9 Year Old Building an RPG to Prove Her Brothers Wrong! Millionaire asking for a thousand bucks receives twenty times as much.
Ambrov X Mass Effect clone, it will have former Bioware writer Jennifer 'press button to win' Hepler, they never intended to succed.
After Reset RPG Mr Nixon, a soviet citizen, wants almost a million to make a true RPG.
Ashes: Two Worlds Collide Browser based, TB Party RPG, resurrection of an old project that was once hosted on the Codex.They are relaunching their campaign.
BandFuse - Rock Legends This breaks any record, already published game, famous rockstar to promote it, sponsored by sector leader industry, $200 to get a copy of the game, they are asking for
Banished: The Reckoning Hardcore MMORPG for facebook, featuring all the games they could get a bit of footage, TB/RT hybrid, give 15.000$ so they can develop a prototype to get proper funding, what can go wrong.
Battle Chess Next-Gen version of a classic, they are asking 100K for the MP.
Before You Close Your Eyes The girl that ran away with the money, or how funding your education with a non existent game.
Beer Guzzler 50$ set goal, no pledge tier will give a copy of the game, just a clever way to bag all the money .
Billionaires Travel USA Help a boy to become part of the 1%.
BIONITE: Origins FPS/RTS, spiritual successor of Battle-Zone, they claim that the game is almost finished.(adjournment) After they asked $15,000 BIONITE: Origins they're not out of alpha stage with that, still, they launched a Indiegogo campaign, flexible funding, and now they're back asking $9,500 for a single player mission pack.
Blood and Rust Hilarious scam-like would be Arcanum.
Building The Urban Alpha Game visbar with House of Moves Non existent MMO wants 700K$.
Chupi Goes Cow-Tipping Grown up gets 10K$ for kid drawings.
Class of Heroes 2 Pay 500.000$ for a collector edition, the game it's already licensed and ready for distribution.
Coldenlight 4 years in development and they have nothing to show.
Cyber-Shot Game Design student wants 300K$ to hire other students to make AAA+ game. at the moment he doesn't even have the story ready.
Dead Within This project was made by the user known as koyima, that joined this site to sing the praise of the Unity engine, it features only shitty still images and the empty promise of a demo video, on top of that, flexible funding .
Defense Grid 2 They need 1M$ but content themselves with a 250K$ that will get them the money but not the game for backers.
Diamond Trust of London Another collector edition of an already published game.
Double Fine's MASSIVE CHALICE Tactical fantasy game by Brad Muir, features a generational Epic Timeline with heroes aging.After squandering millions they come up with an half assed concept led by a nobody more concerned about his hetero privilege than to make al game.
Echoes of Eternia Weaboo consoletard want to make real RPG, according to him, he doesn't even know what leveling system to use, funded in three days.
Embers of Caerus Investor Prototype This project has suspiciously high pledges.
Erythia: Shattered Dreams Another jRPG wannabe with nothing to show getting funded easily.
Eunomi The first Kickstarter Ponzi Scheme.
Fall of Eternity A concept derived from an
Escapist article, level down with humor. After completion the game will be free to download. After a failed Kickstarter the project migrated to Indiegogo, flexible, of course.
Forgotten Fane: A Retro-Style FPS SP/Coop Level Only $5,000 for one level to play in UT 2004.
Galaxy Uprising Strategy Battle Game You should listen to this to believe, a little kid eating candies and beating on the table wants twenty thousands dollars for his idea.WARNING, flexible funding.
Grey: The Lost Technology College kids want to make multiplatform game, with breadcrumbs.
Hostile Shores Online $125,000 for a Ragnarock Online private server.
Insurgency 2 Modders want to create a stand alone game with smaller and more linear maps, they are asking money for shiny graphics and 800K$ for a console porting
Left to Rot They asked 41K$ to advertise an alpha at E3.
Light of Day Computer repairer wants 850K$ for making a game, grammar it's not his forte.
Lore Do you remember the days of old when games were hard and made you think. This game is Dark Souls, Diablo 2 and Minecraft all in one.Yeah looks like yesteryear, only one million and half.
Lore Second try for Prosper's doppelganger.
Make DreamSpace a reality. A game that is a dream, in the sense that doesn't exist, only $18,000 tho.
Mr Poopie The game that epitomizes this section.
Multi-Platform Video Game Release Another guy with an idea so wonderful that he can't reveal it, accepts money tho. (canceled)
MY AMERICAN GAME Become a virtual citizen of the virtual USA in this simulation of a social network. Canceled because the author wanted the money pledged even if the goal was not met, seems that he self pledged 10K too.
My plea to the world.. help me fulfil my dream Guy has great idea, so great that he doesn't want to share with others for fear that someone steals it, but he accept 150K$ to realize it, fear not, he will get all the money even if the project fails.
MyWorld Faceboock Java editor to make you own world, $600,000.
MYTHIC, the kickstarter scam project An honest to theft scam, bogus company creates a project using material stolen from other projects and all other the Internet, canceled after they have been outed.
MythStarter Reboot of the Myth series, comes with co-op and NDAs.Seems that the people involved are just modders that don't even own the Myth license.
Natsuyo: The girl who leapt through time Nobody wants 65K for an iOs game, at the moment he has only a stolen
Neko Cleaning Service Neko maid managerial for measly two hundred fifty thousand dollars.
Oncolos - A multiplayer game for cancer patients Harness the power to heal cancer with a videogame.
Outlasting the Dead OneeChanbara with guns, concept art with pigtailed girl showing panties, he openly says that asked 20K$ just to secure the funds because in reality he needs 100K$, get a 'free' copy for 50$.
Pathfinder Online Technology Demo 50K$ to create a tech demo to show to investors.
Pathfinder Online: A Fantasy Sandbox MMO After making the tech demo now they are shooting for the whole MMO.
Penny Arcade's Podcast, "Downloadable Content": The Return ten dollars goal to get lotsa money.
Police Warfare Law enforcement meets Battlefield, AAA developer makes TV ad instead of a demo.(canceled)
Project V13 Herve Caèn crowdsourcing projects,with nothing to show, nothing substantial to say, they want to make some prototype to pitch to publishers in exchange for nothing but "news" and a forum, no funding goals, one of the worst pitch videos ever, one of the worst pitch websites ever, riding on the name and logo of Black Isle.
Project-X Video Game Battle Suit Feel the vibes of battle, how to comfortably get shell shocked in your chair.
Republique AAA developer needs you to relieve the publisher of the burden of financing his game.
Ron Paul: Road to REVOLution How to use political activism, copy pasta code and ripped sprites to gain fame and money.
Safe Zone Tactical adventure zombie RPG.College kids gonna college kids.
Sam Suede™ in Undercover Exposure They claim that Al Lowe is involved, the latter denies, copyright infringement is thrown around, drama ensues.
SHAKER: An RPG by Brenda Brathwaite & Tom HallAn Old School RPG 1st-person, party-based, fantasy/sci-fi RPG brought to you by veterans, Brenda Brathwaite(Wizardry® series) Tom Hall(design of Commander Keen™, Anachronox™ and DOOM™)
Shadow of the eternals Eternal Darkness successor.
STAR COMMAND Raises 37K$, gets in debt for 50K$.(adjournement)They ran
another very successful Kickstarter, still no game for the initial backers.
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues Lord British presents Ultima Online II, sorta, pay taxes on your virtual house, only 40$ for game download.
Takedown Give them 200.000$ to convince a publisher to fund the game.(FUNDED, thanks to Notch)
Tentacle Bento Lite tentacle rape card game canceled by Kickstarter .
Tempus Chronicle Episodic jrpg made with RPGMaker failed to met its 200K goal, still the pledges amount to 71K.
The Game of Books: Reward Your Imagination A book advertising tool disguised as a game of achievenments and badges.
The Good Guys Gangsta busta grammar.
The Indie Console Pay a guy to open the Steam of consoles.
THE JUNZI ORDER "real-life" RPG, AKA LARP simulator where players complete physical achievements and receive actual rewards, snazzy uniforms.
The King's Lance This perfectly embodies the decline, the 'game' is all about emotional engaging CG with a multiplayer minigame to advance the plot.
The Lost Game The best adventure game ever, only 75K$ and lots of gullibility.
The Lost World (Project Crynosaurs) They have wonderful mods to show how their game would be, mods made by other people for other games.
Trolloluma The 4chan game.
Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians Money Grab from weaboo Japanophiles.
Yogventures! Foul mouthed podcasters made a game, they pissed off Notch once.
Your World Wiccan Priest and Lottery Winner of 42M$ wants 1M$ for making a MMO that combines WOW and Second Life.