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Completed Katawa Shoujo: I love you just the way you are...


Jan 16, 2012
Yeah, when you get to know Kenji a bit more, over the different routes you SOMEHOW end up liking him. And it is really cool to get to know more stuff about him like piecing together who excactly his girlfriend was, and the moment he tells when he found out that women have evil lifeforce stealingpowers.

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
What do you mean 'somehow end up liking him'? Kenji is the undisputed best part of this game.


Jan 16, 2012
What do you mean 'somehow end up liking him'? Kenji is the undisputed best part of this game.

Yes, thats kinda true, but the first few times you encounter him he just seem like a crazy douche. Not to say that there aren't any jerks in this game, but you only see them on Rin's and Shizune's path.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
....Kenji...has a girlfriend? :eek: How do I find out? What route must I take?


Jan 16, 2012
I think you find that out on Hanakos route, but he doesn't have a girlfriend, he had a girlfriend. It's related to his feminist conspiracies stuff.


Jul 23, 2011
He mentions it during Shizune's route too I believe, and when you fuck up in act 1 and end up spending the fair with Kenji on the roof.

It looks like you can't fully escape Miss Future Dictator, 47, the next updates should be interesting :lol:


You didn't add that guy in did you? wtf

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Well, the Kenji route would be a good start...

One thing that bugs me about Hideaki is the scale of the sprite compared to other characters. He's supposed to be obviously much younger than his sister, so you'd think he'd be a lot shorter than that. They do the same thing with Emi too- apparently she's supposed to look especially short but she doesn't really.

Edit: Also, I laughed my ass off at you photshopping the cone into her hands.



Jan 16, 2012
I think he added the icecream guy. I mean, he has bloody handprints on his clothes, and all the other characters were always behind the dialog box.


Sep 16, 2009
ITT we learn that 90% of the Hivemind plays hentai games. 7 times.


Goes back to playing Super Metroid...



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Oh, so he's Shizune's brother.

ED: Glad we didn't go down her path. Must be a harsh life, cross-dressing with Lady Hitler in the house.


ED: ...well, fuck.

Lilly and Shizune are first cousins?

ED: Have no fucking idea how that works. So Lilly's dad, who is Japanese is Shizune's uncle, huh?

Lilly groans in an uncharacteristically unrestrained manner. The reaction earns an amused smirk from her sister.
The enmity between the two just took on another meaning. I had thought it simply a matter of difficulty of communication between the two, but a family feud makes things much more complicated.

ED: Don't assume too much. Aside from our little tranny here, we don't even know anything about their family.

You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family.

She gives a halfhearted shrug. She mustn't give as much weight to the two's conflict as I do.

Well, that's how it is. What are you two up to anyway on this fine day?
We're shopping for Hanako's birthday present. The day will be coming up soon, so this is the last chance we'll have before school starts again for the week.

Akira makes a strange face, as if Lilly had just said that the sky wasn't blue and the clouds not white.

Isn't her birthday on the tenth next month?
Yes..Why? Is something wrong?

Akira's face seems to collapse. It's an utterly unbefitting expression for someone so rowdy and headstrong.

The folks didn't call you yet?

As Lilly shakes her head cluelessly, I look at Hideaki to see if he knows anything about this. A simple shrug is his only answer.

ED: Uh oh...'the folks' are her parents.

For a moment, Akira ponders what to do before smiling once again. The fact that she can hide her emotions so quickly and effectively is unsettling.

Hey Shortie, sorry, but could you hang with Hisao for a while?


He nods and waves her off, Akira placing an arm on Lilly's shouldr as she guides her away and out of earshot.




So.. nice weather, isn't it?
It seems so.


I guess they dumped us.

What a farcical attempt at smalltalk. I've got no idea of how to talk to this guy, and his robotic responses aren't helping. Blood and a stone comes to mind.
Without another word, he begins to rock on his feet in an obvious gesture of boredom with this discussion. He really is like a little kid, despite his serious demeanor.
Suspecting the conversation over, I decide to accomplish what I came here to do in the first place.

I'm going to go search for a present. Coming?
Not much else to do.

In a little while, we come to a small shop beside a convenience store.
For once the store windows aren't filled with electronics and computer games, but dolls, stuffed bears aand all manners of wood-crafted oddities.



ED: Strange place to buy girly stuff.

I reach for the old-looking door handle, but pull back at the last minute as I realize my companion's gone adrift.

Not coming in?
I'll just be in the newsstand for a while. Don't mind me.

ED: Go play in the traffic.

His voice makes it painfully clear he has zero interest in what's in the store, and that he doesn't feel obligated to follow me.
As he wanders off without another word, I push the thick wooden door and enter the store, a bell above me ringing out.

The musty smell of old books and wooden shelves is distinctly anachronistic.
I look to the counter beside the door. The graying man behind it sits there silently, reading a tattered book. He certainly fits the look of the place.
Slowing wandering through the aisles, the person I'm reminded of as I inspect each handcrafted or imported oddity in turn isn't Hanako.

ED: ....sigh. It was going so well too...

Crouching down, I examine the ancient oak desk inside the shop window.


I turn the price tag of one that look to be about waist-height.
...It's not in my price bracket. At all.
I do the same to each one of them, getting more and more depressed as they get smaller and smaller in size.
That is, until I reach the very smallest one. It's affordable, just, yet, of quality make and with long, auburn hair and a little blue dress.
I decide it's the kind of present Hanako would appreciate. Pretty-looking and far from gaudy.
After I carefully pick it up, I decide to keep looking around the store. I'm not sure whether it's because I like the atmosphere or out of simple curiosity.
Peeking around the corner before I go to the next aisle, I see the shelves in this one are stocked with wooden toys; from toy cars to intricate automatons.

Tucked behind a line of nutcrackers, I notice a little plain wooden box. It feels surprisingly light as I pick it up with my free hand.


For seconds on end, I simply stand there listening to the palm-sized melody.
As it plays, I take the tiny price tag in my fingers and bring it up to my face, the miniscule cursive writing taking some effort to read.

It's affordable...sort of.

ED: Well, if it's for Lilly...anything is affordable.

Grimacing slightly, I close the lid and make my way to the counter with doll and music box in hand.
When I lay the two on the counter, the man behind it sits up and takes stock of them. He doesn't hide very well his surprise at someone of my age buying them.

(A doll...and a music box? Poor kid. So young, and he's already turning into a fag.)


As I exit the store, seeing Hideaki being there takes me by surprise.


Akira gave me a call. She's waiting for us at the fountain with Lilly.

At least that solves the issue of trying to find them again.
We head back to the fountain. Hideaki's immaculate posture and presentation despite his appearance makes for a strange contrast even as we walk.


Hey. You ready to go, Shortie?

Hideaki's mood seem to improve as he rejoins her.

Seeya Lilly, Hisao. Tell Hanako I said happy birthday.

ED: Go get a sex change already.

We will. Bye.
Goodbye, Akira.

And with that, the two disappear into the fracas of the afternoon city crowd.


ED: Something's wrong.

It's more than a little off-putting, but given the effort she's making to hide her emotions, I doubt she wants to be cornered on why she's feeling this way.

Already bought Hanako a present?
Yes. Have you?
Shall we head back to the bus stop then?

ED:....this isn't how it's supposed to end. :(

Okay. There should be a bus back to the Yamaku pretty soon.

And with that, we begin to walk.

It feels strange compared to before. Lilly's hand on my forearm feels unusually tense, and the whole atmosphere is extraordinarily awkward.


Hanako's birthday party is going to have to be held earlier. Is the fourth going to be all right for you?

ED: ...she's leaving?

I have no other possible obligations anyway, so I reflexively nod. Only afterwards do I remember that doing so is pointless, and quickly answer so by speech.
She tries to collect herself, a task that looks almost pitiable in how plain it is to see how distant her thoughts are.

Sorry, Hisao. You said the bus would be coming soon, right?
That's right.

But now that she says that, I have an idea.

ED: Auto pilot again. What the hell.

Actually, do you have anything to do later today?
I..don't believe so. Why do you ask?
This is the point where I'd normally take your hand and rush you somewhere, but even without that, you'll have to trust me. Okay?

ED: What kind of offer is that?

I take her hand and gently lead her on, her distant face replaced by one of mild surprise and curiosity.


As the waitress sets the cup of tea and coffee that I'd ordered onto the table, I thank her before she takes her leave.


ED: OK. I guess you've bought some time. Let's cheer our lady friend up.

Having managed to recover a little, Lilly tentatively sips at her cup as I take a long gulp of the coffee in front of me.
As I hoped, her face lights up as she realizes what flavor it is.

ED: Hope you didn't spike it with Prozac...

Ah..this is wonderful!

ED: :o

Hisao, how did you know that this was...?

I'd asked for French vanilla black tea, hedging my bets that it would be her favorite flavor, or at least one she liked. While I don't really know much about tea, it sounded like one she might appreciate.
...on the basis of her liking vanilla ice cream. A tea connoisseur I am definitely not.

ED: Well, Bro. I'm just amazed at how swimmingly well things are going without my input. It's sooooo auto-pilot.

It was a lucky guess. You really like tea, don't you?

She puts her teacup down and gives a tiny nod, that familiar small smile thankfully perched on her face once again.

Drinking tea is...calming, I think.
With the amount you drink, are you sure you're not addicted to it? Caffeine addiction's pretty common nowadays.

ED: *Cringe*

Did I ever say I wasn't?

She lets out a giggle as my head drops. We all have our vices, I suppose, and there are worse things to be addicted to.

French vanilla black tea, huh? I'll have to remember that.

For a while, we both silently drink. It's comforting to have someone like her nearby in such new surroundings, even if it's just the two of us sitting in silence.
I begin to wonder if this feeling is the same for her, until she sets down her cup.

Hisao, do you mind if I ask you a slightly odd question?

ED: Sureeeeee..

That depends on the question, I guess.
I was wondering...what your favorite color is. Everyone has one, after all.

ED: I...but..wha-you're..

I almost reply before realizing why the seemingly mundane question is actually quite strange.

My favorite color? But...

ED: Do I even get to choose?

I've always had a thing for green. I'd say that's my favorite.

ED: *twitch*

Green, is it? What things do you think of when contemplatig that color?

ED: ...Trees? Vegetables? Or...something......incredible.


ED: Wait! Something awesome!




Men always seem to like the military.
But..that sounds like a nice color. A very nice color.

She nods her a head a little, as if approving of the choice. Considering how foreign the concept of color is to her mind, labeling it by association seems reasonable enough.

If everyone has a favorite color, then what's yours?
White. I'm told that's the color of snow, and of ice cream.
You're no better than me then, if you only like that color because of a favorite food. I guess white is nice too, though.
And speaking of colors, it'll be getting dark soon. Let me help you up.

ED: So she can't tell time as well... :(

Lilly offers her hand, which I take in mine to help lever her up from her seat at the table. Its softness compared to mine takes me off guard, as I'm not really used to such casual contact.
It doesn't seem to bother her at all though. While it seems obvious why, it feels like just one more ladylike aspect to her.
As her hand moves to her pocket, I quickly cut her off.

Don't worry, I'll pay for this.

ED: You're...going all out today, aren't you? Nicely done.

Oh. Thank you, Hisao.

By the time we step off the bus, it's well and truly dark.


While I'm still concerned over Lilly's withdrawn nature after meeting with her sister, the fact I managed to cheer her up even slightly feels like a personal victory.
But...it feels like the air between us has changed. Maybe it's only a bit, but it's something I don't think either of us realized before.

ED: .... you..noticed it..*now*?


ED: ... It's... It's not like I love being rail-roaded in my romance or something...

It was. That doesn't elude either of us, the question's answer being so self-evident as to be rhetorical.
Awkward as it may be, I don't think this feeling is bad. In fact, quite the opposite. I don't know what it is, I certainly can't be sure, but it feels like something a little more than friendship.

ED: Yeah. I really need to be told that I'm more than a friend. /sarcasm.

Understanding? Empathy? Searching for words to adequately describe it is difficult. Nonetheless...

ED: Hey, Romeo...it's 3.28 AM...I need to get to bed..like, NOW.

Would you like to do this again sometime, Lilly? Without shopping for presents?

ED: Don't forget to exclude Hanako as well.



ED: Well. That's .... that. Mission...Accomplished?


Oh yeah, don't forget folks. Final update before hiatus tomorrow. We'll be celebrating Hanako's birthday. :salute: Nighty night!


Jul 23, 2011
:lol: at the monster fight in the background


I looked at the flowchart, and Lilly has the 2nd most decisions to make in her arc, next to Rin's. There will be more in act 3.
Jan 1, 2010
As an aside, Lilly's father and Shizune's mother are siblings, not their fathers. The writers made a mistake. Twice (it's the same in Shizune's route).

You can't really bemoan the lack of choices in this sort of game, though. There's only so much a group of amateur writers can do. The alternative would be more irrelevant choices, and those don't add much (though I doubt they'd be too hard to pull off).


May 28, 2008
I think you find that out on Hanakos route, but he doesn't have a girlfriend, he had a girlfriend. It's related to his feminist conspiracies stuff.
Probably it all begun with his suspicions of why going to the bathroom together with his bosom friend took so much time to his girlfriend, soon before finding out that she liked to take two cocks at once while fucking with older guys.


Jan 16, 2012
I think you find that out on Hanakos route, but he doesn't have a girlfriend, he had a girlfriend. It's related to his feminist conspiracies stuff.
Probably it all begun with his suspicions of why going to the bathroom together with his bosom friend took so much time to his girlfriend, soon before finding out that she liked to take two cocks at once while fucking with older guys.

Nah, she isn't that kind of girl.


Jul 23, 2011
You can't really bemoan the lack of choices in this sort of game, though. There's only so much a group of amateur writers can do. The alternative would be more irrelevant choices, and those don't add much (though I doubt they'd be too hard to pull off).

Yeah exactly. I still think that the railroading is a small price for such a good written story.

Yep. And if anyone goes into it expecting more of a game than an interactive story, they'll probably be disappointed. I can't help but wonder how a mainstream game developer would treat the subject content though, given that this is more "emotionally engaging" to me than any schlock BioWare's put out.


Jan 16, 2012
Yep. And if anyone goes into it expecting more of a game than an interactive story, they'll probably be disappointed. I can't help but wonder how a mainstream game developer would treat the subject content though, given that this is more "emotionally engaging" to me than any schlock BioWare's put out.

That. I've said it before in this thread and i say it it again, this is the first anything in regards to any kind of media besides music that made me cry, and also it introduced me to visual novels. Yes its true there are many VN's that are just terrible on any level but i gladly swim trough all this shit to find some good ones like Katawa Shoujo, Planetarian or Kana: Little Sister.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
ED: Guess the party's today. But I really have no idea what day it is.


A doll lies inside, carefully placed on top of small box. I've been carrying the box in there for a while now, still not sure of what to do with it.
This whole situation, come to think of it, is bizarre.

ED: So you brought TWO presents, eh?

While I've known of Hanako's upcoming birthday party for a while now, I had no idea of exactly what the celebrations would be until I found a single note left in the abandoned tea room earlier today.
I hold it up and read it again, double-checking the instructions. The plain black handwriting's fairly legible despite Lilly's blindness, clearly thanks to considerable effort and care.

ED: But how can the blind write letters they can't even see?


Not reassured, I continue walking down the hallway until I reach Lilly's dormitory room. I hesitate for a second, but eventually give three sharp taps on the door.

ED: Celebrating in their room? This could be interesting.

A brief and muffled exchange of words can be heard from the other side. Listening closer, I can just pick out Hanako's and Lilly's voices.
As they finish, Lilly calls out.

"Might that be Hisao?"

Yep. I got the note you left for me.

"You can come in, the door is unlocked.

Glad that I managed to get the right room, I press down on the handle and let myself in.
As the door swings open, my greeting to them is stolen from my mouth.


ED: Blinding light!


ED: Huh..it's only 6 pm. Wtf?

I steal a quick glance at the lovely sight of the two, my eyes tearing themselves from Lilly's long, thin and pale legs with a measure of reluctance.

H-hi. I ... think I brought everything that was needed.

ED: ... I sure hope so.



ED: So...two girls. One guy. In a small room. I hope something interesting happens.


ED: You shouldn't stare at this one, remember what happened the last time you did.

Hi, Hanako. Happy birthday.
Ah.. th-thank you.

She's unusually skittish, despite the fact that she's warmed up to me considerably over the weeks we've come to know each other. This is a pretty unusual situation, I guess.

ED: Why do they wear pajamas in the first place?

Feel free to take a seat, Hisao. I'll just pour you two some tea.

ED: This party's not really happening, sis.

Sure thing.

Lilly takes the steaming red teapot from the side of the table and gently pours its contents into our teacups as I take a seat beside them, setting my bag against the nearby wall.


The first thing I notice is the ambient smell, just slightly different from that in mine...probably faint perfume, or nail polish. It could be anything of a girl's, really.
Another is the plain nature of the room, visually. Beige walls, a smart yet unadorned cabinet, the lack of posters or wall hangings. It's distinctly utilitarian, something I should have anticipated given her blindness.
The only thing that really seems out of the ordinary is several piles of books sitting on the floor, each reaching from roughly knee height to waist height. Some of them have printed tiles, others are entirely blank except for dots of Braille.
The fact that the ones with printed titles are uniformly in English is interesting, thought not completely unexpected. She did mention her parents impressing the language upon her and Akira, after all.

Your room looks nice, Lilly.

ED: Too bad she can't see it. *Facepalm*


ED: We're not here for you, girl. Don't worry...

It's now that I notice why. With these clothes on, the extent of her scarring is far more visible; reaching down her neck and out to cover her right shoulder.
Considering this is a party for her, she doesn't really look like she's enjoying the experience now that I'm here.

ED: Psst. Try blindfolding yourself.

So how old are you turning? Eighteen?

Her look of surprise, not at all helped by her total lack of skill at hiding her feelings, shows that she was trying to mentally tune me out. This is really quite awkward.

ED: Awesome party when the birthday girl is trying to ignore you. :(

On the plus side, there's only two more years till you can drink. So who's older? You or Lilly?
Lilly. She had her birthday in F-February. What about yours?

ED: I wonder which day in February is it. So we can buy cake and celebrate it like creepy japanese otakus in the Codex. I'll post pics, ai-Bros.

Earlier this year, so its' already passed.

Unstated is that it passed while I was stuck in the hospital. That was... a particularly low point of the experience.


I pick mine up, immediately noticing a much stronger aroma and taste than the tea we've been having.

Huh, it tastes different than the tea we have in school.
It's a different variety, rather than the kind we've been having there. You've never tasted Orange Jaipur before?
Not..that I can remember. I usually drink coffee after all, like when we were in town. This is nice, though.

As we settle down and sip, Hanako seems to become more relaxed, or at least a bit less tense about my presence.
We all finish our cups at about the same time, with Hanako failing rather badly at hiding her anticipation for the cake that's sitting to the side, begging to be eaten.
Come to think of it, I'm feeling very eager myself. First things first, though.

Yes, now is good.

Each of us knowing exactly what the other means, I lean sideways and dig around in my bag for the doll I bought Hanako as Lilly gets up and retrieves her gift.
Hiding our gifts in our hands, we present them both on the table at the same time.


ED: Yay~!

Hanako silently sits looking at them for seconds on end, out of sheer surprise.
My little wooden doll, replete with Victorian-era dress and little hat, lies next to light brown and fluffy stuffed bear from Lilly.
She clutches at her gown as she moves to speak, not taking her eyes off the modest presents.

Th...thank you...Lilly and...Hisao...

ED: Awww. Poor girl.

The sight of Hanako holding Lilly so tightly is heartwarming, so much so that I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to.
As Lilly gently rests her face on Hanako's head, she speaks so quietly and softly that I can barely hear.


Happy birthday.

Hanako gives a small nod, holding on to Lilly for some time before breaking off and wiping an eye.

ED: I hope they'll still be friends after graduating - I mean..Lilly will be fine, I'm sure, but Hanako? Unless some extreme toughening up occurs, I can hardly see her survive a new school without Lilly around.

I guess that for Hanako simply having someone, anyone, to be there and love her would be special. The fact that Lilly and I can now share that role for her is something I think I will always be grateful for.

ED: Oh..yeah, forgot that there's still us.


For a long time, all three of us simply sit in happy silence. The quiet is not broken until Lilly's soft voice beckons.

Shall we have at the cake, then?

Her proposal is met with two looks of unhidden anticipation.

No argument from me.

And so we ate the cake.

ED: Yeah. Literally seconds. No description of looks, tastes, not even a graphic of the cake. So...strange.

I contentedly sit back, both Lilly and Hanako looking just as satisfied with the food as I. It took some effort, but we managed to finish off the cake in one go.

I don't think I could fit any more in.
I think next time I'll buy a smaller cake.

Hanako and I give a chucke, but I can't help noticing that, come this time next year, we'll have graduated from Yamaku.

ED: We'll still be pals, right?

That fact is somewhat depressing, since I finally feel as if my life is starting to get back into some kind of order.
Idly looking around Lilly's neat and orderly room, her books catch my eye once again.
This may be a little impetuous, but my curiosity gets the better of me. Besides, I don't think she'll mind in any case.

Hey Lilly, do you mind if I take a look at once of your books?
You're quite welcome to, Hisao.
That said, if you can overcome two language barriers I will be quite impressed.
Two? Braille and..oh right, English.

She gives a nod.

I knew you were studying English, but I'm still amazed that you're this proficient at it.
One could say it's a perfect way to avoid people borrowing my collection.

She says it in jest, but I am a little disappointed. Having all these books around me with no way of reading them feels like a big tease.


Hanako giggles quietly as I reach over the closest pile, plucking the topmost book with only a cursory glance. "Death on the Nile," in large letters on the cover, is the only printed text to be seen.

I sit down for a wihle with the book open on my lap as Lilly and Hanako talk.


I'd thought this to be a lot easier than it actually is. With some practice though, I could see someone with a better sense of touch than mine managing to read at a pretty fast speed.
Noticing a silence that had probably begun earlier, I look up from the dotted pages to see Lilly smiling as Hanako sips another cup of tea.

Is something wrong?
Quite the opposite, your curiosity's quite endearing.

I am inordinately pleased by the praise, though I can feel my cheeks heating a little.

Thanks, but I don't know how else I could act.
To be honest, I wasn't altogether sure of how you saw us, since you were a new transfer student from another school.
If you'd pitied us, I would have been quite offended.

ED: ... Well...I don't want to say that. But..how can I not feel that?

There's a certain edge to Lilly's voice, one that I'd quite possibly place as pride. Glancing over to Hanako, she seems even more subdued than usual, looking towards Lilly rather than me.

I wouldn't worry about that. Considering the position I've found myself in, I'm perhaps the last person that should be dispensing pity on others.
My parents' first interactions with me after my heart attack...I wouldn't want anyone to see that kind of face.

ED: Err..Dovahkiin. If I recall correctly, we've never even seen your middle aged father's face except for a placeholder art of Jedi Master-now-deceased-dude Qui Gon Jinn.


I'm ... sorry. I shouldn't have gone that far..

An awkward silence reigns for a few beats, thankfully ended as Lilly's head perks up in a gesture I've come to easily recognize.

ED: What is it, Lassie?

Hear something?
The door...

ED: Uh oh...curfew's over? Am I busted? Do we have to hide in your underwear closet where Hanako will stuff inside as well, creating the classic anime rom-com tense situation?

Everyone looks towards it, trusting in Lilly's senses. True enough the door handle shudders and turns, a flash of yellow and black slipping through.

ED: Should've locked the door, FFS.


ED: Oh, it's just her.

Ah..thank you.

Akira takes a seat at the table as she plops her tall bag beside her. She has her trademark boisterous air about her, making no small deal of her entrance.

Hanako clutches her gown to steady herself, but doesn't appear too shaken after she settles down. I guess she must have met Akira before, not a huge surprise given how close Akira and Lilly are.
Akira doesn't seem to be the least bit put off by Hanako's scarring, despite its prominence, but she also doesn't pull any punches in how she acts despite Hanako's shy nature.

I thought you said you'd have to work, Akira. Did you manage to get off for a while?
Eh, kinda. I feel bad about ditching the guys doing overtime, so I gotta get back soon.
But I felt bad about not coming to your cute little Hanako's birthday too, so for now I'm here.

She grins widely at Hanako, who flowers into a full blush as she pins her eyes downwards toward her lap. Her mouth seems to widen and retract over and over, as if she was trying to suppress a smile out of embarrassment.
It's a little strange how her reaction seems to be more immediate and forceful when she's embarrassed by the way she looks. All she manages to give in return is a tiny nod, failing to hide her appreciation to any great extent.
Not that many people give her positive attention, I suppose. It make me respect how well Akira can handle her, making her so happy, compared to what little I could do.

ED: ...well Akira is a girl as well, so it ain't exactly balanced.

Now then, before I go...

She reaches into the bag beside her and grandly display its contents.


ED: ...looks like the party's just started.

Hanako's expression is an odd mix of surprise and curiosity, and I suspect mine's no different. Lilly, not seeing the proceedings, is oblivious to what's going on.

Akira... this isn't...
What is it?
Wine. One red. One white.
A-akira! That's...!
Relax, relax, it's not like Shizune's here to scold you.

ED: Fuck, please don't say that name here.

Lilly has a point, that's not exactly allowed on campus.
...or anywhere, really. We're still short of the legal drinking age, remember?
Rich words for someone practically drooling as they examine the bottle.

She got me there. I am genuinely interested in trying some, even just a little. While Hanako may not be handling one herself, her look does tell me that she's far opposed to the notion as well.
Lilly rubs her forehead, giving up the fight that she knows Akira would win due to simply not caring enough about those funny "rules" and "regulations."

Just don't breathe a word of this to anyone in the school, please. I beg you.
I'm not stupid, don't worry.
That said, I gotta get back to work pretty soon.
So soon? But you only just arrived...
Sorry, Lilly. Good to see you two again though, and you Hisao.

ED: You're going to leave your sister and her lady friend with two bottles of wine and a guy?

See you later, then.

She levers herself up with a grunt and waltzes out of the room, leaving us alone with the two items on the table.


Lilly gives a nervous giggle at her sister's antics as Hanako takes a wine bottle.

What do you think, Lilly?

ED: Well...do it IMO. This party kinda blows.

She rests her elbow on the table and pinches the bridge of her nose, thinking things through. She really doesn't seem to be able to keep up with her sister.

Well...it's already here. We may as well have some.

Music: The drunk Scotsman

No sooner does she say it that I take a quick glance aroudn the room for glasses.


A small groan above me reminds me that Lilly retired to rest on her bed for a bit a few minutes ago.
Almost completely drained of energy, I manage to stand up and drag myself to the side of the bed, sitting down and leaning my back against it.



ED: And nothing happened in between.

Lilly's groan sounds lifeless.

Too much to drink?
My head hurts..
Yeah, too much to drink.

I rest my head back and idly stare at the ceiling. What an unmitigated disaster.

ED: Yeah, she's still coherent. What the fuck.

Like proper idiots, we all drank the night away with one glass after another. Hanako simply fell to the side asleep, and it's a miracle I don't feel as ill as Lilly.

Hey, Hisao? I'm sorry about today. I...didnt' think this would happen.
It's fine, Lilly. To tell the truth, I had a lot of fun today.

ED: I didn't.

Mmm. I think Hanako did too. No, she certainly did.

There's a short silence, before another groan resounds from the supine Lilly.

You okay?
As you said, I just drank too much. What's the time?
The time? Uh, it's...

I quickly look at my wristwatch, it's numerals barely legible in the gloom.

About midnight.
Curfew's in effect, then.
Yeah, guessed as much. We'll all have to sleep here for tonight.

ED: Ok. :smug:

As soon as I say it, I hear the sheets moving as Lilly starts to sit up.

Ah, no, go back to sleep, don't try to get up.
Hisao, I have to...
You're in worse shape than my by any stretch. Get some rest.
But what about...
I'll grab some spare blankets and put them over her, don't worry.

As I give a deep yawn and stand to retrieve them, I hear her lie back down with soft thud.

Thank you, Hisao.
No problem, it's the last I can do. You look outright wasted.
I'm not..wasted..just a little bit...tired.

She starts pouting, a slight slur beginning to distort her words as the alcohol takes hold of her again. I grab a couple of blankets rolled up at the end of her bed.
Quietly walking over to Hanako, I carefully lay the blankets over her peacefully sleeping figure, making sure not to wake her up.
The thick smell of alcohol coming off her breath makes me doubt she'd wake up no matter what I did, though.
I stand and take one last measure of the room.


As I move to sit back down at the side of the bed, I steal one last glance at Lilly.


Usually she seems so confident and forward, always there and caring for Hanako. Now, though, she seems painfully delicate.
I think back to Hanako's presents.
I thought it'd be a nice occasion for her, but I'd hardly expected it to be so moving.
One birthday after another, year after year.
Just she and Lilly, all alone.
...I guess it wasn't just the presents she liked.

Resigning myself to an uncomfortable sleep, I sit down at the side of the bed once again and rest my tired arms beside me.

ED: So this is what sleeping with two girls feels like.

Hey, Hisao.
Thank you.
For what?

ED: Sigh. Gonna need more than that...to go on.

...That's okay.

As I hear a deep breath, it's obvious Lilly's gone to sleep.
After closing my eyes, it doesn't take long for slumber to take me as well.


ED: Guess no sex cards.

Hours later...

"Hisao, are you...?

The soft, barely audible voice lingering in my ears slowly wakes me. I wish I could be awoken like this more often.
With a mumble, I slowly open my...



Ow, ow, ow.

I slowly rub my forehead with one hand, supporting myself with the other. Lilly lies a few feet ahead just the same, her face obviously pained.

Ah ... sorry. Your face was kinda close and I acted on reflex. You okay?

ED: ...could've done something else than bang your face forward. Instinctive dodge should take you AWAY from the object, not TOWARDS it.

My head..

It seems she's not actually okay. Come to think of it, I doubt that impact alone is what's causing her head so much pain.

Hangover? You drank a fair bit, last night.

She silently nods in confirmation as I lever myself up.
I offer a hand to her, and help her back onto her feet. Glancing behind her, I find that Hanako's still fast asleep.

It's not fair...I only drank as much as you did.
That's very different from what I remember. And anyway, girls have a lower tolerance than men.
That doesn't help.
Fine, I'll get you a glass of water. Just be careful not to trip over Hanako.

I rube the sleep out of my eyes, or at least some of it, as I walk to the counter. Tending to someone with a hangover isn't the way I like to spend a morning.
It only takes a few seconds for the glass to fill, the clear water reflecting the sliver of light that makes it through the thin curtains.
It looks like Lilly's taken a seat on the side of the bed. I walk over to her while taking care to step over the peacefully sleeping Hanako, and place the glass into her outstretched hands.

Thank you.
No problem.

I take a seat next to her, the soft bed having a surprising amount of give.
She drinks slowly. A long silence passes with only Hanako's soft breathing to be heard.
With some measure of guilt, I look at Lilly's face and attempt to read her expression. Her brow is furrowed, and she looks to be lost in thought.
For a moment I hesitate, but eventually place a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. I didn't expect her to flinch rather noticeably at that, though.

Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to-

Lilly quickly shakes her head, in a manner somewhat more violent than usual for her.

ED: Bad touch to you?

She takes a long breath to steady herself before letting her head sink.

I must look terrible right now...

I move to protest, but quickly realize that it would be futile to do so. That said, I want her to open up more.

If you want to talk about anything, I'm here.

ED: Oh. That kind of opening up...

Lilly gives a self-depreciating snort, as if to mock her own emotions.

There's just...a lot happening right now.
I'm sorry for being so strange recently, especially back when we were in town. Even now I'm a bit confused about everything.
Believe me, I know how that feels.

She smiles wistfully, resting a cheek on the backs of her fingers.

We're a couple of broken young fools, aren't we?
Come on, don't say that. Come graduation, we'll be back out into the real world.

The real world?

ED: Yeah, ..when we graduate from this LP, we can get back to reality. Forever alone.

Sometimes I surprise myself with the way I think about things. I guess the strange, divorced feeling of Yamaku and the surrounding town compared to the outside world still hasn't become natural.

Maybe it never will. It's strange, in hindsight; being isolated from society like this doesn't feel as bad as it probably should. A wry grin on her face, Lilly seems to share the same sense of amusement at the idea.

Eventually, though, her smile drops.


ED:..What a coincidence! I'm leaving for a week, too! In 8 hours!

Is that why we had to reschedule Hanako's birthday party?

She gives an affirmative nod.

You'll be able to see your family again, at least. You're not looking forward to it?

ED: She cannot see. For the fucking last time.

I haven't met my family in six years. I don't even know how to act around them any more.

Wait...what? My mouth hangs open as I try to process what she said.
If she's 18, that means she'd have been only 12 when they left. I may have seen very little of my parents, what with them both working long hours, but that's...

ED: I only see my parents 7 days a year. But I guess 6 years would be a little bit much, but there's skype.

I feel utterly useless as I struggle to find some way to respond.

That's...but, why?
Why did they leave, or why they are inviting Akira and I back?
Both, I suppose.
My father's business has its headquarters in Scotland, and an executive position become available for him there. In the end, he had to move permanently.
My mother followed him, but Akira and I stayed in Japan for the sake of both Akira's job and the Japanese branch of my father's company, and my education.

ED: Your mom's a terrible mother.

As for the latter...one of my aunts is gravely sick.
Ah. I'm sorry.
Don't be. It feels strange, really. We're being summoned there for her, yet we've barely met before. I can't even remember the sound of her voice.

ED: True that. My yearly visit would be mostly a chance to refresh my relatives memory and see who marries who..and their kids etc. At times I would meet new nephews and nieces or get re-acquainted with a distant cousin.

Equally strange is the total lack of antipathy she feels towards her family for doing such a thing. I can't help feeling slightly humbled.
That said, her wistful exterior is just hiding her emotions. Seeing her like this is depressing.
Knowing what to do, I lift myself off the bed. Lilly notices the bed's movement, her head perking up and her hand reaching sideways to feel where I was.

ED: What are you gonna do?


ED: Give him some time to prepare.

I walk over to my bag, still leaning against thewall. Unbuckling the front flap and retrieving the opaque bag from within, I take the small plain box in my hands.

ED: Is that what I think it is?


Hold your hands out, Lilly.

She looks surprised for a moment, but eventually acquiesces.


ED: We're not. *headslams*

She wordlessly brings it in front of her face, her slender fingers feeling out its contours and patterning.
Eventually her fingers find the recessed line between the lid and body of the box and her thumb effortless pops open the lid.

I take a seat on the bed next to her, watching her face silently and intently.


It takes a long while before she closes the lid with a small snap, bringing the curtain down on the miniature performance playing in her hands.
The smile on her face, gentle and wistful, shows that I made the right decision.

Think of it as a going away present for your trip to Scotland.
I will...

A restless shuffling can be heard from the floor in front of us, the sound having woken Hanako.
She climbs out of the blankets I put over her, looking befuddled and wiping the sleep from her eyes.


Hmm? What?

Hanako looks around the room with her eyes only half open, her mind far from being as awake as her body. Her dazed state makes me and Lilly chuckle.
As Lilly gets off the bed and tends to Hanako, I take one last look around the room.

I guess I'd better get going, then. There'll be questions if I am seen leaving the girls' dormitories in the morning.
Goodbye, Hisao.

I stand and walk to the door, picking up my somewhat lighter bag along the way.
After I leave the room and enter the hallway, though, I hear Lilly's footsteps behind me.

Hmm? What's wrong?

Without a word, she stries up to me. I freeze as I feel her hand slide onto my cheek, seemingly every nerve taking in the feeling of her fingers and palm upon it.

ED: Score.


For a moment, everything seems to stand still. I absent-mindedly bring my fingers to my cheek, as if to try and recapture that fleeting feeling.

That's my thank you, Hisao.
Thank you..?

And with that, she disappears behind the door and gently closes it, the muffled voices of she and Hanako audible through it much as they were yesterday night.



ED: Bye guys. Take care. Hope I'll be back in a week. :salute:


Mistakes were made.
Jan 2, 2012
Leaving her blind sister and her extremely emotionally vulnerable friend in a bedroom with some dude she's only met twice, after supplying alcohol.

Well, Akira's certainly no cockblock.

Kashmir Slippers

Apr 23, 2011
Here, obviously
Have a nice trip!

I know I am bit late, but I am muffed that Hisao didn't pay for Lilly's ice cream. What a little wimp. He saved himself a little bit with the tea, though.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
Heh, just wait till act 3. :lol: Akira is probably my favourite inellegible character in the series. Kenji is amusing, but he's also pretty much the only cockblocker in the entire game. Well, if you exclude Hisao. Maybe they accidentally snipped his balls during the heart surgery? Though I guess he's got some reason to be timid given the opening of the game.

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