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Completed Katawa Shoujo: I love you just the way you are...


Dec 27, 2008
Truth, because otherwise we'll have to endure yet more annoying monologues.


Jan 16, 2012
Nah, the Kenji ending is only avaible in the first Act, but still, tell her the truth.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

It was just kind of... I was thinking about how you seem to have everything so sorted out, even with Hanako relying on you. I can admit that even I kind of relied on you when I first transferred in.
I think it's a good quality to have.

I turn to Lilly, surveying her reaction.
She's forcing herself to look forward and furrowing her brow quite a bit. Her face looks a bit awkward, as if she was trying to find just the right words.

ED: At this point, the in game music stopped. Uh oh.


ED: :eek: The SUSPENSE.

I would thank you, but... assuming that I don't rely on the presence of others is too much. You'd be wrong to think that Hanako simply depends on me with nothing in return.

ED: But..we bought her food! And what did we get?

She seems to have a bit of trouble saying it, even though it's largely what I'd thought already.
If she's tried so hard to maintain her independence, as anyone would have had to in her position sighted or not, maybe she finds it hard to talk about her own needs.
It's only now that I realize an omission in what she says, though. I decide to follow it up, largely in jest to avoid things getting too personal.

ED: This is kinda risky, Ai-BRO, but I'm curious as well.

Oh? And what about me?

She suddenly runs ahead of me and turns, blocking me off.

ED: O_O !

Music: Concord

With a smile, she holds her hands behind her as she leans forward.

You're different.

ED: *twitch* Oh, I see... Hell NO! I need more than that.


ED: *RK47 cannot into shoujo*

All I can do is raise an eyebrow and give a dazed grin. I don't think I've ever seen this playful and teasing side of her before.
So...I'm "different". It's hard to work out the exact context, but knowing her, this ambiguity was intended.
Our relationship has been changing, at the very least simply because I've begun to stand on my own feet more and started getting more curious about the situation of those around me.

ED: *Head scratch* So....
Vrook: "You were deafened."
Kreia: "At last, you could hear."
Kavar: "You were broken."
Kreia: "You were whole."
Zez-Kai: "You were blinded."
Kreia: "And at last… you saw."

As to why... probably a mix of personal curiosity, and a want to try and work out how to deal with my situation.
I'm less sure of Lilly, though. That's why her own statement, so similar to my own feelings towards her, throws me off so much.
Watching her make her way up the street, cane tapping from the left to right, I decide to settle the matter later, and just smile. This is a nice side to her, and I don't want to forget it.

ED: Light side points gained.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
i think they're pretty decent effort for self made BGM. We'll see how AoD matches up with this indie GoTY 2012 in December.


Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Is it just me, or is the game's soundtrack, like...bad.
Depends what you mean by bad.
If you meant quality wise, the youtube video RK47 linked has pretty atrocious sound quality, I'd advise you to re-evaluate it using a much higher quality source (the tracks in the game data itself?)

I personally think it's pretty good, it does a excellent job setting the mood and I managed to finish all the routes (most bad endings too) without it grating on me in the least.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

Hah...we're finally here. Phew.

I bend down to wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. Lilly stops in front of her door and sets down her bag, fishing around her pocket for the key.

Thank you, Hisao. I really appreciate your help.
Ah, this is nothing.

ED: ...Right. Just don't have a heart attack later.

It might be nothing to you, but it's...definitely something for me.

And with that, she steps through the door, closing it behind her.

ED: "something" she said. But in the end, we got nothing.

I blink. Those were nothing but honest thanks, but I can't help feeling something different about them.

ED: You just missed another hot coffee chance. Son, I am disappoint.

Anyway, I have something else to do before I can mull on that at my leisure.
I turn back to the door to Hanako's room and proceed to knock twice in quick succession, the bags still in my hand rustling together.


I twist my head to the side to try and peer through the tiny sliver of gap between the door and the doorframe.

ED: Grab the door and swing it open, already.

Hey Hanako, I've got your stuff.

ED: You should turn off the vibrator before opening the door.


I hold out my right arm, both bags almost pulling it straight back down with their weight.

Th-thank you, Hisao. I'm sorry to make you...carry them all this way.
It's fine, don't worry. Just don't make me do this every day, okay?

I pass the bags to her as I give a lighthearted chuckle. After the initial transfer of weight she manages to take them easily.

I'll be off then. 'Night, Hanako.
Good night. Um, s-see you in class...tomorrow..

With a deep bow, her groceries still held in both hands, she steps back and shuts the door.
Making my way back to my own dorm, I put one bag into my other hand to balance them out.
Even as I do so, I can't get Lilly's lighthearted smile out of my mind. When I'd first met her, it would have been nearly impossible to imagine her like that.

ED: Impossible? Nuh-uh.

Indeed, it feels like we've become closer in the past few weeks since I first got to know both she and Hanako.
The time that I spend with her each day. The small exchanges of happiness we share. Those small moments of joy as I get closer to her.

ED: Your sex card collection is still empty, bro.

I'm far from certain, but I don't think these are just the normal feelings of friendship.

ED: ... No shit, Sherlock.

Once return to my room, I store away my groceries and begin getting ready for the night.


ED: Whoa, almost forgot about that!

I got so sidetracked by one thing after another that I couldn't deal with it earlier. Who could have written me, I wonder?
The name neatly adorning the back of the envelope freezes me in my tracks. It's been so long since I've seen her writing, there's little chance I could have identified it as hers otherwise.

ED: Mom?


ED: First update girl?!

Why... should she have written me? I can't think of any good reason for her to do this.

ED: Burn it! BURN IT NOW!

I almost don't open the letter, but there'd be little point to that. If I just left it alone, its mere existence would gnaw at me until I did something about it.

ED: For fuck's sake.

Music: You had a bad day


The lettering is in pink, jarring badly with the yellow sunflower border on the card. The handwriting is neat, the characters having been written thoughtfully and with an unusual amount of care.
I'd barely given the letter a second thought when it was given to me, but now I can't get its contents out of my mind.

ED: Sometimes I worry for your sanity, Ai-Bro. :(


ED: Gee, I wonder what it is?

"I wonder if we will meet again. Perhaps it's for the best if we don't?" -Iwanako

ED: ...I can't even...what is this?

It's a statement that should hurt. I've always heard breakups are nasty stuff, but it feels like this is simply a reaffirmation of what we both already know instead.
It's the preceding text, no more than smalltalk, that makes me feel most uneasy. I can't figure out why, no matter how long I sit here and look down at this bright and summery piece of paper.

"If you would like to correspond with me, by all means write me back."

ED: Just add me to Facebook. I'll post on your wall or some shit.

It's plainly obvious that this is not the type of letter to be replied to. In the end, this letter is no more than a simple abdication of responsibility; a final statement to assure herself that our relationship is over.

ED: "Words, Words, Words," -Geralt of Rivia, American Edition.

As such, I find I have little problem in scrunching the letter and envelope into a ball and tossing it into the wastebin, ridding myself of its existence.

ED: That's a little extreme, Commander.

I go to bed with mixed feelings, cheated out of a pleasant evening by this intruder from the past.
Ironically, it takes while before I can manage to sleep.


ED: Lims-Kragma...take you.


Jun 2, 2007
Damn, what a no-hearted bitch! I'd just write her back the "thanks" of the century! Thanks like: You're the nastiest piece of shit I've ever had the misfortune to meet and you would easily out-bitch even the nastiest whores on the street! ... it all even ryhmes, sirs. I could just send it to her as a poem :lol:


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
I don't even get why Hisao is so melodramatic over it.


Nov 20, 2010
casting coach
Big deal, it's not like that letter's offering much new info. Didn't seem they enjoyed themselves too much when she visited the hospital, and didn't properly know each other beforehand... Why would they meet again?

I'd just shrug and move on if I were him.

Brother None

inXile Entertainment
Jul 11, 2004
I don't even get why Hisao is so melodramatic over it.

What, this surprises you at this point? Hisao is your typical estranged melodramatic hero. I don't see what any of these girls would see in him, no matter how penis-starved they must be.


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin

ED: Oh.

I take the small pile of papers from the student in front of me and pass it backwards after plucking off the top piece.
Looking to the top right of the page, I find my fears realized within that small red circle.


ED: Shit. We failed our paper. :lol:


Misery loves company, I suppose.
As the teacher opens his mouth, the room braces for the inevitable onslaught...


...only to be saved at the last minute.
We quickly move to collect our bags and leave for lunch post-haste, but the teacher delivers a parting broadside.

"We'll be discussing the class' test scores next lesson. Needless to say, there will be quite some discussion to be had."

A collective groan resounds from the class, now reduced to shuffling out dejectedly.
I push the sheet into my bag as I walk along the hallway, crumpling it in the process.
It's enough that such a troublesome letter ended up on my desk yesterday, and now this.

ED: Holy shit. You still gave a damn about that slut? She nearly killed you, man!

I hate English...

ED: We failed English?!


A stern female voice gruffly calls out from behind me.

ED: ...who could it be??? My first bet is ... Misha but....

I freeze on the spot, my face becoming like stone. It's as if I can feel my brain disconnecting from my body.

ED: wtf?

My eyes slowly shift right, trying to catch a glimpse of the disembodied voice.


ED: Are you turning mental?

My face begins to slip as time passes, and I decide to risk turning my head. Ever so slowly, I twist it to the -



ED: :eek:

I jump into the air and drop my bag, yelling in surprise.
As I recover and regain my composure, I turn to see...



I should have known.

ED: ???!!! The fuck?

She stands there with a mischievous grin on her face, hands forward and fingers pointed inwards. She was the one who jabbed my ribs with her fingers.

ED: Shit, it's the snitch! She'll tell the head nurse!

I look down at her with a grimace, rubbing my hair in frustration.

That's no way to greet someone, you know.
You have no sense of humor.
I left my sense of humor in my English class. Complain to the teacher if you want it given back to me.

ED: Ooooh. So witty.

She pulls her best puppy-dog eyes on me as she pouts. Lilly's managed to build up my resistance to the tactic, but Emi's short stature adds enough to the effect to make me relent.

So, how are things? I haven't seen you around for a while.
Same old, same old. I run so fast, nobody wants to join me on my morning runs.

ED: Touche.

It's a real pain.

ED: Talk about something else, quick. Divert the topic!

Her modesty never fails to amuse me.


Uh oh.

You know what I'm thinking, don't you Hisao?

ED: No, I don't. I totally don't.

Wearing my emotions on my sleeve is one of my worst habits. She's seen right through me.
Fortunately, I see somebody else approaching us that will give me an out.

Oh, hi Hanako!

ED: Nice save!


H-hello, Hisao...Emi.
Hey Hanako.
I'll join you and Lilly in a sec.
Actually, speaking of lunchtime company, it's odd to see you without Rin, Emi.
Ah! Rin!

Without a second word, she forgets all about us and bolts off up the hallway. She must've forgotten she was waiting for her.

ED: Phew!

Hanako and I stand speechless, only able to helplessly stand and watch this ball of seemingly boundless energy dash off.

Oh yeah, Hisao..

ED: Ergh~

She suddenly stops herself just before vanishing around the corner to the rooftop staircase, spinning around to meet our bemused faces.

I hate English , too.

ED: And warm-ups. Don't forget warm-ups. Beat it, kid.

And with that, she disappears.
All I can do is hang my head and give a long sigh, thoroughly left in the dust.
As I hear a short giggle coming from behind me, I turn to see Hanako smiling at the corner my attacker rounded.
I pick up my dropped bag from the floor and quickly dust it off.

Afternoon. Been busy?
You don't...like English?

ED: Not me. Him.

Hmm? Oh, uh, nah. I had a test on it a while back, and Emi caught me brooding about the results.
Ah, sorry...

She averts her gaze, guilt written on her face. A casual observer would think she'd just accidentally reminded me of a dead relative.

Come on, it's not your fault. How're you doing in it?

She looks up, though still avoids meeting my eyes.

All right, I ... suppose.

An awkward silence passes. They seem all too common around Hanako.

Oh, Lilly asked if... you'd like to join us for lunch on the roof.

I guess I don't exactly have any pressing engagements to attend to.

Sure, I'll be right up.

ED: No we won't. I just vomited my dinner at 3 AM. Must've been blood mixed in there...it's reddish and all. Something's wrong. I'll brb.

Kashmir Slippers

Apr 23, 2011
Here, obviously
Brother None said:
What, this surprises you at this point? Hisao is your typical estranged melodramatic hero. I don't see what any of these girls would see in him, no matter how penis-starved they must be.

Good think RK47 is going after Lilly. She doesn't see anything in Hisao.

Ahahahaha ahahahaha ah... I'm done.


Jun 2, 2007
Don't worry RK, I get reddish puke a lot too, even after eating NOTHING even close to red... I even have stomach ulcers, and went to get it checked, thinking my ulcers were leaking blood... But don't worry, I found out it's just a thing gastric acid does sometimes, digesting the food, decoloring it to a reddish hue, and the acid also sometimes having a reddish hue, all this combined making it seem like you just puked blood too. But don't worry, it ain't that, probably. ;)


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
oooh. okay. that was scary. first time it happened to me. 2 hours to flight...i feel like shit.


Jun 2, 2007
Hahaha apropos of puking... It's 9 AM here and I just puked the McD's meal I ate yesterday at 2 PM... fucking whole french fries! :lol:


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
You should try avoiding solid food for a while Archaeon. Just got back from the flight. So much better after no food and sleep.
Cutting down on meat for a while.


Go on. You don't need my approval to leave, you know.

ED: Why are you being such a dick? I don't get it.

O-okay. I'll...be going then.

She gives a skittish reply, a small nod and quickly makes off towards the cafeteria.


By the time I manage to make it to the stairs, I'm having to push my way past a busily chatting throng of students.
I finally manage to get past the last of the crowd and round the staircase, slumping slightly in relief and slowing my pace before I open the door to the roof.


I momentarily avert my eyes, all but blinded by the harsh summer sun.


ED: Looks like the roof's overcrowded.

As I slowly regain my vision, the surroundings finally take form.
Lilly, Emi and Rin sit together on the rooftop, the top of the hilltop forest around Yamaku visible past the fence around them, as if to frame the view.

Ah, Hisao!

Lilly and Rin give a quick nod of acknowledgment and a deep nod of greeting respectively.
I start walking towards the rather mismatched duo, and can't help marveling at the speed with which Emi devours the rest of her half-eaten banana.

Hey. Strange to see you three together like this.
It seems to have been quite a day of coincidences; Emi and Rin decided to eat on the roof just as Hanako and I decided to.
You stole it! This spot was ours!
Simmer down, you can't steal a place in the school.

I plonk myself down beside Lilly, the four of us creating a semicircle.

I think she is right.
You too?
The butterfly is her accomplice.

ED: Here we go...

The butter...

As I glance around, sure enough, a small yellow butterfly floats across my field of vision.

So tell me, how did this butterly help Lilly 'steal' this spot?

ED: The Inanity~

It scouted out our conversation and told her.

I should have known better than to expect sound reasoning from Rin. Regardless, I guess it wouldn't hurt to play along.

ED: Bad idea.

You're telling me she can talk to butterflies?
There are people who can talk to horses, called horse whisperers.

ED: Yeah, she may have a point.


Lilly must be a butterfly whisperer.

I bury my head in my hands as Emi rounds on her strange companion. She doesn't seem to share Rin's sense of humor.

Whisperers don't work like that.

Emi and Rin continue their banter as I turn to Lilly, who's busily finishing off her small box of curry and rice with a pair of wooden chopsticks.

ED: I don't know how you eat those with chopsticks. It's gotta be very messy.

So what brought you up here, anyway?
A little fresh air every now and again doesn't hurt.

Emi breaks off from her vain attempts to introduce the concept of logic to Rin.

That was why we came up here too!

Something tells me it was her idea alone, and that Rin only got dragged up here on Emi's whim. Then again, the same could probably be said of Lilly and Hanako.

Now, now. We can share.


The creaking of the door to the roof can be heard as soon as she says the words. A moment of silence falls over us as everyone's attention focuses on the figure appearing from it.


ED: Looks like the bacon is here.

I can't help raising an eyebrow as she walks over to us and sits next to me, doing her utmost to avoid looking up even as she brings her cafeteria bread to her mouth.

So how do you and Emi know each other, anyways?
Emi's somewhat well known around the school for her athletic ability. She's the fastest member of the track and field club by some margin, even beating Miki Miura at the track meet last week.

ED: That name means nothing to me.

Miki Miura...ah, that tanned girl from the front of my class. Considering her height and toned body, being able to beat her is quite an accomplishment.

ED: ??? You mean...the one on far right? Damn fine specimen. Why can't we romance her?


Looking over to Emi, it's very clear she''s well aware of this fact as she beams proudly.

So, Hisao. What was your score in English?

ED: Why the curiosity?


No comment.

She puffs her cheeks and pouts, but it doesn't take long for her to bounce back.

All right, if I tell you mine, you have to tell me yours. Deal?

ED: ....just tell her already. This conversation is going nowhere fast.

Fine, fine.
Okay, on the count of three, we both say our results.
One - two - three!


I beam a mischievous grin.

ED: What an asshole. On par with Bioware's KotOR 1 Dark Side.


ED: Awwwww. She's so.........diabetes.

You said it, not me. Still, the fact that you managed an even lower score than me is kinda amazing.

ED: Taunting a little girl - well done, Dovahkiin. You definitely showed Lilly what kind of a man you are.


ED: :o The Rage of Emmy!

She looks and sounds like a small terrier growling at an intruder. I can't say it's the most threatening sight I've seen.

Either way, scoring higher than thirty-two isn't something to boast about, much less scoring below it. For any subject.

ED: Burn.

Yes, Lilly.
Sorry, Lilly.
I could help you with your English, if you'd like. It would be my pleasure to -
No, no that's fine. But I appreciate the thought. Really.

Lilly looks slightly deflated, her hopes of imparting her knowledge dashed. Judging from the badly hidden laughter of the rest of us, neither she nor Emi seem to have garnered too much pity.


As I sit happily laughing though, I feel my voice suddenly cut off as my chest clenches.

ED: Oh shit.


ED: Not sure what triggered this...

I sit in silence for a few seconds, all my concentration forced on my heartbeat. It's only a small pain, but the ache feels like it's growing.

ED: Left click to breathe IMO. I find it kinda funny that the girls expression is still like this:


ED: Rin's smug smile is like 'Die, motherfucker. Die.'

Hey, Hisao - are you okay?
Yeah, I'm... fine...


I look back down and redouble my efforts to try and stay calm, clenching my first to try and dull the pain.

ED: This is a pretty sad way to die. Surrounded by four chicks...having lunch on rooftops.

*Ba-DUMP- DUMP DUMPPP~ Yabba dabbaaa dooo~*

It takes a short while, but the pain, thankfully, begins to fade.
When I look back up, there's only silence and pensive faces to be seen. I guess I'd better explain myself.

Arrhythmia. I'm fine, it's... just a heart flutter.
Are you sure? Should we get the nurse?

Taking her cue, Hanako quickly picks herself up and begins to dash to the door.

Hanako, stop. Lilly, I'm fine.

ED: No, you're not. What the fuck are you doing, idiot?

You look like a wet, wrinkled tomato.

ED: Translation: You look like shit.

As I bring my head to my forehead, I can feel the beads of sweat gathered on it and dab them off with my cuff.

Thanks. I told you, I'm fine. I'm just kind of ... fragile, I guess.

ED: Right. Try telling yourself that when nobody's around to help you out. I don't know what's the protagonist issue with getting medical help. I mean, yeah, we don't want to be dependent, but some medical problems are not meant to be ignored. Sorta like when I vomited out my stomach at 3 am. I slept and told no one...but when I had breakfast, I broke out in cold sweat, with giddiness overcoming my senses. That's when I know I had to get help, not pretend 'everything is A-OK' and collapse when no one is around to help.


And of course, the whole thing is thanks to me. It just had to happen now, around others.

ED: You prefer to suffer through this episode around Kenji - while naked in the showers?

Oh, Emi?

She looks up, a box of juice half way to her mouth.

I haven't told you of my score yet, have I?
Yeah, well. You're half-foreign, so your score doesn't count anyway.

Lifting an eyebrow, I inquisitively turn to Lilly.

What was your test result, anyway?

She gives a cheeky grin.

One hundred percent. Perfect score.

ED: :o

No way. All I can do is hang my mouth open in wonder.
Considering those tests are insane even for native speakers, I can only imagine she's gone and done something like committing to mind part of the dictionary. A gift for rote memorization, maybe.

See! Only someone part-foreign could get a score that good.

ED: :lol: Guess not only Dovahkiin is stupid around people.


Lilly and I grin at Emi's expense, her reaction identical to mine when I'd first tripped on that little landmine. Lilly's foreign ancestry does raise a point, though.

Ah, that's right. You leave tomorrow for Scotland, don't you?

ED: Dang. We haven't even get a sex card yet!

That's correct. Emi heard some rumours about it; it seems word's spreading quickly, considering I only told a friend in my class a couple of days ago.
It must be so nice to go halfway around the world on a holiday.
Hey, could you buy me something while you're there?

ED: Get her a pair of Nike shoes. :smug:

Don't be too shy now.

Lilly gives a light hearted giggle, evidently fully expecting Emi's bluntness.
The rest of the lunch continues much the same as before, the jauntiness from before my heart flutter thankfully returning in full.

Time passes...
As everyone files off with the appropriate farewells, only Lilly and I are left.

Hey, Lilly?

She packs the last of her things into her bags and clips it shut, before perking her head up slightly.

Um..thanks for breaking the silence back there. I kind of wanted to stop it, but didn't really know how to.

As much as I'd like to sound less morose about it, the letter from yesterday, screwing up a test so badly in class, and now my heart make things very hard indeed.

ED: Wow. The letter? You still gave a shit about that letter? Talk about over-reaction.

She gives an indulgent smile and nods. I hope she hasn't picked up on it, but knowing her, it's unlikely that she hasn't.

Emi's strong, but only human. We do worry about you, Hisao.
Hold on, why would I worry you?

ED: Cause you might die? What the fuck, Captain Oblivious?

Her smiling face collapses, becoming uncomfortably serious.

Hisao, we are not ignorant of your situation.

She suddenly cuts herself short, unsure of whether she should say what she intends to.

ED: ...! What ? Unlike who? Or what?

I give a weak smile and rest my hand on her shoulder.

Don't. It's enough that I worry about it. I don't want you all to shoulder my burden.

If you all worry about it, I have to worry about your worrying. If ... that makes sense.

ED: No it doesn't. People care about others. It's not a burden. Don't you have a family? Don't they worry about you as well? They don't call that sort concern a 'burden'. It's just the good of their selves. Stop being so tormented about it.

I'm fine, okay?

ED: You're NOT. :rage:

For a moment she looks to be lost in thought, carefully pondering how to react.

Hisao, do you have any paper left from your food's packaging?
I..think so? I'll just check.

I rummage around in my bag for the leftovers from lunch, eventually finding a paper square from my sandwich's package.
My eyebrow raised and my expression rather quizzical, I gently place the square into Lilly's hand. Without another word, she brings her fingers around it to feel out its edges.

This should be large enough...

ED: ...err...I wanted to say what it's for..but decided against it...since it doesn't seem like it'll hold... :bounce:

With both of us seated on the roof, the minutes to the lesson ticking away, she proceeds to lay the item on the ground and begin her work in earnest.
Wrapped in silence, I watch her fingers move about on the small square with amazing dexterity. A small fold here, a larger fold there, her fingertips keep a slow but sure pace.
Looking up, her expression is calm and placid. The fact her face is pointed well above the sheet in front of her makes the sight of her work all the more curious.
Her shoulder slump a bit after finishing one final fold, her work apparently done. It's only when she holds the item up in her hands that I realize what it is.


ED: :hmmm:

Light brown thanks to the packaging used, the result looks quite delicate and precise.

You can do origami?

ED: ... Way to go, Captain Obvious.

I taught my self how to do it when I was younger. It improved my dexterity a bit.

ED: And I bet you made a million Yen out of it, too.


A little baffled, I carefully take the small bird from her pale cupped hands as if it would break from the slightest breath. It seems to be folded quite well, and holds its shape easily.
We both grab our bags and head out the door, Lilly extending her cane as she does so.
I hold Lilly's handiwork up to my face for further inspection while we walk down to the hallway, her hand running along the silver handrails for orientation.
If she taught herself origami to improve her dexterity, with the use of her hands meaning so much to her given her condition...ah, so that's it.

I smile as I realize the bird's meaning.

ED: You do?

"Everyone here has had to find their own ways of dealing with their conditions. You aren't alone here when you have problems."

Thanks, Lilly. I appreciate this.

She gives a sweet smile and a nod, not using words where none need be used, in her typical manner.

All I ask is that you take care of yourself, Hisao.
Don't worry, I will.

ED: ... well...I doubt this LP would end with his death. We'll...try to avoid that.


And with that, we part ways.
To be honest, I don't know what annoys me more - the fact that I could die at any moment, or the fact that everyone knows it.

ED: Wow, back to whiner mode huh? That was quick.

I guess I'll just take each day as it comes. As the unexpected present in my hand reminds me, I'm not alone here. Even though I may be like this, I'm not alone.
If they worry, if anyone worries, I'll smile.
I'll smile enough for all their worries to go away...



Oct 16, 2010
Codex 2012 Codex USB, 2014 Shadorwun: Hong Kong
I did tell you he denies his condition at every chance he gets.
Against the better judgement of any logical being...

I'm almost disappointed you didn't make a Persona 4 joke when Lilly made the crane.

His condition (or perhaps the hospitilisation) did render him devoid of any company.
Perhaps he's just afraid that if people know of his condition they'd reject or alienate him?
Hell if I know... but I'm sure we can agree he's most definitely not fine.

Damned Registrations

Furry Weeaboo Nazi Nihilist
Feb 24, 2007
I think people worrying about him keeling over is the same to him as someone gawking at Hanoko's scars or assuming Lily is totally helpless and can't even feed herself.

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