I know?

ED: ....uh...we should go.

Shicchan..I mean the president thought that a teacher would know if there is plywood. Was she wrong?


Mutou looks like he is in great pain, frowning with his entire essense, and Misha doesn't get it at all.

Looking at the two of them communicate is terrible, like looking at a man being tortured by drilling his skull open while blasting pop music at full volume at the same time.

I'm afraid I have no idea if there is any plywood in the school, let alone where it would be if there was any.
Awww...what should I do?
Perhaps try to find Mr. Nomiya? I'm quite sure he would know where to find everything you need.
You'd have to pry them from his cold, dead hands, but that's a different matter.
Aaaah! I don't have time! We are so busy!

She holds her head with both of her hands, looking as despairing as it's possible for a person like her. Without even noticing, she crumples the note she's holding against her hair.

I shouldn't even be fetching these things, there is so much to do and we are falling behind the schedule!

Mutou looks at her gravely and then, suddenly smiles. Smiling doesn't really fit his face. I think it'd be better if he didn't'.

I wonder if you could get some temporary help?

ED: You son of a bitch...



Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
oh RK47-chan~
I showed this LP to a friend of mine....

He thinks it's really funny and suspects you that you're railroading the LP towards the Lilly/Hanako routes.
Exhibit A Exhibit B

How do you respond to these charges?


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Okay. Let's consider the option. seriously. i'm following my heart. Currently we have:
1. a deaf girl with an annoying side kick. 2 in 1 package. Not my type. And sorry Pinkie Pie is a Psycho.
2. athletic girl with augmented legs that wants us to run with her - errr...no.
3. A blind girl who drinks tea with the scarred girl.

All in all, I think I did most things rationally. Of course, I might be railroading cum LARP. Like DR said, 15% progress only mang, things could change. I'm pretty flexible. But railroading - hell naw. I'm not reading FAQs, bro and this is a blind run.

I also think I've brought up the reasons why I dislike the prez:
Pushy as heck. Can you imagine playing Terraria with her? Since comms are no longer a barrier it'd be like this:

Hicchan logs in
Shicchan logs in
Micchan logs in

Hicchan> Uh...sup guys.
Shicchan> Micchan, chop some wood. Hicchan, farm gels. Now. I'll build the base.

2 hours later....

Micchan likes to play in the lava .

Hicchan> .....I...I need to go afk.
Shicchan> No you're not. Come on, make some potions, we're summoning the Wall of Eyes.
Hicchan> The fuck? But I'm wearing only copper and a bucket!

Wall of Eyes has been summoned!

Hicchan> Fuck this. I never asked for this.
Hicchan has left.


Jan 5, 2009
Atlantic Accelerator
Strap Yourselves In Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Wasteland 2 Codex USB, 2014 Divinity: Original Sin 2 BattleTech Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Great LP I am lucky to have discovered this. Same as with the Dances with Rogues, at first it seemed like it would be a total fail, but it actually is interesting and I'm waiting for more updates.

If only Black Cat would have joined a school like that, she might still be with us :singletear:


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Eeeehhh...I guess I can give you a hand.

She pauses, does a double take and then points to me with her finger, yelping "Ah!" and looking very puzzled.

Come to think of it, what's Hicchan doing here? Class is over, you should be having fun~!

ED: Even Pinkie Pie knows more than you! The SHAME!

We just had a little chat.
Oh no! It's not detention is it? Are you in trouble, Hicchan?
No, I'm not.
Is Hicchan in trouble, teacher?
No, he's not.

Mutou sighs deeply and I feel that I have to help Misha to get her off the teacher's back.

ED: She's not worth it.

So what do you need?
Here's a list. I can try to find the plywood from somehwere if there's none in the art room.

She offers me the note she's holding. I take it, hesitating a bit.

I said I'd help you, but this has no implications on whether I'm joining the council or not.

ED: Wow, you're really butthurt about that loss, aren't you?

Still, thanks, Hicchan. Try to be quick, we are in a stall-building streak now, we must hurry hurry hurry!

She bounces out of the classroom, leaving me and the teacher looking at each other with something that feels like a silent agreement.

ED: She's a psycho, all right.

Well, there you have it, Nakai. You have something to do now. :smug:


Looking at the list with a number of items ranging from paint to plywood, all written with small, neat handwriting that is undoubtedly Shizune's, I heave a sigh.

ED: We don't have to do this, you know...

I'll be going then.

Waving the long list limply at the teacher, I exit to the hallway.

The classrooms closest to ours are designated belonging to classes 3-1 and 3-2 on the right side, and 3-4 on the left side, each door looking exactly the same.

Further down the corridor still with identical doors, are rooms that I didn't think were used for classes.

I guess the art room is not a classroom as such.

I carefully push open the furthest door, and peek in.


Desks and chairs are all around the room, a thin layer of dust settled on them. There are some easels in the corner so at least this looks like the right place.

The room is flushed in sunlight from the big windows, shadows creeping all over the desks.

Specks of dust are dancing in the stagnant air, making the beams of light almost visible.

Jokingly, I call into the empty room.

Hello is anyone-

Something catches my eye and I stop mid-sentence.


ED: ...

Music: And so, the Sixth House Rises

Sitting on a desk is a short-haired girl; curiously wearing a boy's uniform, with a fork between her toes, a morsel of food stuck firmly on the end.

This odd way of dining seems to be caused by her apparent lack of hands, but her presence here is what takes me aback even more.


I'm not being too observant today, as a whole.

The girl seems to be frozen in place, staring at me with her huge eyes like a rabbit in headlights.

She's staring at me, her mouth wide open, ready to accept the fork.

I'm staring at her, my mouth wide open, suddenly remembering I didn't finish my sentence and trying to think if I should.

This weird stalemate keeps us both stunned into silence, punctuated only by the wall clock ticking rhythmically.


The girl stuffs the forkful in her mouth, and is now staring at me expectantly while chewing. This is a bit awkward.

Umm....hello. I was told to pick up some supplies from here. For some festival stalls I think. I didn't think there would be someone here.
There isn't. That's why I came here, too.

She picks up another forkful.

Doesn't that mean you're here, then?

She raises her eyebrows as if she was suspecting my observation was false.


This girl is pretty straightforward, isn't she?

ED: I got nothing. Just...get along. Grab the wood. And be done with this.

I'm Nakai, Hisao Nakai. I just transferred in on Monday.
I'm Rin. Tezuka Rin. Rin Tezuka.
I won't shake hands with you, but at least we know who we are now.

ED: !!!!

That's very nice.

Her deadpan manner of talking makes it hard to determine whether she's joking about shaking hands or not.

ED: I think we just got trolled.

It kinda bothers me, joking about these matters doesn't feel appropriate at all.

While I'm trying to figure what's appropriate and whether this girl is, she seems to have lost interest in me and is now gazing yearningly back at her food.

Can I continue my lunch? If you don't mind me, I won't mind you.
If you need to get your stuff, the supplies are at the back.
Go right ahead. But...lunch? School's already over for the day.
What word would you use then? There is no word for a meal you eat after lunch but before dinner, right? It bothers me very much too, but I don't really know what I should say.
I don't think you are supposed to eat a meal between lunch and dinner to begin with.
But I'm hungry now and my delicious boxed lunch would go to waste otherwise.

ED: This is pretty goddamn inane. Come on you two! Break it up!

I have curry. It's very delicious.

ED: That's nice, I had some too for dinner.

With much decisiveness, Rin once again picks up the fork between her toes and with at least as much impoliteness, she points it straight at me.

So, Nakai, what brings you to this place?

ED: A confession in snow-laden plains.

Like I said, I was told to look for these things.

ED: ...wow.

I came to a full stop, opening my mouth but not getting a word out.

I can guess. I am good at guessing. Better than most people.

ED: Whatever, squirt. Heh, Rin's pretty casual. I think you can stay loose around her.

Rin cuts me off before I can answer her question, or skirt around it somehow. I don't know which I would've done.

I froze in front of this issue again. I haven't even told anyone here about my condition, or maybe it's only because it hasn't really come up.

I do get the feeling that not making issues of this is a part of the social code here, as the teacher said.

I wonder if the people here could relate? Probably not any better than any normal person could.

ED: Hey, how long are you gonna keep her waiting for an answer?

I can't relate to Shizune's circumstances, or Lilly's, either.

ED: Sigh. Whatever. Goddamn aspies.


Naturally, while I go through this in my head, Rin keeps considering what my condition could be, with an overtly contemplative look on her face.

She puts her fork betwen her lips and leans back, looking at the ceiling as if the answer was written up there.

A beam of light illuminates her face from the window side, creating a mask of dark shadow on the other side.

ED: Aren't we here for plywood, man?

I don't think it's anything in your head, and something in your guts would be boringly ordinary, like this lunch of mine. And less delicious.

ED: ...hey, Dovahkiin. Let's -


ED: :incline: Yeah, maybe. Hahah. You deserve this sort of shit, Dovahkiin.

This messed-up Sherlock Holmes kind of statement and the sheer lack of tact it was delivered with catches me completely off guard.

I think I might've reeled back even physically as Rin's eyes widen in revelation and astonishment.

So I was right! There's something wrong with your tackle, isn't there?

ED: :lol: What's wrong, Dovahkiin?

Still partially in shock but recognizing the need to reply something, I spit out the first thing I can think of.

No! Nothing like that. I have a heart problem. Arrhythmia.

ED: Pwned by an armless girl.

I said it. More like blurted it out, but I said it.

ED: Big fucking deal.


The girl in front of me purses her lips together and glowers at me, looking very disappointed.

How boring. Trouble in the pants would have been much more scandalous.

ED: Hahahah. Lay it all on him, baby. This guy deserved it.

What's with this reaction?

I'm sorry I let you down.
I forgive you. Just, I collect people and a person, with, you know, that kind of problem would've been really great.

ED: OK, now you're scaring me.

Collect people?
People with different problems.
Huh, so you just...like, go around asking people what's wrong with them?
Pretty much.
I see.

With little left to say, Rin resumes her lunch and the conversation dies away, but I keep thinking about what she said.

It's the first time I told anyone else about my condition. All the other people have either known about it already, or heard about it from someone else.

Or didn't need to know about it, like every other student here, so far.

Should I have told it as a natural part of introductions? Is it expected of me?

ED: Hi, I'm the Nameless One. I have an amnesia and an immortal looking for a cure.

"Hi, I'm Hisao. I have a very serious heart condition."

ED: That'll work.

Is that how I'm supposed to go around introducing myself from now on?

ED: Oh, here we go again...

As if our disabilities would define us. What a disgusting thought.

ED: Hey, I'm not the one that said, "Lilly the Blind Girl."

Or maybe this Tezuka girl just has an unnatural interest in such things.

As I walk to the back of the room to pick up the items on Misha's list, a chance opens to study Rin from the corner of my eye.

Her hair is a burnt auburn, almost orange, and cropped short. Long hair would probably be impossible with no arms.

The boy's uniform and the lack of arms make her look very thing, almost scrawny.

She is not particularly pretty except for her murky green eyes which flicker restlessly from below her short bangs, even when she eats.

The distance and the shadows make it seem like they don't reflect sunlight at all, but instead absorb all of it within them like deep wells.

She moves her feet almost as deftly as a normal person would use their arms.

However, I can see how this sight could discomfort people, especially while eating. It makes me feel a bit uncomfortable at least.

I hesitate to think about the word "unnatural" but it's too late now, isn't it?

ED: Everything is too damn late with you.

I keep searching the cabins and shelves for Misha's things, but after enough time passes the silence grows too uncomfortable, so I try to force some conversation out of this strange girl.

So do you always eat alone and this late? Or do you get the occasional visitor?
Visitors...maybe you are my first occasional visitor. But I don't always eat alone either.
Sometimes I eat with a certain person on the roof, if she's not horsing around.
She likes to do sports.

ED: I think it's pretty obvious who this is.


And that's all I can think of to say.

Both of us fall silent again as Rin forks the last bits of her meal to her mouth.

I look down at my haul and double check it with Misha's list. It seems I have everything except plywood.

Umm...so, I think I have all the things now.
That's very nice for you. Don't feel obligated to stay I was about to take a nap anyway.
You need to do whatever you are going to do with that stuff anyway, right?
Or perhaps you like to watch girls sleeping?

ED: :) You just don't quit, do you? Hah.


I'm not sure what to make of this, but Rin looks serious.

Even if I did, I think I have to be going.
I...I'll catch you around, Tezuka.
You can call me Rin.
I feel that our relationship at this point good enough to warrant this much.

ED: Okay no 18 year old talks like that. FFS.

I was already turning to make my exit, but she draws me back in.

Fine, then I'm Hisao.
Then you are.

Rin looks at me hard in the eyes but that intimidating feeling you get when someone stare at you isn't there.

It's like she's actually not looking at me at all.

She blinks a couple of times, and I can't figure out why a pause like this just popped between us out of nowhere.

See you later, Hisao.

ED: I have no idea what to make out of that.

There is something like a tiny smile there in her face, maybe.

I quietly back out of the room. As I shut the door in front of my face, I whisper to myself.

What an intriguing person...

From inside, I hear a muffled sing-song voice:

I heard tha~t!

ED: Wow. This is just overkill. But at least she's fun to talk with. Unlike someone else we kn-



I jump at the sudden appearance of Misha, who I had not heard approaching despite the completely empty hallway.

Somehow she had gotten to jumping distance of me without making a sound. Creepy. It briefly reminds me of Kenji's nutty theory about a global feminist conspiracy, but I push that thought aside.

Shizune, standing slightly behind Misha, looks aloof as she couldn't have heard the remark that drew Misha's attention, but Misha is visibly excited.

ED: Just..give them the stuff and get out of there...


ED: Too late.

She tries to curiously peek past me, even though the door prevents her from seeing anyway.

What are you doing here?
You took so long that we had to come check what's wrong. That's no good, Hicchan~

ED: Feminazis.

She wags her finger at me scoldingly.

I found plywood, but everything else is still missing because you are tardy.
Oh, sorry. Err...I got the things here, was just going to bring them.
I think you were up to some mischief, Hicchan~! Who was in there with you, I wonder...

ED: ... I have my rights.

Misha signs something quickly to Shizune, pointing at her own ear a couple of times.

ED: Goddamn snitch! You goddamn psychotic snitch!

Shizune immediately pushes her way past me and opens the door into the classroom I just left.

I can only imagine the shock she is experiencing.

With Shizune's diligence and attitude, the insolence of daring to deface the school property by sleeping on top of it must be too much to bear.


ED: Heil Fraulein. Sieg Heil.

Instead of blowing up, Shizune just takes a few deep breaths, adjusts her glasses and slams the door shut, turning to sign furiously at Misha.


She shoots a very loaded stare at me too, as if it was somehow my fault that Rin is sleeping on one of the tables.

I hope she's not getting any funny ideas about the reason of my tardiness.

ED: ... what you mean she thought we did it with that girl in the room? Please say yes if she asks.


Rin's voice comes from the other side of the door and it takes a few eyeblinks to realize she might have trouble opening it.

I open a door to find Rin directly behind it, looking at us with a half-interested, half-sleepy face.


ED: Perfect. Now we can have a threesome.


ED: Problem?

Miss Tezuka, what do you think you were doing? You absolutely are not permitted to use school property for such...err, disgraceful? activity!

ED: Oh?

It sure is suddenly very crowded in here. I didn't know I was this popular.

ED: This girl's pretty fun to have around. Haha.

It's hard to say whether she's happy or unhappy about this turn of events.

At any rate she ignores Shizune/Misha's scolding so they have no choice but to drop the issue.

Shizune taps Misha's shoulder, points at Rin and makes some quick signs.

Popularity aside, please don't do that anymore.
Anyway, how is your project going? Will it be done for the festival?

Rin looks at them blankly, apparently at ease under the pressure Shizune's cold stare is putting on her.

I keep wondering about that myself too.
Will think about it harder.

As Misha signs her reply to Shizune her face turns into an unsatisfied frown.


ED: Keep it up, Rin. Keep it up!

Miss Tezuka, please try to take this seriously. It'll be a disaster if the wall looks like someone threw up their lunch onto it.

Rin nods assertively.

Will think more seriously.

Misha actually giggles at that, but Shizune doesn't, not even after translation.

She just shakes her head, takes the materials from me and takes off with Misha in tow.

Rin frowns thoughtfully as she looks after the retreating student council duo.

ED: Man, she just owned those two! You could learn some stuff from her, Dovahkiin.


ED: In-fucking-deed!

It's true though, I must finish my project before the weekend. There will be dire consequences if I don't.

ED: Oh?

The end of the world as we know it.

ED: *chuckles*

Like weekends usually are, but more dire.
Much more dire.
Maybe I'll postpone my nap. To unforeseen future.

I am about to ask what project she has and what are these apocalyptic consequences, but she walks back into the art classroom.

ED: Hey, let's hang around her. This could be funny.

Since you have nothing to do, would you give me a hand?

ED: Err...sure. Heheh.

This paint can doesn't fit into my bag but I need it.

She kicks lightly at the huge can of paint that's lying on the floor next to the table she was sitting and sleeping on.

It lets out a dull clang.

Being the gentleman I am, I naturally pick it up.

ED: Great. Enemy of my enemy is a friend.


Yeah, sure. Where do you need to take it?

And with that, she takes off to the hallway, me and the paint can following since there's little choice for either of us.

The hallway is quiet and empty now with Shizune and Misha gone, so we too leave towards the stairwell at the other end.


Rin strolls on beside me with an uneven pace that I have trouble matching, or maybe I am walking weird because of the extra weight.

It seems one of us is constantly walking too slow or too fast, and I can't figure out which.

Two flights of stairs below, trouble appears in the form of the head nurse and his fox-like grin.

ED: I don't like this...


He nods courteously to Rin who does not acknowledge him back, then turns to me because obviously it's me who he had some business with.

There is something I forgot to mention on Monday.

I nod and wait impassively because I can't begin to guess what he forgot. The feeling of the handle delving deeper into my skin doesn't make me feel enthusiastic about this interruption, either.

It's about your medications. Since you haven't been that long on your current medication there might be some unexpected side effects, which might require adjusting dosages or even changing to another kind of medication.

ED: Yawn.

So we will do a few tests regularly, but what I'd want is for you too keep an eye on everything in your condition that feels off, if you get what I mean.
Nausea, headache, anything. And come see me if something happens.

ED: Yeah sure, go back to your lab and examine a patient or something. I'm just trying to have fun here.

All right.
So how are you? Everything fine?

I give up and drop the can to the floor before answering him. Apparently this takes longer than my biceps can handle.

I'm about to say something generic as an answer, but then I raelize how often I've done that lately.

Other people have asked me that too. Teachers and students here. My parents, visitors, nurses, doctors at the hospital.

ED: Can't be helped, there are only some things the patient would know himself.

Everyone seems to be concerned about that. It's natural for a hospital, not to much for a school. Except this school.

ED: What's your point? Just get it over with, man!

This is a small school, and both the student base and the faculty seem to be very tightly knit.

ED: ....You're starting to sound like Kenji...

At least that's the feeling I'm getting.

And this is not the kind of school that gets transfer students too often.

The thought sends shivers up my spine, but I give a generic answer, anyway.

ED: An answer that is so generic, it took five lines of monologues to spit out yet not displayed for the viewers to read. What the fuck?

That's great. Also, one other thing.

ED: Spider sense - Tingling!

My sources tell me that you've been at neither the school track nor even the pool, so I'd like to know if you have taken up exercising as I asked.

ED: The hell?

Of course I haven't, but his way of inquiring gives me the feeling that I should've been running my ass off on the track since the very first day.

ED: Sources? The hell is he talking about? That's such a strange word to use. Unless...


Not as such. I just happen to know a few people. But that's not the issue here, so I don't try to slip out of it.

ED: Who could it be? Mutou-sensei? Yuuko the Librarian? Or one of the students?

Well, I was actually just doing some improvised weight lifting, as an exercise.

I pick up and lift the can up and down a few times like some sad imitation of a bodybuilder, even though it's weighing down on my arms painfully.

The stupid grin disappears from his face for a second, then comes back like it was never gone.

ED: Again...Spider Sense...tingling!

Tezuka, would you give us a second?

ED: I don't like this...

The nurse grabs me by the shoulder without waiting for Rin's permission which he didn't need in the first place and drags me aside.

ED: Fuck you. What is your problem?


ED: !!!!

I understand that you are still on your first week and all, but please don't ignore the importance of this.
The reason I'm coming down this hard on you is that habits are not easy to form.
The more you slip and postpone, the harder it'll be. It's the same with everything, like dieting.

ED: What's the matter? You scared your treatment will fail and lose a patient? The fuck man?


ED: Don't like this bastard the moment I met him on first day... but maybe I should just bluff him to get out of this situation. This is so goddamn sinister all the sudden.



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Great LP I am lucky to have discovered this. Same as with the Dances with Rogues, at first it seemed like it would be a total fail, but it actually is interesting and I'm waiting for more updates.

If only Black Cat would have joined a school like that, she might still be with us :singletear:

:( I hope she reads this and come back.


Sep 16, 2009
1. Holy cow, BC-chan left? Why wasn't I informed?


2. RK47 - you are awesome. In a codex-way awesome, but still...

3. Do I sense a MAJESTIC footjob on the horizon?


4. On a serious note, Rin-chan looks like a truly codexian choice of a girl, due to high Speech and attitude.


Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Rin is an odd one. Sometimes she's skewring people with jokes and bluntness, but other times she's just so god damned inane. Like, more inane than Misha even.

Also, listen to the nurse bro. The other students might be cripples, but you're like, a tackle away from being dead. Consequences of you flipping off the doctor's orders are bigger than they are for the others.


Jan 13, 2012
Consequences of you flipping off the doctor's orders are not being able to get Emi's route.


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Okay. Let's consider the option. seriously. i'm following my heart. Currently we have:
1. a deaf girl with an annoying side kick. 2 in 1 package. Not my type. And sorry Pinkie Pie is a Psycho.
2. athletic girl with augmented legs that wants us to run with her - errr...no.
3. A blind girl who drinks tea with the scarred girl.

Come on, you know your true fate lies with Kenji.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
BC does those LPs in a really shitty style, right? Eh.

Also man, Misha and Shi are friggin' bullies. The sooner you get rid of them, the better.

Rin is cool thought.

Also, answer yes.

That's my thought as well. How old are these guys? Class 3-3 Means what? 16-18 year olds? Everyone is jailbait? That's the norm in this next gen schooling imo.

Maybe over on States-side. 16 is legal here.

It's more the loli factor that does it though, regardless of the age the game claims.

Looking at the two of them communicate is terrible, like looking at a man being tortured by drilling his skull open while blasting pop music at full volume at the same time.

Haha. Holy shit.

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