Good. To sin is fun.
Else we wouldn't want to do it and it wouldn't be reprehensible.
Good. To sin is fun.
Savescumming makes games like this unfun in my opinion - here fun comes from challenge and overcoming opposition, save scumming removes that. What satisfaction is winning without challenge?
I wish Jaesun's parents had savescummed instead of shitting this faggot into the world in his current state.
Savescumming makes games like this unfun in my opinion - here fun comes from challenge and overcoming opposition, save scumming removes that. What satisfaction is winning without challenge?
I think for some people winning is satisfaction itself.
But some would really love a semi-guaranteed chance if the necessary preparations have been made and requirement fulfilled.
A 99% success chance basically.
Failing 1 out of 10 times after going through so much bullshit is a little much I feel.
Hey guys, how do you find out about 'argan agar'. It's one of the 4 gods that you can 'find' during the game - the rest being Tarard Riel, the wind spirits, Kero Fin
Hey guys, how do you find out about 'argan agar'. It's one of the 4 gods that you can 'find' during the game - the rest being Tarard Riel, the wind spirits, Kero Fin
The First Age
In the centuries that followed, the Uz fought many and settled in many places. They faced the ancient civilizations of man, especially the Yelm-worshippers, whom they hated. The infant god Gbaji, called Nystalor, the Perfect One or Rashoran also, was born from the psuedocosmic egg, leading to a great war. Gbaji warred against the trolls and their allies, as well as the dragonewts. In this war, he hurled a great curse upon the Uz and Dragonewts. The Dragonewts were saved when a true dragon awoke for a moment, devouring the curse's energies. Kyger Litor wrestled with the curse, but it overcame her and broke her spirit. Thus did the Trollkin begin to appear.
The Trollkin Curse nearly wiped out the Uz. Instead of bearing healthy trolls, pregnant females carried a much shorter term and gave birth to weak, unformed creatures that would not die. At first, these were destroyed, until the Uz realized that they were more than half of all births. Thus, the trollkin were allowed to live as slaves and trolls. Gbaji and his chaos army marched on Dragon Pass, conquering it and driving the Uz underground.
Many trolls, including the heroic Naxili Garang, hero-quested again and again to try and break the Curse, but ultimately they failed. Still, even Gbaji and Yelm could not conquer the darkness, and the cult of the darkness god Argan Argar kept the trolls strong. They were led by the human Arkat, who allied with them to drive off the chaos armies of Gbaji. Arkat was wounded by Zorak Zoran during a heroquest, but the troll priestess Garazaf Hyloric healed him, making him a trollfriend for life.
Later, Arkat was rescued again by trolls, becoming transmuted into a troll by the great spells of Garazaf. His kin, the humans, feared or mocked him, but he led the trolls against Gbaji, becoming named Arkat Chaos Killer and slaying the infant god atop the Tower of Dreams. Thus ended the First Age.
By the way did you realize that the ring clan members can worship more than one god? It even occurs naturally in the game. I downloaded KDoP from GOG, formed a Tribe and I'm a boss. Then I tried to restore a saved game and it shit itself and won't reload.
Do I need to do something to the game files a la JA2 from gog which wouldn't reload games either?