This is my squad from 2019, my original (and current, i came back to it after few years of break) and only run.
From left to right:
- Zariush Sobieshchevich and Bony, spreader of police brutality and his loyal bone doggo, main heroes from man and the dog start.
- Maktub the Manlet/Dwarf/Black Jew of the squad. First addition to the team, he trades, makes research and builds. Together with him, Zariush was mining Copper and Iron near Heng, they started with 0 labouring and had to fill every large backpack with ore, then Zariush had to carry him back to Heng, later doing circles around the town walls until he got like 50 strength and made 100 000 Cats (together it took me like a 1 full day of playing Kenshi. Yes, for like a few real days every time when i was playing Kenshi, i was only mining, and it was fun somehow). Once to grow in strength even more, Zariush carried Maktub and backpack full of stones from north eastern border of continent to the south western beaches and then again but in opposite direction. Now Maktub is building my city on border between Shem and Burning Forest.
- Kaji the desert samurai who is as reliable as he is generic. Third companion, i added him because it was weird to not have giant katana wielder in asian inspired setting, tank of the group.
- Alden the badass, i dont even remember how i get him to join but i can't imagine my team without him.
- Sand the silent and mysterious Hive Prince, i spent a lot of time editing him in character creator, probably too much.
- Pia the
tits healer of the group, she joined during my long journey to north western parts of the continent, i think she was from that Holy Nation women renegade village. It was a dangerous but an awesome adventure, from that island near leviathan coast to flooded ruins, cannibal lands and Holy nation mountains and some mountain outpost of that science faction.
- Toshiba the crash tester, he crashtests his fists on the enemy heads. Last addition to the main squad, next companions were there only to fill my future settlement. Before i found final place for my city i tried to create settlement in Flats Lagoon, i build few things but i didnt like it there so i ventured forth to find a real place for my new home. And what a journey it was, lots of acid rain, black ninjas, desert and loot, shitton of loot.
And when i built city walls and my little stormhouse base (and removed some annoying giant stone foliage with in game tools) i paused the game for a long time. But like a week ago i finally came back to this game and now im going to finish my Carrodunum.