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Completed Katawa Shoujo: I love you just the way you are...


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
A few days later, Lilly returns...





collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Time passes...

I sit listening to another of Mutou's long-winded lectures, my mind wandering far from the scribbles on the dirty blackboard.


ED: Well, glad you finally got over it. I hope.

Before my mind can wander any further, though, I find a page of lined paper slipped under my distracted face. The garish, bright pink ink has no doubt been penned by Misha.


ED: Huh?

Oh, right, we get Saturday and Monday off. Can't complain about having less school, I suppose.
I uncap my pen and scribble on the page before covertly passing it back to her, flicking my eyes to the front of the class every now and then. Mutou continues scrawling away arcane equations and formulas on the board.

"I'm guessing you have something planned?" I wrote back to her.

Misha takes the paper back and hunches over it comically, even for her, with her tongue poking through the side of her mouth. Did she misinterpret my expression as depressed, and is she trying to cheer me up?

"Student council work with Shiccan, of course" she wrote back.

"You're not still brooding over that, surely?" I replied.

"But Hicchan could have helped us poor, lonely girls." came the pitiful reply.


"I'd lend you a hand for today if I weren't going to be busy." I excused myself in the note.

"Ooh, naughty naughty Hicchan!" taunts the reply.

ED: ....not like THAT.

"I'm just going to meet Lilly with Hanako. I don't know what you've got going through your head." I wrote back.


"So Lilly's back?" questioned the note.

"Yeah, she's coming on the evening flight with her sister, so she'll be back in school next week." I explained on the note.

As she takes the note back and begins to write, I look up to see an unwelcome sight.

ED: Uh oh, busted.


She suddenly stops writing as his tall figure casts an impossibly long shadow over the page.


He silently takes the piece of paper from her and begins to read.

ED: Oh shit.

Sweating bullets, I quickly glance around the class, noting their complete silence. Of course, it would just have to be the one thing that actually gets their attention during the lesson.
After a scant few seconds examining the page, he rolls the paper up into a small tube and lightly bops Misha over the head with it.

Half an hour until you can hop off the Student Council. I think you can hold on until then.

ED: Phew.

Misha's face cracks as the entire class erupts into laughter. He might well be awkward, but he knows how to handle her excellently.
I'd probably feel sorry for her if I weren't as busy stifling my own laughter.

Later, at the airport...

No, I think that's some foreign airline.

And so, the third aircraft they're not on comes in to land.
For the past half hour we've been whiling away the time with small snippets of pointless chatter. Lilly and Akira's flight has been delayed, and at this rate it will probably be dark before their plane arrives.

ED: Did you ask Lil' Bacon about the bunker incident?

More time passes...

ED: Guess not.

Is that one it?
No, the company colors are wrong.

Hanako's eyes flutter left and right, following the trickle of people in and out of the huge glass doors ahead of us. Fortunately nobody pays her much heed, their attention apparently directed towards greater things.

Even more time passes...

ED: HNNnnnnghhh.

Maybe that one is it?
No, I think that's ... hold on a minute. I think that one might be it after all.

It takes still some more time before the billboard changes their flight's status to "disembarking". A loud yawn sneaks up on me, not allowing enough time to stifle it. My sleep patterns have, once again, been all over the place; likely due to a mix of worrying about Hanako and the side-effects of my medications.

Hisao, over there...

I look to Hanako, then follow her gaze to the airport door.

Hmm? Oh, Lilly, they're here!

ED: :) Yay.


Hanako jumps forward to hug Lilly, a wide smile on her face being all that's needed to see her happiness at Lilly's return. Lilly simply smiles in return, her voice soft.

ED: What about you, man?

It's wonderful to meet you again, Hanako.

As the two give each other a hug, well deserved after all that's happened while she was gone, I turn to Akira.

You're pretty late.
Yeah, there was a really bad storm over the airport. We got drenched just going from the car to the door.
I guess you'll appreciate the weather here more, then. Welcome back to you too, Lilly.

Hanako breaks off from Lilly as I speak. For a long time, neither of us says a word. Contrary to what I'd thought her homecoming would be like, the atmosphere feels awkward, almost stifling. Both of us try to guess each other's feelings, not quite sure about what should be said.

ED: ... Well. Fuck. We waited for this. It's act 3 already...

Damn. This is exactly what I feared when I'd thought of trying to move things forward between us. Lilly runs her hand through her fair hair and awkwardly twirls one of her bangs in her fingers, clearly trying of how best to react.

Music: Mass Effect 3 Official Sound Track: Earth's Last Hope

Eventually, thankfully, Lilly gives a small sigh and breaks the silence.

Thank you, Hisao. It's nice to be back.
Are you okay? You look tired.

Evidently not recollecting herself all that well, she quickly waves her hand in front of her face to stave off any concern Hanako may have over her.

I'm okay, really. It's just a bit of jet lag.
You don't have any?

She simply gives a big grin, puffing out her modest chest.

I feel absolutely fine!
That's not fair.
Haha, ah well. Ya shouldn't take too long to get rid of it.
Ah! That's right, Hisao?
Don't we have a holiday from school soon?
I'd have forgotten if Misha hadn't reminded me this morning. We've got a three day weekend starting from tomorrow.

Akira playfully bumps her elbow lightly into Lilly's side, grinning.

ED: Akira's no cockblock. That's for sure.

Told ya you wouldn't miss it.
You have something planned?

ED: :smug:

If neither you nor Hanako are busy...
I've got no plans, so something to do would be appreciated. Hanako?
No, nothing.
That's good. I was thinking we could go to my family's summerhouse for a bit of quiet over the break. We've rarely used it recently, though, so we'd have to dust things off a little while we're there.

ED: ... This is too perfect. Now to get some zippo lighter fluid and some ropes. *grins*

Oh? Where is it?
Up north, in Hokkaido. The place is practically deserted, so it should be a nice quiet break for you guys.
You're not coming?
Nah. Got a little holiday of my own set up with my boyfriend.

ED: Didn't you two just got back from a holiday?

I lower my eyes at her, suspicious of her intentions.

It sounds like we're just cleaning up the summerhouse for you.

ED: What the fuck? Who cares about the cleaning?

That's... perhaps a valid conclusion...

Both of us zero in on Akira, her face somewhat evasive. Looks like we were right.

That's just a convenient bonus. Really. Me and the guy left it in pretty good condition last we were there, I promise.
Now then, I'm outta here.
Already, Akira?

She quickly turns and walks away, her hand held high.

See ya in a few days, guys.

Lilly and I can only sigh at her hasty retreat.

It does sound like it would be a nice place to go.

Lilly gives an enthusiastic nod, taking her carry bag in one hand and placing her other on Hanako's shoulder for guidance as we begin to make our way to the taxi area.
After the fracas of the past few days, spending a weekend in the country alone with her and Hanako sounds like a dream.
The more I think about it, the more sure I am. This will be the right time and place to confess my feelings to her.

ED: I can only hope you don't suffer a heart attack in that island. Be sure to carry your meds...and some condoms.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
And you thought Akira was being irresponsible giving you some booze and leaving you with her sis at Hanako's birthday party.:lol:

Darth Roxor

Rattus Iratus
Staff Member
May 29, 2008
Sweating bullets, I quickly glance around the class, noting their complete silence. Of course, it would just have to be the one thing that actually gets their attention during the lesson.



collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Oh yeah, nearing critical status.

Should ... we uh...skip the 'critical scenes' for my sanity? Yeah?

The next day...


Lilly's clothing looks rather ill-suited for the temperature around us. I can only hope it's indicative of what she expects of the weather to be like at our destination.


ED: GREAT way to open up a lovely trip with two ladies, Hisao.

Unfortunately the train schedule is against us. The next train to Hokkaido is at two in the afternoon.
Great. Just great.

I pause a moment to wipe some sleep out of my eyes, and Lilly promptly takes advantage of the opening.

Cheer up, Hisao. Once we get there it'll be much warmer.
Why not just take the bullet train? A normal train's going to take hours to get us there, so we may as well take the Shinkansen line as far north as it goes, and just switch at the end.

There's a certain charm to older trains, wouldn't you agree?

ED: Gotta disagree with you there, we save time for more fun things instead of being stuck in transit.

I'd agree if I weren't freezing in the morning cold because we decided to take one.
I'm ... sorry, Hisao.
Sorry? What for?
I was... the one who suggested taking a normal train.

ED: :eek: Damn you, Bacon. Now I hate you more.

Way to make me feel guilty. All I can do is sigh and cover my face with my hand.

It's fine, I'm just grumbling.
My, my, Hanako, you needn't shoulder all the blame yourself. Even without your suggestion, I'd still have opted for the same thing.

Thankful for the quick interception for Lilly, I take a quick gander around the station.
Aside from us, the train platform's all but deserted, the morning dew settling on the empty benches. I guess no one else was masochistic enough to brave the very early morning.
Though if someone was, they'd more than notice the huge bags both Lilly and Hanako brought with them.

Just what did you have to pack into those things, anyway?
The bags? Hmm...

She pauses a moment and tilts her head in thought.

A change of clothing, raincoat, underwear, sleepwear, a number of books... I think that's most of it.
You make it sound as if I'm unprepared.
You brought less?
Underwear and a pack of cards. That's it.

ED: ...You're not gonna change clothes for TWO days?

And my pills, but never mind that.

No pajamas?

ED: And condoms?

Damn. I knew I forgot something.

As I ruffle my hair in frustration, Lilly sighs.

There'd be clothes you could use there. Akira still occasionally goes there, after all, and I think some of our parents' clothing is still in storage.
I don't think there'll be any problem with you borrowing a set of pajamas, if need be.
Thanks. Still, I don't mind just sleeping in my normal clothing.
For two days?
Good point.

Not really. Thought two days would be borderline, it's more that looking even a little like a slob would be unacceptable while in the presence of two girls.
As we leisurely talk on the station platform an announcement sounds from the loudspeakers, loudly heralding our ride's arrival.
Looking past Lilly and Hanako, though, the train's still well out of sight. A quick check of my watch is enough to see that it's the one we'll be taking.

The five-thirty train was ours, right?
Either of you want me to take your bags? Mine's not exactly heavy.
My my, that's very gentlemanly of you, Hisao.

ED: Just trying to man up.

Don't accept too reluctantly, now.

As I bend down to pick up Lilly's large bag, I look up to see Hanako picking up hers.

You find with that?

A silent nod's the only answer. I'm starting to get the feeling that by the trip's end, I'll be able to count every sentence she said on one hand.

Moments after the boarding the train...


I'll raise you five.
Um.. I..

She scrunches her face up and leans over to Lilly conspiratorially, the two exchanging a few whispered words. Considering how often this has happened so far, I'm coming to doubt Hanako's grasp of how to play poker.

ED: Maybe you should try Pazaak. Or black jack with Lilly as the dealer.

It doesn't seem to disturb Lilly's reading though, her hands flitting over each page with only occasional corrections to account for the train's bumping and rocking.
My collection of chess pieces that we're using as chips is steadily growing anyway, so it doesn't really bother me.
Looking around us, our carriage is almost as empty as the station platform we'd waited for the train itself on. Only a handful of people can be seen, looking mostly like tourists and couples on holiday.
While the two continue their less than clandestine strategizing, a small boy looks over the seat and stares at me. Hoping he doesn't begin to stare at Hanako, I simply give him a wave and a smile.
Thankfully, he retreats back to his seat after finding me far too boring to waste his attention on.

I'll see you and raise you... another five.
Damn, you got me. I fold.

I've been bluffing, and she's caught me. Hanging my head, I push over a large portion of my winnings.

ED: Could've at least let me play a hand.

Hanako looks absolutely delighted, and even if Lilly keeps her attention focused on her reading material, I can see the smirk on her face. They're both extremely pleased.
For a moment I try to work out what Lilly's reading, but the cover is too faded to read beyond the fact that Roman letters are on it. A pity I can't read the Braille above the printed title.

What are you reading, Lilly? The title looks like it's in English.
That's right. It's 'And Then There Were None', an old British story. I could read it to you if you'd like.

She extends the offer with a grin, obviously in jest.

I think I'll pass, thanks.

Hours later...

Music: God, I love this sleepy awesome song.

After a seemingly endless trip, we finally reach the promised land of the Satou summerhouse. Even after the train trip, the walk up seemed to take forever.
Despite my grumblings though, I'd never have guessed the sight that would be in store for us once we traveled that long deserted road.


An empty expanse of wheat fields and farming land can be seen as we walk up, the fencing only consisting of rickety old wooden planks.
It really drives home how far we are from the major cities, and is a sight that feels antithetical to the environment I grew up in.
The only thing that doesn't surprise me is its Western styling.


That's nice to hear. While Akira may have said that she's kept the house in reasonable condition, I was worried that we might have different standards of 'reasonable.'

ED: Let's hope we don't find used condoms.

It looks like there isn't another soul for miles.

ED: Perfect. :smug:

I thought Akira would be the type to keep to the city.

Lilly furrows her brow in thought, seemingly recalling almost forgotten knowledge.

Hmm, from memory there's a small town not too far ahead. Other than that though, this is largely just old farmland.
Akira and I stayed in our parents' house which was in the nearest city for a while, but after they left we decided to move into a smaller, more easily maintainable, house.
To find a place like this in Japan nowadays... it's kind of anachronistic.
Well, this town does have quite a bit of history.

ED: Once again, I question Akira's wisdom in sending a guy with a heart problem with her blind sister and easy to freak out girl to a remote countryside home. One psycho is all it takes to turn the whole holiday into a horror summer flick. Or maybe Kenji's right and the house is under 24 hour surveillance.

I look down the street one last time before getting back to the task at hand.

Shall we go in, then? I'm parched.
It was a long walk to get here.

Lilly gives an enthusiastic nod, the three of us lugging our bags into the house.
As soon as we set foot inside, Hanako and I start looking around, taking in every detail of where we'll be staying for the next few days.


It's a strange feeling, really; as if we were stepping into Akira's life for a brief moment, before leaving in a couple of days just as we'd come. Of course, the more mundane reality is that she just hasn't cleaned up after herself that well.

Where should we put our bags?
I'll show Hanako our bedroom. You can put yours here, if you like.
(Intelligence) You mean I don't have the same bedroom as you two?

ED: :lol: Who the fuck would ask this kind of question?!


Oh my, how bold.

You two...

ED: I feel your raging cock, Dovahkiin. Stay cool. Not too long now...

Hold on, if I'm to leave my bags here, where will I be sleeping?

ED: :smug: Try putting points on stealth.

Well, seeing as we lack a guest bedroom...
The convertible futon, huh?

ED: Futon = Japanese mattress. They can be folded. I think.

Sorry, Hisao.

I sigh, lamenting my place on the bottom rung of sleeping location priorities.

ED: You're the guy here, try to act your gender, fuck's sake.

I guess there's no other choice.

Lilly leaves to show Hanako to their bedroom, so I take a small tour of my surroundings after I drop my bag on the floor.


Returning to the living room, I decide to try out the television until they get back. With a touch of the remote it immediately flickers to life, apparently set to a news channel.
Almost flopping down from exhaustion rather than sitting, I lay back and watch.
And watch.
And watch...

ED: And watch he did.



ED: We're off to a good start.


Jun 2, 2007
Really, has this been written by 14 year olds..? I mean, yeah, the writing is p. good, but Hisao is more awkward and SHY and "does-not-know-one-FUCK-about-girls" than I was when I just hit puberty... and he's FUCKING 18! Come on now... I really don't think a guy like him really exists.. ANY dude even the shyest and most awkward would by now be either CLOSER to the chick or not even talking to her anymore by now... :| But then again, this is fiction ( stupidly imagined, but, fiction )

I mean... I won't even START about the fact that he's still a virgin at 18 :| I first blamed Lilly on her formality... but how else do you talk to a guy like this???? Hisao acts just like I used to talk to and befriend girls when I was 12-13.. before puberty.. ffs... Lilly prolly thinks he's gay by now. :|

And this is not a rant, I'm REALLY serious about this. :|


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Well, if we go by the game timeline. It's not even a month. I think that sort of 'awkwardness' is pretty ... uh.. reasonable? This is when taken in perspective of a guy who spent 4 months in hospital, BTW.
Thought I find it strange that he did not actively seek her out by phone when she left for Scotland and such, but overall, yeah, the lack of initiative can be jarring.
But hey, who knows, maybe after this playthrough I might start another and we'll see how differently Hisao acts, yeah?

I mean... I won't even START about the fact that he's still a virgin at 18

Uh...I was a virgin at 18 and still am at 28. This could get pretty ugly, yeah? :lol:


Harbinger of Decline
Dec 24, 2008
Land of Rape & Honey ❤️
Codex 2012 MCA Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2
Uh...I was a virgin at 18 and still am at 28. This could get pretty ugly, yeah? :lol:

There is a solution. You see, you are clearly so obsessed with your sister that you're unable to move on.

Let me have your sister. I will make her a woman, forever shattering your image of her. Once you're rid of your siscon tendencies, you'll be banging hoes left and right.

Come on now... I really don't think a guy like him really exists.. ANY dude even the shyest and most awkward would by now be either CLOSER to the chick or not even talking to her anymore by now...

They are trying to emulate japonse society, where things tend to go a little different. And come on, plenty of guys are late bloomers.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
I mean... I won't even START about the fact that he's still a virgin at 18
Uh...I was a virgin at 18 and still am at 28. This could get pretty ugly, yeah? :lol:

*shrugs* Stranger things have happened, and I don't know what's normal in Japan, but over here being a virgin by age 18 is not that common. Not exactly weird either.

It's not really Hisao's side of it that puzzles me, social awkwardness is not that uncommon. What does continue to puzzle me is that Hisao combines this awkwardness with being a completely self-centered, inconsiderate asshole (and a drama-queen), but for some reason Hanako and Lilly seem to enjoy spending time with him. Guess they're just starved of male attention to the point of desperation.


Good Sir
Feb 12, 2009
Swedish Empire
I mean... I won't even START about the fact that he's still a virgin at 18
Uh...I was a virgin at 18 and still am at 28. This could get pretty ugly, yeah? :lol:

*shrugs* Stranger things have happened, and I don't know what's normal in Japan, but over here being a virgin by age 18 is not that common. Not exactly weird either.

depends on where "over here" is, in most western countries being a virgin at 28 is kinda...looked down upon, hence movies like "40 year old Virgin", jokes etc


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
Well thank god his inner voice never says most of his words out loud, nothing could've saved him if that happened. :lol:

Time passes...


ED: Why isn't it Lilly waking me up?!



From the Hokkaido night sky visible outside the windows, it looks like I drifted off to sleep. Looking to the wall-mounted clock, it's already ten.

You've found the television, then.
Yeah. It really does feel nice and homey, here.
I'm glad you like it.
You were already out like a light when we came back after unpacking our things, so we didn't have the heart to wake you sooner.

Judging from her giggle, I must sound funny when I sleep. I swiftly decide not to inquire.

There's some diner waiting for you in the kitchen...

Hanako gives a deep yawn, only just remembering to cover her mouth at the last second.

My my, are you tired?
Ah, mm. I didn't get much sleep last night.

ED: Yeah send Lil' Bacon to sleep, then you and Lilly can-

I'm pretty tired too. It was a long walk up here, and it's getting late.

ED: :hmmm: I don't know you any more.

If that's the case, I suppose we should retire for the night. Good night, Hisao.
Good night.

ED: I CANNOT believe you spent the first night in the countryside like this. What the hell, man?!

With that, they quietly turn and walk back to their bedroom.
Rubbing my eyes, I sigh. I wonder if I'll be able to get back to sleep after being woken up.
I suppose I'll eat something and watch some more TV quietly before going to bed.

ED: As opposed to doing that with Lilly?!

More time passes. Our hero falls asleep, once more...


I think so.

I'm not. I am, however, incredibly tired.

ED: You really suck at this countryside trip thingy.

It's getting late in the morning...

I know that.

He likely stayed up to watch television. I could hear it from our bedroom.

Only because I couldn't get to sleep.

ED: And whose fault was it to sleep EARLIER during the day?

Should we wake him?

Don't do that, Hanako. Please.

No, we should leave him. I doubt he'd want to be woken early if he didn't get much sleep during the night.

ED: You're going to make them spend HALF A DAY waiting for you to get up?!

Thank you, Lilly.

ED: Fuck you, asshole.

Besides, he sounds so peaceful. It would be a shame to wake him when he's like this.

ED: I wouldn't blame you two if you girls dump him at this moment.

Keep a straight face, Hisao. It's nice she cares so much, though.

Hanako, could you go to the fridge and fish out what's needed to make lunch?
All right, just the vegetables and rice?
Mm, that should be enough. We only need something simple, as we can eat in town later.



It takes a titanic effort not to react, but something about her makes me think she knows I'm awake.
A long silence passes.
The only thought in my mind is of that gentle, outstretched hand laying upon my chest. After an indiscernible amount of time, Lilly withdraws her hand.

Good morning, Hisao.


Your breathing was off.

While that makes sense, she couldn't have needed that long to work it out. Knowing her hearing, she likely knew before laying her hand on me.

If you want to sleep more, you should really go to bed earlier. I heard the television going long into the night.

ED: But how would we catch those adult swim animes like Panty and Stocking, huh? :smug:

Sorry about that. My medications have been interfering with my sleep for a while now. Even if I'm tired I have trouble actually sleeping.
I'm... sorry for bringing it up, Hisao.


ED: Well, it's nice that she worries about you. Waving her off seems...rude at this point. Let's just tell her it's nice, but let's not worry too much, okay?

Come on, you worry about me more than I do at times. It just means I have to sleep a bit longer, that's all.
But still...
I'd say that I look absolutely fine, but I guess that wouldn't have a lot of meaning for you.

She gives a sigh of consternation before trailing off with an amused chuckle, giving up the point.

If you say so. Please do take care of yourself, Hisao.
Go on, Hanako could use some help.

She moves to protest, but reluctantly acquiesces and disappears into the kitchen, her hand running along the smooth white walls as she slowly walks.
For a while I sit and watch television in an attempt to wake myself a little more, but it's futile. I don't have anything better to do, so I follow Lilly's lead.

As I round the corner, I see Hanako and Lilly, backs turned, quietly cutting food on the granite-colored counter.
I am temporarily engrossed as I watch Lilly guiding the knife down carefully with a finger on the cabbage she's cutting, each slice delivered slowly but with precision.
She seems a little slow, but considering that she can't see what she's doing it's a small wonder she can cook at all, let alone for both her and Hanako.

ED: Well, why don't you help her out?

Hi, Hanako, Lilly. Want any help?

Lilly jerks back in surprise before turning around, her yelp immeidately drawing Hanako and I to her side.



ED: :rage: You're really good at fucking shit up, aren't you?

With the television's sound masking my footsteps, she must not have noticed me coming.

ED: Why didn't you turn off the TV, nobody's watching when you're all in the kitchen. Goddamnit!

To compensate for having to use touch to guide everything she does during cooking, she must need to pay extra attention.

Don't worry, Hanako. It's just a small wound.
You should still get a band-aid on it, at least until it stops bleeding. First aid stuff would be in the bathroom, right?
I think so. Will you be okay here, Hanako?

ED: As long the stove doesn't cook her..I think she'll be okay.

I frown at how little heed she's paying to herself as Hanako gives a quick, almost automatic, nod.

It's fine, I can keep making lunch.

ED: Careful not to cook yourself.

Later, at the bathroom...
An awkward silence reigns as I set the bottle of antiseptic and box of band-airs on the side of the sink, Lilly's finger held out for me to treat.
The lid of the bottle comes off with a minimum of resistance, and the small ball of cotton I soak into the liquid stains a pale green.

Okay, hold still. This'll probably hurt a bit.

She gives a small nod as I take hold of her hand to steady it. With all the tenderness I can muster, I gently bring the dampened wad to the small red line.


What? I barely touched it.

ED: It's just the tip. :P


I give a sigh, both at her reaction and to settle my own nerves. Her pain tolerance is startlingly low.

I would tell you to man up, but I can't really do that.

As she gives a small giggle, I take advantage of her momentary distraction and gently press the cotton against her finger a few times. Thankfully, it's enough to do the job.
We both settle somewhat as I bring the band-aid over the tip of her finger, covering the wound while making sure not to get it stuck to her fingernail.

There, finished. You can move now.

Taking her hand from mine, she gently clasps it in the other.

Thank you.
It's no problem. It's the least I can do after causing you to hurt yourself, after all.

She lowers her head slightly at the apology, absent-mindedly rubbing her hand in what seems to be embarrassment.

I really don't mind.

Her answer doesn't seem to make much sense, given that what happened is pretty clearly my fault.
I can't help grimacing at her, despite the fact that her dainty smile still holds. She must not like being reminded of the limitations her lack of sight imposes on her.
It's something I can't possibly fault her for. I've fallen prey to the same kind of feelings before, despite my condition not being nearly as ubiquitous in my life.
Neither of us any the happier, we head back to the various smells of cooking food coming from the kitchen.


I lay out the plates of food, steam slowly rising from the well-cooked rice and curry dishes, while Hanako lays out the cutlery.
Knife one side, fork on the other. Western. How perfectly fitting for someone like Lilly.
As we take our seats, taking a crefuly heed of the dark red tablecloth hanging below our knees, Lilly emerges from the kitchen.
In her hands are three glasses and... a bottle of wine?

ED: Wow.

As I recall our previous run-in with that devilish elixir, I hide my face in my palm.

Alcohol? Seriously?

ED: Hey, she's buying.


Akira specifically gave permission to take a bottle from her collection.

Not only does she give alcohol to minors, she even lets them pilfer their own? The perfect model of a responsible adult Akira is not.

ED: At least she's manlier than you.

More to the point, though, is that this is hardly a meal deserving of alcohol. I'm starting to think Lilly's the type to easily become hooked on things.

That's not really the problem. I don't really have any qualms with it, but didn't you have a bad experience with it last time?
Last time was likely due to drinking too much, so a single glass should't prove a problem.
Think of it as a learning experience.
I can't recall many learning experiences that made me feel rotten before putting me to sleep, but I'll take your word for it.

She dips an uninjured finger inside to feel the liquid level, tip against the bottom as the liquid rises up.
The white of her finger almost seems to glow as the sunlight hits it, the delicate outline blurred and refracted by the glass.
Her fingers are definitely longer than mine, the kind I'd think more suited to a pianist than a teacher.

ED: ......stop talking about her fingers. It gives me the creeps.

She'd likely have done well if she'd learned how to play.

We quickly dig into our meal, forks and knives clattering against plates.
None of us are particularly eager to speak while eating, Lilly altogether too reserved for such a thing, Hanako probably too shy to start conversation, and I too busy savoring the food.

ED: This is an awesome outing, guys. Totally.

Such a pedestrian activity, eating together at a table. It seems so utterly normal, yet it makes me realize how long its' been since I've done something like this.

ED: Dude, I spent like nearly a year away from family, only coming by a week or so to eat with them. And I didn't have this sort of reaction. For fuck's sake. Man the fuck up.

Just the three of us, sitting around a single table as if we're a malformed family. Maybe this trip, as far away from everything as we are, was worth it.

ED: :hmmm: Go get your head checked.

It takes quite a long time, but eventually we all finish our surprisingly filling meal. The wine, thankfully, has little effect given we've only had a glass or two each.
I slump back into the seat, rubbing my stomach contentedly.

I'm stuffed.

ED: Don't you fucking DARE to sleep now.

Lilly pats her mouth with a napkin. Twice, only twice, and with evenly timed intervals in between. It's hard to tell sometimes whether how she acts is a well-trained routine or a well-rehearsed act.

I think I must be as well. Did you like it, Hanako?
Mm, it was nice.
Now that we're well fed, shall we be off?
Off? Where?
Ah, you weren't privy to the discussion between Hanako and I earlier.

I get the impression that she's having a subtle dig at my sleeping in.

We'll be going into the town nearby.

I guess I should have expected two girls to take a holiday as an excuse to go shopping, no matter where on the planet they may be.
I am interested to see more around the north though, so this can only be a good thing.

Sounds good. How long's the walk in, then?
It's supposed to be around a mile to a mile and a half.
Nearby, huh? Great.

Just great.

ED: ...Don't fall apart, now.

Much walking later....

As we climb up the path surrounded by trees and undergrowth, I watch Lilly and Hanako walking ahead.
The slight breeze all but whisks away the sound of Lilly's cane gently tapping on the ground. I notice that Lilly's since removed the band-aid now that the bleeding on her finger has stopped.
A deep, lung-filling breath of the fresh countyr air makes me wish all the harder that the air around home had been quite so clean.


Hey Lilly, how well do you know this town, anyway?
Since I spent quite a few of my vacations here up until I entered Yamaku, I'd say I know it fairly well. We used to drive there once a weekend then.

How I wish Akira was here to drive us now.
I quickly take a moment to rub my hands a couple of times, staving off the oddly cold feeling in them.

Did you like it up here?
I'd say it was nice during winter, but as you can work out, summers get a little too hot for comfort. It's nice and quiet, at least.
My family's real house is quite far south. When they left Japan, my parents gave it to Akira and I. Only Akira lives there now, after my moving into Yamaku.
Well, quiet certainly describes this place.

Though lonely is how I'd put it.
Other than the prophesied small town, there isn't another soul for miles around. Coming from a home nestled deep within a big city, it's certainly different.
I think that if I'd not come to Yamaku, staying out in the country like this would be too much of a change to get used to.
After getting accustomed to the school's isolation, though, the idea of living in place such as this has become almost inviting. To be somewhere away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolitan centers.

ED: Away from 24-hour medical care services that you might need, too. How nice, to rest in peace.

So Hisao, have you been to Hokkaido before?
Nah. I used to live down south, and we never had any field trips or holidays up this far.
Well, it's a new experience for you then.
Yeah, it is. I'm surprised at how nice it feels here.
How about you, Hanako?

She shakes her head from side to side.

It's my first time too.


ED: Hey, come on now...

Can you two hold on a moment? I just need to...
Is anything wrong?

ED: I fucking hope not.

Nah, I've just got pins and needles in...


My vocal cords suddenly become taut as my chest tightens instantaneously. I quickly pull my upper arm over it, trying to quell the shot of pain spreading throughout my entire body.

ED: Oh shi-

Music: I told ya so



Lilly's face is only mildly concerned, not knowing the sight which Hanako is recoiling from.

I'm fine, I'm...fine. Just... tired...

I remove my arm from my chest and force myself to begin walking again. It's just a minor heart flutter, so it'll pass like the others.



ED: Of all times...

It only takes a few steps before my body violently revolts against me, my legs suddenly beginning to give way underneath me and all tension in my knees seeming to evaporate.


Before I can react, they uselessly give way under my weight, leaving me only just enough time to brace myself and fall onto all fours.
Ah, damn...

As I look up to her, I realize my face is still taut with pain, only adding that much more to her worrying.

Hisao!? Hanako, tell me what's going on!


Hanako, tell me!





ED: :hmmm: You were...excited? Aw hell...this is such a stupid way to die.


Jun 2, 2007
Anyway, short version, don't blame me, I'm busy:
Yeah, I didn't consider the Japanese side of the situation... I guess it's EXACTLY NORMAL for a guy like Hisao to be as awkward and still a virgin over there... And I guess even your situation, RK, is not that abnormal in Asian societies... I guess there's a lot of people even older than you who still are virgins, and probably will get to start normal families..
But consider this when going over my comments on the subject: I live in Romania... Eastern Europe, "3rd world country" and all that. Here people laugh STRAIGHT INTO YOUR FACE if you're found out to be still a virgin when over 18...I guess not exactly normal either, but it's how it is!!!
I. myself, am 25. Lost my virginity at 17 ( which is not exactly impressive by our standards ). Don't have a girlfriend or lover, only fuckbuddies. And have some very good Escort friends, even had an escort gf... ( escort - a form of deluxe prostitution... it's not exactly illegal here ). So my views on sex will probably be waaaaay different than any others', especially someone Asian.
My conclusion at 25? Sex it not worth one dime... LOVE is the most precious, elusive, and difficult thing to hold! I haven't managed to until now... Remeber kids, SEX IS WORTH NOTHING. :)
If I think about it hard enough, I realize I would have preferred a childhood like Hisao's... being awakward, a virgin, but falling in love with the girl of my dreams and consummating my first night of love with her, then living happily ever after! Sure beats fucking someone when drunk at a highschool party, not even remembering most of your sex partners, and finding yourself at 25 with no girl ever LOVED in your life... :(


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
.....archaeon, you're scaring me. I do consider it as a 'funny situation' to be a virgin at 28. But meh, who gives a shit. At least I don't owe anyone money and got a full time job. Life could be worse. Just because I never plugged a hole, doesn't mean I failed at life. (Right. Right?)


I love you too, my waifuu.

I'm going to bed. Tomorrow's going to be creepy as fuck.
Enjoy it Codex. You've fucking earned it for bumping this thread. :salute:

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
depends on where "over here" is, in most western countries being a virgin at 28 is kinda...looked down upon, hence movies like "40 year old Virgin", jokes etc

I was talking about at 18, which is why I said "by age 18". I think most people in my circle lost their virginity by age 18, but if you were still a virgin at 18 it wasn't really worth special notice either. Into your 20s though...yeah.

RK47 said:
.....archaeon, you're scaring me. I do consider it as a 'funny situation' to be a virgin at 28. But meh, who gives a shit. At least I don't owe anyone money and got a full time job. Life could be worse. Just because I never plugged a hole, doesn't mean I failed at life. (Right. Right?)

Hah. Standards of success are different for anyone. You value being debt-free and having a fulltime job highly, apparently. A lot of people would consider it very abnormal to be a virgin at age 28. But y'know, if you honestly don't care, then don't care.

What, this is an LP thread? Oh yeah.


Jan 16, 2012
Well, if you look at the whole thread it's more ''Let's talk about feelings, sex, RK47's family vacation, disabled people and also that one gamethingie.''

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
Heh, guess it makes sense, considering the game that's being LPd.

So, it's over now anyway? I was kind of rooting for a "Hisao dies" ending. What a little shit.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Problem with the story is, there's not really anything going on. There's no signs of anyone falling in love really, they don't even seem to enjoy their time together that much. Ok, you watch TV and then you eat, awesome... At least there's some heart attacks to keep them busy.


May 28, 2008
I hope that Hisao doesn't reflect the exciting lives of the developers.

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